The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 60


It didn't take long for Xie Jianwei to fully decode it.

The images inside were blurry and incomplete, but Xie Jianwei found a lot of problems after reading it dozens of times.

The King of Hundred Limbs has been traversing the Milky Way for nearly a hundred years, and he must have left behind.

It has thoroughly understood human beings, otherwise it would not have overturned the rule of the Federation, leaving human beings struggling for years in dire straits.

Although in the end the entire Baizhe clan fled to the galaxy outside the galaxy, and the Baizhe King was also beheaded by Lu Li, in the final decisive battle, the Baizhe King obviously had the confidence to win.

How did Lu Li defeat it

Xie Jianwei was also involved at the time.

Because the Hundred Limb King escaped to a neutron star, the entire neutron star was transformed by the Hundred Limbs clan, and after hollowing out the inside, it became a huge fortress. It is not necessary to think about blasting this neutron star with the current full strength. thing.

So you can only board the planet and start the land battle.

Fortunately, Lu Li was brave, and he was 100% compatible with the God of War, and he didn't hesitate in land battles.

At that time, Xie Jianwei also wanted to follow him, but Lu Li didn't let him go, and the reason was ready-made: the Marshal needed a command. No one knew what the Hundred Limbs would do when they were cornered.

If they absconded from Neutron Star, Xie Jianwei would directly start an air battle with them, after all, Lu Li didn't return so soon.

This is both true and reasonable, but Xie Jianwei was always a little uneasy at that time.

Lu Li is undoubtedly the most suitable person to ascend to the stars, and Xie Jianwei is also the best choice for guarding the Marshal.

The reason is understood, but the anxiety continues to linger in the heart.

Xie Jianwei stared at the image returned by the God of War all the way. Although he didn't go to the star, he watched his every move as if he was by Lu Li's side.

There is a huge conspiracy in the Neutron Star, and the Hundred Limbs really have back moves.

This planet has been transformed into a real maneuverable mobile fortress by them!

And the idea of the Hundred Limbs is also crazy. They want to drive this fortress to conquer the universe. As long as it is driven into the stars, it can definitely detonate an entire galaxy. Even more frightening is that this high-density neutron star can withstand the star's explosion. So they will be unscathed.

Of course Lu Li would stop their crazy actions.

After a fierce battle, Lu Li and the King of Hundred Limbs finally faced each other.

When the two were fighting, the image of the God of War stopped for a while. At that time, Xie Jianwei was extremely nervous and was already arranging for someone to go to the star, but soon the image appeared again. .

In the end, it was bombarded into slag.

Lu Li won a great victory, and the blood-soaked God of War became a hero for all mankind.

Afterwards, Xie Jianwei asked Lu Li why the video transmission at that time was interrupted.

Lu Li said, "It was probably disturbed."

Xie Jianwei asked him again, "How did you and the King of Hundred Limbs fight?"

Lu Li smiled and said, "What else? You know the weapon of the God of War the most."

Xie Jianwei was indeed very clear that he could even simulate Lu Li's battle scene, but this time he always felt that something was wrong.

Lu Li explained it to him in detail, and the whole process was presented almost perfectly.

Xie Jianwei couldn't pick out any faults, but it was this inability to pick out faults that made him more and more uneasy.

But after the war stopped, the galaxy was in shambles, and Lu Li devoted himself to infrastructure construction, constantly consolidating his strength...

More than half a year has passed, and Lu Li is no different, but Xie Jianwei has never been able to completely rest assured.

Because he went to inspect the Ares in private.

He deliberately checked the communication system and concluded that the video transmission at that time was cut off from the inside.

That is to say... This is what Lu Li cut off on his own, not the interference in his mouth.

Why did he cut off

Thank you for not having an answer.

He has never forgotten this question. After realizing that Lu Li's split personality might be causing trouble, the first thing he suspected was this, and he thought of the King of Hundred Limbs.

A hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff.

King Hundred Limbs has worked so hard for so long, will it really disappear so easily

Or that it survived in another form.

So... Does Lu Li know

Xie Jianwei tapped his index finger on the back of the chair.

When the first rays of light fell on the entire planet in the morning, Xie Jianwei left the room.

With a little coolness on him, he went to bed after warming up in the room for a while.

Lu Li didn't open his eyes, he just naturally took the people around him into his arms.

Xie Jianwei kissed him on the neck.

Lu Li didn't open his eyes, he reached into his clothes with his big hands and caressed his slender waist.

Xie Jianwei licked his earlobe again.

The marshal opened his eyes suddenly, a pair of black eyes like a awakened lion, turned over and pressed the military advisor who was doing the work under him.

Xie Jianwei looked up at him.

Lu Li's thin lips raised slightly: "Didn't you feed you last night?"

Xie Jian smiled slightly.

Lu Li couldn't stand his appearance the most. People who were cold and abstinent on weekdays looked like a goblin.

Makes people want to fuck him.

Morning exercise is good for physical and mental health.

The sultry Xie Junshi had tears in his eyes and begged repeatedly. Lu Li wanted to help him get ahead, but Xie Jianwei said, "Don't stop, Li... Don't..."

Lu centrifugally jumped, and kept fighting at the place, and as a result, his military advisor was shot like this.

Looking at the bewildered Xie Jianwei, Lu Li's throat twitched and turned him over again.

Xie Jianwei has always been very sensitive, but he is not so relaxed in bed, but today...

The marshal, who was hooked, really wanted to "never have sex from now on".

Of course... Military division Xie didn't dare to condone him too much, and he could really fly to the sky by tying two wings to this guy.

After a while, Xie Jianwei refused to continue.

Lu Li arched him like some kind of large animal: "I have nothing to do today..."

Xie Jianwei couldn't help crying and laughing: "It's almost noon if there is nothing to do, you still want to do it for a day!"

Lu Li said honestly, "I want to."

Xie Jian patted his head: "Get up, I'll cook."

Obviously this moved Lu Li, he raised his head to look at him: "Cooking?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Well, how was that dish yesterday? I'll make you something else today."

Lu Li's eyes flashed and he said, "It's delicious."

Xie Jianwei knew that he had no memory at all, but he didn't dare to say more, for fear that he would be jealous of himself, so he said, "This one is even better today."

These words reached Lu Li's heart, and he relaxed a little, and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Xie Jianwei went to the kitchen.

Lu Li took a cold shower to reduce the fire.

When he came out, he saw the ancient small kitchen.

Familiar and unfamiliar, distant and close.

Although seeing Xie Jianwei who was busy in it made him feel good, he couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

I don't know which guy did it, but he even made Awei cook for him, and also cook the dishes of the earth, hehe, his face is so big!

Lu Li walked to the kitchen and leaned there with his arms crossed.

Xie Jianwei not only knows how to use these "antiques", but he is also quite skilled in his movements, his knives work well, and his hands are exquisite, and he looks like a chef.

Although he knew that his military advisor would do everything he wanted, Lu Li was still unhappy.

Xie Jianwei must have practiced hard, and it was for "him". What kind of ecstasy did "he" pour into Awei, so that the strategist who did not touch the spring water with his ten fingers practiced such a craft.

Lu Li watched without blinking, the sour gas all over his body and some sugar added, and he was able to serve the "Sweet and Sour Marshal" to the table.

And the amount of vinegar is huge, sour.

Xie Jianwei was in a good mood, with a soft smile on the corners of his mouth, and there was still lust between his eyebrows and eyes, and his serious and focused appearance was particularly attractive.

Lu Li was bubbling with sour at first, but now it's even more sour.

Which bastard is training Awei again? How come the military advisor who has been unable to let go is like a goblin this morning

Lu Li can ask, although they don't have the same memory, they can still communicate with each other.

But he didn't ask.

Hehe, if you ask, is it a loss? Those goddamn bastards, who knows what to show off.

Besides, it's his home court now, and he doesn't want them to take the opportunity to steal his body.

The more Lu Li looked, the more he wanted to kill himself, so he simply went back to the table and sat down to wait for dinner.

Xie Jianwei didn't cook too complicated, just very delicate and delicious home cooking.

The main course is the burrito, a beautiful plate with five different flavors, all of which are soft, fluffy, and attractively colored; each with something different.

There are browned grilled meats with vegetables and peppers, savory grilled fish with cabbage and onions, and even fried shrimp with lettuce and guacamole…

A seemingly simple burrito is packed with deliciousness.

It's enough to prove how hard the people who created them are.

Lu Li was happy and delicious. He really wanted to ask Xie Jianwei when he practiced this skill, but he would be revealed when he asked, so he could only swallow all the words in his stomach.

Xie Jianwei turned around and brought out another serving of clam chowder, a rich, smooth soup perfect for tacos.

Lu Li hadn't eaten yet, but his taste buds were shaking.

Xie Jianwei sat opposite him and looked at him with his cheeks raised: "Try it."

Lu Li picked up a taco.

Xie Jian looked at him eagerly. Lu Li felt that he was looking at another self, so he was not very happy, but after taking a bite, all the unpleasantness flew away - the amazing deliciousness will wake up all the good moods.

The sour bubbles in the chest seemed to be purified and turned into pleasant sweet bubbles.

Lu Li exclaimed, "It tastes very good."

Xie Jian smiled and rolled his eyes: "Thank you for your compliment."

Lu Li was tickled by his smile, and he whispered, "No matter what you do, you are outstanding."

Xie Jianwei said: "I have done a lot of bad things."

Lu Li smiled.

Xie Jianwei suddenly said, "For example... Not a good lover?"

Lu Li raised his head suddenly.

Xie Jian has a natural demeanor, and there is a hint of cunning in his beautiful eyes.

Lu Li stabilized his heart and said, "You are the one I love, the best lover."

"No." Xie Jian shook his head slightly and said, "If I were a qualified lover, you shouldn't hide such an important thing from me."

His words were too tentative, Lu Li's eyes flickered, but he looked very calm: "What am I hiding from you?"

Xie Jian was silent, just staring at him like this.

In terms of psychological warfare, Xie Jianwei rarely loses, but in Lu Li, he is still very uncertain.

His mental strength is because he doesn't care about anything except Lu Liyi.

But this is obviously invalid for Lu Li.

Fortunately, Lu Li was like him. Although he was powerful, all his power was ineffective in front of Xie Jianwei.

Because they care too much about each other, the other party has become their biggest weakness.

So the two of them are now half a catty and eighty-two. Anyway, Sergeant Xie came prepared, and the odds of winning seemed to be 10% higher.

However, Xie Jianwei also had an estimate. He was worried that Lu Li would ask other personalities and collude with each other at that time. He was afraid that the medical treatment would be exposed, so he took the initiative to say: "How did the King of Hundred Limbs die?"

Lu Li was obviously stunned. In fact, what he was most worried about was the incompatibility of his personal memory and the idea that he wanted to kill "self".

But I didn't expect Xie Jianwei to mention something so long ago.

His heart fell to the ground, and he asked in a serious manner: "What? Just want to see your husband and I's heroic battle back then?"

Xie Jianwei looked at him seriously, but couldn't really see anything from his demeanor.

Lu Li was candid, as if he didn't hide anything.

If Xie Jianwei continued to ask, Lu Li would only give the same answer as back then.

Didn't Lu Li know

But why in the end cut ties from the inside

Xie Jianwei thought about it for a while, and asked in a serious tone, "I checked the God of War later."

Lu Li: "What?"

Xie Jianwei said: "The video transmission at that time was cut off by you from the inside."

Hearing his words, Lu Li obviously paused.

And soon he smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, I can't lie to you, it will always be exposed."

Xie Jianwei asked, "Why did you cut it off, and why did you lie to me?"

Lu Li leaned his arms on the dining table, and his black eyes locked him: "I'm not sure."

Just four words made Xie Jianwei's heart tremble.

Lu Li said, "I don't have the certainty of winning, thinking that if I really die, I won't let you see me so embarrassed."

Xie Jianwei's throat was so tight that he couldn't pronounce a single syllable.

Lu Li's eyes were gentle, and his voice was even more gentle like the breeze of a summer night: "I, I want you to only remember my goodness."

Xie Jian Weiqiang said in a hoarse voice, "Stupid... idiot."

Lu Li got up, walked around the dining table and came to him.

Xie Jianwei didn't look at him, he forced him to look up and kissed his forehead: "No husband wants to lose face in front of his daughter-in-law."

Xie Jianwei's face turned slightly red: "Who is your daughter-in-law?"

Lu Li said with a wicked smile, "Who called last night..."

"Lu Li!" Xie Junshi became angry.

Lu Li laughed, took him into his arms and said, "Let's eat, you finally made it, it's a pity it's cold."

Xie Jianwei said expressionlessly, "Take your hand away."

The rogue who came on his ass said, "Touch it."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

The two had a... um... quite tasty lunch.

In fact, Xie Jianwei is still not at ease. Lu Li is telling the truth. When he cut off the video, the guy probably really thought that. He likes to be handsome, especially in front of him. Xie Jianwei knows this very well.

But something must have happened after the disconnection, something that Lu Li didn't say happened.

But this is not easy to ask, Lu Li doesn't want to say, he will only make a fool of himself if he asks blindly, and let him hide the details that may be exposed better.

Xie Jianwei didn't mention it again, and only spent two days with him sweetly.

On the third morning, Lu Li pressed him on the cooking table...

This guy didn't know where the energy came from. He watched Xie Jianwei walk into the kitchen and started to put on his apron as soon as he put it on.

Dali, who had softened, stood upright again, so he was desperate to do it here.

Xie Jian Wei sternly refused, but he couldn't stop the bastard from entanglement, so he followed him.

He was in a hurry, but didn't move behind.

Xie Jianwei almost had an orgasm, how could she hold it back, she begged her repeatedly: "Quick... Quickly move."

Lu Li paused for a while and then suddenly started to fuck him hard.

Xie Jianwei couldn't stand it, and he was sent to the top.

After the end, Xie Jianwei said: "I won't come, I'm going to cook."

But Lu Li picked him up, placed him flat on the large cooking table, and tasted him as a delicacy.

In fact, in the second half, Xie Jianwei had realized that this was a personality change.

But there is no trick, they switch freely, and there is no difference, Xie Jianwei starts with his attitude every time he distinguishes.

For example, a personality who has just woken up is always sulking for a while, eating vinegar for a while, and the house is full of vinegar bubbles.

Xie Jianwei didn't want him to be jealous, and also wanted to ease the relationship between "them".

But it didn't work... because he couldn't find out his personality switch in time.

By the time he found out, this guy had already started to eat.

Today, this character is the most pitiful. As soon as I wake up and see such a scene, I feel like I'm dying.

What bastard can put a military advisor who only wants to work on the bed in this small kitchen

And this bastard made such an old-fashioned small kitchen on purpose!

Moreover, this bastard even asked the military advisor to cook for him!

So angry, I want to kill!

Thank you, what's up with Wei Neng? He could only hold on to his numb waist and use his body to appease Lu Dali.

The worst thing is that he actually thought that the jealous Da Li was too handsome.

Hmm... Addicted to love, hopeless, he is probably talking about it.

Later, Sergeant Xie naturally didn't have the strength to cook, so Lu Li cooked breakfast.

Dare to dream of food, you must first know it yourself.

Lu Li's craftsmanship has always been very good, otherwise he wouldn't be able to order so many dishes.

Xie Jianwei ate so much that her butt didn't hurt so much.

Because of the personality switch, Xie Jianwei didn't rush to start the treatment, and he lost another two days. After counting the time, he fainted Lu Li.

Yan Ke was refreshed.

Xie Jianwei asked him, "What happened?"

Yan Ke smiled and said, "I caught my brother yesterday."

His younger brother died in a house, and he didn't worry about eating or drinking. The goal of his life was Xiao Huangwen, so he was always "wandering" everywhere, stopping and going, and even his elder brother couldn't catch him.

Catch him by accident at home yesterday...

Xie Jian smiled and said, "Did you beat him?"

Yan Ke said, "I beat him so much that he cried and called his brother."

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't blame him."

Yan Ke said, "If he hadn't written all that mess, the marshal would have been so insane!"

Xie Jianwei said: "Speaking of which, he should rarely write novels about the background of the ancient earth, right?"

"I have written it, but not much. After all, it is too troublesome to test it, and there are always people picking on it."

Xie Jian pondered for a while: "What's the background in general?"

"Modern is the majority, right? But there's everything else, and I've heard there's a world of boys and girls..."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke also added: "The key is not to cultivate in vitro, but to be pregnant for ten months like a woman."

After mending the knife, Yan Ke realized that he had said too much. He was afraid that the military adviser would kill his unsatisfactory brother in a rage, and quickly explained: "Master Marshal will definitely not have such a dream, definitely not. !"

Xie Jianwei also knew that Lu Li wouldn't, because Lu Li couldn't finish his jealousy, so it was impossible for him to have another child.

Xie Jianwei said: "Don't worry about this."

Yan Ke thought to himself, "Master Marshal, don't play any kind of pregnancy sex, it's really fun, Lao Tzu's unpromising younger brother must have two positions.

Full of unease, Yan Ke turned on his mental magnetic field.

Xie Jianwei entered a new dream.

After a brief discomfort, he was shocked by a few lines of words in his head.

Yan Ke took a deep breath...

Xie Jianwei said, "What is this? An introduction to your brother's novel?"

Yan Kegan smiled and said, "It's quite similar."

It's really getting more and more high-end, and now you can see "copywriting" in a dream.

What poured into Xie Jianwei's head was the following passage:

"Everyone knows that the man who holds great power is unmarried but has an adult son.

Everyone knows that this is a godson.

… That's right, the 'dry' son. "

Yan Ke wiped the sweat of his brother, and said euphemistically, "It's all fun, it's fun!"

Xie Jianwei: "Haha."

Yan Ke said: "Minister Li is still very stable about the restricted level! Xiao Huangwen can write, but there will be no real bad morals!"

Xie Jianwei said: "So there is this kind of edge ball?"

Yan Ke didn't dare to speak out, he never expected that the men and boys would be swept away, but they were planted here.

Yan Ke also broke a brother's heart: I can't save you, it's short, just do it for yourself!

Xie Jianwei opened his eyes and found himself in a bright light.

As night fell, another world quietly awakened.

In the luxuriously decorated room, a long table covered with black velvet satin is playing the game of chips.

Xie Jianwei had a lot of information in his head this time. He looked down and quickly understood the rules of this "bridge".

Yan Ke looked confused: "This is a big game."

When you raise your hand, it is about a hundred thousand or so, which is really something that local tyrants play.

Xie Jian Wei Lao Shen Shen said: "What are you afraid of, it is obvious that someone deliberately sent money."

There were a total of four people playing cards, two foils, and the other Mediterranean uncle had been losing cards on purpose, obviously holding Xie Jianwei.

This kind of method has been seen a lot, and it is not serious at all.

Taking "gambling cards" to coax people's hearts must be something you want.

After Xie Jianwei played for a few laps, he glanced lazily at the Mediterranean Sea: "Uncle Sun, you are not lucky today."

The Mediterranean name was Sun Qinghai. He lost three million dollars, but he still smiled with him. He didn't mean to be angry at all. He just listened to him flatteringly: "You still know how to play, young master. Ah, it's useless, you can't get around this corner."

He said it like this, but the truth is the exact opposite. This Sun Qinghai's head is useless, it is obviously very useful.

Losing without a trace, this flattery method is very clever, it is obviously an old fried dough stick, or the kind that has been rolled in a frying pan for several times, and the inside and outside are charred.

Xie Jianwei smiled noncommittally. The corners of his raised mouth and his sloppy eyes perfectly presented the attitude of a libertine.

Seeing him, Sun Qinghai seemed to be happy, and then said, "I have a small gift here. I wonder if the young master can accept it?"

Xie Jianwei said with great interest: "It must be a good thing to be able to enter Uncle Sun's eyes."

Sun Qinghai smiled and said, "Wherever you are, I'm afraid that the young master will not like it."

He had already clapped his hands while he was talking, and not long after that, a young man with a particularly delicate appearance and an astonishingly good figure was brought over.

Looking at him, he was only eighteen or nineteen years old. He had a fair and delicate face, big eyes, a delicate nose, and tender lips like peeled peaches.

Xie Jianwei took a few more glances.

Sun Qinghai asked in a low voice, "I wonder if it suits the young master's appetite?"

"Uncle Sun is amazing, is this little beauty an adult?" Xie Jianwei asked with a light smile.

Sun Qinghai said: "Of course, it's almost twenty this year, we know the rules of the young master."

Xie Jian smiled meaningfully: "It's better to be older and sensible."

Sun Qinghai said, "That's what happened."

Xie Jianwei's eyes were fixed on the little beauty, and he obviously liked it. Sun Qinghai was relieved for the most part, and his buttocks finally sat down in the chair.

He had lived half his life, and he never imagined that one day he would flatter such a young man.

But he really didn't dare to look down on Xie Jianwei. Others said that Young Master Wei is pampered, and his food, clothing, housing and transportation are so delicate that he can't even compare with ten princesses and princes combined... Moreover, he is notorious for being wild, and his relationship with Mr. Lu has never been avoided. , This kind of good "son" who relies on his body to be in the upper position will always make people look down on him from the bottom of his heart.

I feel that he is incompetent, that he is pampered and arrogant, and even more that he is just a pet to be played with.

But Sun Qinghai dared not.

He is an old man. He has seen Xie Jianwei before, and he has seen with his own eyes the wolf cub who was only a teenager but dared to slash people with a knife, killing all his life.

Few people know about Xie Jianwei and Lu Li's past, but he does.

These two upper-class people in bright fur were crawling out from the abyss of hell.

Today, half of Lu Li's country is spelled out by Xie Jianwei, the "god son" in the eyes of others.

Such a ruthless person, Sun Qinghai could not afford to offend.

It's just that his head got hot a while ago and he committed a taboo. If he doesn't coax Xie Jianwei, I'm afraid his old life will not be guaranteed.

First lose money to make Xie Jianwei happy, and then give him a nice little beauty as he likes, Sun Qinghai thinks... Maybe Xie Jianwei can forgive him this time.

Leaving from the gaming table, Xie Jianwei took the little beauty away.

Xiaomei was born very beautiful, more beautiful than women, but she was not squeamish, on the contrary, she was beautiful and flattering to look at.

Xie Jianwei asked him, "What's it called?"

His voice is also very nice: "Jiaxi."

Xie Jianwei asked again, "Where's the last name?"

"Xu..." He said warmly, "Xu Jiaxi."

The surname is Xu again... Xie Jianwei pondered for a while, he didn't remember that he knew a person with the surname Xu? Whose vinegar is Lu Li eating

Xie Jianwei glanced at the young man beside him, and asked slowly, "Have a cigarette, do you mind?"

Xu Jiaxi kept her head down, her fair neck was warmed by the lights in the car, quite charming.

He said softly, "Young master, please feel free."

Xie Jianwei lit a cigarette and said, "Just call me by my name."

Xu Jiaxi said nervously, "How can it be done then?"

Xie Jianwei smiled lightly and said, "If you call me young master on the bed, I will be impotent."

As soon as he said these words, Xu Jiaxi's cheeks immediately flushed red, and he only dared to bow his head, not daring to say a word again.

Yan Ke cheered: "Sir, you are amazing! Such a character can be stable!"

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Yan Ke is also familiar with the way now, and he analyzes it seriously: "I think it's all his business, how can the Marshal let you go with others...cough..."

Xie Jian smiled and said, "It has learned to be smart, and it is trying its best to discredit me."

Yan Ke said worriedly: "It dug such a big hole in advance. You can only follow the settings in your dreams. This... This is really difficult."

"Don't worry, it doesn't dare to overdo it. If it really breaks the bottom line, God's will will kill it first."

Seeing Xie Jianwei's heart, Yan Ke could not help but relax a lot.

Anyway, there is a military advisor, so he should not waste his pitiful brain cells!

The car drove into a villa, Xie Jianwei instructed the servant, "Take Mr. Xu to the bedroom."

Xu Jiaxi was a little flustered, and finally summoned up the courage to look up at Xie Jianwei.

Xie Jianwei smiled at him: "Go take a bath and wait for me in bed."

His voice is particularly beautiful, it is obviously frivolous, but the heart of the person who is flirting is trembling.

Xu Jiaxi bowed her head, the tips of her ears turned red. He likes Xie Jianwei, and at first glance, he likes this handsome and handsome man.

He was sitting in front of the gaming table, with a loose smile on the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were as dangerous and powerful as a wolf.

Seeing him with that kind of gaze, Xu Jiaxi's heart was beating very fast at that time, and he knew that he was satisfying him. Although he was too nervous to speak, he was very happy.

After Xu Jiaxi left, Xie Jianwei went to the study on the second floor.

After his confidant knocked on the door three times, Xie Jianwei said, "Come in."

A familiar face entered.

Yan Ke said in surprise: "Oh, it's Major General Bai!"

Another old acquaintance, Bai Yun is also an old man, especially close to Xie Jianwei. After all, he was born in the intelligence department, and he was Xie Jianwei's right hand during the war.

Xie Jianwei watched him play a little bit, but he had to keep his face steady.

Bai Yun has always been a well-behaved person, and he is upright when he walks out of the underworld: "Sir, we have found out about Sun Qinghai."

Xie Jianwei said: "Say."

"That batch of goods was made by his mistress fornicating with his subordinates. Afterwards, he found out in time, arrested both his mistress and his subordinates, and destroyed the goods."

Xie Jianwei smiled and said, "He is shrewd."

Bai Yun said, "Sir, do you think Sun Qinghai is acting?"

Xie Jianwei sneered: "If we hadn't discovered it in time, I guess he wouldn't be able to 'discover' what his mistress and his subordinates did."

Bai Yun said: "Sun Qinghai is also an old man. Knowing that your taboo is never to sell drugs, how dare he..."

Xie Jianwei said: "As the years go by and the heart grows, naturally I forget the rules."

"Then..." Bai Yun hesitated.

Xie Jianwei knew what he wanted to say.

Tonight, Sun Qinghai made an obvious show of goodwill, sending money and people. He said a lot of good things, but he wanted Xie Jianweiwang to open up and spare him.

Xie Jianwei's performance was also remarkable, the money was "won", and the people brought it back, looking very useful.

It stands to reason that Xie Jianwei wants to let him go.

After all, even Bai Yun thought so.

And Xie Jianwei said: "If he doesn't let his guard down, how can he catch bigger fish?"

Bai Yun was stunned for a moment, then continued: "It's the subordinate's carelessness."

Xie Jianwei said: "Continue to observe Sun Qinghai, and report any problems in time."

Bai Yun responded promptly, and before leaving, he asked again, "The Xu Jiaxi from the Zuowu..."

"Oh." Xie Jianwei said, "Leave him here for the time being, he looks pretty good."

Bai Yun lowered his eyes and responded, "Okay."

After Bai Yun left, Xie Jianwei picked up the phone and dialed the number of his "father".

He curled his lips and smiled, planning to say something, but the other end of the phone came: The call you dialed is temporarily unavailable.

Master Xie: "..."

Yan Ke said, "Aiya, Lord Marshal is really good this time."

Xie Jianwei called again, but no one answered.

Yan Ke was a little excited: "That... sire, you don't really want to pamper that little lover, do you?"

This time, Xie Jianwei's character is quite ridiculous.

It is described in a few simple words in the "Introduction".

Xie Jianwei is a wolf cub, wild, unruly and violent.

Lu Li took him home, talked calmly, cultivated his bearing, and then spent more than ten years taming him into a noble, elegant, and handsome young master Xie.

But his nature didn't change. While he and Lu Li were unclear, he also raised a bunch of little lovers.

Lu Li knew it, but he never stopped it.

Because from the beginning, Xie Jianwei only regarded him as his "father", and this deformed relationship was just hiding another unspeakable mind.

The circle lived this person, but could not touch the heart.

No one knows this better than Lu Li.