The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 58


Sometimes feelings are like this. When we are together every day, I take it for granted, and I don't even think deeply about how to treat this person.

But he woke up suddenly when he was about to lose it.

It turned out that when I was unaware, normal emotions had already fermented, dependence evolved into monopoly, and the thought of wanting this person also fell into a deep obsession.

Lu Li wanted Xie Jianwei to stay, and wanted him to stay by his side no matter what.

But the more it does, the more it pushes people farther and farther.

Besides, what can he do

Xie Jianwei said to him, "I am twenty-nine years old. I want to get out of this house. I want to discover more ingredients and create more delicious food."

He has clearly told Lu Li: I want to pursue my dream.

Why did Lu Li surround him

Lu Li could only say: "You're gone, what should I do?" He couldn't eat what others made

In fact, Lu Li, who said this, was suffering a huge mental shock: humble and helpless, letting go of his dignity, like a vexatious child.

Xie Jianwei reassured him: "So you have to cooperate with the treatment. Your anorexia is a psychological problem. Blindly relying on me will only aggravate your condition. I should leave for your own good."

Lu Li stubbornly said, "No, you can't go."

Xie Jianwei said: "Ali, you will get married, have children, and have your own life. The person who will accompany you all your life is not me, but your wife and your family."

Hearing him say this, Lu Li said without thinking, "I just want you."

Xie Jian was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile: "This is different, when you meet the person you like..."

"I like you." Lu Li confessed without hesitation.

Xie Jianwei was still reluctant to believe what he meant, he continued: "I like you too, but our love and the relationship between our partners..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Li interrupted, "I love you."

Xie Jianwei froze.

Lu Li stared at him, his black eyes full of him: "Awei, I love you, I want you, I hope you can be with me..."

"No, no..." Xie Jian smiled extremely stiffly, "You may be confused, you need me, but not that, that kind of..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li kissed him.

Now Xie Jianwei can't say anything.

Is this love in the end... Xie Jian couldn't tell, but when Lu Li kissed him, he seemed to hear the sound of his heart, bang bang bang, eager and hot, like lava rolling down from the sky, and there was no way to stop the burning people.

What made Xie Jianwei even more uneasy was that the heartbeat came from two people.

—He heard Lu Li’s, and he also heard his own.

After suddenly returning to his senses, Xie Jianwei pushed Lu Li away and left in embarrassment.

But from that day onwards, Lu Li launched a fierce attack on him. He pursued him, longed for him, and ironed him with fiery emotions all the time.

Xie Jianwei couldn't stand it at all.

The two have been together for ten years, doesn't he like Lu Li? If you don't like it, leave early.

Like it? There is absolutely no such fierce and persistent as Lu Li.

The accident happened when Xie Jianwei got drunk.

He was so upset that he drank too much. When Lu Li came to him, he dragged him and talked a lot.

He said, "You are so naive, how can two men be together?"

Lu Li said, "It's not that difficult, as long as we think about it, we can definitely be together."

"Things in this world can't be done just by thinking about it."

"But don't want to, never will."

"No, Lu Li, you can be self-willed when you are young, why should I? What qualifications do I have?"

"I love you, and you have all the qualifications."

Hearing this, is Xie Jianwei not moved? He was moved, but still uncomfortable, he smiled bitterly: "If you just want to play, I can accompany you, and when you want to settle down, I, I will..."

"I don't want to play with you, thank you," Lu Li's voice became much heavier, "Don't slander yourself, and don't slander me."

Xie Jianwei shook his head and said, "Where is it so simple? How can two people be together so simple..."

Lu Li kissed him, his voice low and affectionate: "What's the problem? We're together now."


In this case, Xie Jianwei did things that Xie Jianwei would never dare to do when he was sober.

The brain was emptied, and the nerves were trembling with pleasure, like holding a driftwood tightly, floating aimlessly on the empty sea, not begging for a home, but only wishing to rise and fall on the edge of life and death.

Everything that shouldn't have happened happened, and when he woke up completely, Xie Jianwei couldn't accept it.

What did you do yourself

Seduced Lu Li, who was seven years younger than him

He wanted to dispel Lu Li's absurd thoughts, but he actually rolled onto the bed with him

Huge self-blame and guilt made Xie Jianwei leave in a hurry.

From this day, he began to hide from Lu Li, and he still insisted on making Lu Li three meals a day, but he would never appear in front of him again.

Hiding in the kitchen and indulging in the ingredients, his messy heart seems to be able to calm down.

But this is too cruel to Lu Li.

I thought I got what I wanted, but when I woke up, there was nothing.

The person you want is close at hand but far away.

The lingering that night could not satisfy Lu Li, but made him even more determined. He wanted this person and wanted to live and die with him as a lover.

There were so many people in the kitchen that Lu Li couldn't go to see Xie Jianwei.

But Xie Jianwei couldn't sleep in the kitchen. He still had to go back to his bedroom at night. Although it was close to the early morning every time, as long as he came back, he would see people waiting by the door.

—The youth who started in the evening and stood until the early morning.

Xie Jian's heart was cut like a knife, but he still said with a cold face: "I drank too much that night, I hope you can forget it too."

"I can't forget it." Lu Li stared at him and said, "I will never forget it."

Xie Jianwei turned his head and said, "It's up to you, anyway, I..."

He couldn't say anything heartless, and he couldn't say any cruel words to someone who had been together for ten years, cared for ten years, and depended on each other for ten years.

Maybe he likes Lu Li more than he thought, or maybe he just can't let him go, just softening his heart.

But Xie Jian was not enough for Lu Li.

After Lu Li guarded him for a week, Xie Jianwei compromised.

Full of unease and apprehension, they brought Lu Li into the house... They did it again.

The emptiness in the heart is in stark contrast to the stimulation in the body, and the pleasure of orgasm seems to temporarily numb a tingling heart. But what is it like? The snow-covered ruins look white, but as soon as the sun rises, everything will be revealed.

A month later, Lu Li's grandmother found Xie Jianwei.

This is a noble and kind woman. She lost her husband in middle age and lost her son in her old age, but she supported the entire Lu family firmly, raised her only grandson with her aged body, and pinned all her high hopes on him.

So Xie Jianwei and Lu Li couldn't hide from her.

When Grandma Lu found Xie Jianwei, Xie Jianwei knew that the sun had risen.

Grandma Lu said warmly, "Thanks to Mr. Xie for the past ten years, Ah Li has grown up so well."

Xie Jianwei was cramped and nervous, and his face was ashamed.

Grandma Lu said: "People always have to grow up, and it is difficult for children who are too dependent on their mothers to survive in the cruel reality. This child is lonely since he was a child, and it is a blessing for him to meet Mr. Xie."

Xie Jianwei didn't know what to say at all.

If Grandma Lu scolded him, he would be much more comfortable, but... like this...

Grandma Lu said again: "I believe that Mr. Xie and I are in the same mood. We all hope that A Li can grow up better and have a happy life, right?"

"Yes." Xie Jianwei said quickly, "I hope he can live well."

Grandma Lu smiled and said, "I appreciate Mr. Xie very much. It's a pity that you are trapped in such a small place with your cooking skills. There are many gourmet restaurants under my name. If Mr. Xie is interested, you can take over all of them."

This is really a great gift.

The gourmet restaurant under the name of Grandma Lu is not as simple as a simple restaurant. It covers the whole world and collects special foods from all over the world. It is called the Garden of Eden in the food industry.

Just how could Xie Jianwei be so clueless

In the past ten years, the Lu family has not treated him badly in the slightest, and the commissions given to him are so rich that they can squander their entire lives. Not to mention the ease and ease of the job, his ability to cook so quickly is inseparable from the amount of time and excellent conditions.

For ten years, he only needed to take care of Lu Li's three meals alone. How could this be like work? Don't normal people need to cook for themselves every day

Xie Jianwei finally calmed down, and he said softly, "I appreciate your kindness, but I just want to go out for a walk, look around, and spend more time discovering and creating delicious food."

Grandma Lu smiled and said, "We are selfish. Mr. Xie should belong to everyone."

The conversation begins peacefully and ends peacefully.

Grandma Lu never mentioned the things between him and Lu Li from beginning to end, and she didn't turn her face or feel embarrassed.

But this has made Xie Jianwei feel extremely guilty.

Grandma Lu was not easy. In her rough life, all her hopes were placed on Lu Li, but he almost destroyed Lu Li.

In all fairness, if he stood on Grandma Lu's point of view, he would definitely not be able to be so calm.

Men and men, Lu family's alone and a cook.

He and Lu Li were completely from two different worlds.

This time, Xie Jianwei lowered his heart.

With a quick knife, he should not be soft-hearted from the beginning.

He did not leave Lu's house immediately, but started to follow up the doctor's progress persistently, and wholeheartedly helped Lu Li treat his illness.

Lu Li offered to him, but he refused all.

In just two days, Lu Li noticed his change and asked him anxiously, "Awei, are you leaving?"

Xie Jianwei made it clear to him simply and neatly: "I must leave."

"But we..."

Xie Jian said coldly: "To be honest, I am very opposed to doing that kind of thing with a man, and I feel disgusted afterward."

nausea? These two words are tantamount to a sword in the chest. Does Lu Li feel that happiness is disgusting to him

Xie Jianwei said with disgust: "I still like women, no... I have always liked women. Our deformed relationship is not right."

Lu Li's face paled: "You are lying to me."

"I don't need to lie to you, Li, you should know it too, I have a girlfriend who I've been with for three years, but I broke up two years ago, but I like women, I..."

"Enough." Lu Li couldn't listen anymore, "Don't say it anymore."

Xie Jianwei said cruelly: "You also like women, believe me, when you meet the person you like, you will marry her, enjoy the blessings of countless people, and give birth to a pair of children with her, this is your life. ."

Is life predestined

If it is really destined, why let him meet Xie Jianwei.

Lu Li lost the strength to speak, because Xie Jianwei was the one who set his destiny.

With Xie Jianwei's insistence, Lu Li cooperated with the doctor's treatment like never before.

He ate food that did not belong to Xie Jianwei like a self-abuse, and then vomited in a mess.

But as long as the food was delivered to him, he would still eat it without changing his face.

Not rejecting, not resisting, obeying like a puppet without a soul.

Xie Jianwei was very distressed, obviously as long as he cooks, he can make Lu Li less uncomfortable, but he can't.

He advised himself that it was like helping children overcome bad habits. It must be uncomfortable at first, but as long as it changes, it will grow.

People always have to be independent, and they have to get better and better.

What really made Xie Jianwei decide to leave was because of Jiang Rong's appearance.

The Jiang family and the Lu family have always been close, and they have had a good relationship since Grandma Lu's generation. After Lu Li's parents died unexpectedly, the Jiang family helped Grandma Lu a lot, which is really kind.

So now, the two are even closer.

The Jiang family has a pair of daughters, the eldest is Jiang Hua and the younger is Jiang Rong.

The two sisters often came to Lu's house, and when they came, they would clamor to eat, and they all wanted to eat Xie Jianwei's craftsmanship.

Both of them are Xie Jianwei's little fans, and they will be excited to chirp like birds when they eat something.

Xie Jianwei doesn't hate them - who would hate such a cute and beautiful little girl

Jiang Hua should be more obedient, Jiang Rong should be naughty, but they both like Xie Jianwei and like him as a big brother.

Xie Jianwei also takes good care of them and cooks a lot of delicious food for them every time they come.

In this way, they will only like him more.

Two years ago, when Xie Jianwei just broke up with his girlfriend, Jiang Hua summoned the courage to confess to Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei was surprised at the time, but quickly refused.

Jiang Hua and Lu Li are the same age, seven years younger than him. He has always loved her like a little sister, how could he have such feelings.

Besides, Jiang Hua is going to inherit the Jiang family in the future, how can he be a cook worthy of such a young lady.

Xie Jianwei refused without any hesitation, but it hurt Jiang Hua's heart.

She was gentle and well-behaved on weekdays, but she was stubborn. After being rejected by Xie Jianwei, she ran away from home in a fit of anger.

The entire Jiang family was blown up, and Xie Jianwei was extremely uneasy, but others were weak and didn't know where to find her.

The Jiang family and the Lu family searched for half a year, and finally found Jiang Hua, who had gone to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

She hid in a small town and became a nun.

Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother asked her to come back, but she would not go home without saying anything, and she was a dead word if she was in a hurry.

When the trouble got to this point, Jiang's father and mother did not do anything, so they could only take it slow.

But until today, Jiang Hua has not come back.

In fact, I don't blame Xie Jianwei for this matter, but Xie Jianwei felt extremely guilty towards the Jiang family, because he couldn't meet Jiang Hua, so he compensated Jiang Rong.

He was fond of Jiang Rong, and if he had a sister, it would probably be the same.

Jiang Rong's elf is eccentric, clingy and coquettish, and Xie Jianwei, who is called by Brother Wei, is even more considerate to her.

Jiang Rong didn't look for Lu Li when he came to the Lu family, so he pestered Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei was not worried that Jiang Rong would be like Jiang Hua.

Because the girl's mind became fast, in addition to eating, the other thing she came to him was to share her love experience.

I like this one today, I like that one tomorrow, there is no definition.

Xie Jianwei was always worried that she would not be able to marry.

As a result, Jiang Rong came to his kitchen one day and murmured while stealing food, "Seeing Brother Wei... I might be engaged to Lu Li."

She is one year younger than Lu Li, but she never calls him brother, always by his first name.

When Xie Jianwei heard this, the hand holding the spatula slammed.

Jiang Rong squeezed a piece of cucumber and threw it into his mouth, and said slowly, "My mother told me to keep my focus, so that I should not be playful and learn more..."

Xie Jian took a deep breath and said, "It's time for you to learn something, you're all... going to get married."

Jiang Rong stared at him for a while, and suddenly said, "See brother Wei, teach me how to cook!"

Xie Jianwei looked at her: "Aren't you the most annoying thing?"

Jiang Rong was a little embarrassed and said, "That... I'll learn it, and I can make it for Lu Li in the future."

Xie Jianwei tried her best to keep herself calm and said, "Little Nizi has really grown up."

"I... I..." she laughed, "seeing Brother Wei, don't laugh at me, don't you always say that to grab a man's heart, you should grab his stomach first?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Well, well, I will teach you. It's up to you if you learn or not."

Jiang Rong was a little tired after learning from him for a few days: "It's so difficult... See brother Wei, how on earth did you make such delicious food."

Xie Jianwei said: "Because you like it."

Jiang Rong thought about it for a while and then cheered up: "I have to persevere!"

Seeing her like this, Xie Jianwei felt very complicated.

Watching the girl who grew up, he knew her temper too well, he didn't like to endure hardships, and he didn't like oil fumes. He always thought that the greasy smell would spoil her delicate clothes.

But now, she is changing herself for Lu Li and adapting to some things she doesn't like to do for her upcoming marriage.

She never said that she liked Lu Li, but she obviously did, and she liked it very much.

Thinking about the stubborn Jiang Hua, Xie Jianwei felt that he could no longer destroy Jiang Rong.

He watched the three children who grew up, and he couldn't destroy them all by himself.

Xie Jianwei finally made up his mind.

He found Lu Li and said, "I have submitted my resignation letter and will leave next month."

In such a short period of time, Lu Li lost weight. He was no longer surprised to hear this. His face was expressionless, and his black eyes were empty: "I...may be engaged to Jiang Rong."

"I see." Xie Jianwei said sincerely, "treat her well, she likes you very much."

Lu Li stared at him without blinking.

Xie Jianwei couldn't look at him, he looked away, pretending to be relaxed: "She has been learning how to cook with me for a while... Well, for what you learned, don't tell me, she is quite serious when she is serious. It's all the same."

Lu Li said, "I can only eat what you make."

Xie Jian smiled and said: "Ali, you should try to get out, don't lock yourself up, I'm not your savior."

"You don't know..." Lu Li's voice was very low, almost inaudible.

In fact, Xie Jianwei did not hear what he said, but what if he heard it? He didn't have the courage to take it.

Xie Jianwei took a deep breath and said, "I have always regarded Jiang Rong as my sister, don't bully her."

Lu Li asked him in a hoarse voice, "Will you come back?"

"Yes." Xie Jianwei said softly, "I will definitely attend your wedding with Jiang Rong."

Of course, this string of memories is not entirely from Yan Ke.

In fact, Yan Ke doesn't know much. Although Xie Jianwei is close to him and has chatted with him many times about troublesome things, he won't mention some more private things.

Xie Jianwei initially guessed the "plot" based on Yan Ke's few words, but later the memory in his mind seemed to wake up, and all the past became extremely clear.

Xie Jianwei "remembered" everything.

The plot arranged by classmate Lu Li this time is also quite painful.

Left and right are inseparable from a scum character.

Xie Jianwei is not worried anymore. When he doesn't know his previous relationship, he is afraid that he will make a mistake and cause the dream to collapse, but if he knows the previous relationship, he will be sure.

The first is Jiang Rong's place.

This girl is very important to Xie Jianwei. If you don't settle down, the character Xie Jianwei will collapse.

She has to determine if she really loves Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei in "Memories" couldn't find it, but now Xie Jianwei always feels a little weird.

Jiang Rong doesn't seem to like Lu Li, but rather likes himself.

No way... Who let this dream belong to Lu Li. In Lu Dali's dream, he had two attributes that could not be lost, one was scum, and the other was a heartthrob.

Yan Ke giggled and said, "This sister of the Jiang family is really beautiful."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke said again: "You sister especially, she has big breasts with a childlike face."

"… "

"My sister is also very good. Even the ascetic nun's clothes can't cover the turbulent waves on the chest."

Yan Ke also concluded: "Master Marshal really did not treat you badly."

Xie Jianwei said: "Just because I had a fiancée, did he think I was a straight man?"

Yan Ke said honestly: "To be honest, I know that you were in a state of stunned when you were with the Marshal... How should I put it... It's hard to imagine that you will be beaten by a man... cough..." Of course, it is easy to imagine now that the military division is powerful The loss is strong, and when I get to bed, it's almost... Hey, what am I talking about, I don't know anything!

Xie Jianwei was very speechless.

Yan Ke was still grief-stricken, Xie Jianwei comforted him: "Don't worry, I think very clearly, and I'm very measured."

Yan Ke could only helplessly say: "Don't be confused, just see your own heart."

Xie Jianwei nodded and replied, "Yes."

After saying goodbye to Yan Ke, Xie Jianwei was in no hurry to return to Lu's house.

After Xie Jianwei left the Lu family, Jiang Rong never met Xie Jianwei again.

Xie Jianwei also did not have her contact information, and the two have not met since then.

Xie Jianwei is really not easy to find her.

But don't be in a hurry. Sooner or later, he will not be able to hide his return to Lu's house. Maybe Jiang Rong will come uninvited.

After Xie Jianwei returned to Lu's house, he stopped running around with Luli every day.

After Lu Li went out, he stayed at Lu's house, but only a week later, Jiang Rong came in.

She saw Xie Jianwei with a look of surprise: "See you, brother Wei! You're back!"

Saying that, she was about to pounce on Xie Jianwei, Xie Jianwei dodged calmly and said with a smile, "How is the cooking I taught you?"

Jiang Rong said excitedly: "Very skilled! I'll make it for you, okay?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Me?"

"Yes!" Jiang Rong said, clearing his throat, "You are my teacher, shouldn't all students' works be checked by the teacher first?"

Xie Jianwei said, "It's an honor."

Jiang Rong blushed with joy. She was wearing a high-definition dress and jumping happily like a bird in the out-of-place kitchen.

Xie Jianwei has practiced cooking for so long, and he still has vision.

This girl really worked hard. Although she did it rough, she really put her heart into it.

A plate of diced pork in shells gives Lisbon a seaside vibe.

Xie Jian smiled and said, "Very good."

Jiang Rong said: "It's far from what you did."

Xie Jianwei said, "It's not that exaggerated."

"Really!" Jiang Rong wrinkled his nose and said, "I went to Alentejo on purpose, and even the diced pork with shells made by the top chefs there is not as delicious as yours."

Xie Jianwei said: "It's really delicious and made with great care."

When he praised him like this, Jiang Rong was immediately elated, and the happiness between his eyebrows was undisguised.

Her appearance made Xie Jianwei basically determine what she was thinking.

What Jiang Rong likes is not Lu Li, but Xie Jianwei.

The heartthrob setting really exists.

what can we do about it? Xie Jianwei pondered that he couldn't hurt Jiang Rong directly, because of Jiang Hua's matter, Xie Jianwei must have a lot of guilt for the sisters, let alone "he" didn't know that Jiang Rong liked him, even if he knew, he absolutely couldn't. hurt her.

He had to keep pretending not to know about it.

But well... Xie Jianwei can also cheat.

For example, let Lu Li wake up and use "God's will" to reverse Jiang Rong's feelings.

Coincidentally, Lu Li has been very busy these days, and has been running outside. It was almost midnight when he came back.

Lu Li would get into his bed and kiss him and play him, and there was no time for small talk.

In the past few days, Jiang Rong has also been stuck here every day.

As soon as Lu Li left, she came. Because of her status as "Mrs. Lu", no one would stop her.

Her excuse for coming was also quite high-sounding: "I want to learn cooking from Brother Jianwei!" Later, she had to add, "Lu Li can only eat the dishes made by Brother Jianwei, so I have to learn."

Under the guise of Lu Li, he haunted Xie Jianwei all day long.

In fact, her thoughts are also very easy to guess. She felt that Xie Jianwei only regarded her as her sister, but she didn't give up. First, she used her and Lu Li's marriage to test Xie Jianwei, but Xie Jianwei gave her heartfelt blessings.

She was uncomfortable and reluctant at the same time, thinking that she would get married sooner or later, it is better to stay by Xie Jianwei's side before getting married.

Now she still has a ready-made reason.

This entanglement lasted for three or four days, and on the fifth day, Lu Li suddenly returned.

Jiang Rong was not happy to see his "fiancé", his beautiful eyes were full of: How come he is back!

Lu Li was even more unhappy when he saw his "fiancee", and the sour taste in his black eyes was about to overflow.

Yan Ke laughed unceremoniously: "Hahaha, I'm so happy."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

As a client, he really can't laugh. He still has to act, and act out a love affair with morals. One is his beloved sister, and a future man who sleeps with his sister, tsk tsk, what a scum!

Jiang Rong disliked Lu Li for a while before saying against his will, "I'm back!"

Lu Li responded calmly, "Yeah."

Jiang Rong said again, "I'm here to learn craftsmanship from Brother Jian Wei. Would you like to try my dishes at noon?"

Lu Li said unceremoniously, "I will vomit."

Although what he said was the truth, what he said... was really unrepentant.

Jiang Rong wasn't angry either. She didn't learn the craft for him anyway, so of course she had to pretend to be angry so that she could act like a spoiled brat to Xie Jianwei.

"See brother Wei, listen to what he said!"

Xie Jianwei said: "Rongrong is still very talented, and he cooks very carefully."

Lu Li's eyes were fixed on Jiang Rong's arm holding Xie Jianwei, and the word Xie Jianwei's soft-spoken Rong Rong was in his mind.

Jiang Rong was proud, looked at Xie Jianwei and said, "Am I really talented?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Well."

Jiang Rong said happily, "See that Brother Wei likes to eat the dishes I make?"

Before Xie Jianwei could speak, Lu Li interrupted, "I'm hungry."

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm going to cook."

Jiang Rong said, "I'll give you a shot."

Lu Li: "..." with a displeased expression on his face.

Xie Jianwei had no choice but to say, "I'll do it myself, you can wait outside."

Jiang Rong still wanted to say something, Xie Jianwei said: "Your clothes are so beautiful today, don't get the smell of oil smoke."

She was wearing a goose-yellow dress, which made her face white and tender. She was indeed very beautiful. After being praised by Xie Jianwei, Jiang Rong liked this dress even more, and was really reluctant to make it an "apron".

Finally invited the two great gods out, Xie Jianwei was cooking lunch seriously.

It doesn't take much for three people to eat, four dishes and one soup are enough.

Xie Jianwei cooked two dishes that Lu Li liked to eat, and one dish that Jiang Rong liked to eat, and they didn't hate the rest.

Lu Li looked much better after seeing the dishes.

Jiang Rong muttered, "Seeing that Brother Wei is biased!"

Thanks for smiling.

But soon Jiang Rong looked at Lu Li defiantly and said, "No way, after all, you are his chef, and it is normal to take care of the employer's taste."

Lu Li's mood turned cloudy again when he got better.

For a lunch, Xie Jianwei couldn't help crying and laughing.

Lu Li and Jiang Rong were not like "unmarried couples" who were about to get engaged, but two overturned vinegar jars.

If it wasn't for Lu Li's scruples of face, the two would have to fight cross-eyed.

Xie Jianwei didn't hate Jiang Rong in the first place, but now it's even more interesting.

The atmosphere is lively and lively, and it feels more comfortable to eat.

After the meal, Jiang Rong said, "Seeing Brother Wei, I want to eat cream egg tarts." Although this dessert is meaty, Xie Jianwei's cooking is really delicious.

Because of the restoration of "memory", Xie Jianwei's craftsmanship improved by leaps and bounds, basically returning to the previous one.

Jiang Rong wanted to eat it, and he was happy to make it for her, so he replied, "It happens to have meringue, you wait."

Lu Li said coolly, "A piece of egg tart and three catties of meat."

Jiang Rong: "..."

Xie Jianwei couldn't help but smile.

Jiang Rong began to act coquettishly again: "See Brother Wei!"

Xie Jianwei coaxed her and said, "Don't listen to him, how can it be so exaggerated."

However, Jiang Rong still cares a little. There is no girl who is not afraid of getting fat. Xie Jianwei baked six egg tarts. She only dared to eat one, and Lu Li ate all the remaining five.

Jiang Rong was quite unwilling and felt that he had suffered a big loss.

Xie Jianwei was so amused by the two of them that he felt that this little day was quite pleasant.

However, he was still thinking about business, and tried his best to find an opportunity to "induce" Lu Li's thoughts.

It's a pity that he witnessed such a scene before he could find the opportunity.

Xie Jianwei was not there, and Lu Li and Jiang Rong no longer pretended to be in harmony. Both of them didn't like each other, and they just started quarreling at this moment.

Jiang Rong said, "Be conscious! Don't bully see Brother Wei all day long. His craftsmanship is so good, why should he only serve you alone?"

Lu Li: "You don't need to worry about it."

Jiang Rong was angry: "Selfish ghost!"

Lu Li glanced at her and said straight to the point: "I took your thoughts, it's impossible for Xie Jianwei to like you."

Jiang Rong's face turned pale, and he said bravely, "I didn't..."

Lu Li stared at her and suddenly said, "Awei is with me."

"Ah?" Jiang Rong was obviously stunned.

Lu Li continued: "Don't worry, our marriage will definitely not happen, I don't want anyone except Xie Jianwei."

Jiang Rong was stunned for a while and then screamed: "Lu Li, you are despicable and shameless! You must have forced you to see Brother Wei! You bastard!"

Lu Li sneered: "Forcing? Awei likes me."

"Impossible!" Jiang Rong's head turned, and suddenly said, "Seeing that Brother Wei has the softest heart, he must have fallen for your bitter trick!"

Lu Li said, "So what?"

"Are you the only one who knows how to deal with bitter meat?" Jiang Rong said, "Wait, seeing Brother Wei will definitely feel more distressed for me!"

Listening to Xie Jianwei in the corner: "..."