The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 2


The car drove all the way to the gate of the police station, and the driver still had a feeling that he hadn't slowed down.

"Open the door." Gu Xueyi said.

The original owner was used to bossing her around at Yanjia, and the driver didn't feel anything wrong, so he went down and opened the car door for her.

Gu Xueyi glanced at it, combined with the memory of this body, and secretly remembered it in her heart.

Seeing Gu Xueyi stepped out with a pair of beautiful and clean crystal slippers on her feet, the driver couldn't help persuading him cryptically: "You, are you really going to pick up Fourth Young Master?"

"Hmm." Gu Xueyi saw the embarrassment on the driver's face.

how? Is this Yan Si still a devil in chaos

Then it should be smoked even more.

Gu Xueyi clenched the "whip" tightly in her hand.

It's a trivial matter for such a thing to cause trouble in the family, and it's a big thing if it involves the destruction of the entire family!

Gu Xueyi became more determined, and strode into the police station.

The driver looked at her back, sighed, and had no choice but to stay outside. If it doesn't work... just give Er Shao a call.

It's really strange today, why does my wife take care of Si Shao's affairs? The gentleman never cared about Si Shao's affairs. But don't make a big mess!

"Yan Si...Where is Yan Wenbai?" Gu Xueyi asked directly when she stepped into the door.

The Yan family is very famous, and everyone knows it, and the name of the Fourth Young Master Yan is of course also very famous. The little policewoman at the door was stunned for a second, and immediately reacted, saying, "It's inside, follow me."

"Are you... Mrs. Yan?"


Before the original owner got married, she frequently appeared in various weekly gossip magazines. After getting married, the original owner had to keep a low profile because of Yan Chao's low-key behavior, and the number of times he appeared in front of the camera was reduced.

The little policewoman's impression of Mrs. Yan still stays in the look of the raised eyebrows, red lips and rolled eyes that was printed in the Gossip Weekly a few years ago. For a moment, he almost failed to recognize the young woman in front of him.

Isn't it true that after a woman gets married, she suffers from a lot of hardships, but is she not as glamorous as she was before marriage? Why did Mrs. Yan seem to be a different person, a better-looking person.

Maybe marrying into a top rich family like the Yan family, is there any difference

The little policewoman suppressed the confusion in her heart, stopped, and pushed open the glass door in front of her: "It's inside, Fourth Young Master Yan... doesn't look very good now."

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Thank you."

The little policewoman was a little flattered.

Mrs. Yan is really like a different person...

This Gu Xueyi has already met the Fourth Young Master of the Yan Family.

In the small room, only a young man was sitting leaning. He was tall and slender, and wore a strange garment of this world, which seemed to be called a "shirt." The collar of the shirt was torn, exposing a large piece of the young man's thin and powerful chest.

At this time, the boy heard footsteps, so he turned his head.

"Gu... Gu Xueyi?" The young man narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

"Yan Wenbai?" Gu Xueyi sized him up more carefully.

The boy should be around twenty years old, with a white bandage tied on his forehead, and a little blood was faintly stained on the bandage.

But under the bandages, sword-browed and star-eyed, with a straight nose, he looks quite outstanding, and he has the demeanor of a child of everyone. It's just that the young man frowned, and looked at her with impatience and irritability. If he had long hair and wore a long gown, he would look like a young swordsman in her world.

"What are you doing here?" Yan Wenbo said unhappily.

"Received a message from the police station."

The corner of Yan Wenbai's mouth twitched, showing a cold and disdainful expression: "That should be handled by my elder brother's secretary... What's your business?"

"I'm your sister-in-law." Gu Xueyi's tone was calm, as if she was just stating a fact without any emotion.

Yan Wenbo had heard these words a lot in the past, and was about to sneer reflexively, but when he raised his eyes, he met Gu Xueyi's cold gaze.

She removed the heavy makeup that she always wanted to overwhelm others, but she didn't remove it too cleanly. There was still a little black mascara and red eye shadow in the corner of her eyes... Maybe it wasn't eye shadow, maybe it was rubbed red. There are also the corners of the lips, and there is still a little lipstick mark on the corners of the lips...

It's not messy, on the contrary, it looks a little clean and a little beautiful. It's as beautiful as if I just cried too much and showed the sky after the rain.

The savagery and viciousness faded away from her face, and she didn't stare at him with disgust anymore, and angrily emphasized loudly: "I am your eldest brother's wife! You have to listen to me!"

She looked at him coldly, as if looking at a stranger.

Yan Wenbo unconsciously clenched his fingertips, but felt an indescribable strangeness in his heart.

Gu Xueyi grabbed a chair and sat down: "Tell me, what happened."

Yan Wenbai suppressed the strange feeling in his heart.

He twitched his mouth and said with a sneer, "Do you think I'll tell you?"

Gu Xueyi shook her hand.

There was a crisp "crack" and the belt fell to the ground.

Gu Xueyi: "I think you will."

Yan Wenbai's heart trembled instinctively: "..."

Even the chest is also stalked.

Is Gu Xueyi crazy

She... Could it be that she still wants to hit him

"What are you doing, what are you doing! This is the police station!"

"Third Young Master, don't mess around..."

Suddenly there was a chaotic sound outside the glass door.

The voice fell, and the glass door was slammed open.

A young man who was about the same age as Yan Wenbai walked in quickly, and sarcastically said: "What's wrong with Yan Wenbai? If you can't beat him, you're going to sue your parents? How can you let your brother deal with me? Who doesn't know that your brother is missing?" No, life and death are unknown, and there is no news yet!"

Yan Wenbo quickly got up from the chair.

"Jiang Jing, do you want to die?"

"Come on, you have the ability to hit me, you..." Jiang Jing held his neck high, with an arrogant smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Crackling", there was another crisp sound, and the belt flew across and caught Jiang Jing's feet.

Jiang Jing screamed in fright, and instinctively took a step back.

"Who?" "What!"

The arrogance on Jiang Jing's face faded completely, his face turned pale, and he looked at Gu Xueyi in shock.

Yan Wenbo suddenly felt that his chest was not so tight.

"Who are you?" Jiang Jing grabbed the door frame, suddenly felt ashamed, and stared at Gu Xueyi with an ugly expression.

He felt that the woman in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out her identity.

"Gu Xueyi. His sister-in-law."

Yan Wenbai pressed his lower lip tightly, but did not refute this time.

Jiang Jing was stunned, and his voice was surprised: "You are Gu Xueyi?...Yan Wenbai, your sister-in-law is so good-looking! It's just that she has a bad temper, tsk. No wonder your elder brother doesn't like her!"

Gu Xueyi lifted her eyelids, the ends of her eyes were elongated by the curled eyelashes, giving off a cold light, a kind of sharpness without anger, and a kind of seductiveness leaked inadvertently.

Jiang Jing suddenly became quiet, and stared at Gu Xueyi unconsciously.

"Get out of here first." Gu Xueyi said.

Jiang Jing didn't make another sound.

Yan Wenbo didn't say anything, he just raised his head and gave Jiang Jing a fierce look. Jiang Jing was not afraid of him, and immediately stared back.

Under the guidance of the little policewoman, Gu Xueyi completed the formalities.

Seeing this, Jiang Jing couldn't help but said, "After Mr. Yan disappeared, couldn't he even send a secretary? Mrs. Yan should handle it in person? My dad just sent an assistant to run errands!"

Gu Xueyi turned her head, and said in a calm tone: "What? No one in your family cares about you, and you can be sent away by just sending someone. Is that something to be proud of?"

Jiang Jing's expression froze: "..."

Yan Wenbo, who just followed him out, said, "..." He twitched the corners of his mouth and let out a hearty smile. Why didn't he know that Gu Xueyi still had such a choking ability

Jiang Jing was still young after all, holding back all his strength and wanted to refute Gu Xueyi, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't come out with a single strong word for a long time.

After going through the formalities here, Gu Xueyi has already strode ahead: "Follow me."

Yan Wenbo felt that Gu Xueyi's shouting and drinking like this was a bit of a shame to him, but he couldn't sit down on the ground, saying that I would not leave, so he could only follow behind holding his breath, and went out obediently.

As soon as he got out of the gate of the police station, Yan Wenbo immediately went to the other side.

"Where are you going?" Gu Xueyi stopped him.

"The next thing is out of your control."

Gu Xueyi turned her head to look at Jiang Jing: "Please come to the house, Third Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Jing didn't expect Gu Xueyi to invite him, he licked his lips, wondering why I wouldn't dare to go? Immediately nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

When Yan Wenbo heard this, he immediately became furious.

What did Gu Xueyi invite Jiang Jing to the banquet house for? Jiang Jing just had a fight with him! Could it be that Gu Xueyi still wants to invite someone back to apologize and appease her? Is she so afraid of the Jiang family? no! He couldn't let Gu Xueyi lose Yanjia's face.

Yan Wenbai recognized the family car parked on the side of the road at a glance, so he walked over quickly, opened the co-pilot's door, and got in.

Seeing that his expression was not right, the driver called out embarrassingly, "Fourth Young Master."

It's over, it's over, the wife must have had a dispute with the Fourth Young Master just now.

Gu Xueyi and Jiang Jing soon got into the car as well.

Yan Wenbo turned his head when he heard the sound of the car door closing. Turning around, he noticed that Gu Xueyi was wearing a suspender dress in pajamas, revealing a slender and straight neck, and her chest was white... She was only wrapped in a windbreaker, and the belt tied her slender waist, her figure was graceful... Yan Wen Bai's eyelids twitched, and he didn't dare to look any further.

"Stop the car." Yan Wenbai said.

The driver stepped on the brakes quickly, and said cautiously, "Fourth Young Master? What's wrong?"

Yan Wenbai opened the car door and walked down, came to the back row and opened the door, and said to Gu Xueyi: "You sit in the front."

Gu Xueyi looked up at him, but didn't move.

Yan Wenbo was a little afraid to look directly at her.

"hurry up.

Yan Wenbai swallowed the words that came to his lips.

He managed to squeeze out a sentence through his teeth: "Please sit in front, sister-in-law."

What's the matter with her dressed like this and sitting with Jiang Jing? How could Jiang Jing see it? What is Jiang Jing!