The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 53


The manager coughed violently behind him.

Yan Wenjia quickly realized that his tone just now was a bit too domineering. He restrained his voice, and his breath also dropped: "I mean... I, I have money."

After Yan Wenjia finished speaking dryly, he fell silent.

Gu Xueyi smiled lightly: "Then how much is an advertisement for you?"

"...It's not too much. It's more than 6.8 million after tax." In addition to his frequent non-cooperation, his acting skills in filming and expressiveness in commercials are all at an outstanding level in the industry . Last year, he was also included in the Forbes Celebrity Rich List.

After Yan Wenjia finished speaking, he fell silent again.

He vaguely remembered that the Gu family where Gu Xueyi lived seemed... not very... rich.

Wouldn't it be a bit of a show-off

In order to clear the suspicion.

Yan Wenjia: "Shall I share with you?"



Gu Xueyi couldn't help but smile when she heard that, would she still feel disappointed if she couldn't pay Yan Wenjia the money

"It's better to do something else." Gu Xueyi said.


"Well, if you want to donate money, you can donate to some charitable funds."

Yan Wenjia wants to say no, I just want to share with you, okay

But he pursed his lips, and finally responded: "Oh."

"What time do you come back for dinner?" Gu Xueyi asked.

Only then did Yan Wenjia regain his energy: "Eight... seven o'clock." He glanced at his watch.

"Okay. Work hard." Gu Xueyi finished speaking before hanging up the phone.

Yan Wenjia touched his ears, and replied in a low voice: "Oh."

"Are you ready, Brother Yuan?" the manager asked while poking his head out.


"Then, let's go then?"

"En." Yan Wenjia responded and walked out slowly.

Yan Wenjia has not filmed many scenes since he entered the industry. The main reason is that most of the characters he plays have extreme personalities and have a certain artistic color on them.

Such as assassins, painters, princes, murder doctors...

And those roles that are slightly lifelike, he can't play at all. It's not that he can't learn. It was because he was born with a lack of vitality. So there are always some film critics who commented on him condescendingly: like an ungrounded nobleman, a nobleman will never be able to play a small role or win an Oscar.

But for a moment, Yan Wenjia felt as if he had touched a little vitality.

What is vitality

Yan Wenjia was at a loss for a moment, but he quickly forgot it.

Compared with these, what is more important now is how to shorten the time for the next activities...

Yan Wenjia strode out.

When Yan Wenjia returned to Yan's house, everyone except Yan Chao was there.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

But everyone knows why each other is sitting here.

Gu Xueyi quickly came down from upstairs, and she glanced at Yan Wenjia: "Are you back?"

Yan Wenjia responded in a low voice: "En."

It made the other three people surnamed Yan couldn't help but look at him more.

Yan Wenjia's personality is too weird, it is not an exaggeration to say that he looks like a psychopath.

To hear him respond seriously like Yan Wenhong, it is almost equivalent to the sun coming out from the west. Yan Wenjia told the director that I will be dedicated from today on.

Gu Xueyi turned her head and asked the maid: "Is the food ready?"

"Ready, ma'am."

"Well, then let's serve the food first." Gu Xueyi said, then turned to ask them: "Do you want to drink?"

"..." No one dared to respond for a while.

Is this supposed to be a good drink? Or should I say no to drinking? Speaking of drinking, will she think I'm an ignorant bastard who loves to drink

Just when they were collectively silent and their minds were confused, Gu Xueyi followed up and said: "Red bar, you don't seem to be used to drinking white wine."

She saw their embarrassment at a glance.

She shackled them with rules, hoping that they would not go astray and not waste their time.

But I don't want them to become wooden people.

Yan Wenbai was the first to respond: "Okay."

Then the others followed suit and responded one after another.

The maid quickly went to get the wine and poured them one by one.

When it was Yan Wenhong's turn, Gu Xueyi said, "Less."

The maid nodded quickly, took a sip and left.


Yan Wenhong was somewhat unwilling. He is not young... But this unwillingness was quickly suppressed, turning into a little sense of happiness. This is why the sister-in-law is caring about him, isn't it

Thinking about it, Yan Wenhong couldn't help but smiled at his own height.

"I'm not very familiar with your tastes, but the kitchen should remember." Gu Xueyi said: "Use your chopsticks."

The others were holding their chopsticks, and the lights above their heads were shining down, still in a trance.

They had never sat at the same table so quietly.

There are a total of five brothers and sisters in the Yan family, but they all come from different mothers.

The banquet family is too big, and everyone holds a certain amount of shares and money in their hands. In the eyes of their respective mothers, the other's children will compete with themselves for resources.

No one has a crush on anyone among them.

Never deliberately cultivated feelings.

I can't talk about how much I hate each other, but indifference is certain.

The eldest brother Yan Chao has been busy since he was a child.

Each of them deeply realized that Yan Chao was different from them.

It's even more difficult to be at the same table.

So at this moment, it seemed extraordinarily strange.

Everyone at the dinner table was still a little quiet, and it was Yan Wenshu who couldn't help but speak first: "Sister-in-law, do you remember that winter night? His paintings are selling like crazy. Qingqing Gallery also made a lot of money..."

Yan Wenjia immediately said: "The filming of the spy is almost finished. Jiang Meng's role has been replaced by another actor. After the supplementary filming is finished, I will go abroad to participate in activities after a while..."

Yan Wenhong also followed suit: "I've finished reading the materials."

All of a sudden, everyone opened their mouths, talking their own way, as if they were gathered together with a group of starlings.

Maid: "..."

The maid stood there in shock, feeling a bit of magic in the scene in front of her.

But when she turned her head to look at Gu Xueyi again, she found that Gu Xueyi's expression was still peaceful.

At this moment, Yan Wenbai suddenly said, "I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination of the military academy."

Put an end to the voices of everyone in front at once.

For a moment, Yan Wenshu thought that Yan Wenbai had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

It was at this time that Gu Xueyi said: "Why do you want to go to the military academy all of a sudden?"

Yan Wenbo hesitated for a moment.

How should I say it

Should I say that I suddenly found it boring to hang out with those rich second-generation friends who eat, drink, prostitute and gamble? Should I say that I suddenly found myself as if I had transformed into a knight in a martial arts novel, with an inexplicable power in my body

Yan Wenbai opened his mouth, and finally said only one sentence: "You said, I can do bigger things."

Yan Wenshu and the others all pricked up their ears, listening carefully.

you said

What did the sister-in-law say to him

The sister-in-law gave him a small class

Gu Xueyi responded: "Well, have you figured out what this big event is like?"

In fact, Yan Wenbo didn't have a clear idea, he just thought: " seems a little too easy to beat those criminals."

Gu Xueyi smiled and raised the wine glass in her hand.

The red wine and the warm light made her face more gentle and beautiful. She said: "You are right. After all, force is only for self-defense, and it can win a certain right to speak for yourself. No matter how powerful you are, you can save the world." One person can save three people, save ten people... But it can't save hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand people."

"You can try it. Because you are young, you can try more." Gu Xueyi whispered: "Cheers, I wish you success first."

Yan Wenbo was stunned for a moment, then raised his glass.

These two months have passed too quickly.

Suddenly looking back, I found that when she went to the police station to mention him, it seemed like yesterday.

After her harshness, she is always gentle.

Then at this moment, she praised him again.

Is it a boast

She also blessed him...

Yan Wenbai said in a low voice, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Then he raised his glass and drank it down.

The rest couldn't sit still.

Yan Wenbai must have a small class, right


Yan Wenjia couldn't help thinking sourly, am I not working hard? Am I undeserving of praise

Yan Wenshu is somewhat self-aware.

It must be that I haven't read enough books!

I'm going back for a few more books!

Yan Wenhong was extremely silent and didn't say a word.

Gu Xueyi pursed her lower lip and said: "You are the same... You should have your own ability to judge, and you can understand whether it is good or bad. For example, people who drink wine do not mean they are bad people. But those who are addicted to wine and sex A person must be a bad person. You have your own standards in your own mind about what kind of person you choose to be.”

Yan Wenjia felt something was wrong when he heard it.

Why is it so special like explaining what happened before I was leaving

"Okay, let's continue eating." Gu Xueyi said.

Yan Wenshu hurriedly continued to move her chopsticks, and at the same time started to talk about the Baba Gallery, and by the way, talked about how she was doing abroad...

Yan Wenbai was still immersed in the emotion just now, and he didn't speak again for a long time.

His chest was filled with blood and words, but he didn't know what to say.

Yan Wenhong remained silent.

Yan Wenjia is full of thoughts about the divorce of her eldest brother and sister-in-law... Don't talk about opening her mouth, even eating feels pretty damn bad, and Yan Wenshu who keeps buzzing in her ears is disgusting...

That's it for a meal.

Gu Xueyi wandered around the garden for a few times, then went upstairs to rest.

The others had their own concerns, so they went back to the room first.

When Gu Xueyi came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she wiped her wet hair slowly with a large towel in one hand, when her mobile phone on the table rang suddenly.

Gu Xueyi took a closer look.

It says:

Unknown call.

Gu Xueyi almost guessed who it was, and also almost guessed what the other party's call was for, so she answered it without thinking.

But her understanding of this kind of electronic products is really not comprehensive enough, and she doesn't know what key she touched by mistake. The answering page flashed and suddenly turned into two small squares.

One small square reflected her appearance, while the other small square reflected the appearance of a young man.

The man is handsome.

Accumulated stones are like jade, and pine trees are like emerald green.

His brows and eyes are indifferent, not angry and prestige.

It was the photo she had seen in the bedroom, except for the different clothes, it was exactly the same.

He is Yan Chao.

The young man in the small square was also stunned for a second.

The two of them stared at each other in silence for three seconds, and then Qiqi suddenly came back to his senses.

"Gu Xueyi?" The man said in a low voice, and his voice was pleasant.

"Well, it's me."

Yan Chao frowned indistinctly between his brows, and was quickly smoothed away, as if the moment just now was just someone else's illusion.

The Gu Xueyi in front of me is quite different from the appearance in Yan Chao's impression.

In fact, in the past, Yan Chao did not look at his wife too carefully.

The Gu family wanted money and the fame of the Yan family.

Jian Changming wanted to pay off that debt of gratitude.

And he wants to use Jian Changming's power to lay a minefield for Baoxin, so that he can completely eradicate Yan Xunhua and others.

Gu Xueyi sat contentedly in Mrs. Yan's seat, took his secondary card, and spent money as she wanted... He was completely different from his father, he didn't have a hobby of raising lovers. Gu Xueyi is in this position, as long as she doesn't ask too much, it is enough to live a comfortable and rich life, and even earn enough living expenses for the rest of her life...

Everyone is happy.

How could he pay attention to what this woman looks like in such a marriage that is not even a business, but a marriage wrapped in pure love

His only impression of her was that she was too noisy, her lip makeup was too red, ah, she was too savage, she loved to smash things too much, wasted wantonly, shouted at people, and was very rude.

And then this moment.

The impression that the lip makeup was too red suddenly shattered into a handful of ashes.

The young woman in the video, with her wet hair half-wrapped in a white towel, reveals her beautiful face unreservedly.

The water vapor is dense in her eyes, and she blinks and raises her eyes lightly, giving people the illusion that autumn water has cut her pupils. But if you look closely, you will find that her eyebrows and eyes are indifferent and sharp.

There is a sense of oppression without anger and prestige.

The woman in the video moved quickly.

She tilted her head, continued to brush her hair slowly, and then asked casually, "Boss Yan is calling at this time, what's the matter?"

Yan Chao blinked slowly, restrained his scrutiny, and said indifferently: "You asked Jiang Er to take the initiative to apply for the bidding of the Baoxin project?"

Gu Xueyi paused, and said, "It doesn't count, this is the best choice Mr. Jiang made himself."

Yan Chao's mood was a little more complicated.

The Gu Xueyi in Chen Yujin's mouth became a completely different person. Of course he didn't believe it. It's not that he underestimated Gu Xueyi, but that he didn't believe that someone would change drastically and become another person in such a short period of time. Unless she is not Gu Xueyi.

Yan Chao even thought of it.

If Gu Xueyi confessed and showed off when he asked, then undoubtedly, Jiang Er's choice had nothing to do with her, or there was someone behind her pointing it out.

But this moment is in her mouth.

She said lightly and nonchalantly: "It doesn't count..."

She didn't take credit for it, as if she just did a trivial thing.

Yan Zhao's eyes flashed, and he said again: "How is Kraven's matter handled?"

He had already heard it from Chen Yujin, but he would still ask it again.

He needs to see with his own eyes.

Gu Xueyi suddenly put down the towel, and she raised her head.

Because of her movement, the jacket on her body opened and closed slightly, and in an instant, a section of beautiful white collarbone was revealed. But it was only for a moment.

She said: "You wait."


Gu Xueyi stood up slowly, and a rustling sound came into Yan Chao's ears.

Soon, she sat back down again.

Yan Chao also saw clearly what she was holding in her hand.

hair dryer.

The next moment he realized.

"Huhuhu—" The sound of the hair dryer filled Yan Chao's eardrums.


He opened his mouth, but he couldn't tell you to stop blowing, you should finish talking with me first.

Because he found that he had indeed picked an inappropriate time. Maybe it's time to sleep at this time in China...

He couldn't let Gu Xueyi chat with him with her wet long hair.

Yan Chao had no choice but to lower his voice and wait patiently.

Gu Xueyi's hair is long enough, so of course it blows slowly enough.

This is the first time Mr. Yan knows that after blow-drying, women still need to apply something like essential oil for care. The whole process seems to be a waste of life.

"Okay." Gu Xueyi scratched her hair, it was completely dry.

Yan Chao looked at her movements, and suddenly felt that the woman in front of him made such movements, with a sense of glamorous style.

But this feeling was quickly suppressed.

"Kraven, you have confessed a whole industrial chain..."


They don't seem to be saying the same thing.

"Industrial chain?"

"Well, the drug industry chain."


When Yan Chao paid attention to Kraven, he knew how big this little character had done.

He is smuggling.

But Yan Chao thought that Gu Xueyi was just trying to persuade him to leave, but he didn't expect that...Kleven had to confess the entire industrial chain.

"As for the Gu family, my parents. They have already been specially restrained by me. Mr. Yan doesn't have to worry about the Gu family doing stupid things and implicating you."

Because she also didn't want to be implicated by the original body's parents.

"Gu Xuemin will listen?" Yan Chao asked.

"It's okay if you don't listen, send him to jail." Gu Xueyi's tone was calm.


Is this the same Gu Xueyi who made a lot of noise and even went to Yan's to ask him to inject capital into Gu's to help Gu Xuemin win a small order of 8 million. If he didn't take it, he would cry and tell him that he didn't love her at all

"Ms. Yan is really... a righteous family." He commented unhurriedly.

"The banquet is always absurd."

When Yan Chao went abroad, he never considered what kind of changes Gu Xueyi would bring...

And now...

Yan Chao whispered, "I'm on the plane tomorrow morning."

"Huh?" Gu Xueyi asked in confusion.

It didn't sound like he was expected to go back at all.

Yan Chao repeated it politely: "I'm on the plane tomorrow morning, and I'm going back home."

"Okay." Gu Xueyi paused and asked, "Is there anything else you want to say, Mr. Yan?"

The memory of the phone call that day was suddenly brought back.

There is a lot of nonsense in Yan Zong.

Yan Chao's eyelids twitched, and he said lightly, "Good night."

"Good night." Gu Xueyi pressed the hang up button.

The screen quickly went black.

But Yan Chao still sat there without moving.

"Have you finished calling?" Several subordinates knocked on the door and asked in a low voice.


The subordinate said with some doubts: "My wife seems to talk too much today."

"Well, we talked for more than half an hour." Another subordinate followed up.

Just now the boss said he wanted to make a call, so he asked them to go out and wait.

They even took a look at the time at that time.


Yan Zhaodun is there, is this a long call

He stared at the pitch-black screen, and then remembered something.

So why on earth was he staring at Gu Xueyi blowing her hair, and just waiting for her in silence

The day after Jiang Yue successfully won the bid.

The news soon came out with the headline "Jiang's and Song's friendship broke down"... But this news was quickly suppressed.

Just when some melon-eaters were ignorantly digging the melons of the wealthy families, trying to figure out who the Jiang family is, what the Song family is, and what happened to them, another piece of news turned out to be on the hot search list.

This is the news from last time.

It's just that the title has been expanded to "Breakdown of Jiang's Friendship with Song for Yantai".

It exploded after a hot search.

[what happened? Fuck? What kind of crazy rich melon is this!]

[Let it be, let it be, eat melons in the front row!]

[Jiang is the wife of a banquet? This refers to Mr. Jiang, the leader of the Jiang family, right? The pointing is too obvious...]


Get up early in the morning.

Before doing anything else, I sneezed first.

He frowned, and then seriously thought about whether he really got the flu from the little nurse before? Or go for an inspection first, for yourself and others.

The author has something to say: Mr. Yan, who is polite.