The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 108: The deepest betrayal (1)


Luo Lun tried to save the country through curves. He spent a lot of money to set up a scientific research team, specializing in the research of breast beauty instruments. Instead of researching new types of breast beauty devices, he was desperately studying the breast beauty devices that have been gradually promoted, trying to find out from this product. Find out its disadvantages, hazards and side effects!

As long as he can find even one side effect, he has a legitimate reason to take this machine to court and ban it from now on!

It's a pity that he underestimated the strength of the chest controllers. These guys are a group of female advocates. Because they love beautiful breasts, they attach great importance to women's rights and interests. The researched products have undergone countless experiments and positive and negative inferences. any harm and side effects.

What's more, today's security inspection department is so powerful that if there are side effects, it is estimated that the breast beauty device will not be available on the market.

Luo Lunbai was busy, but instead advertised for a breast beauty device.

Oops... There are no side effects at all and it only sells for nine yuan and eighty dollars. I'm afraid it's not stupid not to buy it!

Lauren came home from get off work, and Yan Ke just came back. The two met, Yan Ke was in a good mood, and kissed him on tiptoe.

Lauren's pitiful liver was finally relieved, but soon he was hit hard.

Yan Ke said: "The breast beauty instrument is really a product of the century! I ordered 10,000 units and gave them to residents living in remote areas for free!"

Lauren pursed his lips and said nothing.

Yan Ke was still saying, "All the young ladies in our hospital have used it. Let me tell you, the effect is so good that it exploded. Even Auntie Li, who dispensed the medicine, used it! Instantly regain her youth!"

Lauren's heart was so full that he could hardly breathe, and even Aunt Li became his rival in love!

Yan Ke excitedly wanted to continue to express his excitement.

Lauren couldn't listen anymore, he lowered his head to stop him from speaking.

Yan Ke hummed and was a little dizzy when he kissed him: "I haven't had dinner yet..."

Lauren didn't make a sound, pressed the man against the wall, took off his thin shirt and started kissing from the bottom up.

Yan Ke was so kissed by him that he couldn't say any serious words, so the two of them made a mess at the entrance.

It's also a pity that there are no outsiders in the general's mansion. If Yan Duan Duan was there, he would have screamed again, covering his eyes and showing his fingers.

Yan Ke was made like a beach by Lauren, the whole body hung on him weakly, and his voice was lazy: "I want to sleep."

Lauren hugged him and said, "Eat some food and then sleep."

Yan Ke's chin rested on his shoulder and was already dazed to close his eyes.

Lauren didn't want to wake him up, so he carried him back to the bedroom like this. After putting the person on the bed, he didn't go out either. He tucked into the bed and stared at him.

He liked him for too long, so long that even if he married someone back home, there was always an unreal feeling.

Does Yan Ke really love him? Will he really not leave him

Lauren looked at his delicate eyebrows, and his heart was empty.

At this moment, Yan Ke, who was asleep, whispered softly, "Azong..."

Lauren was startled.

Yan Ke murmured again: "Don't leave me."

Just four words, with huge fear and anxiety, made him look a little pitiful.

Lauren's heart stabbed, but it was instantly filled with sweet syrup.

He hugged Yan Ke in his arms and whispered, "I'm here, I'll never leave you."

As if hearing his words in a dream, Yan Ke slept more soundly, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lauren felt a sea of happiness in an instant.

He loves him, he loves him, no doubt about it.

The two slept until the middle of the night. Yan Ke woke up from hunger. He looked at the bear hugging his guy and kicked him angrily.

As soon as I got home, I was in heat, I didn't eat any food, I starved to death!

Yan Ke kicked the "big bear" away and got out of bed to look for food, but as soon as his feet fell, he almost fell over.

Soldiers are really beasts! What stamina is this!

Yan Ke sat beside the bed and really didn't want to move to the kitchen.

Lauren picked him up with one hand, put him in his arms and asked, "Hungry?"

Yan Ke kicked him again.

Lauren sneered: "Wait, I'll get you something to eat."

When the words fell, he had already rolled over and got out of bed. Yan Ke sat on the bed and looked at the naked man. He couldn't help but feel envy and hatred again.

The big bastard is in such a good shape, even his back has clear lines. People who practice martial arts all year round seem to have infinite strength in every inch of muscle, which is extra sexy and charming.

Yan Ke looked down at himself again, and couldn't help but feel annoyed: he will have to practice when he has the opportunity!

It's a pity that this is just thinking about it. Dr. Yan is lazy in the late stage of cancer, and he has to gasp for a few steps...

Seeing Lauren walk away, Yan Ke couldn't help but exhort: "Just let the AI do it, don't bother."

Lauren turned to look at him: "Wait."

At the end, he smiled at him, Yan Kesheng was given a handsome face by his old attack, and it was hopeless.

Don't let him toss, he still wants to toss, and he didn't let the AI do it at all. He personally cooked a few dishes.

Yan Ke muttered, "You don't mind running to cook at three in the morning." But his heart was bubbling with sweetness.

Lauren said: "Hurry up and eat."

Yan Ke was satisfied after eating a book, and after eating, he rubbed himself into Lauren's arms, hugged his waist and sighed softly, "It's good."

Lauren stroked his smooth back and whispered, "What?"

Yan Ke said, "It's great to be able to marry you."

Lauren's heart was pounding, and he was still pretending to be calm: "I don't have big breasts and I'm not a woman, do you really think it's good?"

Yan Ke took a bite on his chin: "Who cares if you are a woman and have big breasts? There is only one Lauren, and only you are my admiral!"

This casual love story is really sweet as honey. Lauren's mood, which has been tense for many days because of the breast beauty instrument, suddenly relaxes. He hugs Yan Ke hard and can't help but do a "digestion" exercise with him.

Later, what surprised Lauren was that the appearance of the breast beauty instrument did not increase Yan Ke's chest control, but was cured unexpectedly.

In the past, Yan Ke, who could not help but peek at her big breasts when she went out, didn't even look at it!

Lauren didn't dare to ask the reason, but his heart was really happy.

Later, he heard Yan Ke and the military adviser complain: "Sure enough, you can't be greedy. Now everyone has beautiful breasts, but I don't know where to go to see them."

Xie Jianwei glanced at him: "You're about the same, Lauren can't tell what kind of jealousy will be."

Yan Ke said: "No, I'm just a hobby, he knows it very well!"

Xie Jianwei responded casually.

Lauren understands now, feelings are the credit of the breast beauty instrument!

This is also very understandable. In the past, Yan Ke knew the size of other people's busts at a glance. Now it's better. Everyone has the same bust, and they are all beautiful. What's more fun to watch

Lauren was so happy that with a wave of his pen, he ordered 10 million breast beauty devices, which is bound to be one for every woman in his galaxy!

Ah Bu... We have three units in hand, one for viewing and one for backup!

Yan Ke suddenly lost his temper when he learned about this. He caught Lauren and asked fiercely: "Okay, you bastard! Do you like women? I have long suspected that you lied to me, Merry and happy for so many years, is it all fake and real!"

Lauren: "..." Injustice, he is so wronged that it will snow in June!

But it was said that after a long time in retreat, Mi Li was finally able to show off his power.

Xie Jianwei asked it: "What world is this time?"

Rice grain excitedly said: "A high plane! It's really great!"

Xie Jianwei didn't believe it.

Mi Li said: "Really, I promise, you have been together in the past, and your relationship is very strong and your relationship is very good."

Xie Jianwei doesn't believe it anymore.

Rice grains didn't say much: "In short, you will know when you go."

The old rule is that Lu Li loses his memory. Lu Li is looking forward to it. He wants to bribe the rice grains to make it look like a dragon and phoenix world...

Xie Jianwei woke up and found that Mi Li didn't seem to lie to him.

This time, his body was very small, and he was estimated to be only seven or eight years old. Both his parents died. He was an orphan. He ran into a jungle by himself and struggled to survive.

He was about to die, but Lu Li picked him up and took him back.

Although the age difference between the two of them is a bit different, this world is a wonderful country of self-cultivation, and the lifespan can gradually increase with cultivation, so it is not a problem to be twenty years old.

Xie Jianwei recalled it carefully, but did not find any pitfalls.

And now the timing is good too, Lu Li just brought him back to his place.

Lu Li's identity should be very noble, and the place where he lives is magnificent. Although it looks simple, it is by no means simple. It is a palace with a quite artistic conception.

Along the way, there were quite a few men in black bowing and standing, and they would salute in a low voice when they saw Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei noticed that they called Lu Li "Zun Shang".

Lu Li never spoke to Xie Jianwei. After placing him in a side hall, he asked him in a low voice, "What's your name?"

Xie Jianwei said softly, "Thanks Jianwei."

Lu Li said, "Want to follow me?"

Xie Jianwei looked up at him and looked into those quiet black eyes, his heart trembled: "I want to..."

Lu Li said, "Do you know who I am?"

Xie Jian shook his head slightly.

Lu Li said, "It's fine if you don't know, let's live here now."

After saying this, he got up and wanted to leave. Xie Jianwei felt that this opportunity had to be seized, so he said, "Can I worship you as my teacher?"

Lu Li stopped. He was dressed in black and stood in front of the light. His back was pulled so long that it just covered Xie Jianwei's feet.

Lu Li's voice was calm and indifferent: "You are still young, wait a little longer..."

Xie Jianwei stood up and said, "I want to practice, I want to become stronger, I don't want to be bullied by anyone!"

A seven or eight-year-old child's voice is soft and waxy, but his words are sonorous and powerful like the collision of gold and stones.

Lu Li didn't look back: "Do you know what Dao I cultivate?"

Xie Jianwei said, "I don't care what Dao is, I only know that you are strong!"

Lu Li finally turned his head. His black eyes were full of waves, and he seemed to have a sense of vicissitudes that spanned time and space: "It's not necessarily a good thing to be strong."

Xie Jianwei stubbornly said: "Only when you become stronger can you not be bullied by others, only when you become stronger can you do what you want to do, and as long as you become stronger, you don't have to be afraid of being killed all the time!"

It's hard for Xie Jianwei to say such childish words, but it's obviously in line with a child's thinking.

Lu Li shook his head, with a hint of undetectable tenderness in his eyes: "I will teach you, but don't take me as a teacher."

Xie Jian bit his lower lip slightly, his eyes a little sad.

Lu Li didn't explain anything, just said, "Go wash and change clothes, I'll wait for you in the outer hall."

Lu Li left, Xie Jianwei pondered while taking a shower.

This Lu Li is probably a Lu Li with a story...

And depending on the situation, it should not be a righteous person, 80% is a big devil who kills without blinking an eye.

Xie Jian Wei Duo was shrewd, he grasped the key points at once, and asked Mi Li: "I said, Lu Li wouldn't be my father's enemy, right?"

Rice grains: "… "

Xie Jianwei: "Did I guess right?"

Mi Li angrily said, "Why didn't I think of this!"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

"Ah!" Mi Li hurriedly missed his own words, "That... I mean why do you think of me like that, am I that kind of person? Will I toss you like that? It's impossible!"

Xie Jianwei: "Haha."

Mi Li hurriedly assured: "An Xin Xin, your parents were definitely not killed by Lu Li!"

Xie Jianwei said: "I also think you should not want to become a quark."

Mi Li was startled and exclaimed: "What the hell is a quark! You can't be so cruel!"

Xie Jianwei gave him a gentle smile.

The rice grains were frightened out of a piece of rice sweat...

Xie Jianwei changed his clothes and went out of the house, Lu Li nodded slightly: "Eat."

Xie Jianwei walked over, saluted and sat next to him.

Eat without saying a word or sleep, and eat a meal extremely quietly.

The servant in charge of the dish did not raise his head from beginning to end, and he was a little too cautious.

After eating, Lu Li said, "Go and rest."

Xie Jianwei wanted to say something, but Lu Li turned around and left.

So cold!

Thank you for being unhappy.

But don't worry, he's only seven years old, it's not right for Lu Li to be interested in him.

The days that followed passed quickly and dully.

Xie Jianwei has lived here for ten years, but the time he really spends with Lu Li is very little.

Lu Li often goes out, sometimes for a few months. Xie Jianwei is a small force and it is not convenient to go out, so he can only wait in the palace.

Every time he came back after going out, Lu Li was very violent. Although there was no blood on his clothes, Xie Jianwei could smell a strong bloody smell, not Lu Li's, but someone else's.

Is it really a big devil setting

Xie Jianwei felt a little distressed.

Lu Li seemed to be aware of his sight, he looked up at him, his black eyes were as sharp as falcons.

Xie Jianwei was a little surprised by his agility, so his emotions were a little slow.

Lu Li whispered, "Go back."

Xie Jianwei can only go back to the house honestly.

Lu Li seldom eats with him. Except for the first few days, they all eat separately after that. Although Lu Li did not treat Xie Jianwei badly during the meal, for a real seven-year-old child, being alone is very scary.

This huge palace is full of people, but they are all like shadows, quiet and hidden. Except for what is necessary, they will not say a word of nonsense.

When Xie Jianwei was fourteen years old, Lu Li had dinner with him again.

During the banquet, Lu Li said to Xie Jianwei, "Want to leave?"

Xie Jianwei's hand holding the chopsticks paused.

Lu Li didn't look at him: "Hanqing Palace is boring and uninteresting, you should feel deeply after staying for seven years."

Xie Jianwei pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lu Li said again: "I also taught you the way of cultivation. You are already fourteen years old. If you leave here and go to the foot of the mountain to find a sect to worship, you will definitely have a bright future in the future."

Xie Jianwei put down his chopsticks, and his voice was a little choked: "Is your honor to drive me away?"

Lu Li was silent.

Xie Jianwei got up, took a step back, and bowed.

Lu Li frowned and said, "Get up!"

Thank you for not looking up.

Lu Li got up, his voice condensed: "In the past seven years, can't you see where this is?"

Xie Jianwei still maintains this attitude.

Lu Lidao: "I'm cultivating the magic way, and the Hanqing Palace is a notorious magic palace. Do you really think you can stay in this place?"

Xie Jianwei's forehead touched the ground, and there was a calmness and composure in his voice that did not belong to his age: "I know that to enter the devil's way, you need to cut off your personal relationships, so there is no need to worry. And I have no father or mother, and I am alone, and the honorable person will not accept me. I'm a disciple, so I was born to be a person who cultivates demons!"

Lu Li stared at him: "Are you complaining that I won't be your master?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Jianwei dare not, respect the grace of saving life, Jianwei will never forget!"

Lu Li stared at him for a while, and finally left without saying a word.

This is a full four years.

Xie Jianwei stayed in the Hanqing Palace for four years. He should have been the most curious and lively age, but he never went out even once.

Because he knew very well that Lu Li was waiting for him to leave, and as long as he left Hanqing Palace, he would never want to come back, let alone see him again.

He gave him four years, and Xie Jianwei waited for him for four years.

After the winter, the Hanqing Palace will be covered with snow all day long. It is not that there is a lot of snow, but the climate on this high mountain is gloomy and cold. It is just that the next snow will not melt for the whole winter.

Xie Jianwei lived in the Hanqing Palace, and all the food and clothing were the best, and even after the weather was cold, there was a luxurious cloak to wear.

Xie Jianwei was quite afraid of the cold, but he insisted on walking outside every day for a simple purpose, just to keep fit.

On this day, he stepped on the snow, and the crunching sound was quite interesting. Xie Jianwei walked vigorously and accidentally swayed to the palace gate.

Going out, there is a wider world outside, but Xie Jianwei didn't even have the slightest nostalgia, turned around and went back to the yard.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside: "Why don't you go?"

Xie Jianwei was startled, then turned his head, full of surprise: "Your Highness!"

He was really pleasantly surprised. After so many years of separation, he thought a lot about Lu Li.

Lu Li's face was pale, and his thin lips pursed into a line.

Xie Jianwei saluted him, and couldn't help but say, "You're back... Have you eaten lunch? I'll prepare it right away."

Lu Li suddenly lowered his voice: "Don't move."

Xie Jianwei didn't dare to move, just stood there and looked at him eagerly.

Lu Li didn't look at him anymore, he strode forward and walked past him to the door behind him.

Xie Jianwei smelled the pungent smell of blood when he passed him by.

Lu Li walked straight into the hall door, and when he was about to step in, he stumbled suddenly.

Xie Jianwei hurried over and reached out to support him: "Your Highness!"

Lu Li frowned and shook him away: "Go away."

Xie Jianwei was startled, not because of Lu Li's words, but because of the stickiness of his hands, he just touched him, and his hands were already scarlet.

"Respect you..."

Lu Li walked forward without saying a word, the water stains dripping from the black clothes dyed the marble floor red.

How is this going…

Xie Jianwei couldn't care less, he hurried forward: "I'm going to prepare hot water, you wait a moment!"

Lu Li finally looked at him, the emotions in his dark eyes were complicated and hard to tell, but this time he didn't open his mouth to refuse, just stood there, as stubborn as a pine and cypress soaked in blood.

Xie Jianwei prepared hot water, wound medicine, bandages for dressing, and a change of clothes.

After he did this, a thin layer of sweat had already spread on his forehead, obviously anxious.

He walked towards Lu Li and said, "Your Highness, let's take a shower."

Lu Li took off his clothes. After the black clothes that had hidden everything were untied, the wounds inside were really shocking.

The flesh cracked, the blood flowed like water, and the large and small wounds were almost uncountable!

And it's still a new injury covering an old one. Xie Jianwei couldn't imagine what kind of perseverance Lu Li had to endure such a huge pain.

He was so uncomfortable, and the hands that were helping him were shaking uncontrollably.

Lu Li said: "Okay, put things down, I'll do it myself."

Thank you for being silent.

Lu Li turned to look at him, only one glance and he was stunned.

Xie Jianwei cried silently, tears falling from his eyes, drop by drop, as if with boundless distress and sadness.

Lu Li opened his mouth, his voice hoarse: "Don't cry."

Xie Jian wiped his face indiscriminately, without making a sound, just stared at his wound and treated him carefully.

"Does it hurt?" he asked him.

Lu Li shook his head, he didn't feel pain, but when he saw him crying, he felt distressed.

Sure enough, no matter what, no matter what happened, there was nothing he could do about him.

How can I get out of this curse? Lu Li couldn't see the way forward.

Xie Jianwei rubbed the medicine for him and carefully bandaged him. After doing all this, he said softly, "I'll go get you something to eat."

He got up to leave, but Lu Li grabbed his wrist.

Xie Jianwei turned to look at him.

Lu Li called softly, "Come here."

Xie Jianwei approached him, his brows still a little anxious: "What's the matter? Is there any discomfort?"

Lu Li didn't make a sound, just stared at him like this, from his eyes to his nose to his lips, after watching for a long time, he slowly said, "I have grown up."

Xie Jianwei didn't quite understand.

Lu Li suddenly stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand fell on his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him on the lips all at once.

Xie Jianwei suddenly opened his eyes wide.

However, Lu Li had already invaded his mouth, kissing him with a deep sense of despair and grief.

The author has something to say: Ouch~ Do you smell the sweet and delicious taste of abuse