The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 132: Shen Yunong's aunt 2


"They did it all. If you don't like it, I... I'll go for a wash!" Liu Qiqiao said hurriedly, getting up to take another bath.

Shen Yunong hurriedly stopped her: "It's midnight, so why are you tossing about, go to bed soon!"

Hearing Shen Yunong's words, Liu Qiqiao stopped going out. She took off her shoes and went to bed.

Shen Yunong stretched out his hand, and Liu Qiqiao naturally leaned forward. It was not the first day that they slept in the same bed, and seemed to have their tacit understanding.

Shen Yunong sighed. Liu Qiqiao didn't dare to ask. Shen Yunong's hand stroked her arm, gently, but there was nothing. Liu Qiqiao didn't hear him talking, and his consciousness became a little bit brighter. After he broke up, he was about to fall asleep. Suddenly hearing something from him, Liu Qiqiao subconsciously replied, "Xiang Gong, what did you say?"

Shen Yunong repeated another sentence. Liu Qiqiao heard it clearly this time, but she didn't know how to answer him, and she was really sleepy. She didn't reply, and soon fell asleep.

Shen Yunong heard Liu Qiqiao’s even breathing and knew that she was asleep. He couldn’t help but smile. He was still nervous for a while. He just asked her: “If you are given a chance to choose, it’s like Jiang Cuicui. , Then, will you still marry me?"

The Jiang Cuicui incident made Shen Yunong know himself again, not only himself, but also the women around him.

He married Huangfu Haoyue ten years ago. They were both seventeen years old. They were young couples, so gentle and comforting. At that time, he was also well-known in the capital. One was wealth and appearance, but he was in the palace examination that year. Some also stand out. The current emperor likes him very much, and once preferred to choose him as a consort. If it weren't for him to say that he had already made a relationship, otherwise, I was afraid that he would not be able to get rid of the nine princesses of the year.

When he was young and romantic, he was able to accompany the king to drive when the emperor went south. That was his youngest and frivolous time.

The nine princesses have always been savage and savage, but they look good, and they can be regarded as a middle-aged person, but Shen Yunong has long heard of their temper. Therefore, when the emperor wanted to marry him, he was busy leading the topic elsewhere. , The nine princesses also accompanied, she fell in love with Shen Yunong, she also wanted to meet Shen Yunong in private, Shen Yunong sloppy eyes, declined the invitation of the nine princesses, he knows the truth that companionship is like a companion tiger, let alone the nine princesses She has an extremely bad reputation in private, but any young officials with a better appearance in the DPRK have an unclear relationship with her. Such nine princesses, Shen Yunong naturally dare not provoke.

After returning from Jiangnan, he and Huangfu Haoyue held a wedding, which caused a sensation in the city. The porridge and cold clothes of Shen Jiashe lasted for ten days, and they were talked about by the people for a long time.

He likes Huangfu Haoyue very much. If her body is good, then maybe it would be even better if two husbands sang and sang Fu Sui. Huangfu Haoyue Qinqi, poetry and painting, is proficient in everything. The so-called accomplishments are above Shen Yunong. Shen Yunong has always admired her. Huangfu Haoyue is also beautiful. Outsiders give her the title of sick Xishi, and it is really weak. Bo Liu, beautiful as a god, such Huangfu Haoyue, at the beginning of marrying Shen Yunong, was also mingled with piano and eyebrows, but Huangfu Haoyue was weak and hanged with medicine all the year round, so she could not give birth to her Feeling owed to the Shen family, in the second year of their marriage, they lifted their close-kids Ziyuan to their aunt and gave them to Shen Yunong as a concubine.

Shen Yunong can't say that he has any feelings for Ziyuan. Ziyuan is gentle, he is also skillful and gentle in appearance, and he is accustomed to serving others. Shen Yunong and Huangfu Haoyue are always the most important thing. The three people get along with each other. harmony.

Later, Ziyuan gave birth to twin daughters, and Shen Yunong was nearly twenty years old. The third aunt was sent to Shen's mansion by his father. At that time, the third auntie's father was just a seven-tier young civil servant waiting to be appointed. I had an idea and wanted to succumb to the cornucopia of the Shen family. Mrs. Shen thought that the third aunt was like a prosperous husband. Shen Yunong often went out to play at that time, sleeping in the flowers and willows. Mrs. Shen was afraid that he would not be able to take it anymore. As a result, it became this marriage. The county magistrate Leng did not give away his daughter for free. In the next few years, he went all the way from the seventh stage to the fifth stage. Now he is a prefect in the affluent area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the south. His rise is naturally indispensable for his son-in-law’s financial support.

Fourth aunt He Yinshuang’s father is a talented scholar who has some literary talents. She sells calligraphy and teaches in the capital for a living. At this time, Shen Yunong has married her third aunt Leng Ruiru for nearly a year, but the third aunt still has nothing to do. Thus, the Shen family began to be the fourth concubine for the woman whom Shen Yunong had chosen.

He Yinshuang’s father was unsuccessful, was wronged for drinking, and was beaten up. He Yinshuang held her father in the street and cried, and was seen by Shen Yunong, who went out to socialize. Shen Yunong made a heroic move and solved the He family’s. In the dilemma, He Yinshuang scolded Shen Yunong as a disciple.

Later, Father He became sober and said the whole story. He Yinshuang personally came to apologize to Shen Yunong. He Yinshuang was a small jasper, handsome and lovely. Shen Yunong caught a glance. He found someone to propose a marriage. He Lao Xiucai How could he have expected such a blessing, and he would naturally answer it, so He Yinshuang became Shen Yunong's fourth sister-in-law.

Three years ago, Shen Yunong married Zhou Haitang, a Qing dynasty. It was a great wonder in the capital. With the financial resources of the Shen family, there was no woman to marry, but Shen Yunong wanted to find a woman in Rouge Lane. Everyone was right. This secret is as deep as it is, this rich man’s hobby, outsiders really can’t understand it.

After that, he married Gao Feifeng, the sixth concubine. Shen Yunong almost gathered all kinds of women who were fat, thin, thin, and gentle to every woman he married, and all his wives and concubines could get along with each other in peace. Over the years, Even if there is a small friction, but from the outside, it is still a house and happy.

Before marrying Liu Qiqiao, Shen Yunong had a smooth life. The most troublesome thing was that his knees were thin. Except for the second aunt gave birth to a pair of daughters for him, the other aunts were not pregnant. Thus, there was Liu Qiqiao, the seventh concubine.

If it hadn't happened to the Shen family later, then Liu Qiqiao would not have encountered all the subsequent encounters, let alone leave the Shen family and take charge of the business on behalf of Shen Yunong. This is also a fate.

At the beginning, Shen Yunong married Liu Qiqiao, but he wanted to marry an aunt and give birth to her own children. His feelings were beyond mention. The aunts, he almost feels the same, the second aunt is calm, the third aunt is high, and the fourth aunt The little sex is strong, the fifth aunt is charming and natural, and the sixth aunt is handsome and thoughtful.

There are not many Liu Qiqiao, and the Shen family can’t afford to support them. The first impression he had of Liu Qiqiao was in Mrs. Shen’s mouth. Mrs. Shen said that it’s rare for such a smart girl to look at him. The ability to forget is amazing.

Shen Yunong didn't care too much. A woman, no matter how clever, is limited. Later, she saw Liu Qiqiao from a distance. She came into the mansion and followed Boss Jin. The Shen family owned Yuluofang, but the old lady But he likes to make clothes at Boss Jin. Boss Jin is very pleased with Mrs. Shen.

That day, Shen Yunong heard that Mrs. Shen called Boss Jin to come over again. He was about to leave the house and asked his entourage to prepare the sedan chair. He stood on the porch and waited. Seeing his sister walking out of the front hall, he waited and asked his sister. What did Shen Xiurong do, Shen Xiurong smiled and said: "That Liu Qiqiao is here again. Grandma feels sorry for her. Seeing that she is worn out, I think I have some clothes that I haven't worn for a few days since I made them. Get it for her!"

"Which Liu Qiqiao?" Shen Yunong asked.

"It's the one with a particularly good memory, brother, you forgot it!" Shen Xiurong smiled: "It looks pretty, too. Grandma said, it's a pity that it's a woman. If she's a man, she will surely have a great future!"

"Really!" Shen Yunong smiled and watched his sister walk by. He was standing on the porch. There seemed to be many people in the front hall. After a while, the sister and her maid came back, maid. Sure enough, he held a few clothes in his hand and saw them walking in. After a while, Boss Jin walked out with a girl.

There was a bunch of flowers and trees on the corridor where Shen Yunong was standing. He heard Boss Jin say: "Qiqiao, you are so lucky, the old lady likes you so much!"

Shen Yunong tilted his head and looked out from the bushes of flowers.

A small figure followed behind Boss Jin, holding the clothes held by her sister's maid.

She hangs her face, her bangs hang down, covering most of her face, she wears a double-girl hair bun, there is no bead embellishment on her head, her complexion is white, she does not look like a peasant girl who often does farm work, Shen Yunong just feels Hua looked at Hua, unable to see clearly, he moved aside curiously.

Liu Qiqiao promised to follow behind Boss Jin and deliberately lowered her head. When she was about to leave the house, she secretly looked around behind Boss Jin and looked around in the yard.

Some panic, like a thief.

At this time, Shen Yunong had already stood under the porch and stood in the patio. When Liu Qiqiao turned around, he happened to see him. In fact, they were far apart. They looked at him from a distance. Boss Jin in front of him didn’t know. Having said something, Liu Qiqiao hurriedly turned around, and the two quickly walked out of the door.

Shen Yunong's impression of Liu Qiqiao at that time was nothing but a faint. At that time, he had no plans to marry that country girl Liu Qiqiao.

Thinking about it now, the relationship between people is really wonderful. Shen Yunong tilted his head and looked at Liu Qiqiao who was sleeping in his arms at this time. He smiled faintly, and he kissed gently. , On Liu Qiqiao’s forehead, Liu Qiqiao in his sleep seemed to feel something. She frowned and shook her head. Then, she leaned closer to Shen Yunong and rubbed his shoulders a few times. Finally found a comfortable position, her brows stretched, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Yunong shook his head. This Liu Qiqiao is clever in his mind and extremely meticulous in thinking, but if he is in love, he is really stunned. It is also because of her that, so he can’t see the second brother’s thoughts. Nor did he realize Lin Pingmo's affection. Who is Lin Pingmo? Shen Yunong has always been worried about this, it will not be sent by King Ye, but it is not like that Lin Pingmo's arrogant aura has never been seen by King Ye.