The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 112: The deepest betrayal (5)


As soon as Lauren opened his mouth, Xie Jianwei knew that this guy was here to "spoiler".

From his words, Xie Jianwei can analyze thousands of things.

But it still needs to be verified, so he is ready to play.

Xie Jianwei pretended not to understand: "Who is it like?"

Lauren shook his head and said, "You better not ask."

Xie Jianwei: "..." Lauren's acting skills are terribly low, with embarrassment written all over his face, Xie Jianwei can't take it anymore.

However, I didn't listen to the spoiler I took the initiative to send up, so Xie Jian Wei held on to look curious: "What do you want to say, sir?"

Lauren looked at Xie Jianwei with complicated eyes, and sighed: "You still don't know."

Thank you Jianwei Xindao, if I really don't ask you, I'm afraid you're going to cry.

Lauren was really afraid that Xie Jianwei would not ask, so he peeked at him several times, and when Xie Jianwei didn't say anything, he deliberately sighed heavily.

Xie Jianwei: "..." Alright, alright, I reluctantly asked for Ake's face.

"If you have something to say, please say it clearly."

Lauren hurriedly said, "I really shouldn't say it, but I just can't stand it anymore."

Xie Jianwei: I really don't want to complain about his poor acting skills.

Lauren asked him earnestly again, "Do you like Lu Li?"

Xie Jianwei was a little embarrassed, but nodded seriously: "I like it."

Lauren sighed, "But he doesn't like you."

Xie Jian was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile: "What are you talking about, sir..."

Lauren finally came out completely bald: "Thirty years ago, Lu Li had a lover, and he loved him to the death, but something happened later, his lover died, and he was depressed for many years."

Compared with Lauren's crappy acting skills, Xie Jianwei is definitely a movie king.

Hearing this, the smile on Xie Jianwei's face became more and more uncomfortable, his black eyes flickered, and he was obviously uneasy: "Zun, Zun has lived for so long, there must be... a period of time."

Lauren said, "You don't want to know about his past?"

Xie Jianwei appropriately made an appearance of escaping and said, "Since it is the past, there is no need to know."

"That's right," Lawrence said, "if it's the past, then I won't mention it."

Xie Jian clenched his fists abruptly, and his voice was tight: "Isn't the past in the past?"

Lauren's only acting skills were sighs, long sighs, short sighs, heavy sighs and light sighs, and now he's sighing: "In just thirty years, how could he forget him?"

Xie Jianwei raised the volume: "Thirty years is a long time!"

Lauren began to sigh again: "For monks, especially high-level monks, decades are just a flick of a finger."

Xie Jianwei pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lauren added: "If he really forgot about him, why... um... why adopt you?"

Xie Jianwei suddenly looked up at him: "What do you mean by sir!" He said this in a very serious tone, obviously out of control and unable to maintain proper etiquette.

Lauren couldn't bear to see him like this, but when he thought about what Xie Jianwei had done in the past, he immediately calmed down and said, "You look exactly like Lu Li's former lover."

Xie Jian opened his eyes slightly, with an incredible look on his face.

Lauren said, "If you don't believe me, I still have a shadow ball here, which contains a piece of Lu Li and his past."

Xie Jianwei's face was pale, and his voice was trembling: "Can I take a look?"

Lauren was heartbroken and threw the shadow ball to the ground.

After the mottled mist dissipated, a slender figure slowly emerged.

He stood with his back to his back, his blue-blue robe floating in the wind, like the thin waves rolled up by the sea, layer upon layer, gentle and beautiful.

At this time, a tall man in black clothes approached, he stretched out his arms around his waist, lowered his eyes and kissed his fair neck. It is tender like the sea, as if to drown people in it.

The black-clothed man kissed his lips, and the blue-clothed man raised his head slightly and responded to him seriously.

In the frost and snow, the two embraced each other sweetly, like people in a painting.

The man in Xuanyi is Lu Li, and the man in Tsingyi is…

The shadow ball disappeared, and the two figures disappeared.

Lauren said: "See, he is really similar to you."

It's too similar, the facial features are exactly the same, but the temperament is different.

Eighteen-year-old Xie Jian was so childish that it was hard to let go, but the men in the shadow ball had experienced the washing of time, and they were as gentle and elegant as polished jade.

Xie Jian whispered softly: "Why is it so similar..."

Loren said: "There are many coincidences in this world, and it is not easy for Lu Li to find you."

Xie Jianwei opened his eyes wide, but his eyes were instantly red: "He... he adopted me on purpose, he... "

Lauren was silent.

Xie Jianwei muttered to himself in despair: "No wonder... I didn't care about it for more than ten years before, and when I was an adult, suddenly he was so kind to me..."

He couldn't go on anymore, the whole person stood still, his heart was seized by fear, like a greenhouse flower exposed in the ice and snow, gradually eroded by the cold.

Lauren looked at him, and his heart twitched: Damn! so poor!

Thinking about it is really cruel.

Now Xie Jianwei doesn't remember anything. He was brought back to Hanqing Palace by Lu Li when he was very young.

But Lu Li didn't dare to get close to him because of the feelings he couldn't let go of. In the ten years that he should be accompanied the most, he grew up alone, finally became an adult, and even got Lu Li's love overnight, which should have been the happiest and sweetest time. In the end, he was told: Lu Li was looking at others through him, and Lu Li regarded him as a substitute for his deceased lover. This feeling...

Lauren put himself in his shoes and thought about it, and felt that he could almost die.

Beaten to death with a stick!

This thing he provoked can be said to be quite vicious! Coupled with his perfect acting skills, he must be a qualified villain!

Lauren, who has been upright all his life, never imagined that he would still be today, and was also very uncomfortable.

"That..." Roren softened his heart and decided to make up for it, "If you don't want to stay in Hanqing Palace, I can take you..."

Xie Jianwei interrupted him: "I'm sorry, Mr. Luo, I want to be alone for a while."

Lauren blamed the guilt: "Okay..."

Lauren walked away, Xie Jianwei stood there alone, almost like an ice sculpture standing on the snow.

Lauren looked at it and felt deeply guilty...

Forget it, Lauren cheered himself up, they couldn't be together anyway, long pain is worse than short pain, that's it!

Xie Jianwei was very dedicated to performing all the scenes that he should have. After the end, he went back to the house to take a hot bath, but because of "too much grief", he still got a cold.

He slept weakly on the bed, his face even paler.

Lauren came to see him. Seeing how sad he was, he couldn't help saying, "It's not too late, you should leave him quickly."

Thank you for being silent.

Luo Lun was heartbroken and continued: "It's impossible for Lu Li to fall in love with you. You don't know how deeply he feels for that person."

Xie Jianwei's face turned pale again, and his lips were trembling slightly.

Luo Lun said: "He was picked up by Lu Li back then... But Lu Li was very kind to him. He took care of him with great care... "

Lauren intermittently restored part of the truth of the past.

A hundred years ago, Lu Li was already a well-known "big devil". It wasn't how many people he killed, but he chose to cultivate demons and entered the Dao, and his talent was excellent. The leader has become the only person in the world who has hope of Mahayana.

This is too much to be feared by people, and at the same time, it is also envied by others.

Lu Li has always been a loner, and no force can win him over. No matter what the background of human society, dissidents will always be excluded. Especially this one who is stronger than everyone.

At that time, there were rumors of Lu Li's "indiscriminate killing of innocents", and Lu Li was too lazy to explain, so they smeared it more and more, and put countless sins that could not find the murderer on Lu Li's head.

Lu Li stayed home in Hanqing Palace for more than ten years, and when he went down the mountain again, he has become the "big devil" everyone shouted at.

This kind of thing can't be explained. In the face of people who came to "crusade" indiscriminately, he rudely drove them away.

A group of "Pride of Heaven" were beaten up like this, and they were even more dissatisfied. They continued to preach that Lu Li was a cruel and violent villain.

It's a pity that no matter how many people come, Lu Li can easily handle it. He never hurt anyone's life, but these guys don't think he is showing mercy. They all feel humiliated and just want to kill the big devil!

Young people want to make a name for themselves, and the old man wants to search for the secrets of the Hanqing Palace.

This day lasted for decades, until one day, Lu Li picked up a young boy.

He only looks like fourteen or five, and it seems that his head is injured. When he wakes up, he is dazed and doesn't remember anything.

Lu Li asked him, "What's your name?"

He frowned and thought about it for a long time, then said, "Thank you... thank you..."

"Thank you?" This name is really strange.

The young man shook his head.

Lu Li asked, "Can't remember the last word?"

The young man nodded.

Lu Li thought about it for a while, and the words "Zhenwei Zhishu" suddenly flashed in his mind. He smiled and said, "Thank you Jianwei."

The boy's eyes lit up suddenly, and then nodded vigorously.

Lu Li asked him, "Is it really Xie Jianwei?"

The young man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, which was actually kind of cute.

Lu Li felt that he and him were probably destined, otherwise, why would he open his mouth and say a name that he couldn't even remember

Lu Li asked him again, "Do you remember anything else?"

The boy shook his head, his beautiful eyes full of disappointment.

Lu Li guided him: "For example, your family, where do you live... If you can think of a shadow, it's fine."

Xie Jianwei could only shake his head, without any impression, his mind was blank, as if life had just started from this moment, and there was nothing but a name.

Seeing the boy frowning and looking confused, Lu Li said again, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you can't remember, I'll show you around."

Lu Li and Xie Jianwei searched outside for a month, but there was no whereabouts at all.

It stands to reason that Xie Jianwei should be a son of an aristocratic family. After all, he has a very solid and stable basic skills in his body, but after asking about Xie Jianwei's family, he is stunned that none of them belong to Xie Jianwei's family.

Either no one was lost at all, or he was lost but no one called Xie Jianwei.

For fear that Xie Jianwei might have misremembered his name, Lu Li took people to see it, but no one had an impression of Xie Jianwei's unforgettable face.

After searching for more than two months, Xie Jianwei said quietly, "I should have no family."

The boy's voice was clear and sweet, because he lowered his head and his eyelashes trembled slightly, making him more vulnerable and pitiful.

Lu centrifugal jumped and suddenly said, "Would you like to go back with me?"

Xie Jianwei was stunned, and then looked at him with a look of surprise: "Can I do it?"

Lu Li said, "There's nothing wrong with that."

Xie Jianwei smiled immediately, a clean smile like the first ray of sunshine in early spring, bright but not scorching: "I will definitely not disturb you!"

Lu Li said, "Don't say that, I'm very happy to have someone to accompany me."

At this time, the Hanqing Palace was really cold and clear.

The huge palace was empty, and in autumn, there were fallen leaves everywhere, leaving the sky full of loneliness.

Xie Jianwei said: "Are you usually alone?"

Lu Lidao: "I don't come back often." This has been made very clear, because it is normal for me to face such an empty place and not want to come back.

Xie Jianwei changed the topic and said, "Hanqing Palace is very beautiful!"

Lu Li explained a few words softly.

This palace was not built by Lu Li, but was given to him by the owner of the place. Many years ago, he helped the old palace master a favor. The old palace master was very grateful, and left the palace to him after he went. took him.

At that time, there were still many attendants, and Lu Li didn't like being taken care of, so they were all dismissed with a lot of money.

Later, he became "notorious", and the Hanqing Palace became a living target. Lu Li took care of the kindness of the old palace master and didn't want to let this place be destroyed, so he went to great lengths to set up a maze, because there was no one living at the bottom of the mountain, so almost no one was there. Know that there is such a palace on this mountain.

Xie Jianwei listened carefully, and after listening, he exclaimed: "You are really amazing."

The expression of the boy's emotions was simple and straightforward, and Lu Li couldn't help feeling warm.

The two settled down in Hanqing Palace just like that.

There are still no outsiders, but there is popularity.

Xie Jian was diligent and capable. After cleaning the inside and outside, the entire palace was completely new.

Especially in Lu Li's dormitory, Xie Jianwei went to great lengths. He changed him a new bed, licked the new mattress, and even changed the curtains and cushions one by one.

He asked Lu Li for his opinion, and Lu Li said, "You can do whatever you want."

But in order to repay his adoption, Xie Jianwei naturally spared no effort to arrange the arrangement. The result is obvious, Lu Li likes it very much, and is really happy.

Xie Jianwei's own residence was much simpler, so Lu Li copied all of his own house, and got an almost identical bedroom.

Xie Jianwei also liked it very much and was very happy.

The two went down the mountain occasionally and spent most of the time in the palace.

Lu Li earnestly instructed him in his cultivation, Xie Jianwei was smart and had a strong understanding ability.

Time passed, and the four spring and autumn passed in a flash.

Xie Jianwei has grown from a young boy to a beautiful young man, but Lu Li still looks like that, looking a little distant and quiet, but after getting acquainted with him, you will know how good and how good a person he is.

It was Xie Jianwei who first fell in love with Lu Li, when he was in love, and he looked at such an excellent person all day long, and this excellent person treated him so well, it was impossible for Xie Jianwei not to sink in.

He was thinking but didn't dare to show it, he was uneasy, and at the same time full of expectations.

Lu Li didn't notice it, and still treated him like before.

But Xie Jianwei felt sweet and tortured.

The sweet thing is that he can stay with his sweetheart all day long, and the torture is that he can't express his thoughts.

After all, he is his master and he is his apprentice.

The two are each other's only, but not the only one he thought.

It was another autumn, and when the leaves were flying, Xie Jianwei suddenly woke up, and he actually lived in the Hanqing Palace for seven years.

Seven years, it seems that only seven days have passed. With the person you like, will time pass so quickly? Xie Jianwei felt sweet in his heart.

The peach wine he and Lu Li brewed together was ready to drink, Xie Jianwei dug it out from under the tree, and was drunk as soon as he opened it.

So fragrant and beautiful!

When I recalled the time when I picked peach to make wine, Xie Jianwei couldn't stop the smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the evening, he poured out the peach blossom and invited Lu Li to taste wine together.

Seeing that he was in high spirits, Lu Li said, "Be careful not to drink too much."

Xie Jianwei said, "What if I drink too much? I'm not a child anymore."

Lu Li smiled and asked him, "Is twenty-one not too young?"

Xie Jianwei said: "You are an adult at the age of eighteen!"

Lu Li chuckled lightly and took a sip of wine, but didn't say much.

Xie Jianwei thought about Lu Li's age, and suddenly became stunned. Compared with him, he was indeed small, too small...

Who would like such a junior? Xie Jianwei felt that his unrequited love was doomed to be fruitless.

Accidentally fell in love, Xie Jianwei was very depressed.

Looking at the jars of peach blossom stuffed, his mind was full of drinking wine to relieve his worries, and he stopped tasting wine and started to fight wine.

Lu Li didn't know what he was angry about. After asking a few questions, he didn't say anything. Lu Li didn't want him to drink too much, but as soon as Xie Jianwei appeared aggrieved, he brought all the wine to his mouth.

After drinking half a jar of wine, the worry really disappeared, Xie Jianwei felt very unwilling!

Why did you fall in love without confessing? Why did he have a crush on him for so long and he didn't know what he lacked

Die to die to understand!

The wine is strong and bold, Xie Jianwei put the cup down and said, "Master, I have something to tell you!"

Lu Li said, "You drink too much. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"No! I'm going to say it now!"

Lu Li said, "If you say it now, you will forget it all the next day."

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't care, I will say it. If you don't let me say it, I will say it."

Hearing this tone, he knew that he was really drunk. Lu Li looked at his blushing cheeks and abruptly looked away: "Speak, I'll listen."

He was a little nervous when he wanted to say Xie Jianwei, and he was also afraid that Lu Li would drive him away after he confessed.

But he couldn't bear it anymore, the young man was impulsive, and now it is stimulated by alcohol...

Xie Jian Wei was heartbroken and said loudly, "I like you!"

He probably hadn't spoken at such a loud volume in more than 20 years. After speaking, Xie Jianwei was stunned, and Lu Li was also stunned.

Xie Jianwei thought to himself that he had already said it anyway, so don't be a coward, you must strike while the iron is hot and continue to confess.

His face seemed to be on fire, but he was full of courage: "It's not that the apprentice admires the master's kind of like, but... but... between men and women... um... that kind of love!"

Lu Li stared at him without blinking, as if he couldn't understand what he said.

Xie Jianwei is already in a state of breaking the boat: "Yes, I love you, Master, I..."

Lu Xin jumped so hard that he could hardly hear what else he said.

After the confession, Xie Jianwei was very nervous. Seeing that Lu Li didn't respond, he felt a little cold, but he was relieved. Anyway, he had said what he had to say.

Xie Jianwei took a deep breath and said, "Well, that's it, I have failed Master's teaching to me, I'm sorry, but..."

Lu Li finally spoke, and he asked with some doubts, "What do you like about me?"

Xie Jian was stunned for a moment, but soon he said, "You are very gentle and strong, and you are... good to me."

Lu Li said, "You should know that I... am a magician."

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't care what they say, all I know is that you who I know are the one worthy of my life to love!"

Lu Li didn't speak for a long time, he didn't know what to say.

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm not drunk. If you think what I said is drunk, then I can say it to you again tomorrow!"

Lu Li finally came to his senses. He looked at Xie Jianwei and said softly, "Okay, rest early."

Xie Jianwei pulled his sleeve and said, "You didn't give me an answer."

Lu Li paused and looked back at him: "Tomorrow."

Xie Jianwei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lu Li said again, "Let's talk when you haven't been drinking."

What does this mean? Xie Jianwei thought about this sentence for a whole night.

The next day he got up early, washed and changed his clothes, and then went to the door to block Lu Li.

Lu Li just opened the door, the two looked at each other under the thin morning light, and both saw faint eye circles under each other's eyes.

Xie Jianwei hadn't slept all night, and Lu Li didn't seem to have slept either.

Xie Jianwei looked at him without blinking.

Lu Li was also looking at him.

Xie Jian took a deep breath and said with a blushing face, "I... I like you, I... I... "

Lu Li pulled him into the room and kissed his lips.

Xie saw that Wei's brain was completely empty at this moment, and he didn't know how to react at all. Lu Li was kissing him, and the person he loved in his heart was kissing him!

Is there anything more exciting than this

Xie Jianwei couldn't think of it, he couldn't even respond to the kiss, he could only accept it passively, because all his strength was used to suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

Lu Li had to let go of him, he whispered in his ear: "Don't you panic?"

For a kiss, Xie Jianwei didn't breathe the whole time.

When he said this, Xie Jianwei immediately blushed and hesitated: "Master, Master..."

"Don't call me Master..." Lu Li kissed him on the forehead, "Call my name."

"Land from."


"I like you."

"Me too."