The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 76


The atmosphere was very stiff for a while, especially Yan Ke, who was swept away by Lu Li's eyes, and wanted to get into the crack of the wall and be a bug every minute.

Damn it, don't look at how funny and humorous the marshal's play in the dream is. In reality, this is the overlord of the entire galaxy. In a word, he can roll up the bed and go home and sell sweet potatoes!

Yan Ke was so cowardly that no one dared to look or speak, so he could only try to make himself smaller and smaller. However, it is of no use. He is too dazzling, and he extended it a little along the head of the Marshal. It was quiet at night, lonely men and widowed men, and sleeping husbands. I don't think it's as simple as selling sweet potatoes, he might die!

Military division Xie was still very stable. He first said to Yan Ke, "Go back and rest."

Yan Ke said with a trembling voice, "Okay, okay, okay..."

It was so dangerous that he still remembered to salute, and after saying goodbye tremblingly, he ran so fast.

Only Lu Li and Xie Jianwei were left in the treatment room.

The two looked at each other, Xie Jianwei smiled at him.

Lu Li glanced at it and abruptly looked away.

Xie Jianwei is still laughing and his voice is very relaxed: "What do you think I am doing?"

Lu Li didn't make a sound, just stared at the ground, as if there was some treasure hidden there, and he could pull it out after looking at it for a while.

Xie Jianwei became playful and jokingly said, "Can I still harm you?"

Lu Li said in a muffled voice, "If you want me to die, I won't live another day."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

The smile on the corner of his mouth turned helpless, Xie Jianwei thought about the few dreams he had passed, and knew very well that Lu Li was not joking. He felt warm and painful in his heart, and it was hard to describe for a while.

Sighing lightly, Xie Jianwei said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Lu Li stopped talking.

In a quiet room, two people sitting very close have the same feelings, but their minds are far apart.

Xie Jianwei asked him abruptly, "Ali, do you love me?"

Lu Li frowned, but said without pause, "Of course, I love you, and for you, I can do anything."

Xie Jianwei looked at him and asked softly, "Including killing yourself?"

Lu Li raised his head suddenly, a pair of black eyes flashing lightly.

Xie Jianwei said: "You don't remember each other, right?"

Since he asked, it means that he already has the answer. If he can't hide it, there is no need to hide it. Lu Li replied, "Well."

Xie Jianwei asked him, "When did it start?"

Lu Li said, "It's been two months."

Thanks for seeing Weixin.

Two months ago, Lu Li woke up in the early morning and felt a huge unease when he saw the sleeping person in his arms. Xie Jianwei was wearing his pajamas, the exposed neck was full of ambiguous pink, he was still asleep, and there was a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth...

What happened last night to make him so happy

How long has it been since he saw him smile like this, who did he do to make him so happy

No one told him that jealousy turned into a poisonous snake biting his heart, Lu Li lowered his head and kissed him, wanting to replace the marks on his body with his own.

Xie Jian snorted slightly, closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Stop making trouble."

Lu Li kept moving.

Xie Jian opened his eyes slightly to look at him, with a condoning smile on the corner of his mouth: "Isn't it enough that you came here many times last night?"

Lu Li felt like his nerve had been pierced, because his words made him numb with pain, and his voice was a little stiff: "Not enough."

According to the past, Xie Jianwei would reject him, push him away, and let him be more restrained, but today's Xie Jianwei got up slightly, kissed his lips, and whispered, "Just come once."

Lu Li didn't feel happy, but felt even more uneasy. He forced a smile and asked, "Why are you so generous?"

Xie Jian's slightly lowered voice is very nice, as confusing as a siren: "You made me too comfortable last night."

With a bang, it seemed like a dull thunder exploded in his mind. Lu Li was kissing the person he loved the most, but he couldn't taste the slightest sweetness. His mouth was full of bitterness - they occupied the taste buds, invaded the nerves, and made all limbs feel heavy. pain of.

What happened when he didn't know.

what exactly did they do.

Yes...they, it's them.

Lu Li's movements were somewhat uncontrollable and rude, Xie Jianwei begged, but when he thought that he was like this all night last night, moaning all night, he felt that his internal organs were rotten and painful. Desperate again, but he couldn't help it.

He couldn't blame Xie Jianwei, he could only blame himself.

Yes, blame himself.

Xie Jianwei did not betray him, but he tasted the deep pain of being betrayed by his beloved.

Such days lasted for two months.

Every Lu Li was suffering, but the more they hated each other, the more they couldn't share. They didn't communicate and didn't communicate. The only thing they knew was that they could hide Xie Jianwei together, but they were very vague when explaining important memories to each other, and even deliberately Stimulate another personality, making him feel uncomfortable to death before he wakes up.

They can't wait to let the other party be rejected by Xie Jianwei, and at the same time they are afraid of being rejected by themselves.

They were originally one person, Xie Jianwei hated one and how could he like the other.

However, they can't see clearly, and they may not be able to control their emotions. Jealousy is the most likely to stimulate the dark side of people, and their already incomplete personality will only become more and more intrusive.

I don't know who proposed it: since no one can tolerate anyone, and everyone wants to monopolize Xie Jianwei, it is better to separate.

As long as they have their own bodies, they are independent people, and they can completely own Xie Jianwei.

As for who Xie Jianwei belongs to in the end, that's up to you.

So there are replicators.

Xie Jianwei said: "Ali, don't hurt yourself."

Everything was exposed, and Lu Li was calmer than he thought. He calmly said, "That's not me."

Xie Jian frowned slightly and said, "That's you."

Lu Li looked at him, his black eyes firm and persistent: "I only have one, and you can only belong to me."

Xie Jianwei was about to open his mouth to refute, but Lu Li actually said this: "You don't have to worry, we will handle our affairs ourselves, and we won't embarrass you."

Xie Jianwei was a little angry: "Don't make me embarrassed?"

"Yeah." Lu Li said, "I didn't kill myself, but them."

Xie Jianwei raised his voice rarely: "You are all alone, will you still be alive when they die?"

Lu Li stubbornly said, "Then die together."

Xie Jian gave a low scolding: "Lu Li!"

Lu Li didn't look at him, but his voice was very calm: "I know what you're worrying about, it's alright, if I kill them, I'll die, so let's die together, I don't want to live a day like this." I can't bear to wake up. After coming here, Xie Jianwei was kissed by "other people", and could not bear Xie Jianwei's smile at "other people", let alone imagine that Xie Jianwei's happiness was given by "other people".

If Xie Jianwei doesn't love him, then don't love anyone else. He can't accept that he can't make Xie Jianwei fall in love with him after more than ten years of hard work, but the other self has done it.

It's horrible, it's better to destroy it all than to end up like this.

Xie Jianwei stared at him: "What are you talking about."

Lu Li refused to look at him.

Xie Jian's voice was trembling, and he put on a crying voice: "What should I do if you die?"

Lu Li was shocked. He had never heard Xie Jianwei's voice, never imagined that he would be so vulnerable, and he couldn't imagine that Xie Jianwei was because of himself...

He looked up and saw the tears dripping from those beautiful eyes.

Xie Jianwei shed tears silently, his voice hoarse and painful: "Lu Li, what am I still alive when you are dead?"

Lu Li opened his mouth, he wanted to say... If I die, you can live better, you can have no scruples, you can not be accused and mocked, you can truly stand at the top, and you can get everything that should belong to you.

But he couldn't tell.

Xie Jian lowered his head slightly, his shoulders trembled slightly, and started to apologize: "I'm sorry, Li, I'm sorry..."

Why apologize, why say sorry

Lu Li didn't know, but looking at Xie Jianwei in such pain, his heart almost stagnated: "Don't... don't be like this." He hurriedly embraced him in his arms, trying to wipe his tears, but the moment he touched him, he was stunned. It was hot like touching magma, and it hurt from the fingertips to the heart.

"There's nothing wrong with you." Lu Li just wanted him not to cry and not be sad, "You've done a great job, I'm very grateful to you, I…"

"If I'm good enough..." Xie Jianwei looked up at him, his eyes were completely covered with water vapor, and his voice was trembling. "If I'm good enough, why don't you know that I love you."

Lu Li froze.

Xie Jianwei asked him: "I will never live alone when you die, have you forgotten this?"

Lu Li's lips twitched, he will never forget these words, and he will always remember the throbbing that came from the depths of his soul when he heard these words, but he knew, he knew that Xie Jianwei was just inspiring him, just giving him Boost morale…

Because he knew very well that if he really died, Xie Jianwei would still be alive, after all, the relationship between them was never equal.

It's not good for him to leave him, but it will only be better for Xie Jianwei to leave him.

But now Xie Jianwei told him: "I said this just because I love you, Lu Li... What should I do to let you know that I love you."

Lu Li couldn't say a word.

They sat in the warm treatment room without saying a word.

It was getting brighter outside, and the beautiful stars cast their light on this beautiful city like a mother awakening her child.

The capital of the Milky Way is called Micro City.

The word Wei is taken from "Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the microscopic particles", but everyone knows that the reason why their marshals chose it as the capital is just because it is called Weicheng, and the word Wei is his favorite. person's name.

He loves Xie Jianwei, everyone knows it.

Xie Jianwei didn't love him, Lu Li knew it.

But now... Xie Jianwei told him that he loved him.

He told him he didn't know how to let him know that he loved him.

Lu Li didn't know, he was afraid that it was a dream, the sweeter it was, the crueler it was when he woke up.

He was used to it. From the moment he left Huang Xing and knew Xie Jianwei's identity, he understood that he would not fall in love with him.

He wanted to be his family, his arm, his gun, and his indispensable and important person.

He doesn't think too much, and he doesn't dare.

This is the life he stole, how dare he ask for too much.

So after seeing all that, Lu Li didn't despair much. He was already mentally prepared, those things couldn't defeat him at all, he just hoped that he would do well and do well.

Xie Jianwei said softly: "I landed on that desolate star with all my heart to beg for death." He paused before continuing, "I am not the survivor of the Xie family's fall, but the only executioner."

Lu Li never heard him say this.

Xie Jianwei said slowly, "I killed my father, my mother, my two brothers, and all my close relatives. Although I am freed, I don't want to live anymore."

Lu Li's pupils shrank suddenly: "How, how is it possible?"

Xie Jianwei said: "I will tell you about the Xie family when I have a chance, but no matter what the premise is, it is true that I killed my father and killed my mother and destroyed the entire Xie family."

"So..." He looked at Lu Li and said, "I'm not as good as you think."

Lu Li hugged him, and a lot of words came to his lips, but he didn't know what to say.

Xie Jianwei said wearily: "If I hadn't met you on Desolate Star, I would have died a long time ago."

"It's my fault, but I really couldn't tell you about the Xie family at that time. I didn't want you to know, and I was even afraid that you would know, so I tried my best to make the truth nowhere to be found, and to shape myself as a The only survivor of the Xie family..." Xie Jianwei smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe at that time you thought that I was taking you out of the deserted star and taking you around to avenge the Xie family, no, what kind of revenge? Kill them. It's me, I did everything, I've got my revenge, I'm still…”

Lu Li hugged him hard and kissed his hair: "I'm sorry, I don't know this, I'm sorry..."

Xie Jian shook his head slightly and continued: "I want to live because of you. How young, how good, how good you are, you shouldn't be trapped on that desolate star, you shouldn't spend your life in obscurity like that."

He looked at Lu Li, looked at his eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and looked carefully, full of nostalgia, and his voice was extremely gentle: "Ali, I thought these were what you wanted."

Lu Li opened his mouth and said bitterly, "I want you."

Xie Jian smiled and said softly: "But I have always belonged to you."

From the beginning until now, Xie Jianwei has always belonged to Lu Li.

Because you already got it, I want to give you more...

Lu Li looked at him without blinking, and said in a low voice, "I... can't believe it."

Xie Jianwei said: "We still have a lifetime, you will believe it."

Lu Li was warmed by these three words for a lifetime, the haze in his heart dissipated most of the time, and he lowered his head and kissed Xie Jianwei.

The two exchanged a sweet kiss, full of deep love for each other.

They finally open up, move away from loving each other, and begin to understand the fact that they love them too.

After calming down, Xie Jianwei took the initiative to explain the matter here.

"If you want to kill yourself, I will never allow it, but you can't let it go if you don't communicate with each other, so Yan Ke and I made a treatment plan."

"How to treat?"

Xie Jian smiled: "Go to your dream to help you untie the knot."

Lu Li was very curious: "In a dream?"

Xie Jianwei nodded and said, "Your dream is quite interesting."

Lu Li's head was empty, he didn't know what happened, but he was still a little uneasy: "I didn't dream of anything bad, right?"

Xie Jianwei said: "I don't love you in every dream. I'm very scumbag. Either there is Bai Yueguang, an ex, or a prodigal son who doesn't care about his kidneys."

Land from:"… "

Xie Jianwei said again: "In every dream, you are a little pitiful. You love me to the death, but you can't ask for it. You always want to find an opportunity to close my little black house."

Lu Li: "..." He believed it, it must be his dream, he didn't run away.

Xie Jianwei glared at him and said: "The key is that you are still very bearish. If I don't act a little bit, you will feel unreal, and you will wake up in minutes."

Lu Li gave a fake cough to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Xie Jianwei quickly rolled his eyes again, and said sweetly, "But it's also very cute. When I'm wronged, you feel so uncomfortable that you can't even dream. You'd rather torture yourself to death than make me sad. It's more exaggerated. Yes, I was hit by a car, and you can make me feel no pain at all, it's amazing."

Lu Li also laughed: "Sounds interesting."

"It's very interesting," Xie Jian kissed him slightly, "Thank you very much for your dream, let me know how to love you."

Hearing him say love, Lu Li still felt a little distorted.

But Xie Jianwei is not in a hurry, he already knows how to get along with people he loves, and he has enough time to let Lu Li know that he really loves him.

Lu Li said, "How many personalities have you comforted?"

Xie Jianwei said, "You are the last one."

Lu Li said, "Can it be merged after all are appeased?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Yes."

Lu Li actually felt that it was fine now.

Xie Jianwei knew more about him, and immediately said: "It must be integrated, the other personalities are just sleeping, and when you wake up, you should kill each other again."

Lu Li still wanted to kill them.

Xie Jianwei said again: "Don't be stupid, when you merge, you will be you, Lu Li, you have always been Lu Li."

Lu Li also thought about it. If Xie Jianwei really loves him (let's just believe it), then he really doesn't want to die. How can he lose what he finally got

If you kill them, you will also die, it is more appropriate to integrate.

Seeing that Lu Li thought about it, Xie Jianwei asked again, "Can you tell me all about what happened during the final battle between you and the King of Hundred Limbs?"

Lu Li said, "There's nothing to say."

Xie Jianwei said: "But it is the culprit of your split personality."

Lu Li's eyes narrowed suddenly: "It's dead."

Xie Jianwei said: "It is attached to your spirit."

Lu Li was stunned for a while, then said after a while, "So that's what happened."

Xie Jianwei asked him, "What?"

Lu Lidao: "It said that it won't die, that I can't kill it no matter what, maybe it's the last move that attaches to the spirit."

Xie Jianwei asked again: "Can you tell me why you cut off the influence when you two had the final battle?"

Lu Li paused and said, "It showed me something."


Lu Li: "If you didn't meet me, what would your future be like?"

Xie Jian was stunned for a while: "Didn't I meet you?"

Lu Li's eyes flashed, and he said softly, "Well, if you didn't meet me, you would be rescued by a pirate group, and then use their armed forces to kill the galaxy. In the end, you formed a new federation and became the first federation president. Lead humanity to a prosperous future."

Xie Jianwei: "..." He was silent for a while before asking, "Will I meet another lover named Xu?"

Lu Li said: "You married your fiancée, but she was killed in the war. Later, you remained single until you met a man named Xu, um, a man who looked a bit like your fiancée, very feminine, and then you with him."

Xie Jianwei's heart was filled with grass and mud horses when he heard it: "You also believe this?"

Lu Li said, "It's quite logical."

Xie Jianwei: "But you have to know that if I hadn't met you, I would have died long ago."

Lu Li stared at him and said, "I didn't know that at the time."

Xie Jianwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Even so, you don't have to believe it. What does it mean to have a future that didn't meet you? It's what happened when I met you. Can there be any more changes to what happened?"

Where does this logic come from? But Xie Jianwei thought about the dream of Da Li's logical death, and thought it was normal for him to be fooled.

There was a trace of emotion in Lu Li's eyes, but what he said was very relaxed: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I have to kill it anyway."

Xie Jianwei said: "It's not completely dead."

Lu Li looked at him and smiled: "Are you dying?"

Xie Jianwei said: "There is the last one left."

Although Lu Li didn't know what happened in his dream, he still knew Xie Jianwei very well. With his observant personality, he would definitely find it, and since he found it, he would definitely find a way to kill it.

Well, it's long overdue.

Xie Jianwei discussed with him: "In the next dream, you will dream of something good."

Lu Li said solemnly, "Dreaming is uncontrollable."

Xie Jianwei said: "Don't always think of me so scumbag, you see I have only one you from beginning to end, only love you, only sleep with you, only be with you..."

He said it so sweetly that Lu Li couldn't help kissing him.

Xie Jianwei also kissed him, and then continued: "I don't even remember the name of my fiancee, how could I love her? Still in love until I find a man who looks like her in a few years?"

Lu Li paused and said, "Well, you don't love her."

Xie Jianwei asked curiously, "Why do you think I'm a straight man?"

Lu Li sullenly said, "Don't you have a fiancée?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Political marriage, don't you understand?"

Lu Li was very obedient: "I understand now."

Xie Jianwei was very useful, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "I don't think I should be a straight man, right?"

Land from:"… "

Xie Jianwei said, "I can see your feelings for me just a few days after I met you, and I don't hate it, and I always want to flirt with you..."

Lu Li was silent.

Xie Jianwei concluded: "Do straight men do this?"

Lu Li couldn't help but say, "You are not allowed to like other men."

Xie Jian smiled and said: "Of course not, I only like my big departure." He also glanced below him.

Dali was respected by him and saluted.

Xie Jianwei chuckled and said, "Da Li only likes me."

How could Lu Li stand up to him like this? He was so kissed that he didn't want to talk anymore. Let's talk about it first.

After slapping the strategist like soft water, the Marshal also felt a little stupid. How can he look like a straight man

Straight or not, he can only do this under him anyway.

Thinking about it, he lifted up the long white straight legs again and walked in.

Xie Jianwei didn't know how he got back to the Marshal's Mansion. Anyway, after lying on his bed, he didn't forget to ask Lu Li, "Did you clean up the treatment room?" Although Yan Ke was not an outsider, he was embarrassed.

Lu Li said, "Don't worry, I've packed it up."

Xie Jianwei said again, "You're not going out today?"

The Marshal, who is full of official business, is about to skip work: "I'm not going anywhere."

Xie Jianwei didn't want him to go out either: "It's good to be lazy occasionally."

Lu Li said, "If you pester me, I want to be lazy every day."

Xie Jianwei said: "That won't work, it will delay the business."

Lu Li wanted to say something but finally stopped.

Xie Jianwei just remembered that their personalities were not remembered well, and Lu Li didn't know what he did before, so he said, "I'll be with you wherever you go in the future."

Lu Li's eyes lit up: "Visit with me?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Not only on visits, I will follow you when you go to a meeting with the old men."

Lu Li suddenly sat up: "You..."

Xie Jianwei looked at him: "No?"

"Okay, okay!" Lu Li smiled, "With you here, they must be as honest as quails."

Xie Jianwei said, "I took your position, don't regret it later."

Lu Li said, "You can take everything that you want. I'm afraid you don't want it."

Xie Jian smiled and scolded him: "I don't know what to do."

Lu Li said, "Just knowing you is enough."

Xie Jianwei said again, "Is your mouth covered with honey? It's so sweet."

Lu Li said, "This is wronging me, how can I have your sweet mouth." He said shamelessly, "Both mouths are sweet."

Xie Jianwei couldn't play hooligan with him, he got up and said, "I'm going to cook, what do you want for lunch?"

Lu Li was surprised again: "What do you want to eat?" He instinctively felt that it was not to set up an AI program.

Xie Jianwei glanced at him: "You have a dream in which you set me as a top chef, and people all over the world say that the dishes I make are good, but unfortunately I don't know it at all. I have taken great pains to ask for it.”

Lu Li said, "Is there such a good thing?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay, you are still anorexic, you can only eat the food I cook, I can't make it to a normal level, and I can't pass the trial eating session, I can only see that you are hungry, do you think I am in a hurry? "

Lu Li cleared his throat: "...I don't know which personality had such a shameless dream."

Xie Jianwei saw that he was able to make fun of this, and felt that he really wanted to cooperate with the treatment and to integrate as soon as possible. He couldn't help but feel relieved and in a better mood: "Wait, let you taste my craftsmanship."

Where can Lu Li wait? He followed up with the small kitchen next door, and was even more surprised to see the layout inside: "You still use something so ancient."

Xie Jianwei said, "Who made your dreams full of ancient earth winds, I really didn't see that you were still a person who likes retro winds."

Lu Li smiled: "The old things are still very interesting."

Seeing Xie Jianwei skillfully using all kinds of pots and pans, Lu Li knew that his military advisor really worked hard.

After a while, the exquisite three dishes and one soup came to the table, and Lu Li was flattered.

"It tastes so good."

Xie Jian hummed slightly: "After all, he is a top chef."

Lu Li said, "It's a pity that I can't remember what happened in my dream."

Xie Jianwei said: "It doesn't matter if you can't remember it, it's just those things anyway." He thought to himself, it's better not to remember. Although some dreams are sweet, some are also very abusive, especially the two personalities. Those few dreams that Xie Jianwei had, recalling that Xie Jianwei felt that he was a scumbag, and that he was living on two boats, even though the boat was split into two.

However, Lu Li really regretted it. He always felt that he had had so many "beautiful dreams", but when he woke up, he forgot all about it.

The two of them had lunch and did nothing in the afternoon, just sneaking around in the marshal's mansion.

Lu Li asked him about the dream, and Xie Jianwei picked something interesting to tell him.

As he talked, he thought of Luoren and Yan Ke, and said, "How could you think of putting them together?"

Lu Li calmly said, "Roren likes Yan Ke."

"Ah?" Xie Jian blinked slightly, "When did it happen?"

Lu Li said, "It's been many years. Do you still remember that there was a time when Lauren was injured and was raised for a long time. At that time, Yan Ke was in charge of the treatment."

Xie Jianwei still remembered that during the war, no general was half dead.

Lu Lidao: "I don't know the specifics. Anyway, after he got better, Luo Lun came to me and asked me who the doctor in charge was, and I said it was yours, called Yan Ke."

"It's Yan Ke, Ke next to the wooden character." Xie Jian paused for a while and then said, "Yan Ke is a straight man..." This is a really straight man, he only likes girls with big breasts, he knows him very well.

Lu Lidao: "I told Lauren and he knows it, so I haven't mentioned anything for so many years."

Xie Jianwei said, "Roren hasn't been idle in the past few years, and the flower name is out."

Lu Li snorted: "It's a bluff."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Lu Li said, "If you ask him what to do, he deserves it."

Xie Jianwei glanced at him.

Lu Li said, "I'm not cowardly." Knowing that Xie Jianwei didn't love him, he wouldn't let him go. No matter who he likes, it's just right to dominate first.

Xie Jianwei Xindao, you are not cowardly, you are just a little stupid!

At night, Lu Li took the initiative to ask: "Start the treatment?" He didn't want it to live, and he could feel at ease if he could kill it quickly.

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay, I'll contact Yan Ke."

Yan Ke came to the treatment room with his legs shaking. He was afraid that the Marshal would kill him if he disagreed with him, and Master Xie would definitely not protect him at that time! He has only lived for less than forty years, less than a quarter of his life, and he still doesn't want to die QAQ!

Lu Li was very gentle to him, and called him, "Doctor Yan, good evening."

Yan Ke almost fell to his knees.

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay, don't scare him."

Lu Li smiled and said, "Doctor Yan is still very friendly."

Yan Ke thought to himself, what misunderstanding do you have on me, Lord Marshal, my personality really has nothing to do with Gao Leng!

Lu Li went to bed first, and asked for a kiss before going to bed.

Xie Jian kissed him slightly, and instructed: "You must have a good dream."

Lu Li said, "If I can dream of you, it's all good dreams."

This is not necessarily true. Yan Ke, who was watching the whole process, said in his heart that he had seen it before, and it was the full skill of the Marshal to torture himself to death.

Xie Jianwei was still worried: "You must not make me too scum, you know?"

Lu Li said: "Don't worry, you are the best person in the world, um, the best person in the whole dream."

Xie Jianwei had some bad premonitions, but he felt that it should be fine. After all, he and Lu Li had already talked about it. Thinking about the ghost Lu Li in the last dream, it was because the two of them opened up their hearts, so they were warm and cute. Big sweet.

Thinking of this, Xie Jianwei felt that this last dream must be great.

He waited a while longer, because Lu Li had to fall into a deep sleep before he could enter his dream.

Yan Ke asked in a low voice, "Sir, have you spoken to the Marshal?"

Xie Jianwei said: "Well, it's alright."

Yan Ke breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great."

Xie Jianwei said: "As long as it is killed in this dream, everything will be fine."

Yan Ke unconsciously set up a Flag: "It's definitely not a problem." It has all been stupid for seven dreams, and the last one is definitely not much smarter.

The marshals and the military advisors work together to break the gold!

Xie Jianwei entered the dream state in a good mood, and after getting used to it for a while, he…

Yan Ke: "…"

Xie Jianwei didn't know what to say.

This time he is really not scumbag, not scumbag at all, he is simply a prosperous white lotus (no derogatory meaning).

Yan Ke corrected: "I think it should be called Mary Sue... Well, it's Tom Sue."

Xie Jianwei sighed heavily.

His character design this time was so explosive that he almost didn't have the words "million people" on his head.

He thought about what Lu Li said before going to bed: "You are the best person in the whole dream."

It's really super good, everyone loves flowers and sees flowers while driving and seeing the brakes.

When he walked on the road, both men, women and children would stare at him: the dog walking the dog ran away, he didn't realize it, the green light for the car turned on, and even the shy thief put down his buddy and waited foolishly with the stolen goods He was caught, and the poor policeman who caught him was stunned, completely forgetting that he was on a mission...