The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 44


Lauren is still introducing: "Does it look like Zhou Zheng? It's a pity that it's a man, if it's a girl... Hey, I won't borrow you."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke: "I have a sentence about MMP I don't know if I should say it or not!"

It's a pity that he didn't have a chance to speak, and Lauren spared no effort to black him: "Xiao Ke, hurry up and salute to your Excellency."

Xiao Ke peat, my name is Yan Ke!

Yan Ke's resentment is about to break through the dream and reach the universe!

Xie Jianwei was amused by the two of them: "No need, you keep it."

"I really don't want it?" Lauren said, "Xiao Ke is not a goblin, but a demon with a very pure blood. It's quite easy to use."

Although I knew that the "use" that Lauren said was a very normal use, everything that came out of this prodigal son's mouth became colored.

Yan Ke looked at the demon who looked exactly like him and wanted to cry without tears: "Sir, why don't you take him with you!"

He is very afraid that "himself" will be given such and such and such and such again and again by Roren. Although Roren is a straight man, the ghost knows that the straight man in the dream of Lord Marshal with mosquito eyes can be straight for a few days...

Xie Jianwei ignored him, only looked at Lauren and said, "Devils are quite rare."

He could see the smugness between Lauren's brows and eyes when he said Yan Ke's attributes. Obviously, it is something to be proud of to be able to make a demon as a familiar.

Sure enough, Lauren's chatterbox opened wide, and he successfully said many "settings" that Xie Jianwei didn't know about.

"Look at how cute his little bone wings are. Although he is a little tender now, his future is limitless. I made a bet with him at the bar, and this kid lost, so I signed a contract with me, otherwise I really can't get such a pure one. demon."

Hearing this, Xie Jianwei also understood that it was false that Lauren wanted to lend him Yan Ke, and it was true to show off.

Xie Jianwei didn't intend to ask for Yan Ke at first - one Yan Ke in his head is enough, don't get another one, think about the gossip Jing Yan Ke in the previous world!

Xie Jianwei appropriately praised Lauren's field: "It's rare."

Lauren said, "Of course it's not as good as the big demon before you, but it's not good if the familiar ability is too strong. If you can't suppress it, you will be turned back..." He wanted to say backlash, but he seemed to think of something again. Seeing Xie Jianwei, he quickly shut his mouth.

Xie Jian Wei Duo was shrewd, and he captured the key point with just a few words. He frowned slightly and said, "Don't mention the past."

When he said this, Yan Ke was anxious: "Sir, this is obviously a joke. Maybe the Marshal is the big devil, don't you ask?"

And soon, Yan Ke knew how naive he was.

Thank you for not asking? If he really asked directly like Yan Ke, Lauren would definitely be suspicious, but his ambiguous words like "don't mention it again" would make Lauren even more.

Lauren is Lu Li's confidant and Lu Li's most trusted comrade-in-arms, so his existence in the dream must be beneficial to Xie Jianwei.

- Lu Li will always give Xie Jianwei what he thinks is the best, there is no doubt about that.

Since Lauren is good, he will definitely care about Xie Jianwei. As long as he frowns and looks preoccupied, Lauren will definitely take the bait.

Sure enough, Lauren waved to make Yan Ke disappear, and when he approached Xie Jianwei, he sighed: "Are you saying that you are stupid, you are just a familiar, if you lose it, you lose it, why do you always want to find it? Besides, he is a big devil. , 80% have gone back to the demon world to be free and easy, you still can't let go, the master treats you like this, is it a coward or not?"

Could it be that Lu Li is the big devil

This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, in the dream, Lu Li would not let Xie Jianwei have any intimate involvement with anyone other than him.

Xie Jianwei said: "I can't let go."

Loren patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't say it, anyway, you can know what you have in mind. Speaking of which, you have achieved good results in the retreat in the black domain this time. You can advance to the six-star death god by completing any task."

Black domain? Xie Jianwei thought of the ghostly place he was in before.

It turned out that he was in retreat, but why is this retreat so like sleeping in

Forget it, it's Lu Li's setting anyway, so he's probably secretly giving him the green light again.

Chatting with Lauren all the way, Xie Jianwei has said enough words.

This is the middle realm, also called the death realm, the realm of the god of death.

This dream has angels, demons, humans and death.

Angels and demons are opposites, needless to say.

Humans are poor little lambs who are occasionally bullied and protected, and they are easy to understand.

As for the god of death, he does not belong to angels or demons. Their task is to control the constant reincarnation of the soul. In a sense, only the god of death is truly selfless and "dedicated" to mankind.

Angels need the power of human belief to multiply, and demons need human souls to feed on.

As for the god of death, they don't need anything - from the darkness, attributable to the darkness, as long as the black domain does not fall, the god of death is immortal.

The god of death also has grades. The freshman is an intern, and then he hooks the soul according to the arranged tasks. After success, he will accumulate death points. After reaching a certain value, he can enter the black domain to retreat. After coming out, he can advance to the rank as long as he is reinstated.

The so-called reinstatement is to complete a soul-sucking task.

Xie Jianwei used to be a five-star god of death, and now he is about to become a six-star. In the entire middle realm, the highest god of death is only seven stars.

So Xie Jianwei's status is quite high.

Lauren said: "It's a pity that I fed the death point to the demon, otherwise I can also attack the six-star death god."

The scythe of the god of death can collect human souls, and can also use it to make contracts with fairies or demons.

After the contract is established, the sorcerer will serve the master and do all the things stipulated in the contract.

Under normal circumstances, most of the demons of the god of death are fairies, because fairies are relatively weak and easier to recover.

But a powerful death god can also recover a demon into a familiar, but it is extremely difficult and consumes a lot of death points. Except for a special mission or someone with unexpected good luck like Lauren, generally no one will choose.

Of course, as long as you have a demon, it proves that the god of death is tyrannical enough.

Hearing this, Xie Jianwei actually regretted that he didn't accept Xiaoke.

Where did Lauren lend him? It's all about being complacent all the way.

If he really accepts Xiao Ke, it is estimated that Lauren's tail will be broken in two in distress.

After thinking about it, Xie Jianwei thought it was funny, and then felt even more regretful.

After Xie Jianwei and Lauren parted ways, they went to check some information first, and wanted to see what was related to him, but found that the gods of death were very independent, each had their own way, and there was no centralized management.

Although there are grades, the low-level gods of death only respect the high-level gods of death, and there is no relationship between them.

Regardless of the level, the gods of death need to receive tasks and then hook their souls.

Therefore, the gods of death are very busy, and few have the time to record for someone.

I couldn't find any useful information, but Xie Jianwei was very concerned about the Demon Familiar that he lost, so he wanted to inquire some more information.

So Xie Jianwei put his idea on Lauren.

Xie Jianwei "ran into" Lauren.

"Speaking of which, why don't you take Xiao Ke with you?"

Lauren said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I lift my finger, and he will come." Death can summon the demon at will, so the demon does not need to follow the master at any time.

Xie Jian smiled: "That is a pure devil."

Lauren was proud when he heard this. He blinked and said, "So what? He hasn't signed a contract with me, and it's a red contract. Even if I ask him for love, he can only agree."

Yan Ke: "..." Why didn't he realize that Admiral Loren was so ill-fated before?

Xie Jianwei substituted it for a while, and felt that the two playboys were a bit thunderous together, so he cleared his throat and said, "Don't be careless, although he signed a contract with you, but if you don't look at him, how can you know he won't do it? something else."

Lauren was startled.

Xie Jianwei hinted: "What bet did you bet? You lost so easily? Could it be that he deliberately wanted to invade the middle world?"

Lauren is not stupid. Hearing this, he immediately woke up and said, "I was negligent."

Xie Jianwei said: "So, you have to take him by your side at all times."

Lauren nodded concentratingly: "Okay!"

Xie Jianwei didn't know if Yan Ke had any other purpose, but his purpose was achieved anyway.

In order to prevent his own demons from doing "bad things", Lauren started to get them wherever he went. He was a very eye-catching existence, and now he is walking around with such an eye-catching demon all day long, and soon most of the middle world All the gods of death know that - Lauren made a pure demon as a familiar.

The low-level death gods are only envious, and they all respect and worship Lauren.

But the god of death of the same rank began to feel unhappy, not saying it on the surface, but whispering in private.

Xie Jianwei was waiting for this time.

"Look at Loren's virtue, didn't he get a demon? As for being so proud?"

"That's right, he took it wherever he went, for fear that others wouldn't know that his familiar was a demon."

"Xie Jianwei, didn't Xie Jianwei even get a big devil as a familiar? I didn't see him with him all day!"

"That's right, I heard that his big demon has a high rank and is famous in the demon world."

Xie Jianwei finally heard what he wanted to hear.

When the two started talking, they began to whisper: "Xie Jianwei is really amazing. He surrendered such a demon and went straight to the heavens, almost killing the archangel."

"You can keep your voice down, this is taboo."

"It's okay, the people below can't hear us, and they can overhear the death gods of five or six stars. They know better than us."

"This is..." The one with a sharper voice said relieved and continued, "I think Xie Jianwei is really a genius. He is usually very gentle and elegant, but he is so scary when he is crazy."

"But it's very relieved. We are not affiliated to the heavens, so why do those birdmen tell us what to do?"

"Although it is not affiliated, it is not hostile. It is not good to bring a big devil to fight it.

"Isn't it because they were wrong? They killed Xie Jianwei's friend? That made him go to war."

The thick voice lowered his voice: "I heard more than that..."

"You mean the scandal between Xie Jianwei and the Archangel?"

"Cough cough... Is it true or false? How did I hear that the archangel cheated on him, Xie Jianwei killed him in a rage and wanted to kill him?"

"Well, I guess Lauren knows a little bit about it."

"It's weird to say that. Lauren's big mouth dares to say anything, but he is as tight as a mussel about Xie Jianwei."

"If he doesn't have this advantage, why would Xie Jianwei treat him as a friend?"

"Hey, this bastard, Lauren, is really lucky. He was able to get along with Xie Jianwei, and he even got a demon as a demon..."

Their conversation went back to Lauren, muttering about his shit luck.

Xie Jianwei has obtained a lot of information, but this direction is... a bit messy.

Yan Ke counted and said, "The big devil, the archangel, your friend who was killed by the archangel..."

Yan Ke looked confused: "Which one is the Marshal?"

Xie Jianwei: "...It's hard to say."

The simplest and crudest condition for judging which is Lu Li is who Xie Jianwei has slept with.

But it's a pity... As long as it's not an open couple, it's hard for anyone to know this kind of private matter.

Although the two gods of death suspected that Xie Jianwei and the Archangel had a paragraph, the imaginary component of this paragraph is relatively high, and the authenticity needs to be investigated.

As for the friend who was killed by the archangel... If he didn't die, it could be Lu Li.

There is also the big devil that Xie Jianwei was very suspicious of before, but now it doesn't look like much. If the big devil is really Lu Li, and the two have been together for so long, will he not climb on his bed

As long as they do a little intimacy, the two gods of death will not be as pure as they said just now.

Xie Jianwei thought for a while and said, "No hurry, just wait."

If he didn't look for Lu Li, Lu Li would also take the initiative to look for him.

And then... you can get more clichés from Lauren.

See if he really knows something.

When Xie Jianwei went to find Lauren again, this guy had already gone to the Human World to do a mission.

The God of Death can only enter and leave the Human World at will after taking the mission. Usually, he can observe the Human World. He uses a crystal ball, but he can only observe the target mission.

Luo Lun was not there, and Yan Ke was not there either. Xie Jianwei thought about it for a while, and simply went to accept the task, preparing to leave for the human world.

Yan Ke was quite excited: "The task book of the God of Death is quite fashionable!" He exclaimed again, "The sickle is more fashionable, and it can even shrink!"

Xie Jianwei's huge sickle hanging behind his back turned into a small finger-length pendant under the slight movement of his mind. Although it became smaller, it was still very delicate and luxurious, and at first glance, he felt that it was not ordinary.

When the sickle remains in its original state, the god of death will not be seen by humans while walking in the world.

But if the sickle is made smaller, the god of death can choose to show up, and of course he can continue to hide.

The reason why Xie Jianwei made the sickle smaller was not to show his stature, he was just guarding against the same kind.

The death scythe has a very distinctive personal characteristic, like the identity proof of the death, and no one who is a little vigilant will hang his ID card in front of his neck after going out of the house.

The social development of the human world is still based on the ancient earth model, and it seems to be even earlier. Cars have degenerated into carriages, and human clothing has become more cumbersome and bloated.

Yan Ke is a waste of history. After looking at the customs and customs, he sighed: "Master Marshal has done a good job in cultivating history."

Xie Jianwei: "I teach all his subjects."

Yan Kezan said: "Sir, you are so versatile! Even the Marshal has learned a lot from you."

Xie Jianwei said again: "But in terms of history, I only taught him the history of the galaxy."

The so-called galactic history refers to the development history of human beings leaving the earth and heading for the galaxy.

Yan Ke was choked, so he had to change his mouth and said, "Maybe the Marshal Master is self-taught."

Xie Jianwei didn't say anything, whether Lu Li has time to learn the history of the ancient and early Earth period by himself, let's not mention it, the point is that there are no such detailed records in the library of the imperial capital.

He has to have a place even if he wants to teach himself, right

Xie Jianwei was walking on the street, he was still dressed as a death god in a black cloak, no one could see him anyway, so he didn't bother to change his clothes.

He was about to find his target, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an acquaintance walking out of a shop.

Lauren was dressed quite gorgeously, with a top hat with feathers, a woolen coat studded with gold threads, and her slender legs were tightly wrapped.

His arm was held by a lady, who was also extremely beautifully dressed, with a tight waist and a wide skirt, which was extremely flashy and prosperous.

Xie Jianwei wondered, "Where's Yan Ke?"

It's normal for Lauren to come to the human world to pick up girls, and it's not surprising. What he is more puzzled is... Where is his familiar? Didn't you say take it with you

As he was thinking so, the lady beside Barron turned her head slightly, revealing her features under the brim of her hat.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke: "… "

This is embarrassing. Lauren did take Yan Ke with him, and he held hands. The question is, why is Yan Ke wearing women's clothes

Don't tell me... it's actually pretty good.

Ahem, Xie Jianwei comforted the exploding Yan Ke: "Don't think too much, it's not you."

In the last dream, Yan Ke kept roaring to death, but it wasn't me, it wasn't me, now the feng shui turns, it's Xie Jianwei's turn to tell him that it's not him.

No, really not... but they look exactly the same! Anyone who sees a person exactly like him being forced to wear women's clothes will be pissed off! !

Xie Jianwei cleared his throat and said, "Maybe Yan Ke is really a woman?" If he didn't know Yan Ke, he really couldn't see that it was a man disguised as a woman.

Yan Ke cried out loudly.

Xie Jianwei had to coax him: "Okay, that's not you, it's really not you."

Yan Ke was already crying in the toilet.

Others can't see Xie Jianwei, but Lauren can. He knows who is coming when he sees the black cloak and silver-like hair.

Lauren winked at him, smiled and walked away with Yan Ke.

There are many people on the street. If he greets "air", it is estimated that he will be regarded as a neurotic.

Xie Jianwei followed him to a remote place with few people.

Xie Jianwei looked at Yan Ke, who was dressed in women's clothes.

Although Yan Ke did not say anything, he lowered his head desperately.

Lauren explained: "That... it was to go to a dance, and it was a last resort."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Lauren continued to forcefully explain: "It's a dance, it's a must to bring a female companion."

Thank you for sending him one.

Lauren touched his nose and said, "Are you here for a mission?"

Xie Jianwei replied, "Yes."

Lauren asked him, "Who is the mission target?"

Xie Jianwei showed him the crystal ball.

Lauren frowned at a glance and said, "Your goal is at the dance I'm going to."

Xie Jianwei asked him, "What are you doing at that dance?"

Lauren hesitated for a while before saying, "Xiao Ke said there was a devilish aura around, so I'm going to take a look."

Xie Jianwei now understands the settings better, and he asked, "Someone here has signed a contract with the devil?"

"should be."

Death can sign contracts with fairies and demons, and demons can also sign contracts with humans.

Demons will do things for humans, but only if humans give their souls to demons after fulfilling their wishes.

With such a contract, the human soul will not be able to fall into reincarnation and directly affect the work of the god of death.

So Death will try to prevent this from happening.

But simply signing a contract is actually okay, after all, it is considered an agreement between the buyer and the seller. The most troublesome thing is that the devil instructs the human who signed the contract with him to kill. This kind of accidental death will make the soul run wild, and the god of death will enter the devil's stomach before it can be recovered, which is also very troublesome.

Lauren looked at Xie Jianwei and said, "Go to the dance together?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Okay."

"You've got to change your clothes," Lauren said. "It's going to keep the devil on guard."

Then he licked his face again and said, "I don't think you have a female companion. I don't mind taking two at a time..."

Xie Jianwei's scythe in his hand suddenly enlarged, and the timid Lauren immediately shut his mouth: "When I didn't say anything."

Xie Jianwei went to change his clothes, took the invitation letter that Lauren had prepared in advance, and went to the dance with him in a carriage.

Xie Jianwei's target is a thirty-year-old woman who will fall from the balcony on the third floor this afternoon and die. What Xie Jianwei has to do is to hook her soul away at this time.

However, if there are demons around at the moment, I am afraid that the task will not be so easy to complete. After all, for the soul, the nose of the devil is sharper than the sickle of the god of death.

They swallowed it in one bite, and the sickle could not be hooked.

So it's best to find out that demon first and drive it away in advance, so that it won't fail.

The speed of the carriage was okay, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the manor where the dance party was held.

Human beings always love all kinds of collective activities, especially people in this period. In this era of extreme lack of entertainment tools, such gatherings have become a source of happiness, so there are many people participating.

Xie Jianwei and Lauren walked in together, although their faces were unfamiliar, but because they looked so good, many people really came over.

Lauren couldn't move his legs when he saw the girl. Xie Jianwei was too lazy to socialize. After saying a few words, he retreated to a relatively quiet place to observe.

At this moment, an elegant male voice came from behind him: "Hello, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you for a drink?"

Xie Jianwei turned his head and looked at the strange man.

He is handsome and generous, with a decent smile, but there are some indescribable dark colors in his eyes.

Xie Jianwei immediately thought of the person who signed the contract with the devil.

Is it him

Xie Jianwei said calmly, "Thank you."

The man was also looking at him, and a pair of eyes kept wandering around him.

Xie Jian smiled and said, "I don't know how to address you?"

The man said, "My surname is Lu, and I leave every single word."

Land from? Xie Jianwei suddenly looked up at him.

Yan Ke also exclaimed: "Master Marshal? Why doesn't it look alike??"

The man seemed satisfied with his surprised appearance.

Xie Jianwei paused and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to have the same name as an old friend of mine."

The man snorted and said curiously, "That's a coincidence. My name is quite special, um... You know, many people don't understand what these two words mean."

Thanks for a smile.

The man was excited. He explained: "My surname is from the far east, and my name seems to be too, but I'm not from the East."

Xie Jian said vaguely, "That's it."

The man suddenly lowered his voice and said slowly: "I heard that the name of the devil is very casual, you can call it whatever you want, so... Your old friend has the same name as me, so he won't be a devil, right?"

By this time, Xie Jianwei still didn't notice the problem, so he wouldn't be a military advisor.

Xie Jian raised his lips slightly and said softly, "It's really a devil."

The man's pupils shrank suddenly.

Xie Jianwei had already noticed that the surrounding air was wrong, and he was always on guard.

Just in between the electric light and flint, a flapping sound rang out of thin air, and then a person almost covering the sun appeared in mid-air.

Xie Jianwei's sickle was already in his palm.

What surprised him was that Lauren's screams came from not far away.

Xie Jianwei turned his head sharply, and what he saw was that Loren's chest was penetrated, and a silver dagger exposed the tip.

Holding the hilt of the knife was a pair of white hands, and at the end of the hand was an arm wrapped in gorgeous clothes, and then upward, the demon Yanke who took off his hat had a cold face.

Lauren was attacked by his own familiar!

This situation was too sudden. Lauren's face was pale, and he suffered such a fatal injury, but he said to Xie Jianwei, "Let's go!"

Xie Jianwei would never leave him even if he knew it was a dream.

Lauren can't die.

Yan Ke suddenly pulled out his dagger and looked at Lauren condescendingly, his delicate makeup was full of indifference: "Stupid."

After he uttered these two words, the long and complicated dress disappeared, replaced by the capable black clothes belonging to the devil, followed by the spread wings, arrogant bone wings, representing strength and evil.

Lauren frowned: "You and I signed a contract!"

Yan Ke raised his lips: "So what?"

"If you kill me, you will die too."

"Will the god of death die?" Yan Ke chuckled lightly, the dagger in his hand stabbed straight at Lauren's forehead.

With a "bang", the sound of metal collision sounded harshly, and at the last moment Xie Jianwei's sickle blocked Yan Ke's dagger.

Yan Ke's eyes turned blood red, and there was a small tiger tooth on the left corner of his mouth. He smiled and said, "Lord Wei, you should take care of yourself."

He clearly used the honorific title, but his tone was full of arrogance.

Xie Jianwei understood what he was talking about. The demon behind him was still eyeing him, and he might come down at any time.

The current situation is very bleak.

Loren was injured and lost his fighting power. A single Yan can be a tyrannical demon, not to mention that there is a stronger one in mid-air.

Xie Jianwei is very clear about his own strength, it is not difficult to deal with a big devil, but two words...

Blood spilled from the corner of Loren's mouth, and he said hoarsely, "Leave me alone, you go."

This situation is indeed urgent, but Xie Jianwei doesn't know how many times he has escaped from death, so he is not afraid at all.

With a turn of his blade, he pushed straight towards Yan Ke.

Yan Ke was obviously very jealous of him, and just looking at his movements, he quickly stepped back, but at this moment, the sickle that was supposed to be swept towards Yan Ke bluntly reversed its trajectory and hooked straight behind him.

Yan Ke, who was facing him, suddenly widened his eyes.

Xie Jianwei raised his lips and smiled at him.

He had guessed it a long time ago, even if he didn't look back, he knew that the demon would attack at this moment. What he was waiting for was this moment, pretending to attack Yan Ke, but in fact...

"You are really a little fox."

This familiar voice made Xie Jianwei's heart shudder, he turned his head suddenly, the first thing that caught his eye was the familiar face.

Land from

The huge bone wings are open, his complexion is fair, his eyes are bright red, at this moment he holds the blade of the sickle with one hand, and the corrosive black makes his palm dripping with blood. What was even more terrifying was that the sickle had already touched his neck, and he could pierce his throat with just an inch further forward.

Xie Jianwei panicked, and hurriedly retracted the sickle.

But the blood had already meandered down, and one of his hands was ruined.

Xie Jianwei felt so distressed.

Yan Ke reminded him in time: "Sir, it's not quite right!"

Xie Jianwei rarely loses his composure, but as long as it has something to do with Lu Li, he will...

In an instant, a rope came from behind, Xie Jianwei wanted to wake up the sickle, but when the rope wrapped around his body, all his strength seemed to be blocked and could not be used.

Yan Ke completely bound Xie Jianwei, knelt down on one knee and said, "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life."

Lu Li raised his hand and leaned over to look at Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei also looked up at him, his eyes filled with worry.

Lu Li flicked his forehead: "It's just one hand, don't you want my life?"

Thank you for being silent.

Lu Li got up and said in a low voice, "Let's go, go back."

Yan Ke replied, "Yes."

Two five-star gods of death were tied up by five flowers, and it was enough for everyone to laugh at the middle world for a whole year.

Lauren stared at Yan Ke fiercely, wishing to eat this bad thing alive.

Xie Jianwei's heart and lungs are full of Lu Li's arms. He wants to speak but can't, and is very anxious.

Yan Ke cleared his throat and said, "I didn't expect me to be so powerful this time."

It's quite amazing, perfect use of Lauren to trap Xie Jianwei...

Although he was a servant for a while, he still wore women's clothes.

But as long as he saw Lauren's pitiful appearance, Yan Ke felt it was worth it!

Xie Jian endured it for a long time, but he couldn't hold it any longer. He opened his mouth and said, "Your hand..."

"It's okay," Lu Li said nonchalantly, "just get some sleep."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke also said: "If the Marshal is a demon, he should have a strong healing ability. I heard that the body is broken in two and it can grow back slowly."

Xie Jianwei: "Does it hurt?"

Lu Li was stunned, then turned to look at him, and smiled: "It's not as good as the time you stabbed my heart."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

It seems that this situation is quite complicated.

Lauren said in a half-dead voice, "If you hadn't done such an extreme thing, Awei would have treated you like that?"

Lu Li chuckled: "Excessive? What I did was just my duty."

Lauren sneered: "Oh, then you now..."

"Different stances will change things that are part of the deal. For example, now..." Lu Li looked at Xie Jianwei and said, "I just want him to have a taste of that too."

Xie Jianwei thought about it before and after, and a bold thought formed in his mind.

Could it be that…

Just thinking about it, Lu Li and Yan Ke suddenly stopped.

Xie Jianwei glanced at the black-robed man standing in front of him.

He was wrapped in a robe, not even a trace of his hair was exposed. He lowered his head, and he seemed to be surrounded by bursts of black energy, and the gloomy aura made the entire space suddenly stagnate.

Lu Li frowned slightly: "Who is Your Excellency?"

The man in black robe didn't say a word, raised his hand extremely abruptly, and a mass of black mist pressed down like a toppling giant mountain.

It is obviously not a good thing to start a fight after such a disagreement.

Lu Li handed Xie Jianwei to Yan Ke, ready to fight, but at the moment when everyone's eyes were too late to blink, the man in black robe approached like lightning, grabbed the rope with one hand, and easily pulled Xie Jianwei and Luo Ren out.

Lu Li responded very quickly, raising his hand was a blow, trying to block his way.

But the man in black robe stood in front of Xie Jianwei and Luo Lun, and endured this fatal move.

What is even more exaggerated is that he was unscathed and his speed was still amazing.

He actually took Xie Jianwei and Luo Lun away from Lu Li and Yan Ke.

After settling down, Xie Jianwei first checked Luoren's injury, and after helping him deal with it a little, he turned around abruptly, raised his hand while he was unprepared, and ripped off the man in black robe's cloak.

Although he had a premonition, Xie Jianwei was still stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

The man in black robe hurriedly pulled up his cloak, but his image was completely exposed.


Under the black robe is a skeleton.

What made Xie Jianwei even more worried was that this skeleton was Lu Li.

Even if he became like this, Xie Jianwei still recognized him with a strange look.