The Marshals Want to Get Divorced

Chapter 88


His Majesty said to help him find out, but Yan Ke really felt that it was unnecessary.

Although it's not good to think like this, if he doesn't come back, he can still deceive himself and tell himself that maybe something went wrong and he stumbled, and he wanted to come back but couldn't come back.

But what is it now

Can come back, really can come back.

How long has Your Majesty's Ah Li been gone? A little over a month later, he came back really quickly.

Contrary to him...

Five years.

Yan Ke had never felt that five years was such a long time, but now, every day, every night, and every moment before had become a piercing nightmare.

He got into the carriage, and after entering a confined space, he couldn't hold back his emotions. He sat up straight, his fingers clenched desperately on his knees... In the dark carriage, there was only a very suppressed whimper and the smell of blood spreading from nails piercing his palms.

If destined to lose, why give him such happiness

Ten years, there are several decades in a person's life, how many ten years should he use to forget the lost ten years

He finally felt Xie Jianwei's mood.

Despair is too much, and you will really not find the strength to live.

But he still has a mother, he can't be so selfish.

After Yan Ke left, Xie Jianwei was very worried for a while.

He wanted to ask Lu Li if he knew about Yan Ke's rolling beasts, but it just so happened that the eunuch hurried over and shouted from the door: "Your Majesty! Mr. Wei is seriously ill, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it won't work!"

Xie Jianwei stood up suddenly, and the love between children and children was instantly forgotten.

Wayne is a cabinet minister. He has always assisted Xie Jianwei a lot in the courtroom. He is a pillar of the country and a good official with integrity and is loved by the people.

He was critically ill, and Xie Jianwei was worried and reluctant, so he should have gone to see it overnight.

It was inconvenient for Lu Li to follow him, so he could only comfort him: "Don't be in a hurry."

Xie Jianwei said: "I have to go and see..."

Lu Li comforted him and said, "I'm waiting for you here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Xie Jianwei couldn't help hugging him: "Please... don't go anywhere."

"Well." Lu Li said, "Don't worry."

Xie Jianwei hurriedly changed into clothes and went out to the Wei residence.

Wayne is old and chronically ill, and at this time there is no cure for medicine.

He held his breath for the last time to see his monarch. Seeing Xie Jianwei, he said a few words to him and closed his eyes forever.

Xie Jianwei was very distressed, and gave Wei Fu a great favor, raised the grades of his three sons, and buried Wei En.

Your Majesty is very affectionate, and this move has won the hearts of the people.

After Wayne passed the first seven, Xie Jianwei still couldn't smile.

Lu Li looked at the strange and worried, he said: "Your Majesty, Lord Wei is loyal, and I definitely don't want to see you so worried, be careful."

He also saw that Xie Jianwei was calm and wise, and he was perfect in doing things, but he had a fatal weakness—not good at relieving emotions.

When you encounter painful things, you are reluctant to tell them, and if you keep them in your heart, they will inevitably ferment into poison that destroys your body.

When Xie Jianwei saw Lu Li, he felt inexplicably at ease, and he whispered, "Wayne is both a teacher and a friend to me. He suddenly left, and I'm... very uncomfortable."

Lu Li turned into a human figure and walked behind him: "Master Wei has served the three dynasties, and he is already at an advanced age. It may not be a bad thing to be able to rest."

Xie Jian Wei's eyebrows are still tightly wrinkled.

Lu Li carefully hugged him into his arms and whispered, "...There are many people who are worried about you."

As soon as he said these words, Xie Jianwei was startled, and immediately realized that he was too emotional, and it is estimated that Lu Li was also very uncomfortable these few days.

He was a little annoyed and wanted to turn his head to talk to Lu Li, but his body didn't move, because he was embraced by Lu Li from behind, completely leaning on his arms.

Xie Jian blinked slightly, feeling the firm chest behind him, a little blush.


Lu Li's breath was in his ear: "Huh?"

Xie Jianwei was very uncomfortable: "I..."

Lu Li lowered his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the tips of his red ears.

Xie Jianwei turned to look at him: "... I'm a little hot."

Lu Li wanted to let go, but looking at him like this, let alone letting go, he was simply shocked by the emotions that spread from the depths of his heart.

"Ali?" Xie Jianwei called to him softly.

Lu Li's mouth was dry: "I can..."

Before he finished speaking, the voice of 'gululu' sounded from the lower abdomen of the two of them.

Both of them were silent, Xie Jianwei finally raised his lips and smiled: "Are you hungry? I'll have someone prepare meals."

Lu Li was taken aback by the reddish smile on his cheeks, and without checking, people slipped away from his arms.

Lu Li was very annoyed: he was hungry, but he didn't want to eat, but wanted to eat him.

Sure enough, you shouldn't ask, just kiss first.

But Xie Jianwei has already prepared dinner.

When preparing, Xie Jianwei asked Lu Li, "What would you like to eat?"

Lu Xin thought for a moment: "The sheep scorpion hot pot I ate a while ago was pretty good."

Xie Jian smiled at him: "It's getting hotter and hotter, you still eat that."

Lu Li said, "If you want to eat it, it's better to be a little spicy."

Xie Jianwei naturally followed him, let alone a hot pot. If A Li wanted to eat the stars in the sky, he would also find a way to get him down.

The eunuchs prepared ingredients and copper cauldrons, and when they brought them over, they all lowered their eyebrows to pleasing to the eye, and did not dare to look around.

They knew that there was a strange man in His Majesty's bedroom, but Xie Wei Su was gaining a lot of power every day. These little eunuchs were very well behaved.

The weather is about to enter the summer, and the two are sitting together to eat hot pot. To tell the truth, this is really not an ordinary heat.

Although the hot pot tasted good, it was numb and spicy. Xie Xie blushed after seeing the meager dough, and there was a layer of mist in his eyes.

Lu Li thinks that humans are really powerful, how did they develop such a good dish? It's really delicious to eat...

Well, there is also a downside, it's hot, it's really hot, especially in the lower abdomen.

Xie Jianwei also noticed that being stared at like this, as an emperor, he has never experienced it, but he doesn't hate it, and he doesn't hate anything A Li does.

The two were sweating all over. After the things were removed, Lu Li suggested, "Go take a shower."

Xie Jianwei also felt sticky. If this was not washed, it would definitely be difficult to fall asleep.

An open-air pool was built at the back of Chaoyang Palace, which is most comfortable to use in hot weather.

Xie Jianwei didn't think much about it. He took off his clothes and went into the water. The cool water wrapped around him, making people sigh in comfort.

He was leaning against the edge of the pool, just as he was about to go where Landing was going, when he came - the man was naked, with lean muscles framed to perfection.

Xie Jianwei looked at it, his face was inexplicably hot, and he quickly turned his head away.

Then there was the sound of water, Lu Li walked straight towards him, Xie Jianwei felt that the cold water was also warm, and he was boiling like he was being boiled in a hot pot.

Lu Li approached him, and after the two were close at hand, Lu Li's low and sexy voice seemed to sound on the tip of his heart: "Awei..."


"I want to kiss you."

Xie Jian's face flushed red, and he lowered his head and refused to look up.

Lu Xin was so itchy that he was going crazy. He raised his head and looked straight into his eyes: "I... like you."

Xie Jianwei's voice trembled slightly: "Well."

"That's how I like it." As he said that, he leaned over and covered his long-awaited lips.

Xie Jianwei suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Lu Li whispered against his lips: "If you hate it, push me away."

Xie Jianwei, where can I push it? His hands rested on Lu Li's chest, but they were completely useless. They trembled lightly, clearly carrying tension and anticipation.

Lu Li finally could no longer bear it, the kiss deepened, and rushing into the mouth was an earth-shaking "looting".

Xie Jianwei was dizzy because of the kiss, let alone refusal, at the end he directly wrapped Lu Li's neck and leaned on him.

Lu Li was greatly encouraged, and after he let go of his lips, a hotter kiss fell on his neck. Xie Jianwei was itchy and numb from his kiss, and his lust had already been completely aroused.

Lu Li dragged him by his waist and carried him to the edge of the pool, the water stains fell down his long hair, and strands of black silk lined the fair skin like frost and jade.

He looked at him inch by inch, and finally couldn't help but say, "It's so beautiful."

Xie Jianwei's high-spirited place was aching because of this low sentence.

Lu Li couldn't see him being a little wronged, so he leaned over and hugged him...

The two who completely pierced the window paper lingered until the middle of the night.

It was Xie Jianwei's first time, how could he bear it like this, and he had been begging repeatedly afterward.

Lu Li perfectly exerted his shameless qualities and said, "Cum, just nudge."

Thanks to see him on WeChat, and then... he was smashed in.

If you don't hand in something, you will never come out, so Xie Jianwei had to accept his 'gift' reluctantly.

The next day, Xie Jianwei, who had been in office for more than ten years and was so diligent that the ministers felt distressed, had the idea of "what the hell is the court" for the first time.

Only sleeping for an hour is nothing, the key is that I was too tired before I slept.

He was obviously just being treated like this, but after running for a day, he was so tired that his back was sore.

Lu Li said, "If you are not feeling well, please..."

Xie Jianwei glared at him: "I told you to stop!"

Lu Li looked innocent: "I stopped you and let me move again."

Xie Jianwei blushed: "..."

Lu Li wanted to make a move again, but considering Xie Jianwei's character, he knew that he wouldn't go to court because of this matter, so he didn't dare to toss him again.

Xie Jian Weiqiang propped up to get up. In fact, it was better now. It is estimated that the medicine Lu Li put on him had an effect. The pain behind him was gone, his waist was still sore and his legs were soft, but he was able to stand still.

Lu Li waited on him to wash and wash the whole process, and did not lie in the hands of others.

Xie Jianwei was too lazy to move, and let him hug him around.

But when it came time to put on clothes, Lu Li couldn't do it.

This imperial uniform is still very troublesome, Lu Li can only tear off his clothes, so naturally he can't handle such a cumbersome service.

Xie Jianwei called for the eunuchs to come in. The eunuchs were as quiet as chickens.

When Lu Li saw that there were outsiders, he was very well behaved, but it was useless no matter how he behaved. The sound insulation effect of ancient houses was extremely mediocre.

It's not that they don't know the world, they naturally understand what happened last night.

But if this is said, it is a death penalty for losing their heads, so they don't need to ask them, they can't wait to lose their memory!

Although Xie Jianwei struggled a lot when he went to the court, he really started to concentrate and discussed with several ministers the future disaster prevention projects in the rainy season in the south.

After retreating from the DPRK, in the past, ministers would stay and report on what Xie Jianwei had arranged for him in private.

But today, Xie Jianwei was in a bad mood. After listening for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Let's do this for now."

Seeing His Majesty's exhausted expression, the minister couldn't help but care: "Your Majesty, please cherish the dragon body."

Xie Jianwei replied: "It's okay, it's probably hot and stuffy, and I didn't sleep well."

The sky is really hot, and there is also some dryness, but it is not stuffy, but I am in a good mood. I can't help but raise the corners of my mouth when I think about it.

When the ministers saw that His Majesty was still in a good mood, they were not too worried.

Xie Jianwei is diligent and has been busy every day since he became the throne.

When you go to court at Mao Shi, you will often talk to ministers about noon after retreating from court.

At noon, there would be a banquet, and some political affairs would continue to be discussed during the banquet. After that, he would take a lunch break for a while, and when he woke up, he would start making memorials. He would not go out of the house until it was getting dark, and he would ride horses and shoot arrows to keep fit.

In the evening, it is a mountain of memorials, often busy until midnight.

But since Lu Li moved in, Xie Jianwei's life has changed.

When you are tired at night, you can't just sleep for a while at noon, and often it's too late...

If you wake up confused for a while, it should be late.

However, the memorial has not yet been approved.

Xie Jianwei's mood at this time is about like those students who haven't done their homework when school starts tomorrow - so sad.

Lu Xin felt bad for him, so he simply helped him file a memorial.

This is actually very out of line, but Lu Li is not particular, Xie Jianwei doesn't care, he is just curious.

"You never knew how to write before."

"..." After a pause, Lu Li explained, "Panda's claws are not easy to hold a pen."

Xie Jianwei said, "The word is good."

Lu Li stopped and said, "It's not like your handwriting."

Xie Jianwei said: "It's okay, I often had someone take my place when I was sick..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li interrupted him and asked, "Are you ill?"

Thanks for a little hesitation.

Lu Li thought for a while and felt that he must not have been sick when he was a giant panda, otherwise Xie Jianwei would not have mentioned it, because Xie Jianwei thought he knew all about it.

Now he said it casually, and he didn't want to say more, obviously after he left.

Lu Li asked, "Did you get sick after I left?"

Too sick to hold a pen? He knew too well what a diligent emperor Xie Jianwei was.

Xie Jianwei reassured him: "It's okay, it's just... just... I feel a cold."

Lu Li frowned, thinking of the Xie Jianwei he saw when he first came back: haggard, thin, and a large imperial suit on him like an empty shelf.

Up to now, he is still very thin, his complexion is good, and there is no flesh on his body.

With a stab in his heart, he couldn't help asking, "Is it because I'm gone?"

Thanks for seeing the slightly drooping eyes.

Lu Li said, "Aren't I coming back soon?"

Xie Jian sighed slightly, and finally said, "I really thought you wouldn't come back."

It was exactly twenty years, and it was not bad as recorded in ancient books. How could he not believe it

Lu Li felt distressed when he thought about it, hugged him and said, "What do you believe in those broken things?"

Xie Jianwei said: "It's not just these..." He thought about it and told about Yan Ke, "Ake said he waited five years and didn't wait for him to come back."

Lu Li was startled: "He also has a guardian beast?"

Xie Jianwei said, "Yeah."

Lu Li paused: "It shouldn't be."

"What?" Xie Jianwei looked at Lu Li.

Lu Lidao: "Only me and Lauren have been summoned in the past few decades, there should be no third person."

Xie Jianwei didn't quite understand.

Lu Li asked Xie Jianwei, "Do you know what his guardian beast is called?"

Xie Jian shook his head slightly and said, "He didn't say it."

Lu Li was a little puzzled: "Is it a giant panda?"

This Xie Jianwei is very sure: "Yes."

Lu Li asked about the time again, Xie Jianwei made it clear that this Yan Ke had told him.

Lu Li calculated it carefully. Isn't this exactly the same time as when Luo Lun came to the world

what happened…

Coincidence or mistake

It's a pity that he lost his memory, he really didn't know the specific situation, and the voice in his head had disappeared and never appeared again. (Zhen Yanke: Omg, this script is not right!)

Xie Jianwei said: "I want you to help Ake find out why his guardian beast didn't come back..."

Although Lu Li wasn't sure if Lauren was Yan Ke's guardian beast, he knew why his guardian beast didn't come back.

So he explained: "When changing shape, the memory in the world will be washed away, and Ake's guardian beast probably forgot everything."

Xie Jianwei also just found out about this, he was stunned for a moment, looked at Lu Li and said, "Is that so? Why didn't you..."

Lu Li confessed: "I also lost my memory."

"Ah?" Xie Jianwei's eyes widened, "Then why are you still..."

Lu Li scratched on the tip of his nose and said warmly, "I can't forget you even if I lose my memory."

Thank you for blinking your eyes.

Lu Li said, "No way, probably because I love you too much."

Xie Jianwei was blushed by his sudden confession, but his heart was as sweet as honey.

He wanted to kiss Lu Li very much now, but considering the pitiful little cousin Yan Ke, he still felt that it was not too late, and he had to explain it to him.

Xie Jianwei set off for the Princess Mansion...

But he said that Yan Ke had been abused so softly that he almost jumped into the river to commit suicide.

After returning from the palace, Yan Ke locked himself in the house for a day and a night. He couldn't eat, and he was so uncomfortable that he kept crying. Later, the eldest princess smashed the door and pulled him out.

The eldest princess looked at him in such a soft-hearted mess: "You... what's the matter!"

When Yan Ke saw his mother, tears kept falling, and he was out of breath.

The eldest princess is just such a precious son. He was so upset by his crying that she couldn't care less about training him. She kept coaxing, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Who made you unhappy?"

Yan Ke felt that he was out of play in this life, and he didn't want to hide it. He whimpered and said, "Mother, the child is not filial. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold your grandson in this life."

This made the eldest princess startled, she quickly looked at his crotch, and said nervously: "How can you hurt there? It's alright, don't cry, my mother will go to the imperial doctor and ask your majesty to hire a famous doctor for you, I will definitely be able to. healed…”

The sad and desperate Yan Ke said angrily, "I'm fine there, it's fine, I just... just fell in love with a man."

The eldest princess's mood was also ups and downs. First, she worried about her son's younger son for a long time, and then was shocked by the latter sentence.


Yan Ke didn't want to spoil other good girls either, so he just had a showdown: "I like a man, I..."

The eldest princess gasped: "You bastard!"

Yan Ke closed his eyes and said, "I... I was always abandoned by him."

The eldest princess: "..." The old lady is going to be pissed to death by this worthless bear son!

Yan Ke said while crying, saying that he had waited for him for five years, and now he finally knew that he would not come back, that he didn't want him anymore, that he had lied to him from beginning to end...

Balabala said that the eldest princess is a kind mother after all. After listening, she began to feel sorry for her son again, and she stopped scolding him. She coaxed: "Don't cry, that kind of heartless person will be struck by thunder sooner or later..."

When Yan Ke heard this word, his heart twitched. He didn't want him to be struck by the sky and thunder, and he was killed, and his rolling beast was also dead...

The Rolling Beast is him, and he still loves him. Yan Ke feels that he is too useless, and the more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable it is.

What the eldest princess can do, she can only coax her son as a daughter: "It's okay to like men, there are many good men in the world, and my mother is not such an old-fashioned person, come back..."

Yan Ke was successfully "coaxed" by the eldest princess. It's true that he likes men, but not everyone can do it, and he doesn't want to tell the world how he will live.

But his mother really can do anything.

Yan Ke didn't dare to be sad anymore, so he talked to the eldest princess for a while, and finally calmed down.

For the next few days, Yan Ke did not lock himself up, but he was also listless.

The eldest princess went to the palace to see His Majesty, but Yan Ke didn't go, he didn't want to go, and when he went to see A Li and His Majesty, he would be so full of heartbreak.

But it's not a problem to stay at home all the time. It happened that an old sister of the eldest princess sent her a message and invited her to the house to enjoy the flowers.

The eldest princess took her son to relax together.

The one who went here happened to be the grandfather of the country who was delighted to be "the son-in-law of riding the dragon quickly".

The old father-in-law is really proud of the spring breeze recently. He dreamed of recruiting a son-in-law who came to his house, but who knew that one would fall from the sky.

It just so happens that my daughter still likes it, and I'm afraid it won't take long for it to happen!

But he said that Lauren was suffering, and he had planned to go back to Panlia first.

He can't deal with women, especially such delicate and weak women: talking softly, panting after walking two steps, writing a poem if there is nothing to do, and watching Luo Hua shed tears...

Lauren felt that his ten years must have been miserable!

I really shouldn't have believed in His Highness's evil and came to find some "master".

What are you looking for? Eighty percent of the self who was five years ago managed to escape from the sea of misery, but now he jumps in like an idiot, literally "idiot".

As everyone knows, Admiral Lauren can really afford these two words, and his comment on himself can be said to be quite pertinent.

After staying for five full days, Lauren had no idea where Lu Li had gone. He thought that he had also found the "master". After satisfying his curiosity, it was almost time to go back.

How can your Highness please, anyway, he can't stay for a day.

He was about to run away secretly that day when he saw a young man.

He was next to a lady in a fancy dress. He was very handsome, but his brows and eyes were a little cool, especially when he wasn't smiling, he looked like a lonely plum on the twelfth lunar month in the cold winter, beautiful but cold.

That lady should be his elder, and I don't know what she said, he smiled with him, but this smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, completely subverting the whole cold winter.

Lauren's heart was beating very fast, and only the word "love at first sight" was left in his mind.

He couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, as if he had been searching for a long time, waiting for a long time, searching for a long time, just in order to see him smile like this, he thought that he would be able to smile like this to himself.

Who is he…

Lauren wanted to know his name and wanted to be close to him.

I wanted to go, but now I can't move my legs at all, go? Where to go, how to go to his side.

Luo Lun was about to go out, but a gentle female voice came from beside him: "Brother Luo."

Lauren: "..." Goosebumps took off.

His weak "master" Miss Shen was looking at him shyly: "What are you doing here?"

No matter how rough Lauren's nerves were, he could also sense Miss Shen's intentions for him. Originally, as soon as he walked away from him, the "master" would understand, but now it can't work, he doesn't want to leave yet, so he has to make it clear.

Luo Lun was about to speak, but Miss Shen squeaked, her foot slipped and she fell.

Lauren was in front of her, and naturally he would reach out to help him.

Miss Shen's face was ashamed.

There was a lot of movement on his side, and the people walking in front all cast their eyes.

A talented woman, a pair of beautiful people, anyone who sees it will be bright.

The eldest princess asked curiously, "Is that Xue'er? The person beside her..."

Mrs. Guogong covered her mouth and smiled: "Don't worry, eldest princess, there will probably be a wedding invitation coming to the door in a few days."

The eldest princess was surprised: "Is that the future son-in-law you mentioned in your letter?"

Mrs. Guogong said: "Princess, don't tell us our private letter!"

The old sisters communicated frequently, knew each other well, communicated very closely, and dared to write anything.

The eldest princess laughed at her: "What are you pretending to do? Seeing how happy you are, you seem to be very satisfied."

The lady of the country didn't say anything, but it was not the same: the mother-in-law looked at the "son-in-law" more and more pleasing to the eye.

The eldest princess also praised: "It's really a talent."

They were talking and laughing here, but Yan Ke next to him was pale, and even his lips were gone.

Lo... Loren.

It's Lauren.

Even from a distance, he can recognize him at a glance.

After thinking about it for five years and reciting it for countless days and nights, how could he not recognize this man who brought him joy and great pain...

He came back, so he came back long ago.

Yan Ke's head was in a mess, and the words of the eldest princess and the lady of the country were like needles, pierced into his heart.

Maybe he never left...

He just got fed up with him and pretended to be gone and was going to marry someone else now.

Does he like women? If you like women, why... why do you do that kind of thing with him

Yan Ke opened his eyes wide, and the last two years passed by him like a frozen picture scroll.

He said he loved him, he said he would never leave him, he said... he... just wanted him.

Yan Ke felt that he was really stupid after he believed these words.

Mrs. Guo Gong was surprised: "Xiao Ke? What's wrong with you?"

It was only then that Yan Ke realized that he seemed to be shedding tears again, and his tears for more than 20 years were almost drained in the past few days.

Not being embarrassed in front of others, Yan Ke took a deep breath and said, "It's alright, maybe it's because of some flower allergies, and I always feel uncomfortable."

But the eldest princess knew what was going on. Recently, her son was so sentimental as if she had raised a daughter. It was estimated that she was in love with the situation again, thinking of a scumbag.

She gave him a cover and said, "If you're not feeling well, don't force it, just go and rest."

Yan Ke pleaded guilty and left the Duke's Mansion directly.

He will never step into this place again in this life, and he will never see Sister Xue'er in this life.

Let them marry, let him... let him...

Yan Ke walked quickly and went straight to the room after returning to the princess' mansion.

He ran out of breath, and his whole body was wet with hot sweat. He was obviously exhausted to the limit, but because of the anger and unwillingness in his heart, he slammed hard on the wooden table.

The heavy rosewood didn't even tremble, but Yan Ke's hand was bleeding.

It didn't hurt at all. It turned out that the heartache was so extreme that I couldn't feel any other pain.

Yan Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore, he punched the table one after another, his hands dripping with blood, but the humiliation, unwillingness, and despair still gnawed at his internal organs like a grinning poisonous snake.

Why... why... why do this to him!

"You... what are you doing?" the man's voice sounded anxiously.

Yan Ke was stunned.

The door was pushed open, and the tall man's eyes were full of anxiety. He hurriedly approached, looking at his bleeding hands, he was so panicked that he didn't know what to do.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Yan Ke raised his head to look at Lauren, only to feel the anger coming from the sky, he pushed him away, his voice was extremely cold: "Yeah, if I abuse myself, I like to fuck myself!"

Luo Lun was completely confused by the second monk. When he saw him, he thought about it. He never thought that the person would disappear without asking his name. He finally found it, and he saw him smashing the table with his fist.

How thick and hard is that table, what can't be solved and must hurt yourself like this

Lauren was so distressed that he hurried forward, wishing he could pour all his healing medicine into his hands.

Yan Ke didn't know what else he was doing, he avoided seeing him for five years, and he was about to get married when we met again. The sweet words of the past had become poison. Now that he appeared again, he only felt extremely disgusting.

Only when you are blind will you like him, and when your brain is broken, you will fall in love with him. Yan Ke doesn't want to look at him, not even a single glance.

When Lauren heard what he said, his black eyes flickered and he was a little hurt.

But Yan Ke couldn't bear it any longer, he was fed up, he felt breathless, as if the air in the room had disappeared because of Lauren's appearance!

"You go, let me go!" Yan Ke was like a little beast on the verge of desperation, and his spirit was extremely tense.

Lauren opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He didn't know how he messed with him, but he couldn't see him being so sad...

After a long while, Lauren left lonely, put down the wound medicine before leaving, and whispered: "You remember to apply the medicine... don't..."

"Go away!" Yan Ke gave him this word in a low voice.

Lauren left pitifully.

After the people left, Yan Kecai collapsed on the chair like a broken frame, but soon the medicine bottle came into view again.

Burning with anger, Yan Ke picked up the medicine bottle and threw it out the window.

After throwing it, he completely lost his strength and sat down in a chair.

I don't know how long it took, the blood on his hands dried, Yan Ke got up suddenly, pushed out the door, and walked quickly to the window.

The medicine bottle happened to land on a fake stone and was shattered.

Yan Ke stared blankly, as if he saw his heart, which was also smashed to pieces.

He crouched down and stared at the pale ground with wide eyes, bewildered.

It's over... it's over.

Yan Ke thought that he would never see Lauren again in his life, but who would have thought that he would see him the next day when he opened his eyes.

Lauren sat on the edge of the bed, frowning and dressing him.

Yan Ke exploded in minutes, and he pulled his hand back suddenly, his voice extremely cold: "What are you doing here again?"

Lauren worried: "Your hand..."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Luo Lun pursed his lips, feeling aggrieved and distressed. Seeing Yan Ke's eyes full of disgust, he lowered his head and said, "Don't be angry, I'll go... I..."

Yan Ke laughed angrily: "What the hell are you doing, Lauren?"

Lauren was startled and looked up at him: "You... know my name... "

Yan Ke was so angry that his liver hurt: "Is everyone like you, forgetting to let go?"

Lauren didn't quite understand: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing him like this, Yan Ke suddenly lost the strength to speak again. He couldn't play with him. A heartless person, who could compare to him

He was tired, five years was long enough, and he didn't want to be tortured any more.

Since he wants to get married, he will give up completely, whether it is deception or betrayal, it may be just his wishful thinking.

Lauren is gone, he should understand that everything is over.

Yan Ke finally calmed down, but he was even more tired: "Roren, I beg you, go away and don't appear in front of me."

Lauren: "… "

Just at this moment, the eunuch in front of the imperial eunuch shouted: "The emperor is here!"