The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 101: I heard that you want to run (4)


Xie Jianwei finally saw Lu Li.

Under the bright light, the man is wearing a delicate suit, and his perfect body shape is outlined to the extreme, fully showing the charm of men. His facial features were completely exposed to the light, and a pair of black eyes under his sword eyebrows reflected a little light, as if hiding half the stars of the universe.

Xie Jianwei made a look of shock and confusion on his face, but in fact there was only one thought in his heart: handsome, handsome, why is his Dali so handsome!

Rice rolled his eyes.

Lu Li was also looking at him, the two looked at each other, Xie Jianwei turned his eyes away with extraordinary perseverance - if he continued to look, the love in his eyes should drown him.

Lu left the mouth, his voice soft, as if entangled with the wind blowing outside the window: "Let's eat first."

Xie Jian lowered his eyes slightly and stirred his fingers nervously together. In fact, the corners of his mouth were always raised. There was no way he could eat. The roasted cod and strawberry tarts were waving to him!

Lu Li silently arranged the dinner and pushed it in front of him.

Xie Jianwei resisted the temptation of food first and made a scene: "You... how do you... "

Lu Li frowned, "Eat first."

Xie Jianwei stood up abruptly and said "infuriated", "How can I eat it!" Normal people are not in the mood to eat under such circumstances, right? Xie Jianwei is a little addicted to "beauty", so he is not sure if he is going in the right direction.

Lu Li's expression was light: "Oh, then I'll go out first."

Da Li's reading comprehension has always been a perfect score. Obviously, he thought Xie Jianwei hated him, so much so that he couldn't even eat.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Seeing that Lu Li was about to turn around and leave, Xie Jianwei had to push the script down again: "Why are you doing this..." He raised his hand and showed his handcuffs.

Lu Li smiled, and the corners of his raised mouth were extremely gentle, carrying the lingering lingering love that he indulged in when he was young: "This way you won't be able to run away."

Mi Li sighed and said, "You are very sick."

Xie Jianwei didn't say anything, Mi Li said a little cowardly: "I'm just talking about things."

Xie Jian cleared his throat slightly, and said happily, "It's quite energetic."

Rice grain: "..." It's not that the whole family does not enter the house, two dead gays!

Lu Li left those words and went out, obviously wanting to let Xie Jianwei eat.

Xie Jianwei felt regretful in his heart, but fortunately, the food could barely soothe his soul. He paused for a while while reciting the numbers in his heart, thinking that two minutes should be almost the same. If he stayed there any longer, the dishes he had cooked so hard would get cold again. Desperate things.

After the emotions were almost brewing, Xie Jianwei looked at the dining table, sat down in despair, and ate for a while.

His expression was full of unease, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in a huge panic, and the way he was eating, anyone who saw him would only think that he was chewing wax.

But in fact...

"The variety of this little potato is really good, not astringent at all, fragrant and glutinous, crispy and tender, and one bite is really refreshing."

"This cod is really well handled. The outer layer is crispy when touched, but the inside is snow-white fish, with distinct layers and bursting taste."

"Have you ever had lamb chops? I tell you, it's quite a 'friendly' food, and it goes well with most wines, and it's delicious no matter what!"

"This strawberry tart, um..."

The rice grain was drooling, and couldn't help but ask, "How about the strawberry tart??"

Thank you for being silent.

The rice grains are anxious: "Is it delicious? How delicious!"

Xie Jian smiled: "Don't tell you, you can't eat it again."

Rice grain: "..." If you don't tell the front, don't say so much, bastard! I'm so greedy for this goose egg!

Xie Jianwei was in a very good mood, thinking that it would be even better if he could have a haircut with Da Li at night.

In fact, he was still a little out of control. It stands to reason that a person who eats like chewing wax can't eat too much.

But Xie Jianwei... um... I finally managed to keep the bottom of the plate from getting in close contact with the air, of course it's almost the same.

However, Lu Li should not care about these small details. As an obsessive self-abuse emperor, he would never have imagined Xie Jianwei's true feelings.

Enjoy the perfect meal, and there's a good show to come.

Xie Jianwei got up and circled around the house. In fact, he was walking around the healthy ninety-nine after dinner, but he appeared to be circling anxiously and seemed to be extremely annoyed.

After his digestion was over, the door was pushed open and Lu Li came in.

Xie Jianwei looked at him with a complicated expression.

Lu Li pushed out the dining table, and came back to get the fruit tea again.

Xie Jianwei is a little regretful, the fruit tea came at a wrong time, I'm afraid it will be used as a prop.

Lu Li poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him.

Xie Jianwei seemed to finally be unable to bear it anymore, he raised his hand and knocked over the teacup, and said angrily, "Let me go!"

Lu Li looked at the teacup that was shattered into pieces, his eyes were calm, but a little strangely calm.

He didn't say a word, stubbornly poured him another cup of tea and said, "Drink some tea to help digestion, or your stomach will feel uncomfortable."

Xie Jian became impatient: "Don't pretend, if you really care about my comfort, don't lock me up!" He shook off the chains on his hands and feet, obviously feeling that this was a great humiliation.

Lu Li lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "If you let it go, you will run."

Xie Jianwei said: "That is my freedom!"

Lu Li was startled, he looked up at him, his dark eyes filled with despair: "Yes, this is your freedom..."

"Lu Li, you let me go, you are breaking the law, do you know that!"

Lu Li didn't care, he staggered the topic and said, "Since you don't want to drink tea, then I'll give it to you...".

"I do not want anything!"

Lu Li paused, and suddenly whispered like a child: "Awei, don't make trouble."

Military division Xie was abruptly given a face by his own marshal, listening to this sound, his ears were numb.

In a flash, he didn't get into the play, but it didn't hinder him. Anyway, if he doesn't act, Lu Li himself "can act" - he has no ability at all, and he is the best "screenwriter" in the universe.

Lu Li squatted down and untied Xie Jianwei's anklet with his own hands. Xie Jianwei looked at it from top to bottom, and was given a handsome face by the old attack.

This play is also not allowed to be played! The actor Xie was also put to the test.

Lu Li opened the anklet for him, but when he stood up, he held Xie Jianwei's hand again.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Lu Li said warmly, "I'll take you out for a walk."

Take a walk after dinner? Good.

Xie Jianwei struggled for a while and wanted to shake off Lu Li's hand, but he didn't really exert any force, and secondly, Lu Li was stronger than him, so he definitely couldn't break free.

But if you can go out for a walk, it is considered to be inquiring about the terrain.

As a result, Xie Jianwei was really surprised when he walked out.

Good guy, you've made a lot of money, classmate Da Li!

This villa was built in the deep mountains, surrounded by mountains outside, and the air was too good. On the mountain are maple leaves blown red by the autumn wind, and large tracts fall on the mountainside like burning clouds, which outlines a dazzling and beautiful scene.

Xie Jianwei likes it very much. This place is really nice. He really doesn't mind being locked up by A Li for the rest of his life.

Of course, he in this plane is not willing.

Lu Li held his hand, and the two walked slowly in the yard together.

Xie Jianwei hooked the corner of his mouth sarcastically: "You don't have to hold my hand, I can't run."

Where are these people from the deep mountains and forests going

Lu Li lowered his eyes and said, "I just want to hold you."

Xie Jianwei looked at him and abruptly looked away.

After that, the two of them didn't speak anymore. The scenery in the mountains was magnificent, and it seemed that they could cleanse their mood along the way. Anyway, Xie Jianwei's good mood has become better now.

When the sun goes down, the scenery is even more beautiful.

On the clear sky, the real fiery clouds and the red maples on the mountain form a beautiful echo. Looking from the bottom to the top, it seems like you are in a dreamy fairyland.

Xie Jianwei sighed lightly.

Lu Li squeezed his hand tightly.

Xie Jianwei seemed to be infected by the beauty. He finally let go of his anger and calmed down: "Lu Li, what are you doing?"

Lu Li didn't say anything. In fact, what he wanted to ask the most was one sentence: Why did he leave without saying goodbye back then.

But he didn't ask, because whatever the answer would be, it wouldn't be what he wanted to hear.

He fell from heaven to hell, and the damage of that catastrophic disaster will never be eradicated.

He didn't want to ask why.

Four years have passed, and he has only one thought left: to tie this person to his side, so that loss will never come again.

Xie Jianwei turned his head to look at him and said seriously, "Can we talk about it?"

Lu Li said, "I won't let you go."

Xie Jianwei said, "Don't you want to know why I left?"

Lu Li's pupils shrank sharply, and he paused for a while before saying two words almost word by word: "I don't want to."

Xie Jianwei: "..." This is not the same as the script that was promised!

Xie Jianwei was doing something, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to stroke down: "I can tell you, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Li suddenly pulled him in and kissed his lips forcefully.

Xie Jian groaned slightly and wanted to push him away, but was quickly swept away by the sweeping between his lips and teeth.

Lu Li's feelings were all conveyed to his heart through this kiss, a love so deep that there was no way out, an unbearable pain that couldn't find an end, and a despair so rich as red maple and blood.

Xie Jianwei understood why he didn't want to listen anymore, because he was running away.

Whatever the reason, Xie Jianwei, who was able to leave so freely, only told him one thing, that he didn't love him.

If you love him, why are you willing to leave without saying goodbye

If you love him, how can you be outside for four years

If you love him, how can you not even miss him a little after meeting each other.

do not love.

No reason can hide these two most heart-wrenching words.

In this case, why should he listen to those words that are destined to shake his will

The long days and nights did not make him stop thinking about Xie Jianwei, nor did it make his fiery love go out, nor did he get out of hell.

Four years only made Lu Li firm up the idea, he wanted to thank Jianwei, he must want him, no matter what the cost.

Xie Jianwei was fascinated by his complacency. He knew rationally that he should not do it with him now, but...

"Mi Ni, you go to sleep for a while."

Mi Li exclaimed: "What are you going to do? Hey, don't cover my eyes, my ears can't hear, my mouth..." Where to sleep? It's completely sealed! Although it wasn't the first time it was blocked, it would tremble with fright after each time.

Thinking that this only proves one thing, Xie Jianwei can really kill it, even if it doesn't kill it, it can make life worse than death.

After Mi Li scared himself half to death, he felt more and more that it should be a goose egg in the future, really don't think too much...

He clearly coaxed the "children" to sleep, but Lu Li didn't do it any further.

Xie Jian was panting for breath and felt unbearable.

Lu Li frowned and said, "Go back."

Xie Jianwei: "..." Go ahead, idiot!

Lu Li tried his best to calm down, holding Xie Jianwei's hand and started walking back.

Xie Jianwei just wanted to push him down and get a navel orange.

Forget it, if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, and you will endure it first.

He remained silent, trying to keep his lust down...

Xie Jianwei struggled to control himself, and Lu Li was also struggling to torture himself.

- They were all busy, so no one spoke.

After returning to the house, Lu Li didn't do anything, and first gave Xie Jianwei the anklet.

Xie Jianwei looked at Lu Li who was half-kneeling in front of him, his Adam's apple surged, and the flames that had not subsided burned again.

He was really afraid that he couldn't help sitting on Lu Li's lap, so he whispered, "Go out!"

This voice can be said to be quite angry.

Lu Li's back stiffened, he carefully buckled his ankle and stood up.

Xie Jianwei dared not look at him.

Lu Li suddenly felt a fire in his heart. He couldn't imagine how there could be such a heartless person in this world.

If you don't love him, don't give him so many good memories.

The dream ended, he pulled away, what about him? Has he ever thought about how he felt at the time

The despair of annihilation came to his face, and Lu Li could no longer bear the pain of ten thousand insects. Since he had no heart, what was he expecting

Anyway, I already hate him, so why not hate him to the end.

He held Xie Jianwei's wrist and lowered his head to kiss his lips.

This is really an unexpected joy for Xie Jianwei, can it be done again

Xie Jianwei thought for a while and caught the context. Although he couldn't seduce Lu Li, he could anger him, and after being angered, Lu Li would...

Mmmm, not bad, Xie Jianwei began to resist violently: "Lu Li, you are enough!"

Lu Li grabbed his neck and made him unable to move. Xie Jianwei raised his hand to push him and struggled hard.

Lu Li's other hand directly locked both of his wrists, making him unable to push.

Xie Jianwei was originally a half-push and half-push, and he pushed so carelessly, so naturally he was easily subdued.

Lu Li let go of his lips, kissed him on the neck, and then tore off his clothes.

Thanks to Lu Li being angry, otherwise I would definitely see Xie Jianwei's little pink standing up because of excitement...

Xie Jianwei was so happy that he "struggled to resist".

Don't say it... It's quite interesting to come out like this every now and then, Xie Jianwei is so happy.

Lu Li held back for a long time, and he was reluctant to let go of him after tossing for a long time, but fortunately, he felt bad for Xie Jianwei. This attribute is deeply rooted, so seeing his tired face, he slowed down and rubbed him slowly.

This really made Xie Jianwei extremely uncomfortable.

He is now a "strong" character, so it's not good to beg him to hurry up, right

But it's so slow... It's so itchy!

Xie Jianwei worked very hard for world peace.

Anyway, after a good night, Xie Jianwei fell asleep. Lu Li cleaned up his body and went back to the house to hug him.

Xie Jianwei felt soft in his heart, rubbed and rubbed on his arm, and slept very well.

The next day, Xie Jianwei naturally did not give Lu Li a good look.

Lu Li didn't care either, he prepared food for him as usual, talked to him as usual, and slammed him out of bed as usual at night.

Xie Jianwei finally lived the life he dreamed of, not to mention how happy he was.

After waiting for so long, it finally looks like a honeymoon!

The days really passed by in a blink of an eye, and a week has passed in the blink of an eye.

Don't let others know about this matter. When Xie Jianhuan was angry, it would be a little troublesome to mobilize government forces to engage Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei had to think of a way to send a letter to the family, saying that he was fine and that there was no problem, but he was a little reluctant.

However, Lu Lifang was like a thief, and it was estimated that it was not easy to touch the communication equipment.

Xie Jianwei thought about it carefully, and felt that there should be some time.

Before he was "kidnapped", he made a set of preparations. A mobile phone would regularly send his recorded voice to his WeChat group at home, saying that he was temporarily busy and went out with friends for a few days.

Although it's a bit far-fetched, his parents are stupid and sweet, and they don't want to believe in their daughter and son, and they don't think much about it at all.

And Xie Jianhuan, he also arranged it, saying that he would go to see his lover, and he would not be able to come back in a while, and let her help delay the time.

But this matter can't be delayed for too long, Xie Jianhuan will be suspicious.

Ten days should be the limit. In these three days, he has to find a way to find a communication tool.

Xie Jianwei was sitting in front of the window thinking about something, which was quite fitting. Looking in from the outside, he would only feel that the figure was lonely and confused.

What Lu Li saw when he walked into the room was his appearance.

Over time, some memories will gradually fade, but some too deep will only turn the heart into a hollow withered tree - the outside is smooth as ever, but the emptiness inside will never be filled.

The memory of 18 years old is the beauty of Lu Li's life, but unfortunately such beauty has been hollowed out by life.

Lu Li approached him and hugged him from behind.

Xie Jianwei's body trembled slightly, but he didn't resist. In the past seven days, he has learned to "accept the adversity".

Lu Li's kiss fell on his neck, Xie Jianwei said, "Actually... I've always thought of you."

Lu Li didn't make a sound, just put a fiery kiss on him, as if this would replace the uneasiness in his heart with a sense of reality.

Xie Jianwei let him kiss, and when he turned his head, he also kissed him: "Ali, shall we talk?"

In the past week, they have both calmed down a lot and can indeed talk.

Lu Li didn't want to look at him, Xie Jianwei held his face and insisted on looking at him: "I was wrong back then, I apologize to you."

Lu Li frowned and said, "I won't apologize to you."

Back then, Xie Jianwei was wrong, but now Lu Li is wrong. Xie Jianwei apologized, but Lu Li would not apologize because he couldn't let him go.

Xie Jian sighed slightly and said slowly, "I was a little scared at the time."

Lu Li still looked like he didn't want to hear it.

But Xie Jianwei said quickly: "We were on the island for a month, but at that time it seemed that only one day had passed, you know? With you every day, I don't think about anything, and I don't care about anything. It seems that I can see you, everything is satisfied, even the passage of time can't be noticed."

Lu Li squeezed his hand tightly.

Xie Jianwei continued, "I'm very happy, but I'm a little scared when I wake up."

Lu Li asked him, "What are you afraid of?"

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm afraid we will both destroy each other."

Lu Liyang frowned and said sarcastically, "It's ruined now."

Xie Jianwei said: "I didn't think too much about it at the time, Li, I just wanted to separate and calm down, I think we shouldn't just see each other, we are still young, we have family and friends and we will have our own career in the future, we can't... "

Lu Li interrupted him: "I just want you."

Xie Jian smiled bitterly and said, "This... this is not right."

Lu Li said, "Don't talk about that."

Xie Jianwei wanted to speak, but Lu Li kissed him, untied his loose pajamas, and pressed his body against the cold floor-to-ceiling window.

Lu Li also thought about what Xie Jianwei said.

For four years, he was enough to think about everything.

But the result of thinking is still hopeless.

Xie Jianwei was scared, but why didn't you tell him

Xie Jianwei is worried about their future? No, he just didn't want to take on the feeling.

Lu Li didn't want to listen to this, because the betrayal is real, and it won't disappear just because of a few words.

He didn't want to know what Xie Jianwei wanted, all he wanted was now.

The conversation ended without a hitch again, Xie Jianwei continued to use the "Huairou policy", which was not difficult for him, he only needed to perform in his true colors.

He no longer gave him a cold face or told him those things. He admired Lu Li's cooking skills, leaned on him to read a book in the lazy afternoon, walked hand in hand when the twilight came, and kissed sweetly after dark make love.

What Xie Jianwei said and did was what Lu Li was most fascinated with, and it was hard for him not to be influenced.

So he untied the anklet for Xie Jianwei, because even if it was undone, Xie Jianwei would not be able to leave the manor.

On the tenth day, Xie Jianwei finally felt the pattern.

Every day at noon when Xie Jian took a nap, Lu Li was not by his side. He probably went to the study to deal with work.

If he can build such a paradise in the deep mountains and old forest, then he must be rich and powerful.

And this kind of persona is generally more complicated, Lu Li can't just give up all of a sudden, so he must be operating some things remotely.

Since it is remote... Then there must be unlimited opportunities in the study.

At noon that day, Xie Jianwei pretended to be asleep, and felt that after Lu Li got up, he also woke up. The advantage of not having an anklet was that he could walk around.

He wandered around for a while, and felt that it was almost time to go to the study.

Xie Jian pushed the door open, and Lu Li was obviously stunned for a moment. He quickly closed the laptop and turned off the video.

Lu Li got up and said, "Why did you wake up?"

Xie Jianwei said, "I had a nightmare."

He was wearing loose pajamas, his hair was slightly messy, and the way he rubbed his eyes was particularly cute.

Lu Lixin softened, got up and took him into his arms: "What did you dream about?"

Xie Jianwei said: "It's nothing..."

Lu Li kissed his fair neck.

Xie Jianwei asked him, "Did I disturb you?"

Lu Li said, "It's fine."

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm still a little sleepy."

Lu Li said, "I'll take you back to the house."

Xie Jianwei leaned on him and half closed his eyes: "Just sleep here."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment, Xie Jianwei hugged his waist and pressed his face to his chest, as docile as a well-behaved cat.

How could Lu Li refuse? He was willing to hold him like this for the rest of his life.

Xie Jianwei really fell asleep, and slept in a daze until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that it was time to make dinner, Lu Li took him back to the bedroom, settled on the bed, and kissed him on the forehead before leaving.

Xie Jian Wei sleeps very soundly.

But as soon as Lu Li left, Xie Jianwei suddenly opened his eyes.

Chance! You have to contact Xie Jianhuan quickly, to reassure her, and don't look for him everywhere.

Xie Jianwei got up and went to the study lightly.

Sure enough, Lu Li was unlocked, and as soon as he entered, he saw the notebook.

There are naturally security measures in it, but it was really hard for Xie Jianwei. He cracked it easily, and after entering, he quickly tapped the keyboard and sent Xie Jianhuan an email.

After everything was done, he pressed the clear button, erasing the traces of his use.

After doing all this, Xie Jianwei got up and was about to go back to pretend to sleep when he saw Lu Li standing by the door.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Rice Grain: "Oh!"

This is really... Even if you jump into the Yellow River, you can't wash it off.

The author has something to say: Lu Li smiled: There is another reason to make my daughter-in-law cry.

Xie Jianwei:…