The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 32


The king of the blood race has always been the most special existence.

No one knew when he was born, no one knew where he came from, no one even knew what their king looked like and what his name was.

It seems that after the birth of the blood race, he sat on the throne and watched the endless generation change.

One of the characteristics of a vampire is immortality, but immortality requires a price. It is necessary to constantly suck blood and suck the blood of others, so as to maintain youth, maintain strength, and maintain life.

But their king was an exception, a unique being.

No one has ever seen him eat, he does not need blood to preserve infinite power and eternal life.

He seems to be above everything, different from any kind of blood, and some would even say that their king is a being close to God.

But such a blood clan lord hugged a human one day, and even let him suck his blood.

No one knows what His Majesty's blood tastes like, and no one has even tasted cold blood, let alone warm blood.

But now there is a surprise.

And this human being given a new life by His Majesty possesses unimaginable power.

He was supposed to be a weak ordinary blood race, but at this moment he was stronger than pure blood nobles.

Why is this happening? Because he drank the blood of the royal family.

At first, the blood clan envied Xie Jianwei, and envied this lucky man who was favored by His Majesty.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to it. Since His Majesty has given Xie Jianwei warm blood, will they also have a chance to receive the gift? Is it possible for them to gain great power as well

At a banquet, someone plucked up the courage to walk up and said loudly with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, can I spend tonight with you?"

This is a very beautiful young man of blood. He has dazzling blond hair, skin that can be broken by blows, and a proud appearance that both men and women envy. The expression on his face when he says this can make countless people heart beat. Such a beauty, brave and active, enthusiastic and unrestrained, who would be willing to refuse

Just as someone was whistling coaxingly, their king whispered, "Sorry."

Two simple words are the most straightforward rejection.

The youth of the blood clan was a little embarrassed and wanted to plead for a few more words, but the leader wearing the silver mask only glanced at him lightly, and the young man instantly restrained all his thoughts and saluted respectfully, daring not to make any mistakes.

After that, many vampires were rejected. Although they were very sorry, they didn't think much about it.

It just so happened that there was a small interlude at this time.

Xie Jianwei also attended this banquet. Although he is not a pure blood family, he is famous. After all, his birth is so special.

In particular, he is very good-looking, not only because of the beauty of his body and facial features, but also because of his exquisite temperament.

It seems that a glance at him will arouse a strong desire to conquer.

Want to possess him, want to get him, want to tear the pride in his bones.

But he is really strong. Strong enough to make people dare not challenge.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as their king, and their victorious general, the Earl of Rollan.

Luo Lun was originally a big radish, and he couldn't pull his legs when he saw a beautiful woman, especially such a strong and beautiful one. He was very interested in Xie Jianwei, and when he saw him alone, he leaned over and said, "I have planted a patch in my back garden. Rose, are you interested in having a drink?"

Xie Jianwei smiled at him: "Drink a glass of cold blood?"

Lauren said ambiguous: "If you want, we can drink something hotter in the rose bush."

Xie Jianwei said: "The Count is very interested."

"So..." Lauren asked, "come?"

Xie Jian smiled particularly hooking: "I am extremely happy."

Lauren traveled all over the flowers, but he had never seen such a delicious beauty before, so he couldn't help but approached and wanted to kiss him.

As a result, Xie Jianwei turned his head and avoided it.

Lauren blinked, Xie Jianwei said, "It's better to stay at night."

Lauren was tickled by his teasing, and immediately said, "Okay!"

The conversation between the two did not evade people, especially Luoren's flower name was out, and he was a model figure in the blood family, so when someone heard it, he coaxed: "Congratulations to Earl Luoren for his successful hunting!"

"The Count is really amazing, and he actually made an appointment with His Highness." Because Xie Jianwei's "father" is their king, even if Xie Jianwei is an ordinary blood family and has no title, they still call him His Highness.

Someone else said to Xie Jianwei: "Your Highness, the earl's skills are very good, but don't let him take advantage of it." His advantage here means that the blood they drink is not equal.

After all, there is only hot blood during orgasm, and the difference between several times and one time is still very big.

Xie Jianwei smiled casually.

The noise from their side spread to the top, Lu Li looked interesting, and asked the people around him, his entourage immediately said: "It's Earl Rollan who is here to see the flowers."

He said it euphemistically, but who didn't know what Lauren's flower viewing meant.

Lu Li paused and asked, "What did Jianwei say?"

The entourage smiled and said, "His Royal Highness said that he is extremely happy."

With a "pop", the sound of the glass falling to the ground made everyone couldn't help but look over.

The entourage didn't know what he had said wrong, but he had followed His Majesty's side for so many years, so he naturally noticed that he was angry.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Your Majesty forgives your sins, subordinate..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li stood up suddenly, strode down the steps, and came to Luoren and Xie Jianwei's side.

The crowd saluted him.

Lu Li didn't call them up, just stared at Xie Jianwei and asked, "You agreed to Lauren's invitation?"

Xie Jian Wei kneeled on the ground, bowed his head and said, "Yes."

"No." Lu Li said without thinking.

Xie Jianwei looked up at him: "Why?"

His words echoed the hearts of everyone present.

why not

The exchange of blood between blood races is a normal thing, and no one has the right to interfere, even His Majesty, has never dealt with such a thing before.

Xie Jianwei didn't wait for an answer, Lu Li just gave him a deep look, and then left.

The lively banquet was gradually cooled by this episode.

The blood clans couldn't help but look at Xie Jianwei, each suspicious.

Lauren thought about the look in His Majesty's eyes just now, and he was a little cowardly: "That..."

Xie Jianwei said to him, "Count, see you later in the rose bush."

Lauren: "..." When the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them.

This vampire is really tempting, and the taste of blood must be very good. Earl Rollan swallowed, he couldn't resist the temptation.

Did Lauren and Xie Jianwei really do it tonight

Most people don't know if they do it or not, but the whole blood family knows that Earl Rollan's back garden has become a legend.

A fire burned the beautiful roses to ashes.

Lauren was crying in the back garden, Xie Jianwei was tied back to the palace by Lu Li, and pressed on the door like this.

Xie Jianwei was very unhappy at first, and felt that His Majesty was really inexplicable. He had just seen the beauty of the rose flower, and before he had time to do anything with the count, His Majesty killed him all the way and took him away without any explanation.

When the head was relieved, Xie Jianwei didn't care anymore and took the initiative to cater to him.

After it was over, Lu Li hugged him and whispered something in his ear.

Xie Jianwei didn't hear clearly: "Huh?"

Lu Li paused and repeated, "Don't look for anyone else."

Thank you for seeing Wei Le, and looked up at him: "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Lu Li frowned and said, "Don't drink other people's blood."

Xie Jianwei is now a pure blood clan: "Don't all blood clans exchange blood with each other?"

Lu Li said, "You can't."

"Why can't I?" Xie Jianwei said, "I am a very normal blood clan."

Lu Li looked at him, and after a while he said, "You don't need to drink other people's blood."

Xie Jianwei said, "Why?"

Lu Li said, "Because no one is more suitable for you than me."

Xie Jian smiled: "Your Majesty, your blood is indeed..." Quite delicious.

"Do you still want it?" Lu Li asked him.

Xie Jianwei licked his lower lip: "I want to."

Lu Li said, "Then don't worry about others."

Xie Jianwei was made cool and comfortable by him, but he still said, "Your Majesty, you are threatening me."

Lu Li: "Yes."

"Then I can only do it with you in the future?"


"Your Majesty..." Xie Jianwei's voice suddenly softened, "Then you must satisfy me."

Lu Li filled him with energy.

No one dared to mention who the murderer who burned Lauren's back garden was, but there were many attendants in the earl's mansion who saw his majesty robbing people.

Earl Rollan, who didn't even have time to drink warm blood, not only lost the roses in the garden, but also lost the 'roses' in his arms.

Of course, after the event, Earl Rollan pretended to be pitiful to win over many beauties to voluntarily give their lives, and it was difficult for people to forget His Majesty's robbing of people.

Later, Xie Jianwei became a more special existence.

No one dared to invite His Majesty, and no one dared to invite Xie Jianwei.

Everyone knew that Xie Jianwei had become His Majesty's exclusive, the only person in the entire blood family who had tasted the blood of the royal family, and the only one who had tasted the blood of the royal family.

This is very delicate, everyone can't drink it, so it's fair, but why is Xie Jianwei an exception

People who have experienced the back garden incident still remember that His Majesty was robbing people, but as more and more new blood races joined, no one mentioned the robbing of people. All they noticed was Xie Jianwei, an ordinary blood race that occupied their king. Don't let others gain power.

Since then, Xie Jianwei has been labeled as willful, defiant, and arrogant.

Not to mention that their king is really indulgent with Xie Jianwei, wishing he would be more presumptuous.

Occasionally someone invited Xie Jianwei to a banquet, and if he went, the gifts he brought with him were rare treasures that would make even the pure-blooded nobles stunned.

Obviously these were given to him by His Majesty, and even because he gave too much, he didn't care at all, and he could give it to others at will.

Then in the second half of the banquet, when everyone is ready to come, His Majesty will definitely send someone to receive Xie Jianwei.

There was a real flower viewing party held in Earl Rollan's new back garden. Xie Jianwei fell asleep under a willow tree because he drank too much. The person who came to pick him up did not find him, but His Majesty actually visited him in person. , took the person away.

Cherish it like this, anyone who sees it will be surprised.

Where does this look like a blood clan? More like a human couple.

Their king was simply bewildered by this ordinary blood race.

What is even more exaggerated is that there is a rigid rule in the Hall of Blood Glory: Seeing His Highness Wei is not allowed to enter.

There was even a special set of guards, not to maintain law and order (this is a chaotic promiscuous party in itself, to maintain the law and order of woolen yarn), but to stop Xie Jianwei.

So many privileges are enough to prove how special Xie Jianwei is.

Fortunately, Xie Jianwei also said what he said, and after agreeing to the blood king Lu Li, he really never drank the blood of anyone else.

He only stayed with Lu Li, only hugged him, only kissed him, and only slept with his neck.

But the good times didn't last long, and such a thing obviously violated the law of survival of the blood clan.

In theory, it is possible for two people to exchange blood, but the condition is that the strength of both sides is similar, and they need to drink a lot of cold blood at ordinary times, so as to maintain the balance.

But the blood king Lu Li and Xie Jianwei are not equal.

Even if Xie Jianwei is very strong, don't delusionally compare with the only royal family.

Their strengths are too different. As time goes by, it is not Lu Li who is hurt, but Xie Jianwei.

Lu Li's blood contains majestic power, and proper consumption will enhance Xie Jianwei's power, but his ordinary blood clan's body has a limited ability to withstand power.

Exceeding this degree will rapidly decay.

—Towards death with astonishing speed.

There are also solutions, and they are quite simple. As long as Xie Jianwei goes to exchange blood with others, the balance will soon be regained.

Unfortunately, this simplest method is the most unacceptable to Lu Li.

How can someone who is so hard to get handed over to someone else

This seems to be a dead end: if you only suck Lu Li's blood, Xie Jianwei will die sooner or later; if you don't suck hot blood, Xie Jianwei will still starve to death.

It seemed that the only solution was to let Xie Jianwei go.

But at this time Xie Jianwei was unwilling to leave him.

Maybe Xie Jianwei was a pure blood race at first, captured by appetite and satisfied by sexual desire. But I don't know when it started, he became fond of staying by Lu Li's side, liked the kiss he gave him every morning, liked the two of them doing nothing to be with each other, and more like hugging each other to sleep after being satisfied physically and mentally.

When Lu Li was shaken, Xie Jianwei told him, "If you don't want me anymore, then I don't want to live anymore."

A simple sentence was like a whip on Lu Li's nerve endings. It was not the first time he heard this sentence, but this time he was not a bystander, but a party.

This beautiful man spoke such affectionate words with such focused eyes and gentle voice.

Lu Li hugged him tightly, and his thin lips were hot on his delicate skin: "Don't worry, as long as you want, you will always belong to me."

Blood King Lu Li tried to solve this problem from another angle.

Since Xie Jianwei's body can't bear too much of his blood, then strengthen this body.

Ordinary blood races can't do it, what about pure blood races

Lu Li paid a great price, almost spent half his life, to completely wash Xie Jianwei's body, turning him from an ordinary blood race into a complete pure blood race.

It took a long, long time, and it was extremely secretive, and only Lauren, who was in charge of finding relevant materials, knew about it.

In the eyes of ordinary vampires, what they saw was Xie Jianwei's helpless move towards "death", and finally disappeared completely.

After a long time, a pure-blood nobleman who had been sleeping for a long time woke up.

He was given the position of earl by His Majesty, and he became the second person who could exchange blood with His Majesty.

No one knew that he was the 'dead' His Highness.

Although many people think that their appearances are very similar, but one is an ordinary blood race and the other is a pure blood noble, how could they be the same person

Maybe it's just His Majesty's taste that he likes this face.

If everything goes smoothly like this, there will be nothing left.

Turning an ordinary blood race into a pure blood race is against the sky. Even if Lu Li is close to a god, he is not a god after all, and now he has done something that even a god can't do.

So he was punished.

The balance of the royal family was broken, and he became like a blood family in need of blood.

This does not seem to be a problem. After all, thanks to Jianwei, they exchange blood, and then supplement each other's cold blood to achieve the proper balance.

But no... The power required by the royal family's body is too great, and no amount of cold blood is a drop in the bucket, and it is useless. And Xie Jianwei's blood alone cannot satisfy Lu Li.

Not to mention that he has to supply his blood to Xie Jianwei.

This is simply overdrafting life.

Xie Jianwei was living well, but Lu Li was slowly weakening.

One day, the blood king Lu Li will die.

Lauren, who was watching all this, was in a hurry, but what can be done? His Majesty's decision, he has no right to interfere, he can't even tell Xie Jianwei the truth.

But a hundred years ago, a vampire hunter who suddenly appeared broke this illusion of peace.

This hunter is indeed very strong, and he is also a rare strongman at the level of the blood clan, but in theory he will never be able to defeat Loren, not to mention the blood king Lu Li.

But he did it.

With great hatred, he used all his strength to severely injure the blood clan leader.

When Xie Jianwei and Luo Lun arrived, what they saw was the sleeping blood king Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei's eyes filled with disbelief: "How is it possible? How could Your Majesty be so weak?"

Lauren sighed and reluctantly explained the truth.

Only then did Xie Jianwei know what he had relied on for his happy life for so many years.

The memory came to an abrupt end.

Yan Ke sighed and said: "This is really..." The cruel heart and blood were stewed in a pot, making people speechless and crying.

Xie Jianwei: "What should I say?"

Yan Ke: "I can only be moved, I am moved by the unparalleled love the Marshal has for you!"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

I don't care why this memory is in the heart of the ice silk. It's not an accident or not. The important thing is that Xie Jianwei saw it, and the new student Lu Li also saw it.

Look more carefully than him, more seriously than him, more focused than him.

What will he think next

Obviously, Xie Jianwei took advantage of the freshman Lu Li.

He was destined not to be with the blood king Lu Li, so in order to let the blood king Lu Li live, and to make him give up completely, he "transferred away".

But even if it is empathy, Xie Jianwei can't accept other people.

So in the 100 years that the blood king Lu Li was sleeping, Xie Jianwei refused to exchange blood with anyone, because he really couldn't break through his own psychological defense line, which was enough to show how much he loved the blood king Lu Li.

Unexpectedly, he met Lu Li.

A person who looks exactly like the Blood King Lu Li, even with a similar name.

He then "falls in love" without hesitation.

The freshman Lu Li was stunned for a while at the entrance of the hall.

When Xie Jianwei wanted to speak, he had already turned and left.

Xie Jianwei wanted to chase after him without even thinking about it, but the blood king Lu Li took his hand.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Blood King Lu Li's voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry."

Thank you for what can you say...

The blood king Lu Li has already let go of his hand and whispered, "Go and explain to him, he can understand."

Xie Jian took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, we can't go back." Now he can only be cruel to the end.

Blood King Lu Li's eyes flashed, and his voice trembled: "I know."

Xie Jianwei found Lu Li in his room.

The sky was bright, but the room was pitch-dark. If Xie Jianwei had not been familiar with the layout, Xie Jianwei might not be able to walk normally.

The sound of his footsteps resounded on the smooth floor tiles, echoing throughout the room, inexplicably becoming a spell that entangled people.

Lu Li's voice was muffled: "I already knew that."

Xie Jianwei stopped.

The man standing in the far corner said, "I knew a long time ago that I was his stand-in, that I looked a lot like him, and that you were looking at him through me."

"But it doesn't matter, if it wasn't for this face, if it didn't look like him, you wouldn't be near me, and I wouldn't have you, so I don't mind."

Xie Jianwei's voice was hoarse: "Ali..."

Lu Li continued to speak, because no one could be seen in the dark, as if the voice came from a far away place.

"I know that a lot of things you do are not because of me, I know that you are looking forward to another person more, I know that I am just a consolation anyway, but I am willing, I even feel that even if that person wakes up, you don't want me It doesn't matter, anyway, I know what kind of existence I am from the beginning to the end."

Xie Jianwei was almost heartbroken by what he said, and he said softly, "No..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Li suddenly interrupted him with a loud voice: "But why do you want to give me hope!"

"That silk sunflower... why did you use it to lift the curse on me? Why did you give up the chance to wake him up and give me a new life?"

Xie Jianwei couldn't say anything.

Lu Li's voice was hoarse: "You don't know how happy I was at that time, you don't know how happy I was when I thought you chose me, you can't imagine how happy I was when I thought I had a chance! "

"I don't dare to expect, I never dared, you gave me a chance! Make me think I can really replace him!"

"But the truth? Of course you don't need to wake him up, because you can't be with him and he'll wake up eventually."

"You need me, you can't let me die, because I have to continue to help you and stimulate him who is destined to wake up."

"Thank you, Jianwei..." Lu Li asked him painfully, "What am I to you?"

Xie Jianwei's "I love you" came to his lips, but he didn't dare to say it.

Because Lu Li didn't believe it, what he said, I was afraid that things would get worse.

What should I do? How can I appease him? How can I make him believe that he loves him

Just when Xie Jianwei couldn't find the answer, Lu Li said something that made him even more distressed.

"You don't need to answer me." Lu Li approached him slowly and whispered, "I'm still useful, right? You can't be with him anymore, you have to make him forget you, you need me to make him give up , so he can live, so... you're still with me, right?"

Xie Jianwei closed his eyes and tried his best to hold back the water that had reached his eyes: "Yes."

In the dark, Lu Li smiled, he hugged Xie Jianwei, his movements were light, and his voice was very gentle: "That's fine, I don't care about the rest. It's okay if you can't forget him, it's okay if you love him, you can treat me as a He, I look like him anyway, and the name is the same... Awei, I don't ask where your heart is, as long as you don't leave me."

Xie Jianwei took a deep breath and said three words like a death sentence: "I'm sorry."

Lu Li's body suddenly froze, but he soon relaxed, and he continued: "Don't apologize, I know you're uncomfortable, I know it's painful not being able to be with the one you love, but there's nothing you can do, compared to being together. It's more important to live, right?"

Xie Jianwei followed his thoughts, nodded and said, "Yes, survival is the most important thing."

"It's great." Lu Li hugged him and said warmly, "As long as you're here..." I can live.

Yan Ke had already cried like an idiot: "Sir, woo woo woo!"

Xie Jianwei was also tortured to the point that his liver trembled, and he was speechless for a long time.

Yan Ke cried and said, "How can I cure this disease? Lord Marshal never believed that you liked him. It's useless to explain it."

If Lu Li knew that he was a stand-in, even if it exploded, it would be easier to talk about some things if they were torn apart.

But now Lu Li knew it for a long time, and he didn't care. He said stubbornly: This is good, as long as he is useful, let alone believing that Xie Jianwei loves him, he doesn't even have the thought of hoping that Xie Jianwei will fall in love with him one day.

This is a complete give up, because it is too desperate to directly reject expectations.

How to untie such a dead end

Yan Ke couldn't figure it out at all.

Xie Jian Wei stabilized his emotions and said, "It's not that simple."

Yan Ke asked nervously, "What do you mean?"

Although the emotional impact was huge, Xie Jianwei still keenly captured the key points of the whole thing, he suppressed the stinging pain in his heart and tried to sort out the clues: "First of all, when I was a human, there was a person I loved deeply. Man, who is this man?"

Yan Ke said, "It doesn't matter... After all, that person betrayed you!"

Xie Jianwei said: "Do you think that in Lu Li's dream, he would let me be with other people?"

"Uh..." Yan Ke paused, but soon he said again, "But it is absolutely impossible for the Marshal to betray you."

Xie Jian said solemnly, "What if it was a misunderstanding?"

Yan Ke: "…"

Xie Jianwei said: "Lu Li's personality will not betray me, but will another personality create such a misunderstanding?"

"This..." Yan Ke thought for a while and said, "It's very possible."

After all, the marshals are fond of military advisors, but they are merciless towards "self".

Xie Jianwei said: "If it is assumed that the person I loved dearly when I was a human was also Lu Li, where did this personality go?"

Yan Ke's head is full of mud: "There are three personalities?"

Xie Jianwei shook his head and said, "If it was the third personality, he should have appeared long ago, and it will never only exist in memory." After all, theoretically speaking, if Xie Jianwei does not enter the dream, this dream does not exist, because he These are formed by the entry of the so-called memory, and the so-called memory is also generated. If it is irrelevant, there is no need to exist at all.

Therefore, if there are three personalities in this dream, it must have appeared long ago, and it is definitely not right that there has been no movement for so long.

Yan Ke felt that his head was not enough: "What the hell is going on?"

Xie Jianwei said, "The new born Lu Li may be the personality I loved when I was a human."

Yan Ke tried his best to keep up with his brain circuit: "You mean, the freshman Marshal met you first?" He finally figured it out and clapped his hands, "So it is! Just let the freshman Marshal think he was the first. The one who met you was the one who fell in love with you first, and the marshal of the blood clan took the love with a knife, so that he will believe that you love him!"

Emma is simply too witty! Such a dead knot is more than half unraveled.

Xie Jianwei said: "Oh, it's not that simple. If this is true, then the freshman Lu Li who thinks of everything will kill the blood king Lu Li without hesitation."

Think about how miserable the freshman Lu Li is now. In order to be by Xie Jianwei's side, he is so humble that he is willing to be a stand-in. If he suddenly knows the "truth" and finds out that he and Xie Jianwei are in love, it is the blood clan Lu Li who is doing things. After dismantling them, he must not be crazy

Now he can endure it because he thinks he is the third party, and he doesn't care, but once he finds out that the third party is the blood king Lu Li, he is the one who was destroyed. There is no doubt that he will explode on the spot in minutes.

Yan Ke: "..." His brain capacity really can't think of so many things.

Xie Jianwei thought more, and he said, "And that vampire hunter, is it really just a simple NPC?"

Would a human who can seriously injure the blood king Lu Li be an ordinary human

Even if the blood king Lu Li was in a very bad state at the time, he was Lu Li's personality. In such a dream, except for the main character, who could let him suffer such a life-threatening injury

Between the lights and flints, Xie Jianwei was stunned: "It's broken!"

Yan Ke is still in a daze: "What's wrong?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Blood King Lu Li will really die!"

If the vampire hunter is the reincarnation of human Lu Li, then he is still Lu Li's personality, even the main character of this dream. The worst thing is that he came back to take revenge and severely injured the blood king Lu Li!

Although the current blood king Lu Li is not dead, he will definitely not drink the blood except Xie Jianwei. If this state continues, if he really dies, will his personality disappear

After all, he did not die naturally, but was indirectly killed by the main character!

Xie Jianwei did not dare to take this risk. Now the top priority is not to appease the new Lu Li, but not to let the blood king Lu Li die.

The most direct way to keep him alive is to feed him blood!

Xie Jianwei calmed down, and after waiting for the new student Lu Li to fall asleep, he quietly got up and walked out of the room.

What he didn't know was that the moment he left, Lu Li, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. His dark eyes looked at the dark room, as if his soul was also swallowed by the darkness.

Xie Jianwei went to the palace, and came to the bedroom of the blood king Lu Li without much effort.

As he thought, the sleeping blood king Lu Li was very weak. He reached out and touched it, and he felt a bone-chilling coldness.

Under the moonlight, Xie Jianwei even saw the clearly identifiable knife marks on the arm of the Blood King Lu Li.

One by one, again and again, the wounds never healed because they kept cutting open.

Xie Jianwei instantly thought of the cold blood he had been drinking these days.

In fact, it should have been known long ago, except for the royal family, who can have such blood

Even though he was about to die, he was afraid of being so hungry that Xie Jianwei.

What the hell is he thinking.

Xie Jian sighed slightly and leaned over to kiss him.

He used a little medicine, so that the blood king Lu Li couldn't tell the difference between a dream and reality, because if he really woke up, he would probably push him away.

It was too easy for Xie Jianwei to make Lu Li emotional.

He took off his clothes, sat on top of him, called his name softly, and seduced him with tenderness and debauchery.

After Xie Jianwei vented, the blood king Lu Li pierced his throat and tasted the sweet, hot, ecstatic but deeply disturbing beautiful blood.

With a "bang", the palace door opened.

As the moonlight poured in, the man standing there was like an ice sculpture.

He was sunk in the night, his facial features were indistinguishable, and his black eyes were full of emptiness and silence.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?" Lu Li's voice was not warm at all, "Sure enough... No matter how imitated a fake product is, can't it compare to a genuine product?"