The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 26


Xie Jianwei's mood at this time is really indescribable.

Not only is he hungry, he wants it.

Probably the body of the blood race is different from that of human beings. Appetite and sexual desire form a series, and one screams and the other is restless.

He was so hungry that he couldn't walk, but the place was still hard and hot.

Xie Jianwei is not a person with strong sexual desire, especially after he has a particularly strong lover, he has no chance to be strong.

Because it is generally in a fully loaded state, it is rarely so eager.

In the first dream, although I had encountered it before, Lu Dali was quite reliable at that time, and he started to engage in seduction, and he could be as cool as he wanted.

How is it now? After a long time, there is no response!

Xie Jianwei also agreed, but when he got up and looked at Lu Xiaoli with slightly drooping eyes, he was so distressed that he twitched again.

I can't blame him, but I can't blame him, who made him sick...

It is estimated that Lu Li felt a lot in his heart at this moment. After all, a man is not willing to let others know that he has erectile dysfunction.

Xie Jian took a deep breath and said softly, "Offended."

Lu Li clearly understands the rules of vampires: "Although I can't give you warm blood, but warm blood..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Jianwei had already bit his neck.

The teeth easily pierced the skin, and the blood hidden inside burst out in an instant, and the amazing sweet aroma instantly occupied the taste buds. The unimaginable taste and taste made Xie Jianwei's brain almost show a void of nothingness.

He sucked it greedily, like a traveler who had seen nectar for a long time. After drying up the entire desert, he finally saw the oasis. He couldn't control it, and his mind and body were occupied by this moment of joy.

The blood poured into the body, which relieved the emptiness in the stomach, but made the body more and more hot.

Lu Li didn't feel the pain. Vampires' teeth contained natural intoxicants. After they pierced into human skin, they would spread rapidly, spreading over all nerves and bringing an indescribable ecstasy.

It is clear that his most important blood is being lost, that death is beckoning to him, and that it is a beautiful devil who is holding him tightly, but he can't bear the slightest thought of rejection.

Compared with humans, this sinful vampire is not so annoying.

At least he was direct - asking for direct, greedy is direct.

Lu Li's eyes stared straight ahead. He couldn't see Xie Jianwei, but he could smell his breath. This smell was very special, with a hint of coolness, but it also spread a little sweetness. into the heart.

The blood clan that was clinging to him trembled slightly, as if enjoying the extreme, and there was an undisguised desire in that sucking.

Lu Li felt his body's reaction, and he didn't fluctuate, but he felt like he was holding him there.

After a few light touches, the extremely sensitive body of the blood clan trembled uncontrollably, and actually shot him like this.

Satisfying appetite and sexual desire at the same time made Xie Jianwei feel like fireworks exploded in front of Xie Jianwei's eyes. It took him a long time to calm down his fast beating heart.

At this time, Lu Li had already lost a lot of blood.

Xie Jian took a breath and said quickly, "Are you okay?"

Lu Li said, "It's fine."

Xie Jianwei looked down at the sticky patch on his trousers, and said with a reddish face, "Sorry, I lost my way."

Lu Li didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Xie Jianwei went to tidy up first, then came back and said, "I'll go get you something to eat."

Lu Li said, "Yeah."

Xie Jian went to order a blood-boosting and qi-boosting porridge, and ordered a lot of side dishes, and of course the most important dessert was not lacking.

Lu Li was alone, and the food he ordered was estimated to be enough for seven or eight people.

Lu Li paused and said, "No need for so much."

After Xie Jianwei ordered, he felt that he was exaggerating, but after all the gifts were delivered, he said, "I don't know what you like to eat. You can choose a few you like, and I will let them take the rest."

Lu Li said, "I can do anything."

Xie Jianwei decided to make his own decisions and chose the one that suits his taste. Anyway, he knew very well what Lu Li likes to eat.

After eating some desserts, Lu Li's complexion looked much better.

Xie Jian breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm going out in a while, you come with me."

Lu Li obediently came down.

Qin Yafang City is quite lively, especially the density of human beings themselves. When they gather together, Wu Yafang is full of people, and it is too lively.

This is the first time Xie Jianwei has seen this crowd of people.

There are also many human beings in the interstellar era, and it is estimated that there are dozens of times more than the earth era. However, after the opening of alien galaxies, human beings began to emigrate in large numbers, and the rapid development of habitable planets has reduced the population density to an unimaginable value.

According to a recent census, there are still many habitable stars that dominate.

What is dominance? To put it simply, there is only one family, one family or even one person on a planet (the rest are all intelligent robots).

So Xie Jianwei really felt fresh when he saw the hustle and bustle in front of him, and he really liked this atmosphere.

In an era of low population density, it is difficult to experience such crowded liveliness.

Humans are gregarious creatures, and living in greater numbers will certainly affect the quality of life, but it will also enhance the spiritual satisfaction of human beings.

Xie Junshi accidentally thought about an "Adaptability Report on Human Mental State and Living Environment".

Just at this moment, Yan Ke slipped back again: "Sir, how was the result last night?"

It really is a pot not to open and mention, Xie Jianwei smiled and said: "Only you can't think that it can't be done without your marshal."

Yan Ke blinked: "What did the marshal do? Isn't he a human? He's some kind of tentacled... oops, too shy."

Xie Jianwei: "..." What are you thinking about, Doctor Yan!

Yan Ke hurriedly asked again, "Did you drink your blood?"

Xie Jianwei was expressionless: "No."

Yan Ke exclaimed: "Sir, you are too bad, why don't you try your best to drink your blood?"

It's not him at all!

Xie Jianwei explained Lu Li's question.

Yan Ke was stunned: "ruthless... Lord Marshal is really ruthless."

Thank you for being speechless.

Yan Ke said inexplicably excited: "Sir, it's time to test your charm. Hurry up and treat the marshal. Erectile dysfunction can be treated by mental stimulation. You can try Uniform Temptation, XX Prey, and XXX Prey, If it doesn't work, come to XXXX Prey."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke covered his face and said, "It's too embarrassing, I'll withdraw first!"

Xie Jianwei was moved, and suddenly asked him, "Your brother is still writing novels?"

Yan Ke said: "Of course, he is very productive. Last time, the Marshal also praised him for his diligence and hard work. When my brother was excited, he gave him a set of books."

Xie Jianwei felt that he had found the source of Lu Li's bloody brain hole...

It's just that Yan Ke's younger brother loves the federation era deeply, and most of the little yellow books he wrote are from that time.

Xie Jianwei didn't think much about it, because the group of them had already entered the auction.

After all, it is a fairly large-scale auction, so the clearance is very thorough. The buyers participating in the auction are all in the private room on the second floor, which is quite exquisitely decorated, not only with tea and fresh fruits, but also a bunch of people waiting on it.

Xie Jianwei couldn't get used to the smell of fat powder on the woman behind, and waved her hand to let them all go out.

He looked at Lu Li and said, "There will be an auction in a while, if you want anything, just say it."

Lu Li lowered his eyebrows and said, "I don't want anything."

Xie Jianwei accidentally became an overbearing president again: "It's a compensation for that morning."

Lu Li's eyes flashed very quickly, but he still said softly, "No need."

Xie Jianwei didn't say more, just poured him a cup of hot tea with his own hands, and picked out a few desserts he liked and put them in front of him.

Lu Li didn't move, he looked at the small and exquisite food on the plate in front of him, thoughtfully.

Xie Jianwei is not afraid that he suspects that he knows too much, and just said: "I don't know what you like to eat, but these look delicious, so I picked them for you."

Hearing his words, Lu Li's expression became slightly relieved: "It's delicious."

Xie Jian smiled and said, "You eat more, and I can follow along to taste it later."

What he meant by this, Lu Li didn't care, just stared at these high-sweet things.

People with anemia have an almost paranoid love for sugar. He didn't like sweets before, but now he has to eat them.

The auction started, and the material Xie Jianwei really wanted was the finale, so he would take it out later.

And the things that appeared in the front are quite good. Xie Jian has a lot of money and wealth. If he looks good, he will let people bid, and after a while, he will shoot a lot of things.

Lu Li really doesn't want anything, as if spending a fortune outside doesn't exist for him. He doesn't want those gorgeous and powerful weapons, and he doesn't want those secrets that can make him extremely powerful, even for the most likely The panacea that changed his body was also blinded.

Xie Jian frowned slightly, feeling that his erectile dysfunction had something to do with his mentality of not caring about anything.

He didn't want it, but Xie Jianwei still took a lot of pictures for him. He piled them up in front of Lu Li, and Lu Li just said calmly, "Thank you."

Xie Jian looked at him with his cheeks raised: "Just smile."

Lu Li looked up at him.

Xie Jianwei looked into his eyes and said warmly, "Aren't you happy to give you gifts?"

Lu Li quickly lowered his eyes again, and said in a low voice, "Happy."

"Then smile."

Land from:"… "

Xie Jianwei didn't embarrass him: "Okay, I'm just kidding you."

Lu Li perfectly explained what "the ancient well has no waves".

The penultimate auction item was a good item, and as soon as the host took it out, there was a commotion in the private rooms next door.

"Returning Yang Dan!"

"This kind of good thing was also put up for auction?"

"Take it, it must be taken."

Lu Li has been calmly looking up at the auction table.

Xie Jianwei was keenly aware of it, and he asked him, "Want?"

Lu Li quickly retracted his gaze.

Xie Jianwei thought for a while, then asked with a smile, "Could it be that Yang Dan can heal your body?"

Lu Li said, "Not sure."

Xie Jianwei came in with interest: "That means it's possible?"

Lu Li nodded and replied, "Yeah."

Xie Jianwei Xin said: Then we must get it, whether the problem of food and clothing in the future can be solved in one fell swoop!

The host is introducing this Huanyang Pill. Of course, this is not a special pill for erectile dysfunction. In fact, it is a fairly comprehensive magic pill. The word "Huanyang" almost has the meaning of resurrection in the human world.

It is rumored that Huanyang Dan can cure all diseases, and even people who are seriously injured and die can be completely cured.

There are even more rumors that healthy people who take Huanyang Dan can prolong their life.

There are even exaggerated people who say that if a middle-aged woman eats this Yang Dan, her beauty will be restored.

Although the rumors are a bit exaggerated, it is indeed very useful, and this is the biggest and most true allusion of Yang Dan - it was created by the hero a hundred years ago, and the hunter took it. It can seriously injure the king of the blood clan, force him to sleep, and make the clan a complete victory.

After the hunter disappeared (the human race basically believed that he was dead), the production method of Huanyang Pill was completely lost, and the few remaining pieces became rare treasures.

The starting price of Huanyang Dan is 100 million beads.

After that, some people increased the price one after another, and after a few minutes, they raised 300 million beads.

Such a high number made many people voluntarily abstain from voting, and there were only a woman in the fourth private room and a man in the eighth room.

The lady in the fourth room seems to be bound to win. She lifted the 500 million beads in one breath, and the eighth room can only choose to give up.

Just when everyone thought that this Huanyang Pill would belong to the No. 4 private room, Xie Jianwei finally made a bid.

"Six hundred million beads."

There were exclamations from the entire second floor.

The woman in the fourth private room said, "610 million."

Xie Jianwei here: "700 million beads."

No. 4 Yajian gritted his teeth and said, "710 million."

Xie Jianwei here: "One billion beads."

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue fell silent.

Lu Li looked up at him and said, "It's not worth it."

Xie Jianwei smiled at him: "It's rare to have what you want."

Land from:"… "

Yan Ke screamed with a trembling voice: "Oh, sir, you are sore."

Xie Jianwei: "..." It doesn't feel like a compliment.

Yan Ke blinked, and suddenly remembered a rumor in reality: "That... The heart of the universe in the Shaoping Galaxy six years ago was not taken away by you, right?"

Xie Jianwei said, "It's me."

Yan Ke took a deep breath: "Give it to the Marshal?"

Xie Jianwei: "Well."

Yan Ke gasped in shock: "You... You are really... Really... "

Xie Jianwei said, "It's rare that he likes it."

Yan Ke felt that he couldn't breathe anymore, his mouth was full of dog food, there was no room for him to breathe!

The original auction also caused a huge sensation. The Heart of the Universe is a very magnificent gem, but it is only a gem and has no practical value, but it was auctioned with enough money to buy several A-level livable stars. down.

Because it is anonymous, no one knows who this stupid and rich Shenhao is for six years.

Who would have thought that it was actually Xie Junshi

Calm and wise IQ of 280, Xie Junshi, who has never been associated with stupid characters in this life!

Yan Ke couldn't help but think of a sentence - love loses IQ.

The host personally sent Huanyang Dan over, and Xie Jianwei directly gave the box to Lu Li.

Lu Li looked at it and said softly, "It may not be effective."

Xie Jianwei said: "Try it."

Lu Li shook his head: "It's still not necessary."

Xie Jian smiled and said, "It's okay, it's the best if it's effective, and if it doesn't work, it won't hurt anyone anyway."

Lu Li looked up at him without blinking.

Xie Jianwei's eyes are full of encouragement.

Lu Li paused, and finally accepted the pill.

The finale of the auction has begun, and the material that Xie Jianwei wants is also an existence that everyone is flocking to.

This is a real good thing. Unlike the Huanyang Pill, it is just various legends. It may not have much effect if you actually take it.

Buying Huanyang Dan is more of a feeling, cherishing the memory of the hero of the world, or the woman who loves to dream, thinking that she can stay young forever.

But now the materials on the stage are really top-quality, rare in a thousand years, and must be fought in this world.

The starting price of the material is one billion beads.

According to common sense, 2 billion is enough to take the picture, but the lady in the No. 4 private room who wanted to return Yang Dan was brooding because she was robbed by Xie Jianwei, and she started to raise the price maliciously.

Xie Jianwei was not bad at all, so he directly mentioned 5 billion.

The woman still wanted to increase the price, but sadly, the asset appraiser's upper limit on her assessment was 3 billion, and she was not even qualified to continue raising the price.

Xie Jianwei returned with a full reward, except for the materials, he gave Lu Li everything else.

Lu Li wanted to say no.

Xie Jianwei said: "Keep it, I can't use it anymore."

Land from:"… "

After getting what he wanted, Xie Jianwei prepared to return to the blood clan territory. He didn't ask Lu Li's wishes and took him away.

When Lu Li walked through the misty mountain stream, he didn't even hesitate. He didn't seem to care what the mountain stream represented, and he didn't care about the fact that he would enter the blood clan base camp as long as he crossed the mountain stream.

He is a human being, if Xie Jianwei can't provide his blood, Xie Jianwei can't even embrace him for the first time.

If he can't complete the first embrace, he can only be a human being.

A human being, entering the territory of the blood clan is tantamount to a newly born bunny jumping into an eagle's nest.

Back at his palace, Xie Jianwei said, "Would you like to try that medicine pill?"

Lu Li said, "Okay."

Xie Jianwei watched him take it, he really hoped that this thing would be useful, he was not afraid of abstinence, and he was too sad when he was hungry.

Originally, he became a blood family and was insulated from a lot of delicious food, but now he has to starve, so sad

Xie Jianwei tried his best to keep himself a little more reserved, but his eyes still couldn't help but look forward to it.

Lu Li was sensitive enough to notice that his hand holding the medicinal pill paused.

"If it doesn't work, you..."

Xie Jianwei said: "Don't have a psychological burden, it's okay if it's useless."

Lu Li's thin lips pursed tightly, and suddenly asked, "Why me?"

Xie Jianweizheng was full of heart and lungs with such a big thing as "Eat, eat, eat quickly, I'll be delicious after eating", he was stunned when he heard the question.

However, Lu Li didn't seem to want his answer. He took the medicine pill under the hot water.

Xie Jianwei didn't care about answering his last question, so he hurriedly asked, "How do you feel?"

Lu Li said: "There is a heat flow in the body."

Xie Jianwei's eyes lit up: "Does it work?"

Lu Li looked at his pale lips and whispered, "I don't know."

Xie Jianwei's eyes fell directly under him.

Lu Li's Adam's apple surged: "I'll try it."

Xie Jianwei said, "I'll come." He then knelt down in front of him again.

Lu Li looked down at him from top to bottom, his eyes became extremely deep.

He likes this picture, even if he can't get an erection, he will be excited by this scene, such a beautiful man, such a powerful blood clan, such a high soul, kneeling in front of him with such a posture.

Holy and promiscuous.

His heart was beating fast and hard, and Lu Li felt an indescribable feeling, as if he had blasphemed God. He was restless but satisfied, and a morbid pleasure was born in the extreme contradiction.

Xie Jianwei worked hard for a long time, then raised his head pitifully and asked, "Don't you feel it?" Da Li was still soft.

Lu Li's voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry."

Xie Jian sighed slightly, got up and said, "Don't apologize, it's not your fault."

Xie Jianwei was quite disappointed that Huanyang Pill could not make Da Li return to Yang, but the billion beads were not in vain. At least this pill was very useful for recuperating the body.

Lu Li's body seems to be congenitally deficient and suffers from stubborn diseases. After washing with this medicine pill, it has improved a lot.

Xie Jianwei gave him a pulse and said, "It's better to take care of your body first and take your time."

Lu Li replied, "Okay."

Xie Jianwei thought about it again and said, "But this kind of problem is not necessarily all physical, it may also be mental, that..." He paused, his eyes flickered, "Do you mind if I help you with one every day? Do it?"

Lu Li's fingers that were hanging on his side suddenly curled up.

Xie Jianwei looked at him with a reddish face.

Lu Li stood up straight, his voice slightly hoarse: "Okay."

Xie Jian smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will be fine to work hard together."

Although Lu Li was found, Xie Jianwei was still trying to wake up the blood clan leader.

He vaguely felt that the leader of the blood clan should also be Lu Li. Although he was allowed to sleep peacefully, he couldn't sleep all the time.

It's hard to say who is the master of this dream, he can only treat one personality at a time, and he must determine who is the master.

And sleeping like a bat is obviously impossible to judge... so he has to get up.

But don't worry too much, he can seize the opportunity to quickly test whether the Lu Li in front of him is the owner of the dream.

If it is, then the blood race lord can sleep directly to the next dream.

Coincidentally, the materials needed for awakening have also encountered a bottleneck, and the remaining three have no clues, and there is no trace of the whole continent.

Xie Jian Wei simply put it down first and focused on helping Lu Li heal.

Although he couldn't drink the warm blood, he would wake up hungry every morning, but fortunately, with Lu Li there, drinking some of his warm blood could temporarily suppress the hunger.

It's just that I don't know how long it can be suppressed. It's impossible not to drink blood for a long time.

Yan Ke asked curiously, "Sir, can you drink other people's blood?"

Xie Jianwei: "Huh?"

Yan Ke said: "Although hot blood comes only after orgasm, you don't necessarily have to let her orgasm. You can drink hot blood directly after she gets caught by someone else."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke didn't read the book that recorded blood before, so he blinked and asked, "What? Can't you?"

Xie Jianwei gave him an analogy: "Can you accept that someone spit on the cake you were eating?"

Yan Ke: "…"

Xie Jianwei said: "The blood clan is still very territorial, although they are promiscuous, and few people know the word love, but they are extremely protective of food, not to mention eating warm blood, every time I drink Lu Li's warm blood Some people can't control themselves."

Yan Ke understood.

Xie Jianwei said: "Blood and sex are inseparable, if I eat someone's blood, even if this blood is not created by me, I will have a relationship with him uncontrollably, this has nothing to do with spirit, it is physical Hormone secretion, understand?"

Yan Ke completely understood.

Xie Jianwei and Lu Li spent a few days in the palace "without shame and impatience".

In fact, they chatted chastely, read books chastely, and did things that should be impure chastely.

I really didn't get anything done without being ashamed or impetuous.

But the news that Xie Jianwei brought back a human race has spread throughout the entire blood race territory, and he has stayed at home for three whole days, and the rumors outside are hard to listen to.

After all, most people know that Xie Jianwei has fasted for a hundred years, and now that he finally breaks his precept, it is really understandable that he will not be able to leave the house.

Two days later, Admiral Lauren, who went out to find materials, returned with a full load.

He was very happy when he heard about Xie Jianwei, this stuffy gourd was finally enlightened! Although he is a human, it is okay, just turn him into a vampire. The most important thing is that Xie Jianwei has finally come out and is no longer obsessed with "keeping chastity" for His Majesty, which is really gratifying.

His best friend finally got rid of the shameful death method of starvation. Admiral Lauren was so happy that he wanted to put on a feast. It is best to have a carnival for three days and three nights!

Lauren came back beaming, settled down for a while, and then came to see Xie Jianwei.

Others arrived before they could say anything: "You kid finally figured it out!"

Xie Jianwei was playing chess with Lu Li, he put down his pieces and said, "Wait for me."

Lu Li complied.

Xie Jianwei got up and went out of the house. He hugged Lauren and asked, "Is everything going well?"

Luo Lun said: "You can rest assured that I will do things, I have things in hand."

Xie Jianwei said, "That's fine."

Lauren was extremely curious: "What about that human?"

Xie Jianwei said, "In the house."

Lauren was about to push the door and enter, but Xie Jianwei stopped him: "What are you doing?"

Lauren said: "Don't worry, I won't touch the careful liver you finally found."

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay, don't scare him."

Lauren said: "So timid? Then he will have to get used to it. After drinking your blood, he must be an S-rank blood family. There will be many people who adore him by then."

Xie Jian frowned slightly, and was about to say something, but Roren, a mighty guy, had already pushed in the door.

Lu Li got up in response. At first, Luo Lun didn't see his face clearly because he was against the light. He only thought that he was thin and tall. He thought that Xie Jianwei's taste changed quickly.

As a result, after approaching, he suddenly saw Lu Li's face clearly.

Xie Jianwei saw that the two had already met, so he had to introduce: "This is Lu Li."

Then he introduced to Lu Li, "This is Lauren, my friend."

Lu Li politely greeted Lauren, but Lauren was shocked and turned himself into a stone statue.

Xie Jianwei had a vague idea in his heart, he poked Lauren: "What are you thinking?"

Lauren came back to his senses, but he stammered when he opened his mouth: "This... this... you... you..."

Xie Jianwei looked at him: "Speak human words."

Luo Lun sighed suddenly, and looked at Xie Jianwei with helpless eyes: "You are really... hey, it's so fucking hard for you, to be able to find such a person, Lu Li Lu Li, this name... Hey!"

He sighed, Lu Li couldn't understand what he was saying.

Lauren said to Xie Jianwei, "It's up to you, as long as you don't starve to death."

Xie Jianwei didn't answer.

Lauren added: "There will be a council in a while that you have to attend."

Xie Jianwei said, "I know, I'll go there later."

Luo Lun couldn't help looking at Lu Li again, and then at Xie Jianwei, his eyes swung around, he finally sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go first."

Xie Jianwei said: "See you at the meeting later."

Lauren responded and turned to leave.

Lauren's behavior was so weird that Lu Li couldn't even notice it, so he looked at Xie Jianwei with a little doubt.

Xie Jianwei's mood was also complicated. He basically guessed what was going on, but what could he do? He can only follow the script.

Xie Jianwei changed the subject and said, "Did it come to me just now?" He was talking about the chess played by the two of them.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lu Li didn't ask, but his eyes darkened when he lowered his eyes, he said softly, "Don't accompany me, you have something to do."

Xie Jianwei said: "No hurry, finish this plate."

Lu Li stopped talking, just sat in front of the chessboard, staring at the chess game seriously.

Xie Jianwei lost chess cleverly: "You learn so fast, you can beat me in a few days."

Lu Li said, "It's okay."

Xie Jianwei got up and said, "I have something to do, so don't walk around, don't leave this room, you know?"

Lu Li said, "I won't go out."

Xie Jianwei smiled at him: "Don't be afraid, no one will bully you with me."

Lu Li twitched the corners of his mouth.

Xie Jianwei finally came out of "Gentle Township", and his subordinates couldn't help but peek at him. Obviously, they were very curious and wanted to know what kind of "big beauty" actually fascinated their Count like this.

Along the way, I met many pure-bloods, and Xie Jianwei was familiar with him and teased him: "Have you finally met the person you like?"

Xie Jianwei smiled noncommittally.

Sears finally caught him and started to cry after following him: "Wei, do you really want me? How can a human be compared to our purebloods, you..."

"Shut up." Xie Jianwei interrupted his unfinished words.

Sears didn't give up and wanted to pretend to be pitiful, but Xie Jian raised his eyebrows slightly and said coldly, "My people, as long as I feel good."

Xie Jianwei rarely gets angry, but this kind of seldom angry person is quite terrifying.

Sears is still very aware of the sense of proportion. He didn't want to get into a quarrel with Xie Jianwei, so he said, "Don't be angry, I'll just talk about it... talk about it casually."

This is a regular meeting of pure-bloods, nothing more than to report the number of pure-bloods, talk about the possibility of reproduction, and then criticize the high rate of loss of control and the disaster caused by the F-class ordinary blood, and then analyze the current situation of mankind, Whether the conversion rate of first-time owners should be improved and so on, these "people's livelihood" issues.

The meeting dragged on for an afternoon, and when Xie Jianwei left, it was already darkening.

Night is the time for the blood clan. In the past, Lauren would start carnival at night, but today he was following Xie Jianwei and was very worried.

Xie Jianwei said: "If you have anything, just say it."

Loren said, "How did you find... that Lu Li?"

Xie Jianwei said, "It happened by accident."

Lauren said: "How can you be so like Your Majesty?"

Xie Jian Wei Xindao, it really is. But the face is still very calm: "I am also surprised."

Lauren lightly sighed and said, "But you don't have to worry. It shouldn't be someone who deliberately set up the situation. After all, few people have seen His Majesty's appearance."

Xie Jianwei really didn't know about this, but he had to pretend to know: "I think so too."

Lauren patted him on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter, you feel good about it. If you like it, you can quickly turn him into your own, and you can feel at ease."

Xie Jian hesitated for a while.

Lauren said again: "Since you have regained your strength, next month I plan to..." He suddenly stopped abruptly.

Thank you for not moving.

As soon as Lauren grabbed his hand, after trying it, he was stunned: "Why haven't you recovered yet? Haven't you drunk blood yet?"

Xie Jianwei looked at him and said, "No."

"Why don't you drink it? Then Lu Li still can't satisfy you?"

Xie Jianwei had to tell the truth: "He has erectile dysfunction."

Lauren: "… "

Xie Jianwei said: "But don't be in a hurry, take good care of it, and cooperate with the treatment, I believe it will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, Lauren broke out: "Xie Jianwei, are you crazy?"

Xie Jianwei was stunned by his roar.

Lauren pressed his shoulders, wishing he could wake him up: "Are you awake? You have fasted for His Majesty for a hundred years, do you still want to continue fasting for a human who looks like him? !"

"Can you stop being stupid? You are a blood clan, and you will die if you continue to toss like this!"