The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 41: Shen Yunong woke up 1


Liu Qiqiao took a paper bag and said, "Your injury must be very serious. The medicine in it was used to treat the whiplash to the young master a few days ago. It should be useful for your injury. Take it!"

The man took it and glanced at Liu Qiqiao. His eyes were deep-set. When he looked at Liu Qiqiao, his eyes were grateful: "Little lady, you are so kind, you will be blessed in the future!"

Liu Qiqiao was said to have lowered his head and chuckled: "I don't ask for any blessings, but people who only ask me to save are worth saving..."

The man clasped his fists in his hands, and gave a deep ceremony: "If there is a chance, there will be a period of time, Qiu will definitely tie the grass title ring, and repay this kindness!"

Oh, it turns out that this man's surname is Qiu, but Liu Qiqiao doesn't understand what he said, but knowing that he is grateful to herself, she smiled and said, "You will hide in the fake stone formation for the time being, and I will be free at night. I'll bring you food!"

The man nodded and said no more. Although he was struggling, he was able to help the wall and walk out without help.

Liu Qiqiao really didn’t know if he saved this person, whether it was right or wrong, but, just now, he said that he was framed by King Ye. When he fled here, Liu Qiqiao didn’t know why, so he had a heart to save him. .

Actually, Liu Qiqiao doesn’t know much about King Ye. He only knows that he is the third son of the current emperor, Wen Tao Wulue, very good, but he made Shen Mansion such a strange thing. A good Shen Yunong made him alive and dead, and Liu Qiqiao couldn't develop awe and admiration for him.

The fugitive here has just walked out with his front feet. In front, Lanxiang has already returned and brought the food. The master and servant have eaten together. Lanxiang is still outside, but Liu Qiqiao ran to Shen Yunong and whispered. After memorizing the seven poems to him, Fang ran outside contentedly, thinking that there was nothing missing, and slept in the same place with Lan Xiang.

In the middle of the night, Liu Qiqiao heard the sound of even breathing from Lan Xiang because of something in her heart. Knowing that Lan Xiang was sleeping solidly, she got up carefully. She had just eaten and left some on purpose, and Lan Xiang She said that she was too tired to eat at that time, and waited a while to eat. Now, although it is a bit cold, she still holds it and gently pushes the door behind the room.

Outside, with the breeze and bright moon, it was quiet and welcoming, and Xia Chong was calling. She carefully walked towards the rockery deep in the bamboo forest.

"Strong man! Strong man!" Liu Qiqiao walked closer and yelled quietly.

After a long while, a voice came from behind a big fake stone: "I am here!"

In the moonlight, beside the shadow of the stone, there was a figure of a person, and that person moved out.

Liu Qiqiao hurriedly walked over, "How are you? Are you still bleeding? Can you really get it out?"

The man nodded and took what Liu Qiqiao had taken. He was not polite, and began to eat.

Liu Qiqiao saw that his sleeves had been torn off by a large piece, but strips of cloth were tied on his chest. He used torn sleeves and bandaged himself. He looked at Liu Qiqiao. He said, "Thank you little lady for the medicine, it works, you see, it doesn't bleed anymore, let me rest for a while, I will be fine if I turn it out!"

Liu Qiqiao looked at the high wall of the two of them, and couldn't help but spit out his tongue. Not to mention the injured person, he had good arms and legs, and it was hard to climb the wall by himself.

This man must be able to martial arts, otherwise, he wouldn't be so light.

Maybe he saved it by himself, but he was an expert who could fly away.

Seeing the man had eaten it, Liu Qiqiao opened his hands again: "There is still some scattered silver here, will use it!" After Liu Qiqiao finished speaking, he handed a little bit of silver to the man.

The man looked at the silver, and then at Liu Qiqiao: "Little lady, you are such a good-hearted person!" After finishing speaking, he took the silver, which is not fake.

Liu Qiqiao smiled wryly, she also struggled for a long time. These silvers were also a little possession that she had only recently acquired. If they were given to him in this way, she became a pauper again.

When Liu Qiqiao left there, he looked back. Although the man was injured and leaned on a large rock, he was tall and tall, sitting there, and looked stalwart. Liu Qiqiao felt inexplicably, He must have done it right, and this man must not be a bad person.

From the next day, some people left one after another, some went home, some went to the Zhuangzi of Shen's house.

Seeing Liu Qiqiao wearing the veil carefully, Lan Xiang said strangely: "Master, do you really have a fairy guard? You have been with the young master for such a long time, and there is nothing wrong with him. Sister Xiang is so pitiful. She died and couldn't leave the capital. She was afraid of contagion. She was burned when she went out of the house. Alas, pitiful, she has always been so kind to the eldest master. Up!"

After speaking, she looked into the bedroom: "Master, when will I wake up?"

Liu Qiqiao put the veil on, and shook his head: "The doctor said it's not good. Sometimes I look at him as if he is asleep, without fever, and the wounds are healed, but he just doesn't wake up, which is too strange. Up!"

After Liu Qiqiao finished speaking, he took the medicine that Lanxiang handed over: "Are you still going to help today? I'm going to feed the medicine!"

Lan Xiang nodded and watched the master go to the bedroom. She had to go to the back kitchen to help today. There was not enough manpower. Now, she was transferred to the back kitchen to help.

After Lan Xiang left, Liu Qiqiao ran to the bamboo forest behind. She was still thinking about that man. The first time she was someone else's lifesaver, she hoped that he would be okay and stop working in vain.

At dawn, there is no shadow in the bamboo forest like at night. The rockery is in the sun, and the rock is stern, and still dare not to speak loudly. Liu Qiqiao looked for it and called out in a low voice: "The furry man, the furry man!"

However, no one responded to her this time, she got into the rock formation, empty inside. It seemed that the man had really gone, but he didn't expect that he was so badly injured that he could even get out of the wall.

Liu Qiqiao withdrew slightly disappointed, but when she was about to turn around and walk away, her eyes flashed.

She stopped and looked back again. In the sunshine rock formation, she fine-tuned the angle of her head. Sure enough, something reflected the sun's light was piercing her eyes.

Liu Qiqiao walked in again strangely.

Walking in, the light was gone, because the angle of the light was wrong, so she carefully looked for it inside.

Like a hunch, she patiently searched on the ground. Then, under a large rock, she saw it.

A brand studded with jade.

It is a very special brand. The jade is like a ring, but it lacks a hole, and the shape is carved into the shape of a dragon. The gap is like a dragon's head, with its teeth open, the dragon's head is fierce, and the dragon's back is decorated with fan-shaped edges. , And although the whole jade is not big, the carvings are complicated and delicate. The quality of jade is good, of course, Liu Qiqiao is ignorant, but when you look at things, you can feel its strangeness. Liu Qiqiao held it in the palm of his hand and held it carefully, but he couldn't see any clues. Then, she went back and forth on the ground for a long time, and found nothing except this jade-inlaid brand.

Liu Qiqiao straightened up, thinking, wouldn't this belong to that strong man

Looks very precious, if he loses it, don't know if he will be anxious

Liu Qiqiao carefully put the jade card into his sleeve pocket.

She thought about keeping it well, maybe that person will come back to find something if he finds that he has lost something.

She has been delayed here for a long time, and it is no different, the bamboo forest is lonely, and sometimes there is wind, and it makes a humming sound, but it is empty.

Liu Qiqiao sighed and walked back into the house.

After another two days, the people in the mansion were almost gone. In two days, Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen and other female relatives will also leave the mansion.

The air is full of the smell of parting. The Shen Mansion of Connaught University has been prosperous for a century. Once the building will be full, the wealth will be gone, it will only take a month or two.

There are people talking about the fate of the Shen family, and even more good stories and ballads have been made up.

The storytellers in the wine shop and tea shop now talk about idlers' anecdotes, and at the beginning, they always add a paragraph about the rise and fall of Shen Mansion. He always said: "The world has a saying, wealth is like a cloud, no need to love a false name, even if the wealth is as great as the local Shen family, but the wall collapses overnight. It really looks like it rises up tall buildings, sees it banquets guests, and see It collapsed..."

In the real Shen Mansion, although the real wall does not collapse, it is also a state of decline.

On this day, Liu Qiqiao fed Shen Yunong with medicine. She found that the feeding today was very enjoyable. As long as he pinched Shen Yunong’s mouth, he opened his mouth very cooperatively. Liu Qiqiao held the spoon and looked awkward. Looking at Shen Yunong, "When are you going to wake up? If you don't wake up, everyone will be gone. We are left in such a big yard, so boring!"

Yes, it’s really boring. Although Liu Qiqiao was born in a farm and worked day after day before getting married, there are many people in the field and there are also many people in the family. It is very lively. In the field, when he is resting at noon, Everyone sitting together eating and talking, it feels very pleasant. Father Liu has never talked much, but he said that the most reliable thing in this world is the land. The weather is smooth, as long as you are willing to contribute, the land will always give you back.

Although the Liu family is poor, because there are so many males in the family, they don't have to worry about their efforts. Every year, the things they get from the ground are removed and there is enough for their family to eat.

"I don’t know. What will Dad do after he got the three hundred taels of silver? I don’t know if he built a big house. The stepmother is kind to the younger brother. I guess he won’t let the younger brother move out. Will he give some silver to the eldest brother and the second brother? Well, if the eldest sister and the second sister also give some, it will be fine... But, the second brother-in-law is too capable of playing tricks. If you give it to him, you have to lose everything. Alas, when you lose everything, you will come home. Scolding, there is no place for the second sister's face." Liu Qiqiao naturally explained the affairs of his family one by one. She has limited knowledge, and she doesn't know what to say to Shen Yunong who is in a coma every day.