The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 78


This is a great honor that ordinary people can't even imagine.

However, Xie Jianwei just wanted to laugh at this time, the leaders of this world are all crazy!

But his marshal is still very involved in the play, and it's all serious.

A bunch of people, like reporters interviewing big stars, used the card as a microphone and handed it to Lu Li like a madman. That great beauty, they will also have the opportunity to sneak a few glances in the future...

Lu Li promised them? He's about to explode! I just want to chop up all these people who have robbed him and see the micro, chop it up and feed the dog.

Xie Jian smiled so much that his stomach hurts, and his strength loves Lu Li. Think about it... People all over the world can pursue Xie Jianwei in an open and fair manner, only Lu Li can't.

Because he's his brother - but he's not a real brother, it doesn't matter, what's more stupid than Da Li!

Of course, Sergeant Xie was a full-time favorite of the old attack, and he was reluctant to watch him explode into fireworks, so he used a little bit of caution.

He kicked one of them when they were unprepared, then turned around and kicked the other one. There were too many people and chaos. After kicking three people, the "interview team" exploded.

"Who kicked me!"

"Good boy, you dare to kick Lao Tzu!"

"Don't spit your blood, it's obviously you who kicked me!"

"It must be some despicable villain who started doing things because he couldn't deliver the invitation and was unwilling to do so."

"You can't fall for the trap, we're going to... oops..."

"Shame on your face, right? You even kicked your nose!"

This group of people is already competing with each other, and everyone dislikes the other. After all, they are here to snatch their princess, concubine, prime minister's wife, or prince... They are all competitors. They could hold back at first. As soon as they do something, everyone is furious, all thinking about killing their competitors first, the chance of losing one master of their own family is higher, and I will be able to see beautiful women often in the future, and cleanse my soul!

I don't know who moved the hand first, the whole situation is like a domino.

They fought in full swing, and Lu Li just felt relieved. Come and snatch my baby, die!

Among the "elites" in the audience, Xie Jianwei was the only one who still had the sanity of a normal person. He pulled Lu Li and whispered, "Brother, let's go back."

Lu Li turned his head and looked at Xie Jianwei, whose face was slightly pale. He thought he was afraid, and he felt extremely distressed. He kept saying, "Go, go back to the house."

The two of them turned around and went back to their manor, closing the door and not caring about what was going on outside.

The manor is very big, and a maple tree is planted in the front yard, so the sound insulation effect is good, the brothers can't hear the "world war" outside when they return to the villa.

Xie Jian said in a small voice: "I'm sorry..."

If it wasn't for him to go out for a trip, it wouldn't have caused these things-although the culprit was Da Li who set up this dream, but what can be done, Xie Junshi still has to take the blame for this Marshal Xiong, who has no memory!

Lu Li was indeed angry, but he would never be angry with his precious brother, so he sighed, "It's hard for you."

As an independent person, who doesn't want to go out and see? The world is so big that I dare not say that I can go all over it, but I shouldn't be trapped in a corner as big as a needle.

It's reasonable for Xie Jianwei to run out. It's not easy for him to endure for so many years, but unfortunately...

Lu Li's voice was a bit bitter: "It's my brother who is incompetent."

Xie Jian blinked his eyes slightly, some couldn't keep up with his brain circuits, does this have anything to do with you

Lu Li quickly followed up: "Brother is not capable of giving you a free world."

Don't say, you really have the ability, it just depends on whether you want to use this ability or not.

Of course Xie Jianwei couldn't say this. He leaned into Lu Li's arms naturally and said softly, "Brother is very good."

Lu Li looked down at him, only to feel a warm feeling in his heart.

Xie Jianwei gave him candy again: "Brother is the most powerful person."

Lu Li smiled and said, "I can't offend anyone outside." He has done a good job in business, but he still has no power to fight against those powerful people. If he has enough ability, he can sweep them out of the door, let them go as far as they want, so that everyone is not allowed to covet Xie Jianwei, he can open up a quieter world for him, let him go wherever he wants. ,let him…

Thinking of this, Lu Li suddenly smiled bitterly, what's the use? He is his elder brother, real elder brother, so what if he can really do this? In the end he still has to give him to another person, and he has to smile and congratulate - how can he laugh? He just thought about it and the scene was heart-wrenching.

Xie Jianwei is still coaxing him: "I don't care about them, I just want my brother."

Lu Li's bloody heart pierced by himself couldn't help beating wildly again: "How old are you, you still like to act like a spoiled child."

Xie Jianwei looked up at him: "I've grown up!"

Lu Li's eyes were soft: "Well, I have grown up."

"So I'm not kidding."

Lu Li was startled.

Xie Jianwei stared at him and said, "What I'm saying is from my heart."

Seeing him like this, listening to what he said, Lu Li's blood ran wildly all over his body, running from east to west, like a surging tide, and he couldn't tell whether he wanted to go ashore or sink.

After a while, he still smiled and told himself not to think too much.

Xie Jianwei is also angry, this guy doesn't want to think too much when he should think too much, and thinks too much when he should not think too much.

Even with different surnames, what kind of brothers? Why are you so rigid!

Xie Junshi became more and more frustrated, and made persistent efforts to show his intentions: "Brother, don't accept any invitations from outside."

Lu Li asked, "What?"

Xie Jianwei said, "I don't like it either."

Lu Li smiled: "Then what do you like?"

Xie Jianwei looked up at him, and then quickly lowered his head: "I, I like my brother."

Lu Li's body froze, and after calming down, he forced a smile and said, "This can't be said together. Loving your brother is different from liking them."

Xie Jianwei still wanted to speak, but Lu Li didn't let him speak. His face was stiff and his voice was low and hoarse: "I still have something to deal with, you can watch TV for a while."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xie Jian became anxious: "Brother!"

Lu Li didn't turn his head, he took great steps, Xie Jianwei looked at his "fleeing" back, and really didn't dare to continue to say that Da Li was so repulsive, and once he confessed, it would only have the opposite effect.

Think of the first world, how broken Lu Li was when he woke up and found that his brother-in-law was sleeping.

So ah, a good lover is not right, what kind of brother!

Xie Jianwei sat in front of the TV in a daze, not knowing what was going on inside.

Lu Li has no intention of working at all. What he wants to do most is to leave home. The farther he walks, the better. Ever since Xie Jianwei became an adult, what he fears most every day is that he can't stand the temptation to turn into a beast and do the worst thing he should do.

Anyone can get Xie Jianwei, but he can't.

He can hold hands with him, hug him, pet him, and satisfy all his wishes, but he cannot love him, kiss him, or drag him into the abyss of hell.

Lu Li really wanted to leave, but he was reluctant.

For 20 years, he has been inseparable with him for 20 years, and it is more painful for him to be separated than to gouge out the flesh and bones.

I can't go, I can't get it, I just watch, my mind is full of despair.

When is the head

Either he was completely unbearable, ruined him and ruined everything; or Xie Jianwei had a lover, he... What can he do...

Xie Jianwei couldn't sit still after watching TV for a while, so he slipped into the study: "Brother, what's for lunch?"

Lu Li held the pen tightly, and when he heard his voice, he almost broke the signature pen.

"elder brother?"

"Are you hungry?" Lu Li asked him.

Xie Jianwei said, "I'm not hungry yet, but I'm bored. If you're busy, can I prepare lunch for you?"

"No, you play yours, I'll do it when the time comes."

"Let me try, I don't know what to do anymore."

"No," Lu Li insisted, "don't touch those things."

Xie Jianwei retreated and said, "Then can I read with you?"

Land from:"… "

Xie Jianwei hurriedly said: "I will definitely not disturb you, I..."

"Why do you have to read books with me?"

Xie Jianwei hesitated for a while before saying shyly, "I... I like it."

Lu Li couldn't help but look up at him, and suddenly his heart thumped.

Xie Jianwei looked up at him again: "Is it okay?"

Lu Li nodded in agreement. He looked calm, but he was extremely uneasy and fearful in his heart.

Xie Jianwei said happily: "That's great, I'll go get the book."

He turned to the original English version of Pride and Prejudice.

Lu Li glanced at him and asked, "Didn't you watch it many times?"

Xie Jianwei said happily: "I like it no matter how many times I watch it."

Lu Li thought for a moment and asked him, "Do you like Elizabeth?"

Xie Jianwei said, "I like their ending."

Lu Li paused: "Are there any lovers who are married?"

Xie Jian smiled and rolled his eyes: "Yes, how beautiful."

Lu Li smiled, looked away, and tried his best to focus on his work.

After a while, Xie Jianwei said again: "As long as you work hard and persevere, will everyone get what they love?"

The tip of Lu Li's pen paused, but the words that came to his lips could only be hidden in the bottom of his heart: Some love cannot be obtained no matter how hard you try and persevere, because it is destined.

The two stayed together, even if they didn't speak, time passed quickly.

Originally, it was difficult for every minute and second, but because they were in the same room and breathing the same air, Lu Li was able to work with peace of mind. Xie Jianwei actually finished reading this romance novel.

At noon, Lu Li was cooking and Xie Jianwei helped him. The two brothers talked and laughed, and they had a lot of fun.

The "battle" outside had come to an end, and no one could win. In the end, everyone was in a mess and left in dismay.

After eating, Xie Jianwei felt a little sleepy, and Lu Li said, "Let's go for a walk in the garden together."

Sleeping after eating is not good for your health.

Xie Jianwei said: "Okay."

It's not too hot today, it's probably raining at night, the dark clouds are blocking the sun at the moment, and the wind blowing in the face also brings some humidity, and it's really pleasant to walk in the well-groomed garden.

Xie Jianwei couldn't help holding Lu Li's hand and said softly, "That's great."

Lu Li didn't hear clearly, and turned his head slightly: "Huh?"

Xie Jianwei's mouth curled up: "It's great to be with you."

Lu Li's footsteps stopped, and the deep fear quickly spread.

Xie Jianwei is still trying to sprinkle him candy: "Brother, it would be nice if we could be together forever."

Lu Li smiled unnaturally: "What nonsense, the one who can be with you forever should be your wife."

Xie Jian frowned slightly: "Don't marry a wife."

Lu Li tried his best to calm himself down: "It's okay to like a man."

Xie Jianwei was a little annoyed: "I don't like others, and I don't want to marry anyone!"

Lu Li didn't dare to say a word.

Xie Jianwei had no choice but to stop. At this point, Lu Li couldn't understand it, right

But understand why he is unhappy with him like this

Not normal.

Poor Xie Jianwei still doesn't know that they are "brothers", this is definitely the worst time the military division has been tricked...

After a walk in the garden they went back to the house.

Although it wasn't hot outside, Xie Jianwei was still sweating a little, and he said, "I'll go take a shower."

Lu Li said, "Let's go."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give Xie Jianwei a chance to speak again, and walked very fast.

Xie Jianwei finished taking a shower and looked around for a long time without seeing Lu Li.

He had no choice but to go back to bed... Thinking of taking a nap at noon, he would have the energy to continue working at night.

Xie Jianwei fell asleep after a while.

Lu Li, who was walking so fast, came back again. Seeing Xie Jianwei falling asleep, he sat on the edge of the bed with a complicated expression and looked at him without blinking.


Lu Li's head is full of what he said in the past two days, he...

Lu Li stared blankly for a long time, and suddenly felt unbearable, maybe he should leave... If this is the last chance, at least it can give him a lifetime of thoughts.

His heart was beating so fast, the pain of the paradox was like the needle of a bee's tail piercing his nerves all the time, kiss him, just once, only once, only...

Lu Li approached him slowly, and kissed his long-awaited lips with an indescribable mood.

Softer than imagined, sweeter than dreams, and a hundred times better than all his fantasies combined.

Lu Li didn't move, but Xie Jianwei snorted softly and took the initiative to loosen his teeth.

Lu Li's head buzzed, his sanity completely disappeared, he rushed into his mouth, kissed eagerly and frantically, like a wanderer wandering in the desert, finally seeing an oasis and excitedly asking for it...

Xie Jianwei took the initiative to respond to him, which made him even more carried away, but after Xie Jianwei called out "A Li" in a low voice, he suddenly woke up.

As if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over his head, Lu Li stood in a state of embarrassment, with undisguised fear in his black eyes.

Xie Jianwei closed his eyes, his tender lips were ravaged into gorgeous red, his clothes were messed up, his neckline was wide open, his fair collarbones were sexy and sultry, and the pink on his chest was also looming, his hand was on his own, and his mouth was soft. Whispering: "Brother...Brother..."

This is really a bloody scene, such a beautiful person thinks about another person masturbating...

However, Lu Li only felt that his thoughts were confused, his anxiety turned into reality, and finally his flesh and blood rotted away.

Is Awei thinking about him

he to him...

no! They are brothers, brothers.

He has already fallen into the endless hell, but he must not drag Xie Jianwei with him.

This kind of unethical feeling, he can bear it alone, Xie Jianwei must not experience it.

There is no future, no hope, only despair and pain, how could he let Xie Jianwei bear such a sin!

It's his fault... Lu Li couldn't help thinking, it's all his fault, he shouldn't be so close to Xie Jianwei, he should stay away from him.

Xie Jianwei has no playmates since he was a child. He has always been alone, and it is normal to regard dependence as other feelings.

As long as he gets away from him, away from him, he will soon understand...

Understand what true love is.

Lu Li staggered away.

Xie Jianwei is also convinced, can you hold back after being seduced like this? Don't be a marshal, why don't you change your career to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Seeing that the door was closed, Xie Jianwei was bored by himself, so he simply rushed to cool down the fire.

A guy with a thief but no guts, thought he was finally enlightened, but he ran away with a kiss!

After Xie Jianwei walked out of the bathroom, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Lu Li... shouldn't be so patient.

Although stepbrothers are also brothers, as long as they are not related by blood, there is no need to exclude them so much, right

Xie Jianwei froze for a while, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Can't be so pitiful

With no sleep, he got up and started looking for clues.

After a while he turned to a diary.

That's right... see diary again.

Xie Jianwei opened the diary with a drum in his heart, and after a quick glance... Only the grass and mud horses running for thousands of miles were left in his heart.

Turned out to be brothers!

Lu Li follows his father's surname, and he follows his mother's nature.

Although it is not a surname, it was born by a parent!

Do you want to be so unreasonable, Xie Jianwei think about Lu Li's size, and then look at himself - you say, people from all over the world say, how do they look like brothers? Are there two brothers who are so different!

Then the dream gave him another forcible explanation: Lu Li looks like his father, Xie Jianwei looks like his mother.

The poisonous law of heredity!

That sentence MMP really can't be said!

Xie Jianwei finally understood why Lu Li, a good person, insisted on being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

No matter how brave he was, he wouldn't dare to mess with his younger brother!

The ghost's younger brother, he is his lover, and he is a legitimate husband who has been blessed by the people of the entire galaxy!

I really want to wake up the big bastard who is dreaming.

He had clearly told him to have a good dream, but in the end... the whole world loves him so much that it doesn't matter, and he becomes a blood brother.

Can this be a serious love affair

Xie Jianwei worked hard to suppress the heart of wanting to beat someone, and after a turn of mind, he secretly said: It's broken.

He didn't know that Lu Li was his "pro" brother before, so he seduced him without any scruples.

According to this guy's brain circuit, what will he do

He must be reluctant to hurt him, what a sin of brother incest, and Lu Li's love for him, would he be willing to take this evil path

Eighty percent…

Xie Jian Wei dialed Lu Li's phone, and the phone told him: I'm sorry, the other party is temporarily inconvenient to answer the phone...

Xie Jian sighed slightly, and was also convinced.

That night, Lu Li didn't come back, his parents came back.

The two went to the island for vacation and came back with a bunch of gifts, eagerly wishing they could carry their youngest son around twice.

Xie Jianwei silently looked at Lu's father and Xie's mother, and really didn't find that Lu Li looked like Lu's father, nor did he see that he looked like Xie's mother.

One fart is like a father and the other is like a mother. From the perspective of normal genetics, their family of four is not like a family!

But Mom Xie felt that her younger son was like herself. She was also a flower back then, and only a flower like her could give birth to such a beautiful flower as her younger son. The logic is too correct and flawless!

Xie Jianwei only felt a pain in the brain.

Dad Lu said to Xie Jianwei, "your brother too, if you don't leave sooner or later, but we are going to go back by yourself."

Xie Jianwei hurriedly asked, "Where did he go?"

"I didn't go into details, I just said that there is work to be done in Northern Europe, and it will take a year or two."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Xie Ma snorted: "I don't want to stay, I think he probably didn't go to work, but he fell in love with a hot blonde girl, and he was so happy to chase after him."

Xie Jianwei: It is said that you know your son Moruomu, Mom, you know too little about your son.

It has been more than half a month since Lu Li left. During this period, Xie Jianwei called him countless times.

Nearly twenty days later, Lu Li finally made a phone call home.

Xie Ma scolded him at her head and face: "Your wings are hard, you dare not answer my call, is it itchy!"

I don't know what Lu Li said on the other end of the phone, but Xie Ma said distressedly: "Take care of yourself, we have enough money, we don't need to fight like this."

Lu Li said a few more words, Ma Xie's expression brightened, and she asked repeatedly: "Have you really met someone you like? What does it look like? I don't want a foreign daughter-in-law, find me one with black hair and black eyes, who has a better temperament and can give birth. It will be the best!"

After a while, Xie Ma hummed again: "Okay, okay, as long as you like it, country Z is not big enough for you to pick and choose, you have to chase it so far!"

The mothers chatted for a while, and Dad Lu took the phone and continued to chat with his son.

Xie Jianwei listened with no expression on his face.

Xie Ma said to him: "Your brother sees a foreign beauty, and they refuse to go back to China with him, so he has to stay there for a while to coax her."

Thank you for seeing WeChat.

Xie Ma sighed and said, "your brother too, there are so many good people around, you have to run out to find it, what are you going to do?"

Xie Jianwei: That's right, his legitimate lover was right under his nose, and he ran away with a kiss!

After a while, Dad Lu and Lu Li finished chatting and called Xie Jianwei: "Awei, come here, your brother's phone number."

Xie Jianwei took the phone and shouted coldly, "Brother."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Li, who was across the ocean and across the sea, heard this word, and was so distressed that he almost teleported to him.

He walked for 20 days and didn't get a good night's sleep. When he closed his eyes, it was all thanks to Jianwei, and when he opened his eyes, it was all thanks to Jianwei. He was afraid that he would not eat well or wear warm clothes, that he would be sad and sad, that he would be bored at home. I'm even more afraid that he will run out and be tied home...

He thinks that he can't sleep day and night, and can't wait to come back to him every minute and every second, but he doesn't dare...

He can't destroy Xie Jianwei, absolutely can't destroy him.

So no matter how much you miss him, you must persist.

After a while, Xie Jianwei took the initiative to say, "Have you found a lover?"

Lu Li said, "Yeah."

Xie Jianwei asked him, "Does she love you?"

Lu Li said, "Love."

"Do you love her?"


Xie Jianwei paused and said, "Congratulations." After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Lu Li felt lost.

What love does he have? There is still a gap in his heart to let other people down.

But it can only be like this, it can only be like this, why... why are they brothers.

Since it is destined to never meet him, why not let him never meet him.

Compared to Lu Li's unbearable pain, Xie Jianwei eats and drinks well.

He doesn't want to eat and drink well, and if Da Li won't let him "incest", he doesn't dare to act rashly.

This is the last dream, but you can't fall into its trap and let everything go to waste.

Calm down and analyze this dream, Xie Jianwei can basically be sure that the setting of the heartthrob is from Lu Li's subconscious, and having a parent and brother who loves him 80% is also Lu Li's setting.

Because he mentioned the matter of the Xie family, Lu felt bad for him and wanted to give him a good family, which was normal.

It is most likely to use this point to directly turn the brother who loves him into Lu Li.

In this case, how can Xie Jianwei appease Lu Li? Nothing works.

Lu Li loved him terribly, and was absolutely reluctant to let him bear the crime of incest.

Xie Jianwei was concerned about the stability of the dream, so he didn't dare to be too sad, otherwise Lu Li would split if he disagreed, and all his hard work would be in vain.

It looks like a dead end...

Not necessarily, after all, Lu Li in this dream was on his side.

A few days later, the invitational force made a comeback.

Xie Jianwei didn't bother them this time. He went to see Lites, went to see Alexei, and also went to meet the princess of a Nordic country...

Wherever he went, no matter what the culture, no matter the language, no matter whether it was a man, a woman or a young man, he would be foolish at one glance, dazed at the second, and look forward to seeing it for a lifetime.

Li Tess was so dizzy and dizzy that Alexey and Li Tess dueled seven or eight times for this - it was actually useless.

Girls are more fun. The princess of country Y and the queen of country S are pinching each other on twitter every day.

The queen said: People are uglier than flowers.

The Queen: I am lucky to have you.

The princess immediately came to a point: when you are old, you should feel at ease in old age.

In fact, this is nothing, duels of passionate young people, fights between ladies, are all personal events, and the most terrifying are those in power.

President of country E: Why is that small place in country S so embarrassed, please thank Jianwei for being a guest

Leader of State S: The shame of the invasion ten years ago, now it's time to get justice!

Xie Jianwei didn't do anything, just drinking tea, enjoying flowers and watching nonsense with them, and then... The X World War basically started.

It was a real fight. At first, it was only on a small scale. I don’t know which country had the upper hand. Xie Jianwei had to let Xie Jianwei drop his nationality to them. Then his neighbors also made this request. A great power in a hemisphere is on fire, bang bang threw a few missiles…

Alright now, it's all messed up.

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Although it is a dream, is it really okay for you to be so unreasonable!

Xie Jianwei was dumbfounded the whole time. In fact, he felt that there would be a world war. The biggest reason was that the god of the dream was in a bad mood. He felt that the whole world was robbing him of his treasure, so he subconsciously wanted to destroy the world, so the obedient dream really put this The matter is on the schedule, let everyone die collectively.

If the world is destroyed, will the dream be destroyed

This is really hard to say!

Xie Jianwei had just started thinking about recruiting, and someone helped him.

Xie Jianwei was kidnapped. This is a major event that shook the world. The bigwigs from all over the world said, who is so crazy! Are the eighteen generations alive enough

Immediately afterwards, a message flooded to the leaders of various countries, which miraculously appeared on their communicators.

"If you want to save Xie Jianwei, please come and participate in the trial. If you succeed, you can not only save him, but also get him forever."

This... this is really interesting.

What can Xie Jianwei do other than be dumbfounded...

Xie Jianwei would like to remind everyone above that you are all politicians from various countries, and you are trying to get together to try.

But later I felt that maybe this was the idea of my own insane old attack, so I put up with it again.

There are people participating in such a trivial trial, but there are quite a few problems, almost all of them are present!

The young prince and princess and the unmarried queen and prince are just here. What are the married ones coming to join in the fun? What's worse, what the hell is a husband and wife walking together? Do you guys want to save Xie Jianwei back to play 3P? Forget it, compared to these, wouldn’t those father, son and brothers be even more deadly!

In this dream, Lu Li and it are estimated to have completely released themselves. The logic is a ghost, and it is completely broken.

The trial had not yet begun, and that night, the sky flickered, and a group of interstellar warships came.

Xie Jianwei looks familiar... This is not his marshal number!

There are not enough people in the whole earth, and aliens are also coming to grab thanks and see the micro.

Xie Jianwei accepted the words Su Po Universe so embarrassedly.

The aliens kidnapped Xie Jianwei, the people of the earth united in an instant, and all the firepower was aimed at the aliens.

The aliens seem to be very capable, but they are all stupid, and after seeing Xie Jianwei, they are even more stupid.

Xie Jianwei said, "Come down the spaceship."

They landed obediently.

Xie Jianwei said, "Open the spaceship door."

They open right away.

Xie Junshi has conquered thousands of alien races, but he has never encountered such a stupid and cute one, and was embarrassed to bully them for a while.

They also asked Xie Jianwei, "Sir, do you have any other requests?"

Xie Jianwei looked at the group of "chickens", and after thinking for a while, said, "This way... you guys help me get such a thing."

They nodded again and again, and mung bean's small eyes were full of admiration: "Good lord, no problem, lord."

Next, the Earth formed a team of agents to "infiltrate" the alien spacecraft. They quickly found Xie Jianwei, and they didn't care about running away. All of them showed their loyalty. Led by Lites, they could form a chorus.

Xie Jianwei's head hurt when he heard it, he looked around for a long time, and finally saw the person he wanted to see.

He breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to the chickens, who immediately rushed over to "strangle" the enemy.

The spy team finally stopped singing and started running.

A group of people on the road did not forget to show their charm like a peacock opening the screen. Xie Jianwei only felt hot eyes.

He stared at a tall man with an ordinary appearance the whole time. He was taciturn, but his nerves were sharp and his movements were quick.

The chickens are very obedient, and Xie Jianwei let them catch whichever they want.

When Lites was arrested, he felt that he was about to die, so he came to an unprecedented swan song: "Jianwei, die for you, I am willing, please don't miss me. You are sad and weeping, I am underground. Will also be sad and despair..." Hundreds of words had to be omitted here.

Xie Jianwei just wanted to show his ears.

After running to the back, there was only one person left in the secret service team, the man who was taciturn and who didn't look like Lu Li but must be Lu Li.

Xie Jianwei felt that it was almost done, so he signaled to the chickens again. The chickens received them on time, and hurriedly put them into a room.

The door behind him slammed to the ground, and the chickens rejoiced outside the door, completing the task! But... Will Master Wei come back? They hugged and cried again.

Not to mention how outside, Xie Jianwei gasped as soon as he entered the room: "I... I can't run anymore."

The "unfamiliar" man couldn't help but help him up and said, "Drink water?"

"Well." Xie Jianwei took a sip of water and sat on the sofa to rest.

The "unfamiliar" man has started looking for an exit.

About ten minutes later, when Xie Jianwei recovered his strength, he stood up and looked around, as if he was helping to find an exit.

"Hey, there's a door here!"

The man walked over to look at it and said, "Stay back, I'll try to open it."

He fired two shots, but unfortunately this door was set by Xie Jianwei himself, not to mention the weapons of the ancient earth, it is not easy to open it in the interstellar age.

Lu Li frowned and said, "Don't worry, there must be a way to open the door."

Xie Jianwei suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the door and said, "This has a line!"

"Huh?" Lu Li followed and looked over, then froze.

There was another line of fluorescent red words on the door: "The wedding room - you can walk out after having sex."