The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 57: The beginning of Liu Qiye's business 1


At night, everyone in the house knew that Aunt Zhou was pushed into the water by Liu Qiqiao. Aunt Zhou deliberately said that Liu Qiqiao pushed her into the water, causing her to catch a cold. She twisted her kerchief. , Complained to Mrs. Shen Shao about how savage Liu Qiqiao was, and the rustic atmosphere was serious, like a shrew.

The second aunt was also sitting on the side. Everyone knew about Aunt Zhou’s character. She was usually the one who made her bludgeon in this Shen’s house. Today, someone made her suffer. This is naturally very fresh, she said. Very pitiful, but very few people really sympathized with her, only Liu Yiniang accompany her to scold Liu Qiqiao a few words.

Everyone thought, it turned out that Liu Qiqiao was only honest, and even Aunt Zhou dared to mess with it. It was obvious that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Both the second aunt and Mrs. Shen thought that this house will be lively in the future.

In this way, Auntie Zhou seldom came to Shen Yunong, because she was rejected by him, she was very frustrated. Now, she thought Liu Qiqiao must have some evil spirits, and she was so charming that Shen Yunong did not. Called, only recruit Liu Qiqiao to come to him at night.

In fact, Liu Qiqiao rarely spends the night at Shen Yunong, but he will read and write at Shen Yunong every afternoon, and will return to his yard later.

Shen Yunong didn't clarify, Liu Qiqiao didn't understand. Everyone said that she had monopolized Shen Yunong's favor, and she thought it was so.

Aunt Zhou had a grievance with her, and when she saw her in the future, she also confronted her everywhere, but she frustrated once or twice ten times. Most of the time, she treated it as if she didn't understand, and just dealt with it like that.

It's not that Liu Qiqiao was afraid of Aunt Zhou and didn't dare to face her head-on, but that she had something more important.

Shen Yunong taught her how to study business, from walking to posture, to bargaining, and many details, she honestly followed, every time she stayed late in the study.

The maids thought that Shen Yunong was just amused, so she was tuned and taught Qi Yiniang.

But in fact, Liu Qiqiao wore the modified men's clothes and walked and talked with a stern look. Even though he looked weak, there was no flaw when he went out to be fooled.

Aunt Zhou and those aunts, but spent all their energy in the house, how to balance the relationship with other aunts, how to make the old lady and his wife like, how to please Shen Yunong, and they don’t know, Liu Qi Coincidentally has gained a bigger world.

Liu Qiqiao was also frightened when he first went out wearing men's clothing.

She came out of the house and walked to the gate. She felt that the eyes of the porter and the coachman seemed to follow her. She was nervous and almost tripped when she got into the car. Shen Yunong supported her and whispered: " Don't be afraid, keep your head tall, it's okay to see!"

Liu Qiqiao got into the car and sat in the car, and Shen Yunong followed up: "I will always follow you, but I won't show up. If you can't decide, just push it next time!"

Liu Qiqiao nodded. At this moment, Shen Yuyuan also got into the car, glanced at Liu Qiqiao, and cried out, "Auntie!"

Shen Yunong said: "If you are outside in the future, you can call her seventh brother!"

He said to Liu Qiqiao again: "I also call you the seventh brother, you call us the eldest brother, that is the second brother!"

Liu Qiqiao nodded.

Going out early in the morning and arriving at the first good restaurant in the afternoon, the three of them split up.

Shen Yuyuan went to rent the warehouse, and the wine from the Shenjia Wine House was pulled over and prepared to be stored there temporarily.

Liu Qiqiao and Shen Yunong began to go to the first restaurant.

Liu Qiqiao, as taught by Shen Yunong, first asked the guy to find their shopkeeper, and then gave the wine sample to the shopkeeper. The wine was good. The shopkeeper called the boss of the shop back and asked him to taste it. After tasting and seeing him nodding, the shopkeeper said to Liu Qiqiao, "Master Liu, your wine is okay, but our restaurant has always been served by the Sun’s Wine House. It has been for so many years, for no reason. Yes, I'll replace it with your wine if I'm not good!"

Liu Qiqiao smiled and said: "Treasurer Zhang, we can put this wine in your store for temporary sale. If the response is good, you can sell our wine again, how? Of course, we don’t want to replace all of your wine, you can Keep a small amount. In the future, we will send as much as you want. Our wine is good. You can rest assured that there is only one thing. Our wine must have the mark of our wine shop. It should be written on the front dish plate. Come on, this shouldn't be a problem, right?"

The shopkeeper Zhang discussed with the chief Sun Huofu, but there was no disagreement. Now, if you don’t want any money, you just borrowed their place and sold it temporarily. Liu Qiqiao said that all the money for the sale belongs to them, and the real purchase was made. It only needs money to buy it, and it seems there is nothing wrong with it.

Liu Qiqiao didn't expect it would be so easy to talk to a family. She returned to the carriage to fetch the wine. Shen Yunong told her some details. She nodded and asked the guys to carry the wine in.

Liu Qiqiao discussed with the shopkeeper Zhang. She came to arrange how the wines from the Shenjia Wine Shop would be displayed in the store. She personally supervised and saw that her wine was placed in a prominent position in the store, and she was relieved. As the limit is seven days, she decided with the shopkeeper. Seven days later, let's see how it sells. Then we will discuss the specific wine price with the shopkeeper.

When he came out of this restaurant, Liu Qiqiao got into the carriage, sweating all over.

"Is there a problem?" Shen Yunong was very relaxed, leaning on the carriage and asked her with a smile.

Liu Qiqiao wiped his sweat and shook his head: "After putting it away, I just don't know what it can sell?"

Shen Yunong said: "It will be good, our wine is not bad, this time we only took three and five years to sell. When we have a firm foothold, we will raise the price of the good wine!"

Liu Qiqiao nodded.

The first one went well. Liu Qiqiao thought that the following ones would be so smooth. Unexpectedly, the second and third ones refused her without even looking at them. They didn’t even taste her wine at all. .

Liu Qiqiao was very discouraged, but Shen Yunong didn't care about it. He could have expected that these two stores are centuries-old stores, and what they value is reputation. If it is not a well-known wine shop, they do not use it, it is normal. It must be that not all people are greedy for a bit of high-profit bargaining, but risk smashing their own brand.

Seeing Liu Qiqiao's disappointment, Shen Yunong smiled and said, "Then let's go to these shops first. Let's go and see Yuyuan. I don't know how his shop is rented!"

When they walked to a street full of shops, Liu Qiqiao curiously opened the curtain of the car to take a look, while Shen Yunong was uninterested and sat in the car with his eyes closed.

After a street, the carriage slowed down, and the street was very lively with gongs and drums beating in front.

Liu Qiqiao stretched out his head curiously to look.

A big silk shop hung red silk and a brand new plaque, "Yuluofang?" Liu Qiqiao read. "It's so big, it's just opened, making it so lively!"

Shen Yunong listened, followed her gaze and looked at it, then he was stunned. He leaned back, leaned against the wall of the car, and let out a long sigh.

Liu Qiqiao was very excited. She saw this kind of excitement for the first time. As she got closer and closer, the ground was covered with red crumbs for miles along the street. How many hilarious guns were placed before, and there were a few people wearing shopkeeper clothes in front of the store. The man is welcoming and sending. There are a lot of people in and out of the store, "It's so big, it's so beautiful inside!" She just looked at it from a distance, and saw the silk and satin on the shelf inside, like A piece of colorful clouds in the distance!

Shen Yunong said: "This is the front shop and the back workshop. The front is three shops, the second floor, and the back is the fourth floor. It sells both ready-made clothes and cloth. The masters here are also the best embroiderers and tailors. It’s not surprising that dignitaries are regular visitors to their home. The most powerful thing is that the ladies in the palace are proud to wear their skirts. A few years ago, when the current imperial concubine was still Concubine Liu, they wore them here. The dance clothes I made, a song of neon feathers, became famous in one fell swoop, and also successfully won the favor of the emperor. For a moment, the neon clothes were made by the most famous embroiderer here, light silk colored thread, embroidered with bird feathers, The colors range from light to dark, dancing like clouds and phoenix birds, stunning the world..."

Liu Qiqiao had been looking outside. Hearing Shen Yunong's words became more exciting, he couldn't help but his gaze returned from the outside to the carriage, and fell on Shen Yunong's face: "Oh my God, you know so much. What happened later? Is Xiu Niang still here?"

Shen Yunong’s face was filled with a bleak meaning: “Aunt Xiu Niang Zhou, a few years ago because of eye problems, she left the embroidery workshop with regret. Now, the Xiu Niang here is headed by her granddaughter, and Zhou Da Niang’s granddaughter inherits her. The craftsmanship is also the best craftsmanship in the world!"

"How do you know so clearly?" Liu Qiqiao said excitedly. She also has a good embroidery skills, but she couldn't help being excited when she heard Shen Yunong say this.

"Aunt Zhou was personally invited by my grandfather from the South back then. She suffered from eye problems. I was busy and asked the doctor for medicine. She was deeply moved and the recommended granddaughter gave me..." Shen Yunong said.

"This... Yuluofang, originally belonged to your Shen family?" Liu Qiqiao asked.

Shen Yunong nodded.

Liu Qiqiao said in surprise: "Then now?"

Shen Yunong said: "The contract to sell it is still the procedure I went through in prison. I personally signed my name! The "Yuluofang" created by my grandfather is no longer surnamed Shen, it is useless to me. !" He lowered his face and stroked his forehead.

Liu Qiqiao didn't have the excitement just now, she sat back next to Shen Yunong, trying to comfort but didn't know how to say, sitting on the side with her hands tied, looking at Shen Yunong's decadent appearance.

"Yuluofang's daily profit is nearly 100 taels of silver, but I am excited about the two taels of wine that I just sold. No, it's still far from selling. Am I too unpromising..." Shen Yu Nong laughed at himself, the bitter taste in his laughter.

"Msang Gong, don't think about it anymore, just leave the green hills, not afraid that there is no firewood!" Liu Qiqiao said, she didn't know what to say, so she could only say something like this.

Shen Yunong did not raise her head, and continued to hold her head and said: "Then Concubine Liu Chong is now Concubine Liu, and her son is King Ye. Ironically, we, the Shen family, helped her win her favor and obtain her present glory status. His son, let our Shen family fail!"