The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 26


The Yan family still has countless affairs to deal with, and Chen Yujin can't leave. But after a little hesitation, Jian Changming put aside Baoxin's affairs for the time being, and rushed to where Jiang Meng was.

He wasn't worried that Gu Xueyi and Jian Rui couldn't handle such a thing.

What he was worried about was the conflict between Gu Xueyi and Jian Rui.

The Jian family has been dissatisfied with Cao Jiaye for a long time, but Jian Rui still holds Cao Jiaye firmly in his hands.

How did Cao Jiaye offend Gu Xueyi this time? Jian Changming still doesn't know.

Will Jian Rui offend Gu Xueyi again because of Cao Jiaye

Sitting in the car, Jian Changming did not choose to contact Jian Rui, but called the bodyguard.

"Mr. Jane." The voice of the bodyguard over there was low.

Is there already a conflict

Jian Changming asked in a deep voice: "What happened over there? Describe it to me carefully."

The bodyguard was still in a trance, and he didn't know how to describe it... Mrs. Yan entered the door, and instead of pulling her hair and slapping her face, she kicked Cao Jiaye down first? Stopped a bloody case of violating law and discipline on the spot? Cao Jiaye was beaten and stabbed? It seems that we are not very useful

The bodyguard choked for a long time, and finally turned it into a sentence: "It's a fight. Mrs. Yan just called the police."

"and… "

The bodyguard looked up.

The atmosphere between Miss Jane and Mrs. Yan seemed a little strange.

There will be a fight in a while, will they fight or not? Who should help and beat whom

On this side, Jian Rui was really shocked.

She never expected that under Gu Xueyi's classically beautiful face, she would say such a thing.

After a short period of astonishment, Jian Rui pressed her lower lip tightly, and said: "Mrs. Yan knows one thing, but not the other. I have been husband and wife with Cao Jiaye for more than ten years, and we put aside our old relationship. If we just talk to him like this A clean break, doesn't it mean that my liking back then was really cheap. What's more... If he leaves me, he will be with other women. This is not punishing him, but fulfilling him. In the end, I am the only one left in pain ?”

Cao Jiaye gritted his teeth when he heard this.

He just knew that this woman... didn't want to make him feel better!

"But he still changes lovers faster than clothes. This method of punishment traps you, not him. You have to rack your brains every year to find out who is his new lover and who is pregnant with his child... Do you think letting him have it and then losing it is punishment? No."

Gu Xueyi said coldly: "He is like this, how is it different from the ancients who had three wives and six concubines? The ancients had many heirs, and if someone died, they would just cry for a while and pass away. Because they knew that there would be more Ji concubines who would be able to do so." Bear children for him. Cao Jiaye's pain is only temporary. But your pain is permanent."

Gu Xueyi had seen too many men like this before.

It is naive to expect such a person to feel pain from others. It's better to tell him to feel the pain directly, so that he will be afraid.

Jian Rui pursed her lips tightly.

It was suddenly pointed out that for so many years, her self-righteous way of revenge was actually just torturing herself... There was a kind of embarrassment and shame that her face was torn apart, followed by resurgent pain.

Gu Xueyi doesn't care whether Jian Rui is happy after listening to Gao.

The first person she contacted was Yanjia, and now Yanjia was classified under her protection circle. Other than that, the rest are not worth her worrying about.

"If you really like such a man, you can't let him go. It won't hurt to cut off his life and raise him as a dog." Gu Xueyi paused, not saving face for the Jian family at all: "But if you still want to act like this, it's really It makes people look down on it.”

The bodyguards were all shocked for a moment.

When, as a dog

Enduring the severe pain, Jiang Meng retreated desperately.

So ruthless.

Gu Xueyi is so ruthless.

The great fear made Jiang Meng dare not even cry out in pain.

Gu Xueyi really doesn't like Jian Rui's wrist.

With Jian Rui's background, why does she act timidly

It's not as good as the old Princess Yueyang, after the son-in-law changed her mind and fell in love with others, because she didn't want to give up his handsome skin, she tied him up in the mansion.

The thinking of modern people should be more lively and advanced.

"Ma, ma'am, the ambulance is downstairs." Yanjia's bodyguard said in a low voice.

Gu Xueyi turned her head and gave him a slight nod: "Miss San and I will go first, and you stay here to help Miss Jian deal with the follow-up."

This is what it means not to believe Jian Rui at all.

The bodyguard quickly responded: "Yes!"

Jiang Meng sat on the ground blankly, not knowing who else to call for help.

Jian Rui is ruthless.

But Gu Xueyi is more ruthless and decisive than Jian Rui, it seems that she has not taken her seriously from the beginning, her existence and her life, to Gu Xueyi, seem to be so insignificant.

Obviously... obviously she shouldn't be such a person!

Jian Rui stood there for a while, her face colorful.

She couldn't refute Gu Xueyi.

The footsteps of Gu Xueyi and Yan Wenshu gradually faded away.

Jian Rui took a deep breath.

Gu Xueyi was right.

She turned her head and looked at Cao Jiaye first: "I can bear you to the end."

Cao Jiaye, who had just got up with support and wanted to coax Jian Rui to protect him, suddenly heard this sentence, and was so frightened that he knelt down with a "plop".

All these years, the reliance he hated but firmly believed in, is gone

"No, Jian Rui, listen to me, you can't listen to Gu Xueyi, have you forgotten? You forgot that seventeen years ago, you were implicated because of your uncle, it was me, I risked my life Go save you! I have said many times, I love you, I have always loved you... "

Jian Rui has been bound by these words for too many years.

She never wanted to bring up the friendship of that year again.

"Gag him."

"Um, uh..."

Gu Xueyi brought Yan Wenshu and two other bodyguards of the Yan family downstairs.

Downstairs, ambulances and police cars were parked.

Gu Xueyi didn't go out in a hurry, but continued to wrap Yan Wenshu in her coat before leading her out.

She pushed Yan Wenshu in the direction of the ambulance, and she turned to the police: "Hi, I'm Gu Xueyi. I want to report Cao Jiaye and Jiang Meng for taking drugs, selling drugs, kidnapping others, and attempting to infringe on the safety of others' lives and property. I even I suspect that they have hurt others like this many times. Please investigate carefully. The Yan family will also assist you and find the seller of Cao Jiaye to go online... Thank you for your hard work."

The other party didn't expect Gu Xueyi to be so easy to talk to, and she explained it clearly first, and she was quite polite.

Instead of being like some rich people, when facing public officials, they always rely on their status and grab 2.85 million, trying to find superiority from the little policemen who suppress them.

"Okay, we will have a female police officer to take the record. You... please first."

After a friendly greeting, the police went upstairs to arrest people and contacted the anti-narcotics brigade at the same time.

Gu Xueyi got into the ambulance and accompanied Yan Wenshu to the hospital.

Although she knew it was time to go, it would be more appropriate to go to the hospital for an examination.

Yan Wenshu lay on the ambulance bed, raised her hand and tugged at the coat that blocked her view, and she looked at Gu Xueyi again.

Gu Xueyi shocked her too much today.

Everything is over like this.

Even Jian Rui couldn't say a word of rebuttal in front of her.

Gu Xueyi turned out to be like this...

A flame suddenly rose in Yan Wenshu's heart.

She wants... wants to be someone like Gu Xueyi!

Although there are strict confidentiality measures in the place where Jiang Meng lives, it still can't resist the sensitive nose of the paparazzi. They have been squatting near the residential area for a long time, but they don't know which building Jiang Meng lives in, and they can't enter the community.

As a result, today, as soon as they set up the telescope and video camera, they had a harvest.

"Wang Bian! Something happened!"

"Something has happened!"

The paparazzi who was in charge of locking Jiang Meng's figure with a telescope yelled.

Just when the news of "Yuan Wenjia's attendance at the event is suspected to be ugly" climbed the hot search, and fans and black fans were fighting for 300 rounds.

Jiang Meng's name was once again on the hot search list, but this time, Cao Jiaye's name accompanied her on the list.

@今天娱乐: Big news! Jiang Meng, Cao Jiaye, Cao Jiaye's driver, and another unidentified young man were taken away by the police at Jiang Meng's home. On the way, an ambulance left, and there was a figure beside the ambulance, suspected to be Gu Xueyi, Mrs. Yan's wife. Jian Rui and Jian Changming arrived at the scene successively. [Figure][Figure][Figure]

It exploded after a hot search.

[? Fuck? Is it so explosive? Suddenly taken away by the police?]

[This situation... 80% may be due to gathering people to take drugs... this time it was reported by the people in Chaoyang District?]

[. . . Jiang Meng is really, what an idiot. Be a mistress, get pregnant before marriage, rape a strong woman, and take drugs. In the entertainment circle, there is really no female star with a cleaner personality than her... Her fans are miserable.]

[Wait for a statement from Jiang Meng's studio, don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors.]

[LS is waiting for the hammer. In this case, what else can the studio claim? The picture is here, and the police did take her away.]

[Does the studio still dare to issue a statement? The bosses of Big Whale Entertainment were all taken away, and their PR department did not come out... The media released the news so slipperyly that even the Jian family was not afraid of offending. There must be something wrong inside.]

[I said a year ago that Cao Jiaye and Jiang Meng had an affair. No one believed it. This time it was supposed to be gathering people to take drugs, maybe they had some kind of sex party, and Jian Rui caught him straight. The Jane family doesn't care, how dare Big Whale Entertainment come out and fart?]

[So... Is there any relationship between Yan Chao and her?]

[What happened when Gu Xueyi appeared there?]

[I don't know yet, wait for a police announcement.]

Jiang Meng was once known as the goddess of housekeeping.

She does have a lot of male fans.

A male fan saw Weibo, and immediately slapped the table angrily: "Fuck, Jiang Meng, you might as well die!"

The teacher on the podium frowned: "What are you talking about? This is a class."

The boy regained his composure and clutched his phone tightly, but his face was still full of anger.

Jiang Meng

Yan Wenbo, who was sitting in the back, frowned.

He was impressed by this woman's name because he found Yanjialai last time.

Yan Wenbai immediately turned on the phone.

He directly skipped the three characters of Yuanwen Jia, didn't even bother to look at it, and then clicked into Jiang Meng's hot search.

As soon as he entered, Yan Wenbo immediately caught a glimpse of Gu Xueyi's figure.

In that photo, it was indeed her, yes.

Yan Wenbo suddenly stood up.

The teacher frowned and looked at him: "Student, what's wrong with you?"

"Teacher, I'm in a hurry." After saying that, Yan Wenbo immediately left the classroom.

Gu Xueyi and Jian Rui had an argument

It also involved Jiang Meng and Cao Jiaye.

And the police were involved.

It's all too messy...

Could it be something happened to Gu Xueyi? The ambulance took her away

All of a sudden, Yan Wenbo's heart beat wildly.

Missed the dinner last time.

This time, he will catch up.

In the classroom, someone raised his eyebrows and glanced at the direction Yan Wenbai left: "Recently... I've been possessed."

"Yeah, it's like crazy."

"I heard that because of him, you haven't been able to enter the club yet?"

"That's right, it was he who agreed to go with us. Well, it's not because of Yanjia's brand. In the end, the pigeons were released again, damn it."

"Does Young Master Pei have a solution?"

The young man called Pei Shao smiled with his lips curled up, but said nothing.

Yan Wenbo went straight to the hospital.


That was the room number the nurse had told him.

Yan Wenbai slammed the door open with a bang, and said with a livid face, "Gu Xueyi."

Gu Xueyi sat on the chair and slowly turned her head.

She sat there, still dignified and elegant.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"I..." Yan Wenbai took a breath, "...I'm on my way."

He stuttered, not even noticing that there was another person lying on the bed.

His brain became a mess.

It's not Gu Xueyi.

Gu Xueyi is fine.

then i...

"I hit my leg when I was playing, so I came to the hospital to have a look. There is no other meaning... I didn't come here on purpose."

Gu Xueyi looked at his appearance.

The boy came galloping, sweating profusely, with flushed cheeks.

Hmm... It's not as if I hit my leg, but like I hit my head.

Gu Xueyi raised her finger, and tapped lightly on the temple: "Then why don't you take a CT first?" Or should I take an X-ray? Or take B-ultrasound? She didn't remember this knowledge clearly.

It seems that after going back, I need to strengthen my memory again.

Yan Wenbai's throat choked: ...

Wait for a closer look.

Lying on the bed was Yan Wenshu.

Yan Wenbo panicked even more.

My feelings are fucking in vain again

The spy crew on the other side.

Director Li was so angry that he dropped his phone again.

"We really have to change people now!" Director Li cursed bitterly: "Damn it, it was Cao Jiaye who put Jiang Meng in!"

The people next to me heard it, but they didn't dare to breathe.

After all, Cao Jiaye is still Mr. Cao, who dares to scold him like Director Li

When Yan Wenjia heard the word "Jiang Meng", he immediately thought of Gu Xueyi.

He asked his assistant to fetch the phone.

Yan Wenjia also quickly caught Gu Xueyi's figure from the photo.

Gu Xueyi went to find Jiang Meng? In the end, he bumped into Cao Jiaye and others

… She got into the ambulance

Yan Wenjia rubbed his fingertips on the screen for a while.

Suddenly, he lowered his face and fixed his gloomy eyes on the phone. Then he logged on to Weibo, which he hadn't logged on for a long time.

@原文嘉: I have been thinking, how did someone with such bad acting skills and such disrespect get into the group. Alright, today I cleared my doubts. / @ Entertainment Today: Big news! Jiang Meng and Cao Jiaye...

The manager rushed over with his mobile phone in his arms: "Ancestor, why did you post like this? No one in the circle has posted related Weibo yet. If you post this, some netizens will definitely say that you are worse than others, and that you have lost your relationship." Hurry up!"

And you have such a face, you can accuse others of being unprofessional! Have you forgotten that you are not dedicated either

"What's my relationship with her?" Yuan Wenjia raised his eyes and squinted.

"After you took over the spy drama, many fans cut her and your CP clips! It's hard to guarantee that some fans think that you are in the same crew, and you have friendship in private..."

Yan Wenjia twitched the corner of his mouth coldly: "None of my business."

He lowered his head and refreshed Weibo.

There are already comments under his Weibo.

[Fuck, why is my brother so angry all of a sudden?]

[CP fans can stop being obsessive after seeing this, right? Jiang Meng thief disgusted a woman.]

[Jiang Meng's acting skills are poor, and her character is also poor. But could it be that the reason for joining the group... was plugged by Cao Jiaye? Fuck? ? ? No wonder Jian Rui and Jian Changming were both present! Cao Jiaye put a hat on Jian Rui...]

Yan Wenjia moved his fingers and clicked likes one by one.

His comment section soon became more lively.

[Wait, scold Jiang Meng and get my brother Yuan's likes with one click?]

[I, I, I will scold, get out of the way, I will come first!]

"It's not Brother Yuan, what are you doing?"

"Like it."

The author has something to say: The heroine has almost learned modern knowledge, but the essence is still different from modern people's thinking.