The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 83


Lu Li happily spent most of the night with the military division.

The two complained to each other sincerely, but they were both sweeter than their first love. Looking at each other's eyes, they were all smiles, all love, all deep and deeply affectionate.

Xie Jianwei felt very at ease, as was Lu Li.

If you can, this is how good it is to last forever.

For a long time, Lu Li was uneasy and felt that he would lose at any time. This uneasiness actually affected Xie Jianwei.

It's just that Xie Jianwei didn't show it, or should say he didn't even notice it himself.

But if you think about it, there are still traces.

Because of his anxiety, he retired to the Marshal's Mansion; because of his anxiety, he did not "disturb" Lu Li; and because of his anxiety, he kept telling himself that Lu Li loved him.

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but blame himself, and he didn't realize it until now.

Xie Jianwei leaned against his arms and asked softly, "Do you mind if I interfere in state affairs?"

This is an issue they never communicated.

Xie Jianwei withdrew from the power center without saying a word, which made Lu Li unprepared at that time, and he didn't even have a chance to keep it. Xie Jianwei had already withdrawn and threw it without caring.

Lu Li didn't have a chance to ask him why, and Xie Jianwei never asked Lu Li what he thought.

Both of them are bound by their own ideas.

Lu Li felt that Xie Jianwei didn't care about these things and just threw them away, so what did he care about

Xie Jianwei felt that he avoided it for the sake of the two of them getting along in the future, and there was no need to bring this kind of thing on the table.

But in fact, it was a big mistake.

What they thought was very different from what the other thought.

Lu Li asked him, "Why should I mind?"

Xie Jian paused slightly.

Now Lu Li already knows his thoughts, so he can finally say what he thinks: "Do you know what I think? You left everything without any memory, I thought your wish had been fulfilled, this world has already There's nothing you care about."

Xie Jianwei opened his eyes wide: "How come?"

Lu Li smiled: "I know now, you care about me."

Xie Jianwei said: "Of course I care about you."

Lu Li said, "I didn't know before..." He sighed softly and said slowly in a magnetic voice with a different kind of tenderness, "I never could believe that you loved me, I thought I was one of your hands. A gun, a tool for your revenge, is…”

"How is that possible!" Xie Jianwei turned to look at him, full of surprise.

Lu Li said, "Yes, how is that possible?"

Xie Jianwei still couldn't believe it: "Why do you think so?"

Lu Li smiled bitterly and said, "It was me who was wrong."

Xie Jianwei's rare "unreasonable trouble": "You are really wrong! How are you... how..."

"Okay, okay," Lu Li thought that such an angry military advisor was too cute, he coaxed him, "You listen to me first."

Xie Jianwei was still angry, stared at him and waited for him to speak.

Lu Li continued: "I don't know what you like about me, think about it, I have nothing, a wild boy on a barren star, I don't even know what the outside world is like. On the other hand, the Federation is young and promising. Xie Gongzi, the third young master of the Xie family, a good family, a good family, and everything."

Speaking, Lu Li sighed slightly and said something that had been occupying his heart for several years: "In this comparison, it is only right that I love you, and it is right that you don't love me."

"No!" Xie Jianwei couldn't help interrupting.

Lu Li kissed him and continued: "Yeah, no, I was too jerk before."

Xie Jianwei felt flustered when he heard what he said. He didn't expect Lu Li to think like this all the time. If this kind of feeling is bad, he had to explain it to him clearly: "I... I'm not as good as I thought, and you are not as good as you think. Poor... At the time of Desolate Star... "

This is the second time for Lu Li (actually the third time, but the memories between personalities have not yet been fully integrated) to hear Xie Jianwei mention the two people's original encounter with the star, although he still hasn't said anything about the Xie family, but he has shown his heart. He has a meaning to live because of him, he loves him, and regards him as the only one in his life.

If Lu Li heard this, no matter how many times he heard it, his heart was surging.

Xie Jianwei looked at him and said, "I love you, absolutely no less than you."

Lu's heart was almost sweetened, and he said softly, "I know now."

Xie Jianwei complained, "You should have known!"

Lu Li was amused by his rare demeanor: "It's my fault."

He apologized, and Xie Jianwei was also reflecting: "I'm not right either, I didn't notice your thoughts before."

Lu Li said, "My mistake is even more outrageous. I can't even see your intentions."

Xie Jianwei still wanted to argue, but then he felt funny again, the corner of his mouth raised and said, "I will tell you I love you every day from now on." I don't know how you say it.

Lu Li raised his eyebrows: "How can one time be enough?"

Xie Jianwei was shocked by his shamelessness.

Lu Li didn't go to school much, but because of the chicken's stomach, he was very good at counting: "Four months in the barren star, six years in the war, four years in the Marshal's Mansion... Let's count eleven years in front of you, excluding the leap month, even if it is more than 4,000 days, I love you once a day, um..." The Marshal said, "You only owe me 100 million if you round it up."

Xie Jianwei: "… "

Take back the preface, it will be a ghost!

Lu Li said generously: "It's alright, one love is worth ten I love you, so it counts..."

This guy is just pushing his nose on his face, oh no, give him a nose, he will go to heaven!

Xie Jianwei gave him a sentence: "Let's go!"

Lu Li turned over and hugged him from the other side.

Xie Jianwei: "..." He didn't want to push him away, and rubbed into his arms.

Seeing him like this, Lu Li's mouth was full of sweetness: "So can you tell me why you chose to stay in the Marshal's Mansion?" In fact, he already knew it, but he still wanted to hear it, and he didn't want to hear it too many times, one, two, three Four, five, six, seven, eight... 100 million times is enough.

The poor strategist was tricked by him. After all, no matter how high his IQ was, he would never have imagined that this was a dream, and he would never have imagined that this guy Lu Li had already opened the 'omniscient' link and knew everything.

He thought that Lu Li didn't know, Xie Jianwei naturally didn't want him to continue to misunderstand, so he quickly said: "I'm afraid I will affect you. And... You know that group of people, the old ministers left by the Federation have been just around the corner, if I give them a chance, they will I'm afraid it will…”

"Are you afraid that he will alienate our relationship?"

"It's hard to say anything after a long time."

Lu Li smiled and said softly, "Do you know how much I love you?"

Xie Jianwei's eyes drooped: "Emotions need to be mutually maintained, and some things should be avoided if they can be avoided..."

"But so many years ago, I thought you didn't love me."

Xie Jian was slightly taken aback.

Lu Li hugged him and sighed: "Even if I know you don't love me, I have loved you for ten years. Do you really think their provocation will be useful?"

Xie Jianwei was a little speechless, and Lu Li said warmly, "I'll give you whatever you want, not to mention external things like rights. Even my life is up to you."

Xie Jianwei said: "Don't talk nonsense."

Lu Li looked at him and said seriously: "Awei, I am extremely confident about this point, no one can shake my feelings for you, and no one can drive me away from you, if there is, then this person is only you."

Xie Jianwei looked at him without blinking.

Lu Li said, "I won't leave you unless you drive me away, but even if you drive me away, I will still love you."

Xie Jianwei's eyes slowly turned red, his beautiful eyes seemed to be washed with water, clear and bright.

Lu Li said to him, "One thing will never change, and that is... I love you."

Xie Jianwei couldn't describe how he felt, happy and sad, reassured and panic.

Glad that Lu Li loved him so much.

Sadly, Lu Li actually loved him so humbly.

The peace of mind is that Lu Li will never leave him.

The panic is is this all true

If it was a midnight dream, how would you face reality after waking up

People are all the same. When encountering something that is too beautiful and too happy, the authenticity of it will always be considered first.

Lu Li said softly again: "It's not justified, I can prove it with my life."

Xie Jianwei suddenly smiled. Panic was like a paper tiger being lit. When the wind blew the fire, they all disappeared.

"There's no reason to say it." Xie Jianwei repeated Lu Li's words, "I can use my life to prove that I love you, no less than your love."

The corner of Lu Li's mouth was full of smiles. He hugged Xie Jianwei and was satisfied.

Two people who used to mix oil with honey in the first place, this time it was even more sweet and toothache.

Yan Ke silently backed out.

The flow rate outside is different from that in the dream, but fortunately, Lord Marshal is very brave every time. He basically does not stop when he is in love for a night, so Yan Ke has to stay in reality for a while.

Love is so good.

Yan Ke was in a daze, very envious.

Before it was released, he definitely didn't believe that there were two people in this world who loved each other so much that they only saw each other, but now he saw it.

There is only each other between them.

It seems to be independent of the world, but also seems to stand above the world, or should I say, the two of them are already one world - each other's world.

Yan Ke's heart is sour, he also liked someone.

Seven years ago, he was with the army and was the medical officer of the army, when he rescued a soldier who was only breathing.

He was severely injured, his face was completely destroyed, and even more than half of his body was scorched, and he was wrapped in nutrient solution, with only a pair of eyes showing.

Many people sentenced him to death, but Yan Ke felt that he would not die at that time. He treated him day and night, and actually pulled him back from the gate of hell.

He is grateful to him, and he always turns around him when he is tied into a zongzi.

Yan Ke had never seen a person with such strong resilience. He was about to die, but he was still alive and kicking.

Yan Ke thought it was very interesting and always came to talk to him. Although he couldn't open his mouth, he really liked his eyes.

Later... Yan Ke left the base and followed the troops to the Ark Galaxy. When he came back, "Zongzi" had recovered and left the base.

Yan Ke went to look up his name and kept the word "Xiao" in his heart. He stayed for a long time and finally couldn't help but find him, but when he went to find him, he saw the news of his death. .

Although he rescued him, he was still dead, and this time he was blown up together with the mecha, and he couldn't find a trace.

The names on the dead list were like thorns to Yan Ke.

It pierced his mind and pierced it directly.

Yan Ke suddenly returned to his senses, wiped away his tears, and hurriedly entered a dream.

What do you want to do with these old things? The things of the past cannot be brought back, and those who have been lost cannot be brought back.

He regrets, and only regrets, regrets forever.

Yan Ke was in a trance for a long time. When he entered the dream, he realized that it was not one night but half a month!

The marshal is quite arrogant, and he has been kidnapped and deceived for 20 days.

The three dummies were bad luck because of the divorce. They were trained by the puppets set up by Lu Li, and they only wanted to coax Xie Jianwei.

To a certain extent, Lu Li still knows himself quite well... That's why he can trap himself like this.

Xie Jianwei has been very busy these days. He is studying how to integrate Lu Li's personalities.

He still hides it from No. 3 first, he is worried that he doesn't want to merge...

Fortunately, Lu Li, who was hanging up, was very smart. As soon as he saw Yan Ke coming and going frequently, he guessed what was going on.

Yan Ke was very cowardly when he saw Lu Li, and behaved like a primary school student, obviously afraid of him.

Lu Li asked the master in his mind, "Are you afraid of me?"

Yan Ke: "… "

Lu Li was quite puzzled. He was not familiar with Yan Ke, and he hardly ever talked. What was he afraid of

Yan Ke quickly explained: "Sir, it's awe!"

Land from:"… "

Yan Ke wiped his sweat and said, "You are the marshal, I... I am a commoner... Naturally..."

Lu Li suddenly said, "Are you afraid of Lauren?"

"Huh?" Yan Ke was stunned, what's the matter with Admiral Luo Lun? However, Luo Lun is an admiral who is above ten thousand people under one person. He should be in awe of him desperately, so he said: "Also... I am also in awe of Admiral Luo Lun."

When he said this, Lu Li took it upon himself to understand that Yan Ke hated being in the army. Seeing this, the marshal started to wax his brother again. It's so miserable, Lauren - please ignore this schadenfreude, and forgive our marshal for a while. Raise your eyebrows, it's spring breeze now.

What else could Lauren do but sneeze... He was really innocent.

Lu Li did not intend for Xie Jianwei to successfully integrate them.

If they are really alone, he doesn't mind. After all, he also wants his complete self to love Xie Jianwei completely, so that there are no hidden dangers, and Xie Jianwei can feel more at ease.

But those three are dummies.

Lu Li knew very well that he was the real master, and he didn't want to become one person with the three impostors - not even in a dream.

But how to refuse integration

This is a little tricky.

First of all, in the dream, they were indeed one, two, three, four, and if they merged, Xie Jianwei would solve this knot.

If Xie Jianwei refuses to integrate, Xie Jianwei may become suspicious and worry that they will kill each other.

Lu Li also wanted to get rid of One Two Four simply and rudely, but he absolutely couldn't hide it from Xie Jianwei. It is estimated that Xie Jianwei would stop him before he killed one.

At that time... 80% of the efforts will be abandoned.

After all, no matter how much you say, when a person dies, nothing is left.

From a medical point of view, the four Lu Li are symbiotic, and if one dies, they all die. This is the reality and the logic of the dream.

Can it only be merged

Yan Ke comforted him and said, "Actually, it's okay to merge, you are still you."

Lu Li always felt that it would not be so simple.

From the dream until now, it has been as quiet as a chicken. Is this normal

So it loves to do things, how can it be honest now

Yan Ke was also quite puzzled, but he was even less thoughtful. When he entered the dream of a marshal, he used soy sauce, and when he entered the dream of a military division, he still used soy sauce. Oh... In addition to making soy sauce, he was still swallowing dog food, so he wanted to go to the dentist...

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move, the marshal is not good at math (fog), but the art of war is really good.

The enemy didn't move, and Lu Li didn't move, but Xie Jianwei moved.

This ignorant, completely kept in the dark, the strategist, who should be waiting for redemption like a cutie, turned everything around.

The reason is this. After breakfast, Xie Jianwei asked, "Ali, why did you suddenly figure it out?"

Lu Li didn't remember anything.

Xie Jianwei repeated calmly: "You said that you believed that I didn't love you before, but why did you suddenly know that I love you?"

One sentence asked Lu Li: "…"

It's really a weird place.

Imagine, how did Lu Li, who had been holding back for ten years, get through on that day? Why do you think Xie Jianwei loves him? The brain circuit has been crooked for ten years, and it has already rushed out of half the universe. How can it be pulled back in an instant? The fastest spaceships aren't that powerful either.

To say what Xie Jianwei did at that time can still be explained, but Xie Jianwei did nothing at that time.

Although he had the idea that something was wrong with him and that he should not delegate power, what he thought at the time was: he retired to the Marshal's Mansion, but in fact he was able to use all his power. It will make Lu Xin feel jealous.

But he didn't seem to have time to explain, Lu Li already knew everything...

How did you know? This is a problem.

Lu Li, who is so rooted in red seedlings, who has a red heart to his daughter-in-law, can be so speechless when asked, and there is no one else.

Xie Jianwei said again: "Speaking of which... I always feel a little strange."

Land from:"… "

Xie Jian smiled and said, "I always feel that you are different from them."

"They?" Lu Li pretended to be stupid, he was playing No. 2 today.

Xie Jianwei said, "Well, I know you are number three."

Land from:"… "

Yan Ke took a deep breath.

Xie Jianweiyu is not surprising: "I know it has always been you."

Land from:"… "

Xie Jian smiled: "It's all you from the beginning to now."

Lu Li was still struggling to put on a dress, but Xie Jianwei raised his hand and drew a picture, which was the sweet real No. 2 and the puppet master in another "Marshal's Mansion".

Lu Li was silent.

Xie Jianwei said, "You are quite a puppet."

Lu Li: What is amazing? It's not as good as one billionth of the Lord's.

Xie Jianwei looked at him again and said, "It doesn't matter, I know you want to be with me."

Lu Li said in a muffled voice, "Yeah."

Xie Jianwei finally threw the key question: "What's really strange is that I don't think they are you."

Lu Li's pupils shrank suddenly.

Xie Jian frowned slightly and said: "One, two, four are not you, they are like fake puppets."

Lu Li thought carefully for a long time, not sure what to say.

Now is a critical moment, if Xie Jianwei realizes that this is a dream, then...

Xie Jianwei looked at Lu Li: "Is there anything you want to tell me? I think you seem to know a lot."

Yan Ke was so nervous that his nervous voice trembled: "What should I do, what should I do?"

Lu was stunned and began to play: "I said you might not believe me."

Xie Jianwei really wanted to scare them to death: "Are you going to tell me this is a dream?"

Yan Ke can't help screaming, it's over, the dream is about to collapse, it's over, two military advisors will come out, one advisor is smart and near demon, two advisors... Oh my God, can the universe fit in!

Fortunately, Lu Li was very stable. He was very reliable at critical moments. He said to Yan Ke, "Don't worry, if he really believed that this was a dream, it would have collapsed long ago."

Now that the dream has not collapsed, it means that Xie Jianwei doesn't really believe it. After all, it is too unrealistic. The more rational people are, the less they will believe that this is a dream.

Lu · Lao Xi Gu · Li began to save the world: "I came back from a year later."

Xie Jianwei was stunned: "Huh?"

Lu Li said slowly: "A lot has happened this year, I killed each other, you worked hard, we lived a very torment..." He didn't dare to say too much, but he did say some key points, such as The divorce incident was so violent that it almost really left. Later in the gang, the four Lu Li had all played each other, so no one was at fault. All of them hated each other so much that they could not kill each other.

Xie Jianwei wouldn't let him die, but a military division couldn't stop the four marshals with full firepower, so after a year, something happened.

No. 1 died. At that time, Xie Jianwei was in despair, thinking that Lu Li was going to die.

But surprisingly... not dead.

Xie Jian asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

Lu Li said, "Because I didn't split."

"No split?" Xie Jian frowned slightly.

Lu Li said firmly: "Yes... this is a conspiracy."

When it comes to scripting, Lu Li is really good at it.

The Hundred Limb King was parasitized and hacked to death, and now he has to come out to take the blame.

"You remember that dead bug, right? It wasn't completely dead, and it actually came back to life on me. We didn't even notice it at the time. It invaded my mind and got a lot of information, and it actually simulated three false and real Lu Li. Don't say It's you, and I thought I was split..."

Xie Jianwei was stunned: "They're really not you?"

Lu Li said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it. If you kill them, I won't die."

Xie Jian didn't say anything for a while.

Lu Li said, "I don't know why I came back to the present, but since I came back, I definitely can't let us repeat the same mistakes, Awei..."

As soon as he softened his voice, he saw Xie Jianwei exuding an unprecedented murderous aura and chill, and he asked, "Is it still in your spirit?"

Lu Li said, "Alright, take this opportunity to let Awei kill it..."

Just as this thought flashed by, Lu Li suddenly felt dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to reality.

Yan Ke repeatedly said: "There is no problem with the dream! The mental state of the military advisor is very good!"

Lu Li was stunned for a while, and he felt like a mirror in his heart, it was the one who drove him out.

Because it knew it was a dream, it kept monitoring silently, and when it realized that it was in danger, it immediately ended the dream.


Lu Li thought more.

Xie Jianwei's heart knot was probably untied, and it hurriedly ended the dream, but instead helped Lu Li.

It is precisely because of the unraveling of the knot in the heart that the dream is ended rather than collapsed, and Xie Jianwei will not split.

Yan Ke breathed a sigh of relief: "It feels like a success."

Lu Li was a little puzzled, but because he was not sure, he didn't say it.

Yan Ke asked him, "Sir, do you want to continue?"

Lu Li said, "It's almost dawn, wait." He had to deal with some things.

Yan Ke said: "Okay!"

In the past, every time Xie Jianwei's treatment ended, Lu Li would wake up, but now Xie Jianwei has been in a coma.

When he is awake, it has more opportunities to take advantage of. After all, people's spirit is limited, and if they focus on coping with reality, they will relax inside, and then they can do things.

Xie Jianwei didn't want to split himself, so he chose to be in a coma. By not accepting reality, you can fight it mentally with all your heart and soul.

Coupled with Lu Li's comfort to him after he fell into a dream, this will completely defeat him sooner or later.

Lu Li had "abandoned work" in his dream for so long, and he really felt that it was troublesome enough to deal with it. Fortunately, he had adapted to it a long time ago. In addition, he got what he wanted. Thinking about Xie Jianwei, he was full of energy, and thinking about him loving him, he was full of energy. The blood resurrection, after going back and forth, actually doubled the efficiency, and the eight-hour work was abruptly compressed into two hours.

Guangnao worshipped: "Sir, you are amazing!"

Lu Li was very useful, because the light brain was set up by him as the Q version of Xie Jianwei, how cute and cute it was.

Guangnao said again: "Sir, you still have 302 documents to review."

Lu Li: "..." What a cute ghost, compared to his A Wei, that is heaven and earth!

After a busy day, Lu Li stopped working as soon as night fell.

There is no end, he has already dealt with the affairs of the next week, but there is still a lot!

So, when what country X leads people? Yaoshou.

Lu Li threw his hands away and complimented him a hundred times before he left. Because the Q version of Awei was so cute, his mood improved again, and he even felt that he could approve another stack of documents.

No, it's all a routine, you can't take the bait.

The Marshal tactfully cut off the connection, preparing to meet his real Awei.

Yan Ke stayed directly in the Marshal's Mansion. After all, this was not a treatment room. It was very troublesome for him to come and go at will, so he simply stayed here.

Especially the military division is in a coma, he can guard, and Lu Li is more relieved.

After returning from work, Yan Ke also finished his sleep. He saluted energetically: "Sir, good evening!"

Lu Li happened to be talking to someone, so he just nodded to Yan Ke.

On the other end of the communicator, Lauren, who was reporting his work in a serious manner, suddenly stopped and asked sourly, "Is it Dr. Yan?"

Lu Li said, "Yeah."

Loren the thief was unhappy: "Why is he there with you so late?"

Lu Li explained, "Awei is not feeling well."

When Lauren heard this, he immediately took his mind away, and he asked, "What happened?"

Lu Li said, "It's a little thing, it's not a big problem."

Luo Lun was silent for a while, and said solemnly: "Boss, you can also take it easy, the military division's body is not so tossed."

Land from:"… "

Luo Lun said faintly again: "Dr. Yan is a doctor who has won the Imperial Medical Award three times in a row, don't be so overqualified..."

Lu Li thought about it for a while and thought that he should let Lauren be a single dog for a lifetime.

Luo Lun didn't even know that he had jumped into a pit, and was still moved by himself: I am so powerful that I dared to give up my life for the sake of Dr. Yan! Although Dr. Yan doesn't know... I'm so disappointed.

After Yan Ke prepared the equipment, Lu Li lay down with his eyes closed and entered a dream.

This time was very different from last time, Lu Li didn't open his eyes immediately, or should I say he opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything.

It was pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't reach his five fingers. He couldn't see or touch anything, as if he was in chaos, and even his body disappeared.

"How is this going?"

Yan Ke: "… "

"Yan Ke?"

Yan Ke wanted to cry so much, but he didn't dare to say it! He was afraid that if he said that the marshal would be so embarrassed, he would kill him!

Lu Li knew that he must have seen it, but he couldn't, but he wasn't in a hurry, it was definitely not dangerous, otherwise Yan Ke wouldn't be silent.

I guess there was some accident

Lu Li didn't even calculate that this accident was like this!

He finally opened his eyes, and before he could see the state in front of him, he was so hungry that he started to eat without thinking.

After eating half of it, Lu Li noticed that the "rice" was a bit weird, and the way he was eating was also a bit weird

Is it fresh milk? Why did he not drink from a cup, but lick it with his tongue

Lu Li looked down at this black and white small porcelain bowl. He had already drank more than half of the fresh milk in it. He looked down again and saw furry claws...

Lu Li moved, knocked over the milk and finally saw the situation in front of him.

He's got furry claws, oh, not just claws, he's furry all over!

Lu Li tried to stand up, but failed. He ran on all fours and looked at a water source as a mirror, stunned.

What is this stuff

Round body, stupid big head, and black and white fur...

Is it a panda

How could he become a national treasure!

The problem is... If he remembers correctly, the giant panda in the interstellar era has become extinct. Xie Jianwei has never seen such a creature at all, right? How could he...

Lu Li froze for a while.

Yan Ke's strength felt bad for him, and after struggling for a long time, he whispered, "Sir... You, you are actually quite cute like this."

Land from:"… "

Yan Ke felt that he might be flattering on the horse's leg, and the next step was to be kicked to death.

Fortunately, Lu Li couldn't kick him, so he didn't hear it.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter from the side: "Look, the black and white ball is stupid again."

"Looking like this, he really thought that His Majesty would come to see it again!"

"That's right, it's so big and round that you can't even hold it, how could Your Majesty like it?"

"It's strange to say that when it was brought back, it was so small. It only had a big slap, and it was unsteady to walk. It was very cute. Your Majesty has been pampering it for a while, but who knows that it can't control its mouth. After eating all the time, the body grows like a balloon, not to mention the big slap, look at it now, it's a whole ball!"

"If I were it, I would definitely go on a diet to lose weight. Not to mention losing weight, at least it would have to shrink to the size of a ball. After all, it is a cute pet. How can there be such a big cute pet?"

"How cute? It's almost a bear!"

"Oh, mom, don't scare me! How scary the bears are, they can eat people!"

"Maybe it really has the blood of a bear beast, look how thick its claws are!"

This chattering voice made Lu Li's brain hurt, and he was a little unhappy, but after seeing the appearance of the "person" who spoke, he was speechless.

Comparing with a bunch of rabbits, cats, raccoons and hamsters, is he still messed up

Yan Ke finally dared to speak out: "That... Your Excellency Marshal, I think this may... Something is wrong."

Lu Li: "What's wrong."

Yan Ke cautiously said: "No matter what, the sergeant will not treat you as... as..."

Lu Li said, "Then what?"

Yan Ke didn't know what happened after that.

In fact, Lu Li wasn't angry. He lay on the ground, put his hands on his chin, and thought deeply in a panda-like manner: "I had a guess before..."

Yan Ke tried hard not to let himself scream "so cute, so cute, so cute", but unfortunately his voice was a little excited: "What do you think?"

The contemplative Marshal didn't realize the problem, he said seriously: "I think the knot in my heart belongs to Ah Wei, but the dream is not necessarily his."

Yan Ke's eyes were full of chubby, and it took him a long time to understand what chubby said, "What, what do you mean?"

Lu Li said: "Awei was afraid of my split, so it created a dream that I was split; it knew that I could appease Awei, so it deliberately made me look like a bear, thinking that I could not appease Awei if I became a bear. "

After all, people and animals are separated, how can they fall in love

If you don't love each other, how can you comfort

Marshal Wuli's analysis is straightforward, poking at the red heart, and he is so witty that it is not like a muddy leg. Unfortunately, Yan Ke, the only audience member, did not buy it.

He was so cute that he couldn't breathe because of this black and white fluffy, soft and naive creature.

God, how can there be such a cute creature in this world!