The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 37: Dismiss servants 1


On summer nights, it was a bit sultry, and the windows on all sides of the house were opened to varying degrees. Shen Yunong’s house no longer had the smell of sour and rot, and the rest was the smell of soup medicine. Outside the window , The big leaves of the magnolia tree, breeze blowing, brushing the ground, on the table by the window, the green peach blossomed brilliantly, after a few days, the color became darker instead of light pink, but red, like Several clusters of burning flames occasionally blew in, and the azure bed nets swayed gently.

**Lying on Shen Yunong, under the care of Liu Qiqiao, neatly dressed, with clean head and face, he lay quietly on **, fearing that he would get hot, Liu Qiqiao only gave him a thin brocade quilt At the waist, he was wearing a thin inner shirt, and the front was not fastened. In the past few days, he had to take off his clothes repeatedly when applying medicine or something. Liu Qiqiao was still shy at first, but now he is used to it. Yu Nong is a dying patient, not a mature man.

At the doctor’s request, Liu Qiqiao sat on the floor beside the bed. In this way, her gaze was exactly on Shen Yunong’s face. She sat with her knees in her arms and took care of the unconscious Shen Yunong for several days, which made her extremely tired. So, she could fall asleep holding her knees like this, she babbled and talked for a long time, and Shen Yunong didn't react at all.

She just talked about making shoes: "I will make you a pair of new shoes tomorrow. The shoes I made are the best. People in the village say that I am handy and that the shoes I make must be worn!"

When it comes to making shoes, Liu Qiqiao couldn't help but laugh. The girls in the village only make shoes for their families and sweethearts!

I have become Shen Yunong's little wife, and I haven't made a pair of shoes for him seriously! Liu Qiqiao thought, it's okay anyway, tomorrow is okay, while watching Shen Yunong, to see when he wakes up, while sitting on the bed making him a pair of shoes!

She really had nothing to say, so she leaned over and took a closer look at Shen Yunong's face. Although it was not very beautiful now, it was much better than when she came here and saw Shen Yunong.

Because of the coma for so long, his cheeks are a little bluish and white, and his nose is steady. He lies quietly like this. Every time Liu Qiqiao wakes up these days, he habitually puts his fingers under his nose. Although he knew that he would not, every time he touched his fingers, his heart was raised. Soon, he lost his breath and left.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Although he did not wake up, Shen Yunong was breathing normally at this time. After feeding his medicine, he occasionally felt swallowed. From the night before, Liu Qiqiao tried to feed him some rice soup or something, although Still struggling, one feed will make him wet a piece on his front breast, but Liu Qiqiao is not afraid of trouble, even if he only eats a little bit, he always has food in his stomach and will not starve to death. Liu Qiqiao thought, this is always better and better proof.

Liu Qiqiao tilted her head to see that Shen Yunong didn't mean to wake up at all. She just didn't say anything anymore. It was getting late. These days, she was outside, where the maids sleep on weekdays.

She got up, leaned on the edge of the bed, lowered her head, and took a closer look at Shen Yunong's face. The bag on her forehead was already healed, and there was only a little red trace. She sighed, what a handsome man. .

After sighing, she turned around and went back to the outside room where she was resting on the bed. Only at this time of the day did she relax and her body aches. Although Shen Yunong was not very strong, she was in a coma and scrubbed him. It takes a lot of effort to change clothes and feed medicine.

Two more days passed, and no matter how Liu Qiqiao and Shen Yunong were talking, he didn't wake up, but news came that his close-knit maid Xiangxiang was critically ill.

Liu Qiqiao didn't know, that night, Weixiang had already died.

The housekeeper of Shen's house gave Weixiang's family some money and asked them to take it away and bury it hastily.

The family of Weixiang received the silver, and they left without making any more announcements, but the people in the Shen Mansion all knew about it, they all knew that the Xiangxiang was good, but it was infected by Shen Yunong, and that’s it. He died easily, and now no one dared to wander around Shen Yunong's yard.

Shen Yunong never woke up, which also made the people of the Shen mansion taboo, wondering if he could survive it.

But since Shen Yunong was carried back, and these days passed, Shen Mansion couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Yuyuan couldn't ask people to bring rice noodles and vegetables from the countryside every time. There were hundreds of people in Shen's family house, nothing else, just eating, which was a huge expense.

Mrs. Shen called Mrs. Shen, the housekeeper, sitting in the front hall with Shen Yuyuan, discussing how to spend the sadness in front of her.

Madam Shen has never done anything in these important events, except for not happy that she was not her own, and Shen Yuyuan, who was born.

Mrs. Shen no longer counted on her, but turned her face to Shen Yuyuan: "Yuyuan, what do you think are we going to do now to survive?"

"Old lady Hui, instead of raising these people, it is better to dismiss the people..." Shen Yuyuan said.

The housekeeper was nodding, and he thought that was the only way, but Mrs. Shen was very dissatisfied: "You said that it is easy to dismiss the people, what should we do? Is it possible that you let us cook by ourselves and clean it by ourselves? "

Shen Yuyuan was very disdainful in his heart, the shelf outside has fallen down, don't you know? The reality now is that even eating has become a problem, and people have to wait for food and clothing. After all, you are accustomed to being the master. If this continues, let alone people serving, you just do it yourself, for fear that there will be no rice to cook. But he has never refuted Madam Shen's meaning. He only lowered his eyes slightly and stopped speaking after hearing Madam Shen's unseen words.

Mrs. Shen sighed and shook her head. She also didn't want to dismiss the people in the house. Some of these people had been around since Mrs. Shen was alive. Now, she can't bear to send them away, but She also understood that in the end, there was only this way to go. She looked at the housekeeper, and the housekeeper nodded powerlessly. Mrs. Shen knew that she would not let it go, but in this situation, it is impossible to maintain the original life.

"Steward, you go and call a few gentlemen who are in charge of the account together. Since you are going to be dismissed, you have to give some money. Otherwise, how to let these people live, let them come over, and get all the deeds of sales from the people in the house. Come here!" Mrs. Shen said.

Mrs. Shen cried out in surprise: "Mother..."

Mrs. Shen shook her head to her, "This is nothing, Xiuyun, can't everyone hold together and die together. The couple will fly separately when the disaster comes. At this time, we can't control that much anymore. , It depends on the good fortune of each person. After a while, let’s see, if you can give more money as severance pay, let’s give more..."

Mrs. Shen clung to the handle of the fan in her hand tightly. She didn't want to, but she really reached this point.

Mrs. Shen's family was once a wealthy family. Her boudoir was Xiuyun, the only daughter of the Jiang family. She was married to Shen Yunong's father, Shen Shengyu. This was a major event in the capital. Her sixty-four dowry, even Even the palace was shocked.

Not to mention some land deeds and dozens of shops that she brought with her after she married.

Therefore, after Mrs. Shen Jiang Xiuyun married Shen Shengyu, Shen Shengyu and the entire Shen family treated her with courtesy. Their husband and wife are also considered to be in harmony with each other, kindly and lovingly. Jiang Xiuyun relied on these dowries, and he has always been respected in the Shen family. There are even rumors outside, and Shen Shengyu is a little frightened.

After the death of Jiang Xiuyun's parents, all the family wealth went to the Shen family. She originally thought that in this life, she would not worry about her livelihood.

Her husband carried her on his back and took a concubine outside. She had no choice. Under the pressure of the world, she had to let the lowly woman in her eyes be her husband’s aunt, accept her tea and call her own sister, that is Jiang Xiuyun’s best. A painful period of time. I don't want to be more painful yet.

Shen Shengyu was in the prime of life and was less than 30 years old, so he rushed to Huangquan, leaving her and the concubine room, and one son and one. This kind of bereavement has caused her suffering for such a long time. The pain of bereavement.

Although Shen Yunong was still lying there, the people in the house were spreading that he hadn't been awake for a long time, which must be a bad sign.

Mrs. Shen bit her lip, her hand kept shaking, she was about to crush the handle of Hetian Yu's fan. She could not keep her husband or her son. Nowadays, even this life of rich clothes and food cannot be kept.

"Xiuyun, mother knows that your heart is bitter, but the so-called "green hills" are not afraid of no firewood. Don't worry, Nong'er will wake up. When he wakes up, I don't believe he will just watch our Shen family fall. I believe that our Nong'er will definitely lose what we have, and earn it back again!" said Mrs. Shen.

Mrs. Shen tried hard not to let herself cry. The words of Old Man Shen could only make her even more bored, but she could not say anything. When she and Shen Sheng Yuyan were good, she handed out all the shops and land deeds on her dowry. , Only a small amount was left. Now, her body still has some, but when she thinks that her Jiang family’s property has also been disturbed by this incident, she feels depressed, and she feels depressed. Hating her husband's betrayal at the beginning, and hating the current situation, she had to act magnanimously.

Mrs. Shen didn't say anything any more, because the butler had already brought in those few accountants, and at the same time, the butler had also brought in the identity deeds of the servants in the palace.

For the following matters, Mrs. Shen claimed to be a female stream, and she did not have the ability to deal with such matters, so she entrusted Shen Yuyuan as the head of the Shen family to deal with it all.

This afternoon, in the front hall of Shen's house, the crackling of an abacus kept ringing.

After working straight for an afternoon, by the end of the evening, it was finally clear how much money would be distributed to each subordinate.