The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 34


"Yan Wenhong?"


Gu Xueyi nodded and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Yan Wenhong was stunned, then shook his head: "Not yet."

Only then did Gu Xueyi quicken her pace, and walked up to Yan Wenhong in the blink of an eye.

She asked, "What do you like to eat?"

Yan Wenhong was taken aback again, probably never thought that someone would ask him such a question.

Yan Wenhong hesitated for a while before saying in a low voice, "Egg noodles."

Is it that simple

Gu Xueyi's eyes flickered, and without asking any further questions, she turned her head and stopped the maid: "Go and ask the kitchen to make a bowl of egg noodles and bring it over.... Another glass of milk, warm."

The maid hurriedly responded.

Yan Wenhong's gaze shifted from Gu Xueyi to the maid, and finally watched the maid go away.

"Is there no other luggage?" Gu Xueyi asked again.

Yan Wenhong withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Gu Xueyi, and replied very politely: "No more."

"Well, sit down for a while." Gu Xueyi pointed to the sofa in the hall.

After finishing speaking, Gu Xueyi walked over and sat down first, and then Yan Wenhong walked over and took a seat.

"Yan Wenjia is on the set, Yan Wenbai is at school, and Yan Wenshu won't come back in a few days. Well, and your elder brother...he won't be back for the time being." Gu Xueyi said lightly, reaching out to take a glass from the maid Tea was first placed in front of Yan Wenhong: "Drink some water first."

Yan Wenhong seemed a little flattered. He put his hands together and picked up the teacup, bowed his head and took a sip.

"Okay, thanks. I see."

He didn't seem too interested in where the other members of the Yan family were.

Gu Xueyi's eyes moved.

But at this moment, Yan Wenhong's heart has actually set off a huge wave of surprise.

Yan Wenjia stayed on the set obediently, and Yan Wenbai was studying hard... a little strange.

Even Gu Xueyi in front of her was strange.

"How many days will it take to go home this time?" Gu Xueyi asked again.

Her tone was unhurried, not cold, but not overly warm. It makes people feel very comfortable, without the discomfort of being forced to ask questions.

Yan Wenhong paused and said, "Half a month."

Gu Xueyi just took another cup of tea from the maid, her movements paused: "Huh? Half a month?"

Didn't Yan Wenshu say that every time he came back, he only stayed for two days before returning to school

Yan Wenhong nodded carefully, and said in a low voice, "Something happened in our school, so we have to postpone our return to school."

"What's up?"

Was there an incident of bullying? Or was there an incident of corporal punishment

Gu Xueyi didn't know much about these so-called closed schools.

Well, I'll look it up later on the Internet.

Yan Wenhong put down the teacup in his hand, and when the teacup touched the coffee table with the marble bottom, there was a sound of "beep".

"Students were killed," he said.

"Ah." Gu Xueyi paused.

If she remembers correctly, the laws of this society are more perfect than those of ancient times. Most people live and work in peace and contentment, and the society is stable.

How could such a thing happen in school

Yan Wenhong raised his eyes and looked at her.

He said embarrassedly: "If you don't say this, it will scare you."

"There's nothing you can't say, and it won't scare me." Gu Xueyi said lightly, "Has the murderer been caught?"

Yan Wenhong shook his head: "Not yet."

Gu Xueyi frowned: "Has the police intervened?"

"Well, I got involved. Because of the panic, everyone couldn't go to class normally, so they all returned home. Wait for the notice in half a month."

At this time, the egg noodles came over.

Gu Xueyi stood up and said, "Let's go to the restaurant to have something to eat first."

"En." Yan Wenhong obediently responded, and went to the restaurant.

When Yan Wenhong came out of the restaurant after eating the egg noodles, he saw Gu Xueyi sitting on the sofa, slowly flipping through the book on his lap.

Yan Wenhong glanced at the book cover.

It is the Encyclopedia of Current Industrial and Commercial Administration Regulations.

Yan Wenhong's gaze was weird for a moment.

"Have you finished eating?" Gu Xueyi pressed the page of the book and asked, looking up.

"Yes." Yan Wenhong nodded obediently.

Gu Xueyi looked at the maid behind and asked, "Did you drink the milk?"

The maid said, "Ma'am, no."

Yan Wenhong's expression froze for a second.

He blinked slowly and looked at Gu Xueyi, as if he was a little at a loss.

"Bring it here."


The maid immediately brought the reheated milk and handed it to Yan Wenhong.

"Go to bed early after drinking, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow." Gu Xueyi lifted her chin lightly, signaling him to drink milk first.

Yan Wenhong gave her a shocked look.

Yan Wenhong is not short, at 1.8 meters. There was a little broken hair drooping in front of his forehead, which made his eyebrows and eyes somewhat similar to Yan Chao's, revealing a little innocence.

At first glance, it makes people feel young.

But Yan Wenhong really didn't drink much milk.

Yan Wenhong took the cup silently, raised his head, squinted his eyes, and drank it all in one gulp.

"...Okay." Yan Wenhong said, and hiccupped.

His well-behaved face froze for a second.

Watching the maid take away the milk cup, Gu Xueyi suddenly remembered, so she asked, "How old are you this year?"

She asked confidently, without the slightest bit of shame that she didn't understand the Yan family.

"Next month, it will be eighteen." Yan Wenhong said.

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Only then did Yan Wenhong go upstairs.

When he reached the corner, he stopped, turned around and looked downstairs. Gu Xueyi sat there, lowered her head and continued to read.

really weird.

Each one is very strange.

Yan Wenhong narrowed his eyes, and then continued to walk to the second floor.

He hadn't been back for a long time, but the people below didn't dare to neglect and kept the room spotless.

Yan Wenhong pushed the door open and walked in, not smelling any popularity.

But he didn't care.

The schoolbag is already on the sofa.

Yan Wenhong glanced at it, walked straight to the closet, took out his clothes and came out to take a bath.

When he reached the bathroom door, he suddenly remembered that he had dinner today.

Yan Wenhong went around and went to the bookshelf to get a celestial body book. While turning on his phone, he sat down and slowly flipped through the book.

After turning around like this for more than half an hour, Yan Wenhong got up to take a shower.

The bathroom door closes.

The shower is on.

The sound of water splashing sounded.

Outside the bathroom, the mobile phone that had been randomly placed on the sofa rang crazily.

In the bathroom, Yan Wenhong's ears were shaking.

He is very sensitive to sound, even the sound of water from the shower can't stop the ringing of the bell from outside.

Yan Wenhong didn't pay attention at all, he pressed the sink, bent over and wanted to vomit.

But the feeling of vomiting stopped the next moment.

He blinked, looked up at the warm yellow light above his head, and remembered again.

Ah yes, I had dinner.

The stomach isn't empty, it's full... warm and bloated.

Yan Wenhong grabbed a piece of paper and wiped his mouth before walking under the shower.

He didn't answer the phone until he came out of the bathroom and lay on the bed.

"Madam, it's already half past nine." The maid walked to Gu Xueyi's side and reminded her in a low voice.

Gu Xueyi always forgets the time when she reads, so she specially asked the maid to call her at a fixed time.

Gu Xueyi put down the book in her hand, and looked up at the wall clock.

"En." Gu Xueyi turned and walked upstairs, halfway there, she suddenly paused, then turned her head and said: "Tomorrow, someone will come over and tidy up a room on the third floor, put some furniture, tables and chairs, I will use it as a study. "

I always read on the sofa, and the pressure on my neck and lower back is too great.

The maid responded quickly.

Wang Yue hid in the corner, sighing secretly.

The wife really doesn't treat herself as an outsider anymore, not only ordered them to be kind, but now among the young masters and ladies, even the young master obeys her wishes...

When Gu Xueyi walked past the second floor, she glanced at Yan Wenhong's room.

She flashed back quickly in her mind, the picture of her asking Yan Wenhong in the lobby.

"Something happened at our school..."

"A student was killed..."

"... afraid to scare you."

When the young man said these words, his appearance was well-behaved, his tone was careful, and there was a sense of tranquility as if the years had passed.

Just a little negative.

No fear, no anxiety, anger, etc... nothing.

It also makes sense to be young and mature, but it seems a bit inconsistent with his appearance.

Gu Xueyi suppressed the guess in her heart, and went to wash and rest first.

The next day, Pei Zhikang came to the door again.

He knew that most of the Yan family were not at home at this time...

"I'm here to invite my wife to visit Fengxing Yinlou." Pei Zhikang said with a smile, "Their store has some new products recently."

The maid looked at him in surprise, but said politely: "Mr. Pei, wait a minute, the wife will come down immediately."

Pei Zhikang smiled immediately: "Okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer."

As soon as Pei Zhikang finished speaking, footsteps sounded.

Pei Zhikang immediately turned his head to meet him. He was smiling and handsome.

"...You, Yan, Yan Wenhong?" Pei Zhikang was taken aback.

Yan Wenhong nodded lightly: "Young Master Pei."

The maid immediately said, "Young Master, Madam asked the kitchen to prepare breakfast for you. Would you like to have some first?"

Yan Wenhong was stunned: "Okay."

Pei Zhikang watched Yan Wenhong into the restaurant with a complicated expression.

For Yan Wenhong, no, it should be said that he was a childhood shadow for most of the second and third generations of the upper class. Even though Pei Zhikang was older than him, people often heard people mention what kind of genius Yan Wenhong was, a genius second only to Yan Dynasty.

If he hadn't entered a closed school later, and he hadn't been seen all year round, he didn't know how many people would be psychologically burdened.

Why is Yan Wenhong back

"What's the matter, Master Pei?" Gu Xueyi gathered the knitted coat on her body, and walked down the stairs slowly.

Pei Zhikang stopped his thoughts, turned his head to look, immediately smiled again, and said to Gu Xueyi again what he said to the maid just now.

Gu Xueyi raised her eyebrows: "Are you rich?"

Pei Zhikang originally wanted to say that my sister gave me a card, so of course I have money.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

He's an adult... Besides, doesn't it seem that he is just spending his sister's money

Pei Zhikang smiled and said, "I have money."

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Okay, then you wait for half an hour, I still have a few pages to read."


What's so good about books

Pei Zhikang didn't believe Gu Xueyi's excuse, and felt that Gu Xueyi wanted to torture him on purpose.

Pei Zhikang smiled: "Okay, half an hour is fine, an hour is fine."

Then Pei Zhikang really waited for an hour.

After waiting, his face turned green.

When Gu Xueyi came down from upstairs again, Pei Zhikang forced a smile: "Can we leave now?"

Yan Wenhong suddenly interjected and asked, "Where are you going?"

Pei Zhikang was a little impatient, but he still replied, "Young Master Yan, let's go shopping with my wife and do some shopping."

Yan Wenhong: "Then can I go?"

He smiled, a little softly. A pair of black and white eyes stared at Pei Zhikang, and Pei Zhikang's back turned cold for no reason.

"I haven't been on the street for a long time." Yan Wenhong turned to Gu Xueyi and said.

"Let's go." Gu Xueyi nodded in agreement.

Yan Wenhong was about to take a step.

Gu Xueyi suddenly said, "Get Wu Shao a coat."

The maid froze for a moment, then turned her head to look, only to find that Yan Wenhong was still wearing a half-sleeve T-shirt.

There was definitely no problem with wearing it like this last month, but the problem has changed a lot this month, so it's hard to say...

Yan Wenhong was stunned for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

The maid quickly took off the coat.

Yan Wenhong also put it on obediently.

Gu Xueyi stared at him, and asked again with a soul blow: "Did you drink the milk in the morning?"