The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 24: Mystery in the bag 2


Liu Qiqiao listened and shook his head hurriedly: "How dare the slave family, after the old lady gave it to me, I sewed it into the dress. You have also seen it. I just opened it in front of you. I haven't looked at it! "

"But, why would my grandfather make such a joke?" Shen Yunong was a little annoyed, and threw the page of paper onto the pile of Jinpai.

Liu Qiqiao just shook his head blankly, and asked curiously: "A joke? What's a joke? What is this word? What does it mean?" The old lady kept saying that this can save Shen Mansion and Shen Yunong. It's so solemn, Liu Qiqiao is extremely curious.

Shen Yunong exclaimed: "It won't be like this, grandma won't be able to let you send this over, this..., grandfather will not only leave this word!"

"What word?" Liu Qiqiao asked.

Shen Yunong stomped: "You can't watch it yourself!"

Liu Qiqiao was frightened by his annoyed look. She cowered and said, "I can't read..."

Shen Yunong glared at her sideways, making Liu Qiqiao even less confident. It was not his fault that he could not read. The family was poor, let alone her, there were a few girls in the village who knew how to read!

Shen Yunong looked at Liu Qiqiao's only non-committal appearance. Now, she didn't think she was cute at all. He just thought of her as a lifesaver. Now, it seemed to be a stimulus to him, and he was angry. The kits beside the bed, along with the veils and papers, were swept to the ground.

"Ah!" He was so angry, thinking in his mind that the words were clearly written by his grandfather, because the Shen family's ancestors' instructions in the handwriting of his grandfather were hung in the ancestral hall, so he would naturally not read it wrong, but what does grandfather mean when he wrote this word?

Seeing that Shen Yunong was really angry, Liu Qiqiao didn't dare to move any more, so he squatted down cautiously, picking up the things that were swept to the ground by Shen Yunong one by one.

However, when she was picking up those Jinpas, a Jinpa fell on a small piece of sewage on the ground. The cell was damp. This small piece of sewage was accidentally spilled by Shen Yunong while drinking water. Naturally, no one was there. He cleaned it up. The Jinpa fell on it and it was already dirty. She always cherishes everything. This Jinpa is exquisite in workmanship and the fabric is golden and expensive. She feels that it is dirty and regrets it, so she gently wipes it with her hand. But I felt something strange.

The Jinpa was supposed to be smooth, but there were some bumps. She picked it up and gave a sigh. Then she took it and looked closer to the candlelight.

Shen Yunong was still sulking on one side. The reason he was angry was because his grandfather left him with a so-called life-saving kit. However, on the sheet of paper wrapped in layers, there was only a big one written on it. The word "failure".

Shen Yunong didn't know what his grandfather meant, and it was a big irony to give him the word "failure" now.

He didn't understand what his grandfather meant. In his memory, his grandfather was kind and somewhat vague. The old lady always said that he looked very much like his grandfather, but he had no impression. He only remembered that his grandfather was not in good health, especially after the death of his father, which hit his grandfather a great deal. It was a few years after his death. , Grandfather's body was not as good as a year, and later, he was also very ill and went away.

The impression of my grandfather is very weak, but I remember that my grandfather is not a person who loves to make jokes, but leave the word "failure" to him as a life-saving charm. Shen Yunong does not understand what it means.

If he didn't understand, he was very upset, especially after his younger brother Shen Yuyuan came, he knew even better that he was inevitable this time, and the hope that had just risen suddenly disappeared like this, which made him too depressed.

Shen Yuyuan came and told him everything about private practice, killing people, but all the rhetoric that caused him to die, and it was the person who made Shen Yunong despair that he was behind him.

Ye Wang!

Shen Yunong remembered that King Ye invited himself to the palace for dinner, and when he was a guest, he was recruiting everywhere. King Ye’s intention was obvious. Although Guotai Minan now looks like a peaceful and prosperous world, the emperor is already dying. In old age, although the prince has been standing for a long time, they say that the emperor doesn’t like the prince very much, because he is the eldest son of the emperor, and he is also the son of the current queen, so he has not changed other people. But over the years, there have been rumors that the emperor The repeated attempts to abolish the prince were dissuaded by several important officials, but since the emperor had this intention, naturally, many people were given hope.

One of them is King Ye.

King Ye ranks third among the princes. He was born to the concubine Liu Guifei, the concubine of the emperor. He was very clever when he was born. According to legend, when the emperor saw him, he said that he was the most like him among the princes. It can be seen, the emperor. The love for him is innate.

This king is also a dragon and phoenix. He is quite mighty. In addition, he is better than the other princes. He compares the cowardly and incompetent prince. Among the ministers, there is a faction who supports the prince. There is also a faction that supports King Li Ye.

In recent years, this kind of court battle has been going on both openly and darkly.

The heart of King Ye, Shen Yunong would not know that he drew himself up and understood what he was trying to do, but Shen Yunong was not fascinated by his Xu Yi's high-ranking officials, and Shen Yunong abided by the ancestral motto. The Shen family is not keen on political affairs in business, and is far away from these party disputes.

Shen Yunong was invited to participate in the family banquets of King Ye Palace several times. He just treated King Ye's wooing, even showing goodwill, as if he didn't understand it, and Gu left him off.

Shen Yunong never expected that this king Ye was such a cruel man, that he would die because of his disobedience.

At this time, Shen Yunong's heart is clear. The more he can see it, the cooler his heart is. He is not the one in power for the time being with such unscrupulous means as King Ye. If one day, he really wins the position, it may not The cruelty!

What King Ye is drawing is nothing but the wealth of the Shen family. He wants to fight for a reserve and must be backed by gold and silver. He just didn't expect that he could not get the support of the Shen family and would destroy the Shen family.

Shen Yunong couldn't help sighing that the Shen family's family business was about to lose in his own hands.

But when he thought of this "failure", his heart couldn't help but twitch, which coincided with the life-saving talisman left to him by his grandfather.


defeat! !

What do you mean

The Shen family's family business is about to lose in his own hands...

If the Shen family’s family business loses in their own hands...

Even if the people, farmers, commerce, industry, and merchants are prosperous like Shen's Mansion, they are still at the bottom. As the person above, the person in charge, you can become nothing with just one reason.

Shen Yunong knew this, so he went to Huangfu Mansion to propose marriage. At that time, Shen Yunong had some other thoughts. He didn't want to be at the lowest level all the time, so he wanted to use the power of Shangshu Mansion. Let Shen Mansion have some backing.

But now it seems that I am thinking too simple.

After the accident, Shen Yunong has been looking forward to being rescued by Master Yue. He even thought about it on the first day after he was in prison. Maybe it was only an hour or two before someone mentioned himself out, except for the Shen family. The young master is still the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuaishou of Master Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. It seems that Master Shangshu has not shown up since he was locked up. He wants to come, and his clever old man doesn’t want to mess with the king. Too!

However, knowing King Ye depends on Shang Shufu.

If it wasn't for his elder brother, or Huangfujue's eldest son Huangfu Qianzhi's recommendation, he still didn't know King Ye, and if he didn't know him, it wouldn't be possible to provoke him!

Alas, now it seems that the sentence is really fulfilled: "Blessings come and misfortunes fall, and misfortunes come to be leaned on."


Why did my grandfather only write the word "failure"? Did my grandfather expect the Shen family to be in trouble? That's why I left this life-saving kit, but only the word is left in the kit. What does it mean

Now, isn't he going to defeat the Shen family? If the Shen family is defeated, then it will not be viewed by others. If the Shen family is defeated and he is penniless, then no one will beat the Shen family and make his own ideas again. That's it...

When Shen Yunong was thinking wildly here, he suddenly saw Liu Qiqiao holding the piece of veil that fell on the ground, looking at the light, looking at it, stretching, and twisting. He couldn't help but feel strange. Just asked: "What are you doing?"

Liu Qiqiao looked up, Shen Yunong was taken aback, Liu Qiqiao's face was filled with excitement, as if he had found some treasure, Shen Yunong raised his eyebrows and said displeased: "What's the matter? Are you happy to die?" He bought Liu Qiqiao on an impulse. Anyway, his Shen family is rich, and this Liu Qiqiao was in his eyes at that time.

But now, he realizes that he has married this little concubine, which is really of no benefit, thin, small, dry, not good-looking, not good in figure, and dull and dull, and he will bow his head and admit his mistakes, like a man. The angry little daughter-in-law, in her life, hasn't the habit of scaring or abusing women.

Sure enough, Liu Qiqiao shuddered when he heard this sentence. Shen Yunong turned away from her angrily and stopped looking at her, regretting, regretting that he had married this little girl. After marrying her, it started. A nightmare encounter.

However, hesitating, Liu Qiqiao, who bored him now, slowly moved to his side.

"Big, young master, this veil is so strange!" Liu Qiqiao said.

Shen Yunong turned his face back, and said displeasedly: "What's weird, isn't this veil good? What's weird?"

Liu Qiqiao spread the kerchief in her little palm, rubbed it with her hands, and said as she rubbed it, "Master, you try, this seems to be two layers, there seems to be something inside!"