The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 25


Yan Ke: "Long knowledge!"

Xie Jianwei twitched the corners of his mouth, frowned and continued to look down.

At the bottom of the book there is a long description of blood.

The food of vampires is blood, and the best quality and taste is the blood of human beings, of which the blood is the best.

In the senses of these vampires, blood has a distinct temperature. When it flows in the human body, it is warm blood, and it is cold blood when it leaves the body. The best blood can only be produced at the moment of climax. It is said that the taste is so beautiful that it makes people ecstatic fan.

Therefore, vampires are masters of flirting, and those who taste hot blood are sex and eating at the same time.

Ordinary blood races can live on cold blood and warm blood, but pure blood races can only eat hot blood, and only hot blood can fill their stomachs.

Filling here is filling in the literal sense.

If you don't eat for a long time, you will starve to death!

Of course, so far, no pureblood has ever been heard of starved to death.

After all, the pure blood is powerful, has a very long lifespan, and is not afraid of light. Any one who goes out is a mobile fort, and it can be knocked down by raising a hand. And all the pure-bloods are very good-looking, the men are unparalleled in beauty, and the women are beautiful and moving. Just smile, and there are people who come to court one after another.

With such innate conditions, blood is very easy to obtain, and naturally no one will be stupid enough to starve to death.

But it is possible to starve to death.

If a pure-blooded clan refrains from eating hot blood, something big will definitely happen!

Yan Ke looked at it and exclaimed: "This is forcing you to suck the blood of the marshal!"

Xie Jianwei: It's not about sucking blood, the focus is clearly on how to get the big from the climax.

Although he didn't say it, Yan Ke had already reacted. He shyly said: "Master Marshal is really... amazing." The dream he also wanted to do. Well, first of all he has to have a girlfriend who must be his...

Xie Jian sighed slightly, closed the book and said, "Hurry up and find where this bastard is."

Having said that, these few days are a grand event for the blood clan.

Xie Jianwei's position here is not low, and he is a real authority. It is said that the leader of the blood clan has been sleeping for nearly a hundred years. During this time, Xie Jianwei and Luoren and two other pure blood clans have been in charge of political affairs, so he is a high-level authority. Can't get out.

But not in a hurry, he wasn't hungry anyway.

Xie Jianwei used the fastest time to get acquainted with the situation and basically figured out the background context.

This is a quite interesting dream. A continent is divided into two parts. The left side is the territory of the blood clan, and the right side is the human habitation.

Among the vampires, the pure-bloods are powerful and their life expectancy is close to infinity. Unfortunately, the number of them is not dominant, and they cannot reproduce offspring, and one death is less than one. Ordinary vampires can increase the number by first embracing, but the physique of ordinary vampires is not much stronger than that of humans. The worst thing is that they are afraid of light, and they will be roasted to ashes by Dad Sun if they are not careful.

Although human beings are weaker, there are also many capable people. The most famous vampire hunter once severely damaged the current king of the blood clan. Although the methods are a bit despicable and shameless, the achievements are remarkable, bringing hope and hope to the human beings at that time. The light also made them have the heart to rise up and resist.

Humans multiply rapidly, and have strong adaptability and learning ability, so they can deal with enemies hundreds or thousands of times stronger than themselves on this continent.

Judging from the current situation, vampires are actually slightly weaker.

The battle a hundred years ago put the king of the blood clan into a deep sleep. Although the human vampire hunter also disappeared, in terms of morale, the blood clan was still inferior.

In addition, the four pure-bloods in power have different minds and compete with each other, which has caused a lot of problems within the blood.

After the sky was getting dark, Xie Jianwei dressed up and went out. The night is the world of the blood race, and the feast of the night is the best reward for them.

Although Xie Jianwei was not interested in messing with people, he still had to attend this kind of occasion.

He had just walked out of the room when a pure-blooded man with silver hair and blue eyes walked towards him.

Xie Jianwei recognized him at a glance: "Good evening, Sears."

It was one of the four who were called Sears.

Sears immediately smiled and said, "Good evening, beautiful Wei."

Xie Jianwei smiled casually.

Sears wanted to say something, but at this moment, Lauren suddenly came over. He looked at Sears and said sarcastically, "How many times do you have to be rejected before you can give up?"

Sears put on a very hurt look: "I didn't do anything..."

Lauren unceremoniously exposed him: "I really didn't do anything, just come here from the bedroom ten miles away for a chance encounter?"

When his intention was revealed, Sears was not annoyed. Instead, he looked at Xie Jianwei and pleaded, "Wei, just give me a chance, just once, my blood will definitely satisfy you."

Although human blood tastes the best, pure-blood blood is also the best of the best, and some are even more delicious than human blood.

As a senior pure-blood, Sears is powerful, and his blood must be extremely delicious. He really didn't exaggerate when he said that.

But Xie Jianwei wasn't interested in him, blood sucking itself was quite private, plus sex, um... He was messing around in Lu Li's dream, I don't know if it would make him split into eight in a fit of anger.

Lauren Xianwei rejected Sears: "Have your daydreams!"

After saying this, he gently pushed Xie Jianwei from behind: "Let's go, the banquet is about to start."

Xie Jianwei politely said goodbye to Sears. Sears stayed where he was and was very angry.

Lauren said to him, "Just because you have a good temper, what do you do with that rotten person?"

Xie Jianwei said: "They are all colleagues."

"Hehe, my colleague is a ghost. That kid pretends to be very affectionate and righteous to you, but he is more messed up than anyone else in private. Do you want to know where he went last night?"

Xie Jianwei said: I don't want to know.

However, Lauren's mouth was quick, and he had already said: "Blood Glory Hall!"

It is estimated that this place is known to all blood clans, but there are not many people who have actually been there. Pure blood clans pay attention to their status and disdain to go. Ordinary ordinary blood clans can’t get in if they want to.

Xue Yao Hall, you can tell from the name that this is a place of "blood fighting".

If it's just "fighting", it doesn't matter, anyway, most of the blood clansmen have no morals, and they can come to see if they are pleasing to the eye, but group battles are still relatively shameless.

The purpose of the Blood Glory Hall is that when you enter, you are not allowed to refuse other people's pleas, no matter how many people, no matter how many times, no matter where or how, as long as someone asks, they must accept it.

Someone once described the Hall of Blood Glory: "Here, there is blood everywhere."

Suffice it to say, what a chaotic place this is.

Xie Jian gave Lauren a slanted glance: "How did you know he was there?"

Lauren: "… "

Xie Jian patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, take it easy, your body is important."

Lauren cleared his throat and said calmly: "I'm much stronger than Sears, I haven't confessed to anyone, and I don't plan to make any friends with anyone. Going to the blood is just to satisfy my appetite. Sears? You keep saying that you have to, but when you turn around, anyone can do it, you have to stay away from this rotten person!"

Xie Jianwei nodded and said, "Understood."

Although he agreed very readily, Lauren was obviously quite uneasy and repeated several times.

Xie Jian smiled and said, "If I really believed in Sears, would I need to be hungry for so long?"

Lauren stopped abruptly and looked at him a little uneasily.

Xie Jianwei noticed his strangeness and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lauren hesitated for a moment, and suddenly changed the subject: "When do you think Your Majesty will wake up?"

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't know."

Lauren sighed, looking at Xie Jianwei with worry and distress in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "You, look away."

Xie Jianwei doesn't quite understand it, but he sees it quite openly... I should say, is there anything he doesn't see openly

Lauren suddenly cheered up again. He patted Xie Jianwei on the shoulder and said, "Let's go! I'll find you a beautiful woman today, so that you can fill your stomach!"

Xie Jianwei: "..." I can't fill my stomach today, and his "big beauty" still doesn't know where he is acting as a demon.

At the banquet, there were still many beautiful vampires who came to strike up a conversation, both men and women, all kinds of types, such as the royal sister Lolita, the uncle Zhengtai, the pure and sexy, enchanting and elegant... Only you can't think of anything you can't see.

Xie Jianwei maintained his proper demeanor and refused from the beginning to the end.

At first, Lauren was still beside him to help him pick and choose, but he was fascinated by a young young man, and he didn't know where to go to satisfy his "cravings".

Xie saw that Weile was at ease, and after rejecting a circle of people, he felt that it was almost time to withdraw.

He stayed here for so long, mainly to see if he could meet Lu Li.

Although I'm not sure what Lu Li's identity is, according to the rules, the two are usually involved a little bit, like brother-in-law, bed partner, personal doctor, in short, they have known each other for a long time.

But this time, the marshal is very calm, and he hides all the way. Xie Jianwei was stunned that he didn't find him here in the blood clan.

Xie Jianwei stepped out of the banquet hall in the moonlight, and he ran into a live erotic palace before walking far.

Xie Jianwei was about to take a detour to avoid it, but suddenly heard his name.

A sweet and greasy young voice said: "Have you not tasted the blood of seeing Lord Wei yet?"

Then came the voice of Sears: "How can it be so easy? He is the famous flower of the high mountain of our blood family, and he has a high vision."

The boy's voice flattered: "No matter how high you are, as long as you are serious, sir, you will not be able to catch it."

Sears smiled and said, "Just your sweet mouth."

The young voice said again: "Lord Jian Wei has never tasted your taste. If you taste it, I will definitely obey your words."

Sears laughed: "Like you, pouting your ass and begging me to fuck?"

The boy said angrily, "Sir, you are really bad."

"This is broken? I haven't really started to break." After that, there was a burst of obscenity.

Xie Jianwei shook his head, not interested in listening to the wall, and was about to leave, but suddenly heard Sears snort coldly: "Xie Jianwei is just a waste, pretending to be holy now, he was not played by His Majesty a hundred years ago. "

These words are explosive enough, and the content hidden in them is explosive.

Yan Ke: "Oh, oh, I dropped the call just now, and I didn't hear anything."

Yan Ke: "What bastards, what's playing with what's under the body... I didn't hear it all!"

Xie Jianwei: "Don't you want next month's salary?"

Yan Ke immediately said seriously: "I think this sleeping His Majesty Bacheng is the marshal!"

Xie Jianwei pondered: "It's possible."

If Sears is not talking nonsense, it means that Xie Jianwei has an extraordinary relationship with the king of the blood clan, and Lu Li will never allow Xie Jianwei and others to do this or that, so this person can basically be identified as Lu Li

It's just... Lu Li fell asleep

How to treat falling asleep

Should I wake him up first? So the question is, how can I wake him up? Well, the most important question is, where does the vampire king sleep? He had to first confirm whether it was his Lu Dali.

Xie Jianwei was thinking, and then heard Sears say: "Your Majesty will never wake up, Xie Jianwei is mine sooner or later, as long as I get him, haha, the new king of blood must be me!"

Xie Jianwei: "..." The ambition is not a small scumbag, but unfortunately it can only be a daydream.

It's impossible to talk to Lauren tonight, this guy is estimated to have to "eat" for a night.

Xie Jianwei was not in a hurry at this moment, so he simply returned to his residence and rested early.

The next day, when Xie Jianwei woke up, he felt an astonishing sense of hunger, which was quite terrifying, as if his stomach had been emptied. The huge emptiness made him extremely uncomfortable, and he could only curl up on the bed.

Yan Ke's voice sounded at the right time: "My lord? My lord!"

Xie saw the cold sweat on his forehead, his lips quickly turned white, and the excessive hunger turned into a great pain.

Yan Ke said anxiously, "Would you like to go out first?"

Xie Jianwei said: "It's nothing... nothing."

Yan Ke said: "You have to find the marshal quickly, this will not work!"

Xie Jian was so hungry that he panicked, his head was full of scarlet liquid, and what was even worse was that his body actually reacted in such a painful situation.

This fucking setup!

At this moment, Lauren's voice came from outside: "Awei, are you awake?"

Xie Jianwei couldn't make a sound at all, he could only raise his hand and knock over the vase by the bed.

After hearing this, Lauren asked repeatedly, "What's wrong? Awei?"

No one responded to him, so Lauren broke into the door directly. Seeing Xie Jianwei curled up on the bed, he hurried over and slashed his arm without thinking.

The blood spread throughout the house with an intoxicating aroma. Xie Jianwei swore that he had never eaten such a delicious food in his life.

It's not about satisfying the appetite, it's filling the soul.

The terrifying hunger slowly faded, Xie Jianwei regained his composure, but his stomach was still aching.

Lauren cut his arm directly to bleed, so blood was everywhere, on the bed, on his clothes, and on Xie Jianwei's cheek.

Yan Ke shivered: "Ghost, ghost movie..."

Xie Jianwei: "Promise."

Lauren stopped the bleeding for himself, and handed Xie Jianwei a hot handkerchief.

Xie Jian said softly, "Thank you."

Lauren sighed and said worriedly: "You can't do this, the effect of my warm blood is getting worse and worse."

Thank you for being silent.

Lauren glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Can you stop being so stubborn?"

Xie Jianwei frowned very lightly: "I know it."

"What number do you have?" Lauren was angry and anxious, "Your Majesty has been sleeping for a hundred years, and you have been starving yourself for a hundred years!"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke made a decision: "It seems that the leader of the blood clan is the marshal!"

Lauren felt sorry for his stubbornness and angered him: "How can a pure-blood not drink blood for a hundred years? It's a miracle that you didn't starve to death, you know!"

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't want to drink other people's blood."

Loren said: "I really don't know what you are worried about. Even if His Majesty wakes up, he will not want to see you spoil yourself like this!"

Xie Jianwei thought: If he really drank the blood of other people, it is estimated that Lu Li would blow up this dream and blow himself up...

Lauren was also heartbroken for him: "One hundred years is really enough. I know that you really like Your Majesty, and His Majesty will be very moved when he wakes up."

Xie Jianwei basically understood the truth, so he didn't plan to nag any further: "I see."

Lauren angrily said, "What do you know? Hurry up and find me a drink of blood. If you don't drink it in a month, don't blame my brother for forcing you to give in!"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke put in a little bit: "Fortunately, this Admiral Lauren is fake, otherwise..." His confidant forced his wife Hongxing to leave the wall, and the Marshal will definitely explode into the most beautiful fireworks in the sky.

Well, the fireworks are still green.

Xie Jianwei coaxed Lauren away.

But he knew it, and it seemed that the top priority was to wake up the blood clan leader quickly, otherwise he would either starve to death or cheat, no matter which one was extremely detrimental to personality therapy.

Xie Jianwei went through the information and finally found the sleeping place of the blood clan leader.

He had to go to inspect the goods to save time wasting time.

Xie Jianwei wanted to see the king of the blood clan very easily. In fact, Luoren and his people had been guarding the blood clan leader for hundreds of years.

Among the four people in power of the blood clan at the moment, Xie Jianwei and Luo Lun belonged to the prince's faction and were persistently waiting for His Majesty to wake up and regain power.

Sears and Thorne are the new king faction, they advocate the re-election of new emperors, and open a new era for the blood family.

It's just that Xie Jianwei and Lauren are not fuel-efficient lamps. One of them is good at strategy, the other is good at fighting, and they control enough political power to make Sears and Thorne helpless.

Sears has been pursuing Xie Jianwei since fifty years ago. Of course, he really likes Xie Jianwei, but it's just a political trick.

If he can confuse Xie Jianwei and pull him into his own camp, it will be a sure-win business; even if he can't confuse him, he can use this as an excuse to blatantly hate the sleeping king of blood.

After all, Xie Jianwei loves the king of the blood clan deeply, and he "deeply loves" Xie Jianwei. In the mood of not getting what he wants, it is logical to want to replace him.

Xie Jianwei went to inspect the goods very seriously, but when he arrived at the destination, he... was speechless.

Yan Ke looked at the huge black shadow lying in the crystal coffin in front of him, and the whole person was shocked: "I am so handsome."

Xie Jian twitched the corners of his mouth.

Yan Ke thought about it and said, "Although you don't look like a human when you sleep, maybe you will wake up and be a human?"

Xie Jianwei stared at the crystal coffin without saying a word.

Lying in this coffin is the king of the blood clan, but it is very different from Xie Jianwei's imagination.

The one sleeping inside was not Lu Li "The Great Beauty", but a black fog in the shape of a bat.

That's right, let alone people, not even bats, but a black fog like a bat!

The king of the dignified blood family turned out to be this image, and Xie Jianwei's mood was mixed.

Yan Ke said cautiously: "Can you feel the breath of the Marshal?"

Xie Jianwei said: "This crystal coffin blocks all the breath."

Yan Ke said, "Open it and see?"

Xie Jianwei said: "I didn't read what was written in the book, open the crystal coffin, the blood clan leader will disappear?"

Yan Ke: "..." How can I do this

Xie Jianwei couldn't confirm the identity of the king of the blood clan from his appearance, nor could he confirm from his breath, but from what he learned, this guy should be Lu Li.

I just don't know why he made himself look like this.

Xie Jian sighed and said, "In short, wake him up first."

As long as a person wakes up, he can judge whether it is Lu Li or not.

Yan Ke agreed very much: "It makes sense."

Xie Jianwei went back and began to study how to wake the sleeping bat.

Lauren came to see him a few times, and he just shook his head and sighed when he was busy: "You have worked hard for a hundred years, and you still haven't given up?"

Xie Jianwei said: "In general, try more."

Loren said: "Don't waste time, as long as you wait another hundred years, His Majesty will definitely wake up."

Xie Jianwei said, "I can't wait that long."

Lauren really wanted to beat him up: "You bastard!"

Although he said this, he did not leave, but sat down and studied with him.

Xie Jianwei persisted for a hundred years, but he actually didn't want him to give up in the end.

Although sex is a very common thing for the blood race, let’s take a proper analogy: just like human beings eat, no one will eat only one person’s food every day, and no one will be forever just because this person doesn’t cook. Hungry.

So Xie Jianwei drank the blood of others, His Majesty won't be angry when he wakes up, and their relationship will be very good.

But Xie Jianwei insisted not to drink, and it was a hundred years after insisting, which is really amazing.

Although Lauren always wanted him not to torture himself like this, if Xie Jianwei could wait until His Majesty woke up, he would be sincerely happy.

Xie Jianwei really found some ideas after a few days of research.

"This spell... have I tried it before?"

Lauren glanced at it and said, "I haven't tried it."

Xie Jianwei looked at the principle carefully and said, "I think it's feasible."

After only a few glances, Lauren shook his head and said, "It's too exaggerated. The materials you need are hard to come by in a century."

Xie Jianwei said, "Not necessarily, just look for it."

Lauren thought for a while and said, "I will try my best to help you find it, but I hope you promise me a condition."

Xie Jianwei looked at him: "What?"

Lauren said: "In a month, if Your Majesty can't wake up, you must find blood to drink."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Lauren added: "At most a month, you can't last too long!"

Xie Jianwei knew that he was doing it for his own good, so he could only sigh and say, "Okay, one month."

As a down-to-earth workaholic, Sergeant Xie works so efficiently that anyone who sees him is afraid.

But within two days, he inquired about the whereabouts of an important material.

Lauren said, "I'll go find it for you."

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm with you."

Luo Lun said: "You have less than a month left, hurry up and continue looking for clues!"

Xie Jianwei thought for a while and said, "Okay, feel free to contact me at any time."

Lauren waved his hand and took the people away from the blood clan territory.

It was also good luck. As soon as Lauren left in the afternoon, Xie Jianwei found the whereabouts of another material.

This material will be auctioned in the largest square market of the human race tomorrow morning. There is only one chance. If it is taken away by others, the difficulty of obtaining it will skyrocket.

Lauren has already gone to Ollie Forest, and he will definitely not be able to reach Qin Yafang City for a while.

Xie Jianwei was afraid of missing out, so he decided to go to Fangshi himself, hoping to bid for the materials early tomorrow morning.

In fact, it is very dangerous for him and Lauren to leave the blood clan territory at the same time. After all, Sears has been eyeing there all the time. As soon as the two of them leave, they are afraid that he will cause trouble.

However, Xie Jianwei also made careful arrangements before leaving. He went out for a maximum of two days, and there was no sign of leaving. It is estimated that when he returned, Sears would not be able to find that he was not in the territory.

Xie Jianwei didn't bring too many people because he was in a hurry. Fortunately, vampires liked the night, and traveling at night was much more efficient than during the day.

In addition to the blood tribe's territory, it has to pass through the misty mountain stream. After this natural danger, it is the human tribe's territory.

Xie Jianwei's body is very mysterious, he can use spells and fly, which is super easy.

Because the people who followed were slower, Xie Jianwei temporarily slowed down after entering the Terran territory and waited for them to follow.

This is a jungle. Under the dark night, there is only the sound of leaves swishing. Excessive silence often hides full danger.

But Xie Jianwei doesn't care, it is estimated that in the entire human race territory, he is the most dangerous existence.

He was boredly flipping through the book he was carrying when he heard cluttered footsteps.

It's not his people, it should be human.

Xie Jianwei wanted to avoid it, but suddenly stopped because of a familiar breath.

Yan Ke said, "Hey... Is that the Marshal?"

Xie Jianwei drowned his figure calmly, and a group of people who came straight slowly showed their figures.

They should be a hunter team, and they come to this jungle for a hunting mission.

After all, this jungle is the junction of the territory of the blood race and the human race. From time to time, there are ordinary blood races, and naturally there are also many hunters.

The team didn't seem very cohesive.

A tall, thin man in front said, "Why bring that burden? What use can he be?"

"You think I want to bring it, it's because the eldest sister took a fancy to his face and insisted on letting him earn some glory."

"It's disgusting, you have to be a vampire hunter if you don't have the skills, what a piece of junk!"

"Oh, you can keep your voice down. He heard him when he turned around. Go back and blow the pillow wind. We can't eat and walk around."

The tall and thin man seemed to be really apprehensive, and his voice lowered a little: "I really want to kill him!"

"It's not impossible..." The person in the lead also lowered his voice: "...Anyway, it's dangerous here, an accident or something..."

The tall and thin man looked at him, and they both sneered.

Xie Jianwei listened to the whole process and was quite surprised.

The "cumbersome" in their mouths refers to a Lu Li.

That's right, it must be Lu Li, he looks exactly the same, even his breath is completely correct.

Xie Jianwei can be 100% sure just by looking at it.

Yan Ke said: "Missed? The Marshal is not the king of the blood clan?"

Xie Jianwei didn't answer, only said, "Let's save him first."

This gang of hunters is also really ruthless, slaughtering the same clan without even blinking an eye.

Xie Jianwei shot mercilessly, causing several people to lie on the ground.

This time, Lu Li looks a little weak. Although he still looks handsome, he has lost a lot of weight. His complexion is extremely white, but his eyes are extremely dark, as if the night sky is blocked by dark clouds, and there is no light.

Xie Jianwei was inexplicably distressed. He walked up to him and asked softly, "Would you like to come with me?"

Lu Li looked at him silently.

Xie Jianwei confessed: "As you can see, I am a blood clan."

Lu left his mouth, his voice unexpectedly clear: "I will."

Xie Jian smiled and extended his hand to him.

Lu Li lowered his eyes and stared at his palm for a long time before putting his hand on it.

Xie Jian frowned slightly: "Are you not feeling well?"

Lu Li lowered his head: "Hmm."

Xie Jian said warmly: "It's okay, I'll take care of you when I have time."

Lu Li didn't speak anymore, just walked beside him as if he didn't exist.

Yan Ke said: "Master Marshal has become a little pitiful, so distressed."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke said again: "I thought that the marshal's lord was a domineering blood king, waiting for his lover to wake up from the kiss before continuing the relationship..."

Xie Jian raised his lips slightly: "What's the hurry, there will be."

Yan Ke understood: "Ah, it's me... So naive!"

Xie Jianwei ignored him.

Because he found a Lu Xiaoli, Xie Jianwei directly forgot his subordinates, and took Lu Li into Qin Yafang City early.

The auction will be held tomorrow, so you can have a good rest tonight.

Xie Jianwei reserved two rooms, one for him and Lu Li.

Lu Li has been silent for a while, unbelievably quiet.

Xie Jianwei is not in a hurry. When it comes to falling in love, you have to take it slow.

He asked Lu Li, "Are you hungry?"

Lu Li nodded.

Xie Jianwei ordered a table of dishes: "Eat it, but don't eat too much, be careful to accumulate food."

Lu Li said, "Thank you."

Xie Jian smiled and sat opposite to watch him eat.

It's a pity that he is now a vampire who is on hunger strike. He is so hungry that he can't eat.

He couldn't help but swayed his eyes to Lu Li's neck. Looking at it, he felt his throat was dry and thirsty. He had to hurry up to develop feelings and fill his stomach.

Lu Li seemed to sense his gaze, he raised his head slightly and glanced at him calmly.

Xie Jianwei quickly looked away.

Lu Li ate very little, and it seemed that he only moved a few chopsticks in a table.

Xie Jianwei asked him, "Are you full?"

Lu Li said, "Yeah."

Xie Jianwei said, "Then go to rest early."

Lu Li nodded and followed him upstairs. When he was about to enter the house, Lu Li suddenly said, "Do you want to suck blood?"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke: "Aiya Mom, the Marshal is really sensible."

Xie Jianwei felt that this development was not very good, and it should be done gradually, so he said, "Go to bed early."

Lu Li looked at him and stopped for a moment.

Xie Jianwei said, "Good night."

I slept well all night, but unfortunately, Xie Jianwei was so uncomfortable when the day dawned.

The stomach tightened rapidly, and the terrifying hunger struck again. In fact, Xie Jianwei was better than the last time. After all, it was the first time last time, and the tolerance was weaker.

This time he was still able to move.

Yan Ke said repeatedly: "I'll cut off the connection now, Lord, hurry up and find the Marshal Lord!"

Xie Jianwei wanted to fall in love first and then have sex, but looking at this setting, it is estimated that it will not last until then.

Forget it, it's important to fill your stomach.

Xie Jianwei went to the next door, and almost the moment he came in, Lu Li stood up.

Xie Jian saw a thin perspiration on his forehead, his lips were abnormally red, and his already delicate appearance was now a little more gorgeous.

Lu Li stared at him without blinking, and Xie Jianwei had already approached him, half-kneeling in front of him, unbuttoning his belt with trembling fingers.

Lu Li lowered his head and looked at this unimaginably beautiful blood clan holding him there.

Xie Jianwei was a little impatient, he wanted to drink some blood quickly, and he knew Lu Li very well, so this is the fastest way to disarm him.

Xie Junshi tried very hard to say that in the past, classmate Dali, who would stand upright as long as he kissed him in the past, did not move at this moment!

Xie Jian didn't believe in evil, and after working for a long time, he felt a little stunned in his heart.

Lu Li's voice sounded slowly: "I'm sorry."

Xie Jianwei looked up at him: "You..."

Absolutely did not expect, ah, Absolutely did not expect, Lu·Beast·Not enough·Li turned out to be a cold personality? ?

The author has something to say: Lu Dali: I will stand up only after being hit like this and then again and again.