The Marquis's Powerful Strategy: Your Excellency's Magnificence

Chapter 65: Qu Shui Liu Shang 1


The weather is too hot these few days, the shops in the city are fine, and Shen Yunong is also eager to be cool, and has been living in the country, only sending Shen Yuyuan to the city from time to time to stare at the wine shop. Since Liu Qiqiao's incident last time, Shen Yunong has rarely asked her to go out alone.

Not going out, in a house, so many women, naturally many stories.

That evening, Lan Xiang walked in with a smile, and said to Liu Qiqiao who was practicing calligraphy: "Auntie, you really can sit still, it's so hot, you always write and write like this, it's not annoying!"

Liu Qiqiao picked up the few words she had just written: "Lanxiang, look at my words, have you made progress?"

Lan Xiang pursed her mouth and smiled, "It doesn't bother you to ask me this way every day. If you want me to see, of course you are making progress every day!"

Liu Qiqiao laughed and said: "I also feel that I have made a lot of progress. Before, I could only write one word on this page. Look, I have already written six!"

Lan Xiang smiled and said, "Is there any difference? The big characters don't make it clearer!"

Liu Qiqiao said: "Msang Gong said, when I can write small letters in teeny, then I will have completed the study? I am now, I have worked hard to write down the words, but it still doesn't work!"

Lan Xiang piled up all the papers written next to her, neatly stacked, and she said to Liu Qiqiao: "Auntie, do you hear the sound of the instrument?"

Liu Qiqiao tilted his head: "Yes, where did it come from? What kind of sound is this?"

Lan Xiang said: "They are all in the back garden, let's go and see, listen to the excitement!"

Liu Qiqiao put down the pen: "Do you want to go?"

Lan Xiang nodded: "Pomegranate and the others just went there, saying that the back garden is very lively now, they are all going to watch the lively!"

Seeing Lan Xiang Queque trying, Liu Qiqiao tidied up the desk stuff, she asked strangely: "What are you doing and there is music? Didn't you hire a theater troupe?"

Lan Xiang shook his head: "It's not like, but like a zither or qin!"

Liu Qiqiao couldn't distinguish clearly, and only thought it sounded good, so he became curious: "Let's take a look too, just look from a distance, what are they doing!"

When Lan Xiang heard the master say this, he hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, auntie, let me change your clothes! You put on one or two of the things that the young master gave you! It's not for showing off, just If you are too plain, you will be laughed at."

Liu Qiqiao nodded, and picked a pearl hairpin in the makeup box, "Just this one, this one looks okay!"

Lan Xiang took it over and tied her to her hair. As expected, she only inserted a simple pearl hairpin with her clothes and makeup, and her entire face seemed to be brighter.

After dressing up, the master and servant went out.

"Auntie, what are you going to do again?" After leaving the yard, it was a vegetable patch, Lan Xiang saw his master, and suddenly stepped into the middle of the vegetable patch. Busy calling her.

"Look at the heart of the vegetables, they are all bugs, you have to catch them, otherwise, more and more, the leaves will be bitten by them!" Liu Qiqiao said.

Lan Xiang opened her mouth wide, and saw her master squatting on the vegetable floor. She was not afraid. He killed the caterpillars with one hand.

"Look, what's the use of raising them to be chubby? How come no one catches the insects? If this continues, the land will be white!" Liu Qiqiao was not soft, and his hands were white. After the worms were twisted, the resulting slurry became mottled.

Lan Xiang looked anxious, but didn't dare to approach: "Auntie, come out quickly, ask the servants to tell the vegetable farmers, let them do it, you are careful to stain your skirt!"

Liu Qiqiao didn't listen to her: "Look, just a twist like this, you wait for me, I'll get this one done soon!"

At this moment, a few people passed by here, and suddenly saw Liu Qiqiao in the field and what she was doing.

Suddenly, there was the voice of the female spouse screaming.

"My God, she... What is she doing?" It was Aunt Zhou's voice.

Liu Qiqiao looked up, okay? Three, four, five, six, four aunts, are all here.

Everyone was followed by a big maid, so outside this yard, there was a crowd of people all at once. After Aunt Zhou screamed, two more aunts were retching because they could see Liu Qi clearly. The movements in Qiao's hands, Si Yiniang and Liu Yiniang, have always been a bit clean. Now, seeing Liu Qiqiao twisting between her hands, the worm was broken by her. She immediately went to find the next worm. Zi retched.

"Too... It's disgusting! I don't want to watch it!" Liu Yiniang said, turning around and quickly walking to the side of the moon gate.

On the other side, it is the back garden.

The aunts were both despised and disgusted, and hurriedly walked across the corner corridor to the back garden.

Before Aunt Zhou left, she took a sip: "I said she came from the country, so she likes to do these lowly jobs!"

Liu Qiqiao didn't care about them. After they left, the world suddenly cooled down.

Liu Qiqiao finished all this. She stood up, because she had been squatting for a long time, she was dizzy for a moment. Seeing her standing there shaking and falling, Lan Xiang called out, "Aunt Qi!"

Someone behind, held her waist all at once.

Liu Qiqiao calmed down, and then took a moment to turn around. It was the second young master Shen Yuyuan who was supporting her.

"Second brother, it turned out to be you!" Liu Qiqiao is now called Second Brother Shen Yuyuan, already screaming smoothly, "Are you back? Xianggong said you have to stay in the city for two or three days!"

Shen Yuyuan released his hand, slightly lowered his face, and missed Liu Qiqiao's lively and cute face because of excitement: "Second brother asked me to find a shop, I found it!"

"Oh, in other words, do you want to open a cloth shop?" Liu Qiqiao laughed.

Shen Yuyuan nodded, "I came back to discuss this matter with my eldest brother. The other party was selling in a hurry, so I was anxious to come back. I want to take my eldest brother to the city tomorrow!"

Liu Qiqiao said: "Okay, you go find him..." Liu Qiqiao carried the skirt in front, and carefully walked through the stalks in the middle of the vegetable field.

Her skirt was like a butterfly. Shen Yuyuan lowered her head and saw that after Liu Qiqiao lifted her skirt, the petite embroidered shoes and pink uppers were embroidered with a pair of mandarin ducks, and the toes were decorated with a pink pompon. .

Such a soft and small shoe, walking on Tian Jing, is like walking on the cusp of Shen Yuyuan's heart.

Slightly and playfully, Shen Yuyuan couldn't remove his eyes as soon as he walked.

It was not until Liu Qiqiao stood still and put down his skirt that the shoes were no longer visible, and Shen Yuyuan lowered his head.

Liu Qiqiao turned around and said to him: "I'm going to the back garden, second brother, go find your grandfather!"

When Lan Xiang saw Liu Qiqiao left, she was surprised by Liu Qiqiao's inexplicable and messy name, but she was so busy, she turned around to follow her master and passed the moon gate.

Shen Yuyuan raised his head. There was a slender shadow of Liu Qiqiao over the moon gate. It turned out that she was thin and unremarkable. Now, her body is a little plump. When she arrives in the country, she seems to be more like a fish in the water. She just left. Far away, it depends on her skillfully catching insects in the field.

He walked over, seeing her getting up and seeing her about to fall, he was busy reaching out for help.

He knew that doing so was a bit unruly. She was considered his sister-in-law according to her status. Even if he was saving others, he could not get too close to her sister-in-law.

Shen Yuyuan turned around silently. He couldn't go to the back garden. It was always Shen Yunong's concubines. When he returned to his house, he missed the vegetable garden most.

Shen Yunong didn't look down on this house, or anything on Zhuangzi. However, he seemed to have forgotten that after Shen Mansion was robbed, it was something in Zhuangzi, which relieved Shen Mansion's urgent need.

However, Shen Yunong couldn't look down on him if he didn't. Shen Yuyuan thought, when the city's business stabilizes, Shen Yunong will definitely return to the capital. At that time, he can be company with his land again.

When I thought about it this way, I felt a little unsatisfactory.

If the Shen family in the capital gets up again, then Liu Qiqiao must also go back.

Shen Yuyuan was a little reluctant, in order to be able to see her often, he could tolerate Shen Yunong and his concubines, ruining his quiet home here.

Liu Qiqiao came from the moon gate and saw that there were many more lanterns in the back garden. After asking Lan Xiang, he realized that this was newly arranged by Shen Yunong at the request of his concubines.

Basically, every once in a while, there is a lantern, either hung on a tree trunk, or hung on the edge of a pavilion.

At night, the scenery in this garden is unexpectedly sentimental.

Liu Qiqiao walked all the way. When she first came out with Lan Xiang, it was still evening, but she caught the bugs for a long time, and the sky was already dark.

"Is there anything to see here? Hey, why is the sound of the instrument we just heard missing?" Liu Qiqiao said.

Lan Xiang also listened carefully: "Yes, I didn't even pay attention, when did I stop!"

But they walked for a while, turned a large rockery, and heard it again. The sound of the piano was melodious, as if it was coming downstream from the small river, "over there..." Lan Xiang pointed to.

Liu Qiqiao nodded, and she was not in a hurry, so she walked along the river.

In fact, since the last time Aunt Zhou met her on a narrow road here, after Aunt Zhou fell into the water, Liu Qiqiao has not been here for a while.

They walked to the winding corridor where the fish were fed last time.

Liu Qiqiao sat on the chair by the corridor and looked into the water. Lan Xiang reminded her worriedly: "Auntie, be careful, the railings here are low, be careful to fall into the water!"

Liu Qiqiao looked at the koi faintly swimming in the water, and she smiled: "I'll be careful, don't worry, besides, if you fall, you won't be drowned!"

Lan Xiang couldn't help but chuckle, and also remembered the last time Aunt Zhou fell into the water.

She sat by the master for a while, and she knew that the master was always casual. She, the master, didn't like things that everyone liked, but liked such a quiet solitude.

Liu Qiqiao is not actually Xijing's character. Before she got married, on the village front, when she was a child, she went to the ground with her elder brothers and dads. She was still lively, utterly shrewd, and she was extremely capable of speaking.

Now, there is just no one who allows her to get along like that unsuspectingly.

In this home.

Mrs. Shen was kind and loving, but she admired Mrs. Shen, but she couldn't bear the kindness of her.