The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 55


After getting along for a while, Yan Wenhong also knew Gu Xueyi's temperament.

When she is gentle, she is easy to talk, but underneath her gentleness is her swiftness and firmness, and she speaks exactly what she says. She wouldn't like people lying to her...

Yan Wenhong seemed to be standing in an ice cave at this moment.

A small knife cut open his heart lightly.

How to choose


Did not say

Nobody likes me like that.

Except for Hu Yuxin, hoping to shape him into a cold monster, no one would like him like this.

"You don't want to talk?" Gu Xueyi asked.

Her tone is still calm, at first glance, it is no different from usual.

But the more she was like this, the more Yan Wenhong felt a strong guilty conscience and fear.

Yan Wenhong first smiled at Gu Xueyi, then moved his lips, and said, "If my sister-in-law wants to hear it, I will tell her again. I still remember what I said."

He started slowly: "Last year I read a book called "The Handmaid's Tale",..."

Every word and sentence, enunciate clearly.

His speech did not contain much personal emotion, but he seemed to be a natural speaker. As the language progressed, he began to burst out with more amazing charm.

He can easily persuade others to agree with him and follow his orders.

Is this what Yan Wenshu is afraid of

Fear of his abilities.

He was even more afraid of the heart that was soaked in the darkness and gradually turned black when paired with this ability.

Gu Xueyi continued to listen without changing her expression, thinking in her heart, if no one stopped him, what would happen if he indulged like this

End up being a sociopath, like in the books of the times

"... I'm done." Yan Wenhong said in a low voice.

He quietly clenched his fingers tightly, and because of excessive force, even his nails sank into the flesh, and he didn't realize it.

He felt himself being torn in half.

Half of it is a beating heart, and the other half is a cold and sober brain.

He was soberly aware that Gu Xueyi would hate him.

Gu Xueyi didn't make any comments on his speech, but asked again: "When did you enter the school?"

"I don't really remember, it was a few years ago. Very early, I was one of the early ones. Junior high school? I guess so." Yan Wenhong blurted out, relying on instinct in a trance.

Gu Xueyi reached out and pressed the thermostat on the wall.

The central air conditioner is on.

Yan Wenhong clearly heard the system prompt sound of temperature rise coming from his ear, and he felt that he seemed to be a little warmer.

"Can you tell me what kind of experience you have in there?" Gu Xueyi paused: "If you don't want to tell, you don't have to."

Yan Wenhong couldn't help but raised his hand and pressed the throbbing temple.

The urge to throw up came back.

It's been a long time since he was taken care of by Gu Xueyi.

"I... Let me start from the beginning." Yan Wenhong said.

He was afraid of stripping himself naked and exposing those ugly and dark thoughts to her eyes. But from the moment he was punctured, he wanted to tear off the mask completely in front of her, so that she could see how bad he was.

"My mother loves beauty and money since she was a child. This is what she said. My grandparents also tried their best to teach her, hoping that she will marry a rich man in the future. She dresses herself up, learns piano and English , Disguising herself as an independent woman. Finally hooked up with my dad. But pretending, after all, is just pretending. After the surface is punctured, she is no better than Jin Lixiang to please my dad. Oh, Jin Lixiang is Yan Wenjia's mother."

"But I was just born at this time. It is said that I had an IQ test at that time, and it was relatively high. The only one in the Yan family who was about to catch up with the Yan Dynasty. Then Hu Yuxin became my father from those ordinary lovers. The celebrity around me. She relied on me and got a lot of money and a lot of real estate. Then my father died. She can no longer be Mrs. Yan, so she wants to rely on me... rely on me to change the Yan Dynasty from its current position Come down, let me be the heir."

"They were afraid of being held back by the government, and they felt that public schools were not good enough for me. So they chose this school carefully,..."

"I lied to you." Yan Wenhong licked his dry lips and said, "I didn't suffer too much in this school. The most hardship I suffered was before I entered the school. At that time, I was young. , and even dreamed of gaining Hu Yuxin's maternal love and the approval of her grandparents."

"Hu Yuxin was ridiculed before, saying that she would never be Mrs. Yan for the rest of her life. She was like a mental patient at that time, and she almost went to the hospital. After taking medicine, she was always emotionally unstable. When she was angry , would hit me on the head with a bowl."

"But she later remembered that she had to rely on my brain to win her a better status and more money. So she changed it. Don't hit her head."

"Once, I saw a classmate with a fever. His parents came to pick him up from school, treated him well, and took him to the hospital. Even though he got a bad report card the next day, his parents didn't blame him. He was in class. Talking out loud about what his parents bought him."

"I learned it. So I took Hu Yuxin's sleeping pills secretly and took a lot. Later, I was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage. Hu Yuxin thought I was going to commit suicide, and called me cowardly, not as good as Yan Chao..."

"But then I recovered from my illness and went back to school. The schoolmates took care of me a lot. Then I knew that this method was useful, but it didn't work for Hu Yuxin, nor for their family..."

"Nice, weak." He whispered, "I thought you would like me like this..."

He looked up at Gu Xueyi and asked, "Do you like me that much?"

"Do you know what kind of crime you are inciting them to kill?" Gu Xueyi asked.

Yan Wenhong's expression disappeared instantly.

He didn't say a word, and stood there with drooping facial features, with deep colors in his eyes.

These days, Gu Xueyi gave him too much candy.

At this time, she will not let him taste the sweetness anymore, he must learn to distinguish, not just pretending to be good can get sweets.

Gu Xueyi said lightly: "That's called inciting murder. You will go to jail."

Yan Wenhong remained silent.

It seems that to him, this is nothing.

"What do you think of Yanjia?" Gu Xueyi asked suddenly.

Yan Wenhong looked at her in astonishment.

"If you go to prison, let alone a young genius, you will have nothing. Everything in the Yan family, including me. You will never see it."

Yan Wenhong clenched his fingers tightly.

"Now tell me, is the murder case at school related to you?" Gu Xueyi asked.

Yan Wenhong was very nervous, he stumbled and said: "No, it doesn't matter. I didn't do it." He was silent for a while, afraid that Gu Xueyi would not believe it, and quickly added: "If it was me who killed someone, I wouldn't do it." for anyone to find out."

After finishing speaking, Yan Wenhong couldn't help but fell silent again.

After a few seconds, Yan Wenhong murmured in a low voice: "It doesn't seem to be a commendable ability... It will still look scary."

At this moment, the maid suddenly knocked on the door.

"Madam! Madam!"

Gu Xueyi frowned: "What's the matter?"

The maid's voice was trembling: "Sir, sir... you are back."

Yan Wenhong was nailed there at once.

The banquet is back

It was as if someone had poured cold water on him again.

He hurriedly looked in Gu Xueyi's direction.

The banquet is back...

She already doesn't like me doing this, and she will have no time to care about me... She won't care about me anymore...

"Sister-in-law..." Yan Wenhong called timidly.

Then he reacted suddenly, as if he was pretending to be good again.

she will be angry.

Yan Wenhong bit his lip hard, and wanted to speak again.

Gu Xueyi walked over, opened the door, and said calmly: "Then wait first."

The maid was stunned: "Huh?"

Gu Xueyi repeated it patiently: "Sir, please wait first."

Then she closed the door again.

Maid outside the door: …

For a moment she thought she had heard wrong.

Or was she having a dream

Inside the door, Yan Wenhong was also stunned.

Then the eyes lit up again.

Even at this moment, she wanted to reprimand him, and he felt boundless joy.

"I... I can correct it..." Yan Wenhong said eagerly: "Those bad things... I can correct them all..."

"We have three chapters, okay? If I make a mistake... If I make a mistake..." Yan Wenhong racked his brains to think of the method of punishment.

And downstairs, the maid went downstairs in a daze.

Yan Chao was wearing a gray windbreaker, and was travel-stained, followed by his subordinates and bodyguards.

On the opposite side were Yan Wenjia and the others, still wearing pajamas, all of them had dark circles under their eyes, and their expressions were dull.

The two sides looked at each other, both feeling surprised.

"Brother is back?"

"Are you all there?"

Almost simultaneously with each other.

Yan Chao heard the maid's footsteps, raised her eyes and glanced at her: "Where's your wife?"

The maid was a little nervous, and said in a low voice: "Ma'am, ma'am, she... said, said you... wait."

Yan Chao: "What?"

The maid mustered up some courage, and said smoothly in one breath: "My wife told you to wait first!"


Yan Wenshu also took a breath, and couldn't help but say: "Brother, just wait, girls need to wait..."

She is afraid of banquets.

But she was also afraid that Yan Chao would be dissatisfied with Gu Xueyi.

Yan Wenjia suddenly said, "Anyway, it's not a coincidence to come back."

Yan Wenshu looked back at him in horror.

Is Yan Wenjia crazy

How dare you speak to your elder brother like that

Yan Wenbai spoke briefly: "Yes, yes."

For a moment, Yan Chao almost thought he had gone to the wrong place.

He glanced at them, then walked slowly to the edge of the sofa, sat down, and said lightly, "Okay, I'll wait."

He waited to see what the hell she was doing

At this time, there is still a heated discussion on the Internet.

As guessed by gossip forums, as the day came, more and more people paid attention to that Weibo comment.

Under the hot search entry of #江尊为宴太和宋少打rupt#, it is immediately followed by #顾雪仪粉丝答案#.

@entertainmentbaguawang: I still haven't seen any movement on Gu Xueyi's Weibo. I still don't know if the fans are dead or alive. If someone can find out earlier, will the chance of survival be greater

The marketing accounts are full of confidence and follow the rhythm, and believe that based on the enthusiasm of the previous news, they will soon detonate Weibo and create a new round of public opinion on the topic.

But when they refresh the comments section.

[Thank you, you don't need to care about Yan Tai's Weibo. That's not Yan Tai's fan, just a child persecuted by a bad school. Internet police have been contacted. Make rumors about Yan Tai and report you.]

[latest news! People have been found! Click here @京市公安, there is a police report! It's not suicide, it's murder! You can watch the full story... The banquet arrived in time!]

[Please stop staring at us, Ms. Gu Xueyi, please?]

[Yanta rushed to rescue people at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the rhythmic marketing account has no heart.]

[Surprised? Am I wrong? I thought I entered a celebrity's comment section? The wealthy wife also has an anti-crime review team?]

[Not surprising, if you search upstairs, you will find that there is another station.]


The marketing account silently spat blood into the comment area.

While Yan Chao sat on the sofa and waited silently, he also took out his mobile phone and checked the relevant domestic news.

Open the portal.

At the top of the list is "Jiang's Breakup with Song for Ban Tai".

Jiang? Song? Mrs. Yan

Banyan turned it off and on again without expression.

I'm green