The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 57


Heartbroken old man!

Yan Ke asked curiously: "Sir, how good is your original craftsmanship? Ten times stronger than Yan Ke, and he actually learned it from you? After you learned it, you actually opened a famous cake shop in S City?"

What can Xie Jianwei say? With such a high setting, he is also very helpless.

Yan Ke turned his head and said with emotion: "Dream is a microcosm of reality. It is estimated that the food you cooked for the Marshal in reality is quite delicious."

Xie Jianwei: "It doesn't necessarily taste good, but he must think it's very delicious."

So it was derived into a dream and became a peerless delicacy.

Thinking of this, he felt that the sweetness in his heart was hopeless.

Xie Jianwei was in a daze, and Yan Ke asked him, "What are you thinking?"

Xie Jianwei really wanted to praise Yanke's craftsmanship, but it was estimated that when he praised Yanke, he would feel that he was mocking him... So Xie Jianwei said calmly, "You did a good job." The first time X is really a little uneasy.

Yan Ke pursed his lips and said, "It's a good ball of yarn, but it must have been added at the wrong time. The halibut was too old to bite, the cucumbers were not properly marinated, and there was too much sweet pepper..."

He scolded himself with disgust on his face, Xie Jianwei could only be silent, the fish was so tender that he couldn't bite, are your teeth made of cotton!

Xie Jianwei really wanted to clear all these dishes, because they were so delicious.

But considering Yan Ke's dislike, he had to be more reserved and stop after eating.

After all, Yan Ke doesn't think it tastes good, and he, who is ten times stronger than him, can't eat it all in one go.

It's really sad that such a delicious food can't be eaten!

After the two had eaten, Xie Jianwei packed up his things.

Yan Ke asked him a little worriedly, "Isn't Lu Li embarrassing you?"

Xie Jianwei said, "No."

Yan Ke's eyes flickered for a while before he hesitated: "You... don't give up too much."

Xie Jian remained calm and waited for him to say more.

Yan Ke really said again: "Lu Li is just greedy for your cooking skills, and there is no shortage of people around him? And... "

Xie Jianwei was a little puzzled, it sounds like Da Li's classmates are a bit scum? This is fresh.

Yan Ke patted him on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, keep your eyes peeled, and be sure to stay steady."

Xie Jianwei had to say, "I know."

Yan Ke didn't say anything else, just said to him, "But don't wrong yourself too much... If you really can't do it, the sky is so vast, it's not impossible to avoid someone."

"It's okay." Xie Jianwei said, "It's good to stay there."

how can it be...

Yan Ke didn't want to mention these troubles again: "Don't talk about it, if you're okay at night, let's go have two drinks together."

Xie Jianwei looked at the time and replied, "Okay."

The two of them drank from seven o'clock to eight o'clock. Yan Ke's drinking capacity was sky-high, and the more he drank, the more energetic he became.

Xie Jian waved his hand slightly and said, "You go to play, I should go back too."

Yan Ke said: "Goodbye, I'll find you another day to play with." His eyes flew to his chest as he said this.

Xie Jianwei can't help crying.

Yan Ke clarified to himself: "Sir, I'm not like this in reality."

"Hmm." Xie Jianwei should be rather perfunctory.

Yan Ke really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it!

Xie Jianwei walked back to the "Marshal's Mansion" in the dark. He drank a lot, and most of the bartenders had enough stamina to see the wind blow. When I was in the bar, I didn't feel much. When I got home, I felt that my footsteps were light, and I wanted to take two steps to shake.

Xie Jianwei's head was still very clear, he went to take a shower, and when he came out, he didn't wear clothes because of his habit.

Hmm... Under normal circumstances, in the Marshal's Mansion, there is no need for him to wear clothes after taking a shower at night.

But he's the only one alone at the moment... It seems a little cold without clothes.

Xie Jianwei got out of bed and wanted to find some pajamas to put on.

He was walking to the closet when he heard a knock on the door.

Xie Jian Wei's head became clearer: "Who?"

The people outside were silent.

Xie Jianwei casually put on a coat and planned to open the door. Who else could be there besides Lu Li at this time

It's just that he just walked to the door, and the door opened by himself.

Xie Jianwei fell into Lu Li's dark eyes at a glance.

He was looking at him, his handsome eyes were fiery, his thin lips were pursed lightly, and naked desire spurted out.

Xie Jian Wei had already drank, and when he saw it like this, he was instantly swayed.

He didn't care whether he was dreaming or not, he smiled vaguely at Lu Li...

The next moment he was kissed by Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei also tasted alcohol in his mouth. Did Lu Li drink too much

What about him, after a drink, it's crisp and numb, how comfortable.

Xie Jianwei let him kiss, Lu Li's hand had already reached into his loose coat, touching the long-missed smooth skin.

Dry wood burning fire, out of control.

It was not the first time for Xie Jianwei's body. Although it was a little painful when he first came in, he quickly got used to it. After a while, he was dizzy by Lu Li.

After the end, Xie saw that Wei's head was actually broken, and he didn't know how he fell asleep.

After dawn... Xie Jianwei tasted the price of indulgence.

His head was humming, his body felt like being run over by a wheel, and he didn't want to move at all in pain.

Xie Jianwei wanted to snuggle into the arms of the people around him, but after touching it, he didn't touch anyone.

Xie Jianwei opened his eyes... He was the only one in the huge room.

Did that bastard run away after finishing it

Xie Jianwei shrank into the quilt in dissatisfaction, only showing a pair of eyes unhappy.

I don't know what's wrong with that guy.

Xie Jianwei waited for a while and didn't wait for anyone to come back, but instead put himself to sleep.

It was noon when he woke up again, Xie Jianwei was awakened by hunger.

I didn't eat much last night, and after tossing around in the middle of the night, I didn't eat in the morning, so it's no wonder I'm not hungry now.

Xie Jianwei is ready to go to the small kitchen to cook after getting dressed. He wants to eat himself, so Lu Li should be hungry too, right

However, as soon as he walked out the door, the servant whispered, "Mr. Xie, lunch is ready."

Ready? Xie Jian blinked his eyes slightly, but he still did nothing.

The servant said again: "Mr. Lu told me that if you won't be back at noon, you can eat by yourself."

Xie Jian frowned slightly and replied, "Okay."

Lunch is very delicious, the main course is beef stew in Burgundy red wine, which is full of color and flavor.

Obviously, this red wine stewed beef is very different from what Xie Jianwei has done before. First, the selection of beef is very particular. The most tender Charolais beef was airlifted from France, and then poured with unique Burgundy red wine to match the beef. Bone, small white onions, bacon and mushrooms are simmered... A well-cooked meal that is sure to reward diners with a rich flavor.

This dish is definitely not as good as Yan Ke, but it is much stronger than Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei has come to experience such a fine product.

Perhaps in the matter of improving culinary skills, it is not enough to simply practice, and a lot of tasting is required.

Taste the deliciousness, experience the deliciousness, and make the deliciousness.

Xie Jianwei was very happy to eat, and even the dessert after the meal was quite to his liking.

Crispy but not greasy, sweet but not bitter, after every detail is perfect, the food seems to be endowed with vitality.

After lunch, Xie Jianwei was not idle, so he started to try it in the afternoon, trying to make the experience into experience, and finally become his own experience.

Before I knew it, the sky turned dark, Xie Jianwei had already set a recipe and was going to cook dinner for Lu Li... But the servant said again: "Mr. Xie, Mr. Lu will not be back tonight, what do you want to eat, the big kitchen will arrange for you ."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

No one is seen at noon, and no one is seen at night. Is it because of socializing or avoiding him because of what happened last night

Are you afraid he will be angry

Xie Jianwei couldn't see anyone and couldn't get an answer, so he could only say, "Then I'll trouble you."

The servant asked him, "I don't know what you want to eat?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Thessaloniki rice and mutton vegetable leaf bag."

The servant said: "Okay, please wait a moment."

This dish was made by Xie Jianwei when he first came to this dreamland. At that time, his cooking was so bad that he didn't even pass the tasting session.

But in fact, Xie Jianwei has tasted it himself. It's not too delicious, but it's not so bad...

Then he finally tasted the real Thessaloniki rice and mutton vegetable leaf bun today. The simple-looking vegetable leaf bun is full of countless surprises. After taking a bite, the deliciousness of the explosion of the ingredients is jaw-dropping.

Combining ingredients is a matter of knowledge, and Xie Jianwei finally knew why Lu Li would give priority to ordering this set of dishes.

Because this is a dish that is particularly able to show off personal characteristics.

Even if they are all the same vegetable leaf buns, the deliciousness contained under the vegetable leaves is completely different.

The combination of several ingredients can create a delicious taste that belongs to a chef.

And this kind of deliciousness can definitely be clearly distinguished after tasting it once.

Xie Jian's eyes flashed, and he suddenly remembered something.

He has an extraordinary memory. He remembers all the meals that Lu Li ordered, from Thessaloniki rice and mutton dishes to crepes to Japanese kaiseki dishes...

Dozens of delicacies outline a beautiful heart shape on the world map.

Xie Jianwei couldn't help but smile and said, "Idiot."

Yan Ke was so sweet that his teeth hurt: "This confession... I also accept it."

Xie Jianwei: "The key is who can see it?"

Yan Ke said, "Don't you just see it."

Xie Jianwei couldn't hold back the smile at the corner of his mouth, he just wanted to hug Lu Dali and give him a kiss.

Because of this little accident, Xie Jianwei was in a good mood all day, even if Lu Liye didn't return home.

The next day he continued to hone his cooking skills. He thought that Lu Li should show up today, but this guy hasn't come back yet.

Xie Jianwei couldn't wait any longer after the third day. He planned to go out, but was stopped by someone.

"Mr. Xie, please stay, Mr. Lu told me, I hope you don't go out."

Xie Jianwei: "..." Where is this trouble

He said, "I'll be back before dark."

The man in black was expressionless: "I'm sorry."

Soft... Banned

Xie Jianwei thought about it for a while, and was a little unclear.

Is it because of what happened that night

Lu Li was afraid that he would leave in a rage when he woke up, so he locked him in this house

But the question is what about Lu Liren? As for hiding for so many days!

After Xie Jianwei waited in the "Marshal's Mansion" for a whole week, Lu Li finally came back.

Xie Jianwei looked at him.

Lu Li looked away and said, "I'm sorry."

Xie Jianwei looked at the dark circles under his eyes, looked at the tiredness between his brows, and thought about his terrible "anorexia"... Very good, but he was so soft-hearted: "Have you not eaten?"

Lu Li was silent.

Xie Jian sighed slightly: "Wait, it will be fine soon."

He made a light and simple dinner - because of so many days of practice and comprehension, his craft was so much better than before.

Lu Li didn't move his chopsticks, he just hesitated and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Xie Jianwei sat opposite him: "What are you angry about?"

Lu Li's eyelashes drooped, trying his best to hide the unease in his eyes: "That night..."

Xie Jianwei said first: "We all drank too much."

Lu Li suddenly looked up at him.

Xie Jian smiled and said: "I don't blame you, I drank too much myself, and my head is messy."

Lu Li's Adam's apple twitched, and his voice was hoarse: "But I'm still..."

"Isn't it very comfortable." Xie Jianwei rolled his eyes and said softly, "Great experience."

Lu Li was stunned, his black eyes full of surprise.

Xie Jianwei smiled: "I'm really not angry."

Lu Li looked at him eagerly, Xie Jianwei couldn't be teased by him, got up and walked around the dining table, and kissed him on the lips: "If possible, we..."

Lu Li blocked his lips.

Xie Jianwei was so heartbroken by his kiss that he loved him to the bottom of his heart, and the more he could not see him feeling uncomfortable.

In this state of Lu Dali, it may be difficult to fall in love seriously, so it is better to be simple and rude, and make love first.

Xie Jianwei was pushed down on the dining table by him. Seeing that he was about to kiss too much, he said softly, "Eat first, aren't you hungry?"

But Lu Li just wanted to confirm whether he was dreaming: "Awei, are you really not angry?"

"I'm a little angry." Xie Jianwei said with a feigned anger, "run away when you're done, what's the matter?"

Lu Li paused, then hugged him tightly, buried it in his neck and took a deep breath, "I'm afraid you will leave."

Xie Jian sighed slightly: "Since I'm back, I won't leave again."

Lu Li hugged him, and his heart that had been hanging for a week finally returned to its original place.

Can't describe how he felt when he woke up that morning.

Frightened, uneasy, and strangely satisfied.

Drunk sex? No, he was very awake. He remembered every inch of his skin, every moan, and even the tears that fell from the corners of his eyes when he couldn't bear it.

But I couldn't stop, I knew that I would face the abyss and hell the next day, but it was like being bewitched and couldn't stop at all.

The next morning, looking at Xie Jianwei who was sleeping, Lu Li left.

He was running away.

He didn't want to see the disgust in Xie Jianwei's eyes when he woke up, he didn't want to see him leave in anger, and he didn't want to let everything repeat the same mistakes.

Xie Jianwei has already left once, if he leaves again, he...

At that moment, the thoughts that rose up in his heart made Lu Li uneasy but vaguely hopeful.

If Xie Jianwei left again, he would definitely lock him up desperately.

No longer craving his love, and no longer letting him free.

Although Xie Jianwei didn't know the previous situation, he could vaguely guess something.

Anyway, his family Lu Li will always be the poor little one who was abandoned, and he is the "bad guy" who abandoned him; anyway, his family Lu Li will never get what he wants, and he is the one he wants but can't get.

God knows he just wants to live in his heart forever.

What can be done? Coax, who made his old gong feel a little public in his heart.

Lu Li ate Xie Jianwei first, and then ate the dishes made by Xie Jianwei. In various senses, the benefits were not shallow.

Xie Jianwei knew the rules of the dream well, so he never said love, but only tried to make Lu Li feel at ease in daily life.

Three or four days later, Lu Li put the washed Xie Jianwei on the bed and wanted to leave, but Xie Jianwei tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Lu Li looked down at him.

Xie Jianwei said: "Let's stay."

Lu Li's head buzzed: "Sleep together?"

"Yeah." Xie Jianwei stepped aside a bit, lifted the quilt and said, "Come in."

Lu Li didn't know how he lay on the bed, how he hugged Xie Jianwei into his arms, or even how he fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, he hurriedly locked his arms, and the person in his arms groaned unconsciously,

Lu Li looked down and saw Xie Jianwei who was asleep, and a heart fell into his chest.

What's going on…

Why did it become like this

Lu Li didn't know what happened to Xie Jianwei, but life is so beautiful right now, even if there is a secret, he is too happy to get carried away.

He thought about him for ten years, and finally slept with him, what could be more gratifying than this

Lu Li kissed his forehead.

Xie Jianwei rubbed against him in his arms.

Lu Li couldn't help but raised his thin lips slightly, and stared at him for a long time without blinking.

If you like someone, you will never get tired of watching them, and the more you look at them, the better they look, and the more you look at them, the more you like them.

For Lu Li, Xie Jianwei is good and beautiful everywhere, and even a strand of hair is unique in the world.

Lu Li kissed the top of his head again.

Xie Jian said vaguely: "Don't make trouble."

Lu Li bit on his thin white earlobe.

Xie Jianwei closed his eyes and smiled and said, "Come on, bite hard... uh..."

Lu Li held his lips, Xie Jianwei pressed his palm on his hot chest, because of his fiery kiss, his own body was also extremely hot.

When he fell in love, Lu Li asked him, "Awei, who am I?"

"Huh?" Xie Jianwei was confused and didn't quite understand.

Lu Li said, "Call my name."

"Ali." Xie Jianwei's voice was so crisp that it seemed like he had lost his bones.

Lu Li's ears itch when he hears: "Speak louder."


"A little louder."


He called his name, his voice raspy, more fragmented as he was slammed into it.

But this kind of call seemed to carry magic power, filling Lu Li's heart so much that it seemed that there was only this person left in the whole world in his eyes.

After a lot of love in the morning, Xie Jianwei asked him lazily, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Don't bother, let someone else do it."

Xie Jian glanced at him: "You can't eat what I made?"

Lu Li said, "It's nothing if you don't eat a meal."

"That won't work!" Xie Jianwei got up and said, "Breakfast is the most important thing. If you are hungry all day, you will lose your energy."

Lu Li said, "I'm fine..."

Xie Jian kissed him slightly and said, "Wait for me, soon."

Saying that, he rolled over and got out of bed, put on a T-shirt and shorts, washed briefly and went to the kitchen.

Lu Li also got out of bed, he didn't go into the kitchen, he just watched from a distance.

The picture was his favorite in his life and what he longed for most as a child.

At that time, Xie Jianwei was still a teenager, and his thin body was much thinner than now, but the appearance of holding a spatula has remained the same for ten years without any change.

Lu Li met Xie Jianwei when he was thirteen years old, and it took ten years in a flash.

All those who hurt him died, and those who gave him warmth wanted to leave.

Lu Li didn't know when he fell in love with Xie Jianwei, maybe it was the first time they met, maybe it was when he was young and ignorant, maybe it was an accident that night three years ago.

In short, when Xie Jianwei was about to leave, he clearly realized that if this person left, more than half of his life would be lost.

Xie Jianwei came out with breakfast: "Caviar pancakes, come and taste."

The pancakes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. They are fried with butter. Because milk and eggs are added, the surface is fluffy, and a little thick is more attractive. The caviar is also carefully selected orange salmon roe, paired with yogurt and dill, delicious and delicate, and it will make your index fingers move.

Lu Li smiled and said, "Everything you cook is delicious."

Hearing his words, Xie Jianwei's mind moved slightly.

Lu Li sat down and Xie Jianwei sat opposite him. The two caviar pancakes were exactly the same, but Xie Jianwei suddenly said before eating, "Can you give me a slice?"

Lu Li just took a bite and looked up at him: "Mine?"

Xie Jian smiled slyly: "I want this slice you eat now."

Lu Li paused, his voice much lower: "Is this?"

Xie Jianwei simply stood up, bit the pancake in his hand across the dining table, and deliberately bit it where Lu Li had eaten.

Lu Li's eyes suddenly darkened.

Xie Jianwei was completely stunned.

Oh my God! too delicious!

The pancake is full of milk aroma, soft and slightly crispy, with fresh red caviar, slightly cool and fiery collision, the deliciousness seems to float in the clouds.

Although Xie Jianwei had already guessed it, he was still stunned by the actual experience.

The master of the dream is amazing, the bland things become so delicious after being washed by the will of God!

Xie Jianwei was dumbfounded, but Lu Li only felt that he was seducing him.

He held Xie Jianwei's neck and kissed his pale lips.

Xie Jianwei was numb from being kissed by Lu Li before he woke up from this explosive delicacy.

Lu Li pressed his lips and said, "Why do you want to eat mine?"

Xie Jianwei said honestly: "The taste you have eaten is very good."

Lu Li's heart skipped a beat at this love story, and he almost knocked him down on the dining table.

Xie Jianwei hadn't eaten enough, so he pushed him away and said, "Eat, eat, come and eat." He had never been so enthusiastic about food.

Lu Li didn't say anything, just watched Xie Jianwei sit next to him with his plate.

The two of them were shoulder to shoulder, arm against arm, just one bowed his head and the other raised his head, and the distance between them could be kissed together.

Xie Jianwei looked at him eagerly: "You eat one quickly."

Lu Li's heart was beating thumping, and his entire chest was warm: "Awei..."

Xie Jianwei urged him: "Have a quick bite, I'll wait."

During a breakfast, Lu Li's whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds, being sweetened by Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei also floated up, it was so delicious, so delicious, it is difficult to describe the delicious food in any language.

In fact, Xie Jianwei wanted to understand that the dishes he cooked had become a peerless delicacy because of Lu Li's love.

After the two caviar pancakes, Xie Jianwei was still not satisfied.

Lu Li said, "I'm going to St. Petersburg in a few days. Do you... want to come with me?"

Xie Jianwei: "Huh? Is it convenient?"

Lu Li said, "You said before that you wanted to go to Yevropeyskaya to try their caviar pancakes."

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay, let's go together."

Lu Li said, "It's definitely not as delicious as yours."

Xie Jian smiled with slightly bent eyes: "Go to St. Petersburg, and I'll make it for you. There is the freshest white caviar there. I heard that it is about the size of a pea and has the best taste."

"Yeah." Lu Li smiled, "I only like what you do."

Xie Jianwei couldn't help kissing him, it was so sweet, his family Lu Li really knew how to talk.

Lu Li went to Russia on official business, but he also took two full days to accompany Xie Jianwei.

Walking on the Moika River on the ancient earth and looking at the magnificent Church on Spilled Blood, Xie Jianwei was in a very good mood.

Maybe back in reality, he can also follow the landing and leave for other planets.

When he was visiting, he could experience the different customs of different ethnic groups, take a look at the local delicacies, and walk side by side with Lu Li on the exotic trails at night. It's better to talk about political affairs or talk about local customs than a boring trip to an alien or a boring wait in the Marshal's Mansion.

Xie Jianwei held Lu Li's hand calmly, and the corner of Lu Li's mouth slightly raised his backhand to hold him.

By the rippling Moika River, their fingers interlocked, as if spanning time and space.

After returning from St. Petersburg, Xie Jianwei and Lu Li became more and more glued together.

The two ate and lived together, enjoying every minute and second of each other's embrace like every sweet couple.

At first, Lu Li rushed back for dinner, but Xie Jianwei suggested, "Don't run back and forth next time. If you're going to another city, take me with you."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment: "Sometimes it may take a long time to travel by car."

Xie Jian slightly bent his eyes and smiled: "What does it matter? We are together anyway."

Lu Li's thin lips raised slightly: "Okay."

Xie Jianwei said again: "Don't worry, I won't disturb you. If you have business to deal with, you can do it yourself. I have a bunch of books with me."

Lu Li felt that if Xie Jianwei was by his side, he would not be in the mood to handle any official business.

But Xie Jianwei wanted to be by his side, to be with him for a moment.

How could he refuse

Lu Li's status in this world is not low. He is not an ordinary businessman, but a powerful person in charge of the lifeline of a country.

Xie Jianwei didn't interfere with his work, he only devoted himself to studying his daily life and diet, and following him sweetly was pleasant and interesting.

About two months later, Yan Ke called him: "What are you busy with recently? I can't get through after calling you several times."

Xie Jianwei didn’t have anyone who needed special contact. After he went abroad, his mobile phone didn’t have international roaming enabled. Later, when the battery ran out, he didn’t bother to charge it, so Yan Ke couldn’t contact him.

Xie Jianwei said, "I went out to play, what's the matter?"

"I can't contact you if I have nothing to do?" Yan Ke said, "Would you like to come out for a drink?"

Xie Jianwei thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll make dinner first."

Yan Ke understood: "Contact again."

Xie Jianwei called Lu Li: "I have an appointment with a friend to meet at night. Can you go home and eat by yourself? I have already prepared dinner."

Lu Li on the other side of the phone paused: "Who are you going to see?"

"Yan Ke, I haven't seen him for a long time. He called me to make an appointment."

Lu Li said again, "I'll arrange for someone to take you off."

"No." Xie Jianwei said, "It's in S City, I can do it myself."

Lu Li said, "Then call me when you're done, and I'll pick you up."

"Okay." Xie Jianwei returned to him happily.

After hanging up the phone, Xie Jianwei went to the cake shop to buy something.

Yan Ke just closed the store, and when he saw him coming, he pulled him into the car: "Let's go, let's go and have fun."

Xie Jianwei said: "Find a quiet place to sit, don't go if it's too noisy."

Yan Ke laughed at him: "You don't have to be young for half a year, you really don't want to?"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

"Relax." Yan Ke said to him with a friendly face, "I promise to find you someone you like tonight, so that you can have a good time."

Xie Jianwei simply confessed: "I have a lover."

"Ah?" Yan Ke looked stunned, "Who is it? Which beautiful woman..." Then he poked Xie Jian Wei again, "You are too unkind, and you don't tell me if you have a girlfriend? Bring it out to meet you. what!"

Xie Jian cleared his throat and said, "Yes... boyfriend."

As soon as he said these words, Yan Ke slammed on the brakes, the tires rubbing against the asphalt so that the harsh sound would make people dizzy.

Xie Jianwei looked at him.

Yan Kefei's eyebrows fell, and the delicate eyes were gloomy: "Is it Lu Li?"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke seemed to be about to explode with anger, he slammed the steering wheel, his face full of anger: "You... you!"

He said two of you one after another, but he couldn't say what happened next.

Xie Jianwei said deliberately, "It's okay."

"Are you okay??" Yan Ke raised his voice sharply, and looked at Xie Jianwei with an angry gaze, "You feel happy now, but have you ever thought about the future? After Lu Li gets married, you can still stay there? Are you still there? Do you want to serve their husband and wife as cooks?"


Thank you for blinking your eyes.

Yan Ke said angrily: "I shouldn't have introduced you to the Lu family, I shouldn't have let you know that bastard, I shouldn't have let him taste the food you made! Damn, this kind of scum is starving to death. deserve it!"

Xie Jianwei couldn't say anything, and could only analyze the inside story from Yan Ke's few words.

Yan Kedao: "I really don't know what to say about you, you should have a tolerance for giving up. The marriage of Lu and Jiang's family is a certainty. Lu Li and Jiang Rong will get engaged at the end of the year at the latest. What is it? Don't you know Jiang Rong's temper? When she finds out that you and Lu Li are unclear, she won't do it!"

Xie Jianwei has been addicted to "beauty" and food for a while, and really didn't pay much attention to the plot setting of this dream.

But what Yan Ke said was too nonsense.

Will Lu Li marry a woman

Just his Lu Dali who turned into mosquito coil eyes

What a galaxy joke.

Not to mention it was in Lu Li's dream. Xie Jianwei felt that it was possible for him to marry someone else, but Lu Li...

It's not that he is overconfident, it's really impossible to imagine this picture.

Yan Ke said sadly: "I asked you to go back to the Lu family because I didn't want you to offend them. The so-called people don't fight with officials. If he is serious, we can't hold him back, but I didn't let you do whatever he wanted!"

"He likes you and loves you to the death, but don't forget his identity! Can he be with you? Would a dignified head of state be with a man?"

"Awei." Yan Keyu said earnestly, "Calm down, don't be fooled by his rhetoric, man, you can see from me, when you go to bed, you are very good, and it is your turn to be in charge of a running man. Faster than one, of course, I have never lied to a woman from a good family, everyone is happy to get together and leave, but you should understand from me that the nature of a man is a nuisance."

"He knew you since he was a child, he was hungry for several years, and he was half-dead because of the food you cooked. He is naturally very dependent on you, but is this dependence love? He just wanted to do everything because he couldn't live without you. way to tie you up."

Xie Jianwei understood, the emotional "he" and Lu Li have known each other for a long time.

Yan Ke added: "You told me before that you can tell the difference and understand, and will try to help Lu Li cure his anorexia. When he doesn't need you, he will start his new life."

"But what are you now? It's not enough to put your own dreams in, do you want to put yourself in too!"

Xie Jianwei could only be silent.

Yan Ke no longer wanted to drink with him, so he found a remote coffee shop, took him in and sat down, and began to persuade him earnestly.

From his words, Xie Jianwei basically sorted out the clues.

The only son of the Lu family, who suffered from anorexia, met a young man with amazing cooking skills, and they lived together for ten years.

Lu Li couldn't do without Xie Jianwei, because he couldn't eat the dishes made by anyone other than him, and he would vomit soon after forcing it.

Xie Jianwei wanted to leave Lu Li, but the ten-year relationship wasn't just for fun, and it wasn't like watching him starve to death.

A year ago, Xie Jianwei began to cooperate with the doctor to help Lu Li treat anorexia.

It's a pity that the illness didn't ease, instead, it let Lu Li know what he wanted to leave.