The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 42


"You... You brought bodyguards?" The security guard asked in a daze.

"Well, yes." Gu Xueyi nodded slightly.

Yan Wenhong buried his head down again, looking a little scared.

Everyone around looked over.

Where they couldn't see, the corners of Yan Wenhong's mouth slowly raised a little.

I'm so happy.

Gu Xueyi lowered her eyes and landed on the security guard's hand: "Release."

The security guard let go reflexively.

Gu Xueyi dragged Yan Wenhong's schoolbag back, and then slowly rearranged it for Yan Wenhong.

Only then did the security react, what am I afraid of? What am I loose

The security guard deliberately amplified his voice and said: "Now there are parents lining up at the school gate. Most of the families are rich and have their own bodyguards. But everyone has never been like this parent, disobeying the school's regulations and doing things their own way! Are you trying to kill your child?"

When the other parents heard this, their chests puffed up even higher, and they also said, "Yes, what's the matter with this parent?"

"The one next to him seems to be number one in the school, right? Having such a parent on the table will only hurt him!"

"She seems to have been in the news, what, Mrs. Yan."

"The proprietress of the Yan family. Hey, she's so rich, and she doesn't follow any rules..."

"Yeah, it's not like us, we have always respected teachers, and we are all for the good of our children."

The arc of Yan Wenhong's mouth curled up, sinking down.

He slowly raised his head, turned his gaze, and looked at the people around him...

His eyes were cold.

The people around were taken aback.

"I remember when I came last time, the number one was very well-behaved, why is it like this now?"

"Is it because of Mrs. Yan?"

"It doesn't seem like she was the one who came to the school to attend the parents' meeting last time."

"That's right, it's another woman."

"Oh, I see, the big family has a lot of fights, maybe there's something bad about it."

Yan Wenhong suppressed the cold look from his face.

He shouldn't have brought her here.

Who is this group of people, no one knows better than him...

He just sat quietly in this school, waiting for the whole school to die, okay

Yan Wenhong's chest was tightly blocked, as if something had stirred up his internal organs. His face gradually became more cute, but his eyes became more and more stern.

Gu Xueyi turned her head back, her expression unchanged: "Do you have banquets and money?"


"Any branch of Yanjia is richer than you. Where do you have the confidence to point out?" Gu Xueyi's tone was light, but her posture was full of arrogance.

How could the other parents stand her aloofness, and immediately said angrily: "We are different from you! We have noble sentiments, and we know how to love our children, don't you? Not everything in this world requires money to measure?"

"Exactly! We are not as rich as Yan's, but we have spiritual wealth!"

Gu Xueyi chuckled lightly, her face was beautiful and dignified, and her laughter was also gentle.

But she said slowly: "What is the slogan of this school? You have all forgotten? Elite education, let your children become masters. If you don't want them to earn more money in the future, enter a higher education Class, what do you send your children here for?"

Her unhurried gentleness made her even more poignant.

For a while, the faces of the parents around changed.

And Yan Wenhong couldn't help but laughed softly from the bottom of his heart.

She is amazing.

It's because he thinks too much.

How could this rubbish hurt her

He couldn't help but quietly looked at her appearance.

He hadn't seen so many moments of smiling on her face... unfortunately, smiling at them... how could these people deserve it

"You, you... what do you know? We just want our children to have a better future, for their own good! It's not for us to get more money!" A parent blushed with anger.

"Oh, is it? Isn't it for them to give you a better retirement in the future?"

"Do you think everyone is as superficial as you? We just want our children to be better!" Another parent interjected angrily.

Only then did Gu Xueyi completely turn around, facing the parents, she touched the sapphire on her neck: "Do you know how much this is?"

"Seven million ones."

"It's not something you can buy if you have money, because it was bought from an auction. And the qualifications to enter this auction are not available to everyone."

The security guard's eyelids twitched when he heard it from behind.

Obviously, the Yantai in front of her is always praising "money" and emphasizing the superiority of the rich. But the security guard just had the illusion that the other party was smashing their school's chicken soup slogan...

"So what?" Someone said duplicity, but his eyes couldn't help but drift to the sapphire.

Really so expensive

In the future, my son and my daughter will become masters, so these things are naturally not uncommon, right

They thought sourly.

Gu Xueyi tapped the gem and said: "So, I'm telling you, don't dream. There are some classes that you can't enter in your life. You can't become a master by sending your children here. Chickens and dogs cannot ascend to the sky."

The parents were stunned.

They never expected that what Gu Xueyi wanted to say in the end was such a sentence, which hit their hearts hard.

Yan Wenhong almost laughed out loud.


Why are there always some people who cannot accept their mediocrity, insist on grafting their dreams to others, and expect others to turn them into dragons and phoenixes

Gu Xueyi pointed to Yan Wenhong: "He is the young master of the Yan family. He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and was held in the palm of the Yan family. How can I care about him? When will you be able to enter the auction and buy such sapphires? Come talk to me again."

The corners of Yan Wenhong's mouth tightened.


I was not born with a golden spoon in my mouth, and no one holds me in the palm of my hand.

Only for you, I am the young master.

For a while, the surrounding Yaques were silent.

They all blushed and beat their chests with anger, but they couldn't find any more powerful words to refute the elegant and noble woman in front of them.

Gu Xueyi turned around and asked the security guard: "Can I go in now?"

The security guard was still dumbfounded.

Didn't the Yan Tai's words completely shatter the dreams of these parents? So how? What does their school rely on? It relies on helping parents weave dreams together!

"May I ask you something?" The bodyguard next to Gu Xueyi said with a cold face.

The security guard suddenly came back to his senses, he swallowed, knowing that something hard happened today.

It's not that no one has come here to find fault, but this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

The security guard immediately took out the walkie-talkie: "Hey, Director Wang, come quickly, here at the school gate, there is a person pretending to be a student's parent, trying to break into our school..."

The other parents who were speechless also came back to their senses at this time, gaining some confidence.

"Get rid of her!"

"Listen, what is she talking about? People at the bottom of the family are not worthy of climbing up? Bah! Rich people have black hearts!"

"That's right, let Director Wang come and tell her! This woman must not have a high degree of education, hum, let Director Wang teach her how to be a good parent..."

On the security intercom, a middle-aged male voice soon rang out, accompanied by a zigzagging electric voice: "Report your student number."


"Okay, I see... I'll contact his parents right away."

The other parents immediately gained more strength and hurriedly urged: "Okay, you don't want to enter the school, our children are still waiting... Get out of the way!"

"Yes, get out of the way! What are you doing blocking the door?"

Gu Xueyi stood there motionless, she just turned her eyes and scanned the students who were about to enter the school.

The noise and quarrels around seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Most of them lowered their heads, or looked in a certain direction, they didn't move much, and there was no extra expression on their faces.

"I just said that you have no money, but now you don't even understand the most basic rules. Whoever ranks ahead of you should go first. As long as I don't let you out, you have to wait." Gu Xueyi said lightly.

From the moment she heard their discussions, Gu Xueyi had no intention of being emotional and reasoning with them.

Gu Xueyi raised her chin lightly: "You guys, stand here and stop them all. Go back and give you a raise."

The bodyguards responded in unison: "Okay, ma'am!"

They were all tall and big, and they shouted in unison, making a loud noise.

In fact, not to mention the wage increase, they will do it without the wage increase!

The other parents, as well as the school security guards, were all pissed off.

But none of them can do anything about those bodyguards...

Director Wang found the student's information immediately after receiving the report from the security guard.


Still a rich man!

A lot of money is given to their school every year!

So how can it go wrong

And this student is also the movable type signboard of their school!

They all know that he is smart, and he will definitely have a good way out in the future!

When the time comes, it will be used for publicity, which will help the school to recruit students!

Director Wang immediately called the parent number registered in the information: "Ms. Hu, please go to the school right now, something is wrong with your child..."

After making the phone call, Director Wang put on the electric baton. The electric baton was disguised and looked like an ordinary security baton. Director Wang glanced down, and then walked downstairs arrogantly.

Those who come to find fault must be taught a harsh lesson! This will deter others...

Seeing more and more people blocking the outside of the school...

Gu Xueyi was a little surprised.

Just such a broken place, has it been hand-picked by the royal family, or has it won eighteen champions

There are so many people who send their children here.

The parents outside became more and more anxious as they waited, and the eyes that looked at Gu Xueyi became hatred.

This person does not want their children to be well even if their own children are well! Afraid that their children will seize resources! what a vicious heart...

Another car drove into the alley.

As soon as the car door opened, the woman stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked down quickly, followed by an old man, an old lady, and a middle-aged couple.

"Yan Wenhong!" The woman shouted loudly.

The crowd immediately parted.

"It's her, yes, it's her, she is the mother."

The woman squeezed into the crowd in an instant.

She was wearing a Chanel dress and a string of pearl necklaces. She had a gentle face and beautiful eyebrows. It could be seen that she was a beauty when she was young.

She looked up the steps angrily.

Then I saw a tall, ankle-length skirt, a young woman who was too beautiful to be conspicuously standing there, and the bodyguard on the side even held an umbrella for her.

The woman was panting from running, her heart was anxious, and she was sweating from exhaustion.

But the other party was so calm and condescending, like a young lady.

The woman's expression changed slightly, she stared at Gu Xueyi, and said coldly, "I'm Yan Wenhong's mother, Hu Yuxin. Who are you?"

"My name is Gu Xueyi." Gu Xueyi said lightly, "It's his sister-in-law."

She is Yan Chao's wife? !

Only then did Hu Yuxin vaguely recall that she seemed to have seen such a face in the news recently...

"So it's Mrs. Yan." The expression on Hu Yuxin's face froze for a moment.

When the former Mr. Yan was still there, Hu Yuxin met his original partner, who was Mrs. Yan at that time. That Mrs. Yan is a cold beauty who looks arrogant, but actually has no skills. But even so, I can't resist having a good son.

Hu Yuxin thought about it all her life, but she couldn't take the position of Mrs. Yan.

Saying these two words aloud, she inevitably felt complicated.

"But even Mrs. Yan can't take care of our Honghong's schooling?"

"As the saying goes, a sister-in-law is like a mother. Why can't I take care of it?"

Hu Yuxin's complexion changed: "This is what was agreed at the beginning. Whose child will be raised by himself. The old boss Yan personally sent it. If Mrs. Yan insists on interfering, I have no choice but to call the current boss Yan?"

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Okay, you can call. If you can get through, I can have a few words with him."

Hu Yuxin: "..."

Her face turned blue, and then she remembered that Yan Chao was still missing.

It's strange to be a generalist!

"Yan Chao is so ruthless. If he isn't around, do you still want to send you to destroy our Honghong?" The middle-aged couple stepped forward and scolded sharply.

When Hu Yuxin heard these words, she was not afraid of Gu Xueyi immediately.

Or her son's education is more important!

Hu Yuxin immediately stretched out her hand: "Honghong, come here!"

Yan Wenhong didn't move.

Hu Yuxin was like a weasel whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately wanted to grab Yan Wenhong's hand excitedly.

Director Wang arrived late at this time, and there were several people behind him, not wearing security uniforms.

He asked, "Who is making trouble?"

The security guard quickly pointed to Gu Xueyi.

Director Wang said in a cold voice, walked out of the door, and walked in front of Gu Xueyi.

Still a great beauty.

Director Wang said heartily.

But if you want to cut off our source of income, then you can't do it!

Director Wang pulled out the electric baton and pointed at Gu Xueyi: "Detain him..."

Gu Xueyi frowned slightly: "I don't like people pointing at me like that."

Director Wang said in his heart that who cares if you like it or not...

"Aww! Hand in hand!..."

Gu Xueyi grabbed his wrist, broke it, pulled it, and there was a crisp sound. At the same time as the electric baton fell to the ground, Director Wang fell to his knees on the ground with that force.

"If your school can talk to me well, I don't have to." Gu Xueyi said lightly.

Director Wang's wrist and arm joints were in terrible pain, as if they were dislocated. He opened his mouth and blew a bubble of snot, and immediately felt extremely ashamed.

Director Wang yelled: "We can't let this kind of rat shit ruin the good learning environment of our school! Arrest them first, and then call the police! Catch them! They'll all be clubbed!"

Gu Xueyi hooked the wide skirt, took a slight step forward, then raised her leg and kicked back.

Director Wang only felt a strong wind behind him, and the next moment, he was firmly stepped on the ground.

The wide skirt danced a flower in mid-air.


"You... are you leaving?" The young nurse looked in their direction and said timidly.

"Yes." The big man said, and glanced at her: "Okay, we have already told Tata that you can go with our convoy, and when you go to the next place, you will be handed over to the local embassy .Our embassy will take you home.”

The little nurse was stunned for a moment, a little happy, but soon asked disappointedly: "Can't I go back to the country with you? I am more familiar with you... I don't really want to be with strangers... I'm a little afraid of being cheated again."

The big man scratched his head in wonder: "How could it be? How could our Chinese embassy lie to you?"

The little nurse sighed: "Okay."

The big man quickly added: "Oh, by the way, our boss said, remember to wear a mask when you get in the car."

Little nurse:

Big man: "Oh, and, let's talk less."

Little Nurse: ...

The big man looked at her face: "Don't you think it's a waste of saliva?"

Little nurse: "... Fei, Fei."

As the big man was talking, the mobile phone in his palm vibrated suddenly. The big man quickly jumped out of the car, ran forward, and shouted as he ran, "Why did my wife pay 10 million!"

"Huh? Or did it go to our charity fund?"

The little nurse stood there in horror.


he has a wife

Ten million... Charity fund... He is so rich!

The little nurse swallowed, looked forward, and saw the man stretch out a hand lazily from the pickup truck, the wrist was still white, even in such a place.

Just like his handsome appearance, it is not corroded at all.

The man took the phone and replied in a low voice: "Yes."

The sound is also nice.

"Then she's awesome..." the man said softly, and the voice quickly dissipated in the wind.

When he said this, his voice seemed to become better, and there seemed to be a little smile.

Young man is laughing.

Gu Xueyi will still do charity