The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 57


"It's not considered a robbery." Yan Chao's subordinates said: "Madam, have you heard of Tata?"

Gu Xueyi is already sitting on the sofa downstairs.

Yan Wenjia and the others had already left the venue early and returned to their rooms one after another.

The original body didn't know about Tata.

But Gu Xueyi had seen this name in that book. Tata, the leader of an armed organization in a certain area. The reason why he can be named in it is because he abducted the heroine Yu Xiaoxiao. Just as he was about to strike at him, Yan Chao appeared at this time. So Tata sent Yu Xiaoxiao there, in the name of treating Yan Chao's wounds, but in fact it was to let her hook up with Yan Chao.

Gu Xueyi's eyes moved slightly, and she whispered, "I don't know."

The subordinates immediately explained: "This Tata, a few years ago, cooperated with our boss, ah, it was Mr. Yan. This time he went to Africa, he took the initiative to take the initiative to pick up our boss. In the end, this person, Didn't hold back well. I took other people's money and tried to kill our boss there... "

The subordinates took a peek at Gu Yanchao's face, and then began to run the train with their mouths full.

"That's called a near-death! Thrilling!... Our boss jumped out of the car, and biubiu was shot twice... But, what kind of people is the other party? A group of terrorists! They biubiu shot over again, and our boss shot him on the spot …”

His subordinates glanced at Yan Chao's appearance: "Uh, no injury. But it did pass... Anyway, it's very dangerous..."

Yan Chao raised his eyelids, and said in a slightly cold tone, "Get to the point."

"... Then the boss got angry and arrested Tata. It was Tata's ransom. But after paying the ransom, he was shot to death by stray bullets." The subordinate said quickly.

Gu Xueyi was a little surprised: "Dead?"

In the original book, Tata didn't die so quickly. He was the matchmaker between the hero and the heroine, and he was cannon fodder because he had bad thoughts about the heroine again.

So he died

Also exchanged a bunch of gold gems back

"Well, dead." The subordinate nodded firmly: "But it has nothing to do with us, he was killed by a stray bullet."

Gu Xueyi turned her head and asked Yan Chao: "Is this money legal?"


"Aside from these, you didn't bring anything else back?" Gu Xueyi asked again.

"Others?" Yan Chao set his eyes on her.

The subordinate was startled for a second: "How does Madam know?"

Gu Xueyi smiled lightly: "I'm just asking."

The heroine is still brought back!

Yan Chao glanced at Gu Xueyi again, and then said lightly: "There are other things."

He stretched out his hand: "something."

The men quickly turned around and ran out, and took a bag from the car.

Manolo Blahnik printed on the outside of the bag.

At this moment, Yan Chao hesitated again.

This is just something that Gu Xueyi would like, but she... can't tell.

Gu Xueyi on the sofa rarely showed a trace of confusion: "...something?"

"En." Yan Chao responded. He didn't understand why she looked so expectant. The fanatical gesture had faded from her. She became someone else. ...and still expect his gift

Yan Chao had no choice but to pass the bag in his hand: "It's for you. I bought it in the shopping mall downstairs of the hotel, and it's a special counter."

Gu Xueyi:? ?

Gu Xueyi: "Is this the other thing you brought?"

"Hmm." Yan Chao responded, "Take it apart and have a look."

Gu Xueyi: ...

Gu Xueyi opened the bag, took out the packing box inside, and then unwrapped layers of packages, finally revealing a pair of black strappy high heels.

Gu Xueyi: ...

Gu Xueyi knew how to hide her emotions better than before, for a while, Yan Chao couldn't tell whether she was happy or not.

Yan Chao paused, and said, "Do you still prefer gemstones? Or bags? For couture, I don't know your size."

Gu Xueyi: "... No need, this is fine. Thank you Mr. Yan."

The subordinates were listening, and said in their hearts how polite they are.

But this kind of address may also be a kind of interest between husband and wife. Damn, what do these old bachelors know

"En." Yan Zhao responded lightly, but felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart.

He felt that Gu Xueyi didn't look very interested at all.

"If you want gems, you can also exchange them for gems. You can choose whatever you want." Yan Chao said aloud.

"No need." Gu Xueyi said, "There are too many in my room that I can't wear."


The subordinates were also secretly amazed.

Will there be girls who feel that they can't wear too much jewelry

Ah, what a thrifty and good wife!

Yan Chao felt that there was probably something wrong with him.

With the previous few phone calls first, and the news that bombarded my eyes just after getting off the plane.

Yan Chao couldn't help asking: "Who sent it?"

"Jane Rui."

It's an unexpected name.

Yan Chao was slightly surprised.

The Jane family... It can be said that they hate the Gu family the most.

Zhang Xin asked for favor, Jian Changming would not shirk it, but in his heart he was not very willing to use his debt of favor on a marriage. What's more, Jian Rui rarely interacts with her...

"Except for Jian Rui." Gu Xueyi paused and said, "The rest are given by Pei Lixin."

"Pei Lixin?" Yan Chao frowned, but quickly smoothed the brows again: "She wants to curry favor with you?"

Gu Xueyi nodded: "She hoped that I would cooperate with her in making the false impression that you were dead. It caused turmoil in the Yan family, and you were forced to show up, and then took the opportunity to kill you. In order to prevent future troubles..."

Her tone was calm and her narration was unhurried, as if she was just saying that this dish consisted of cucumbers and tomatoes.

"She even hopes that I can steal your chapter. But if she uses her brain more, she will know that you will not leave such things to anyone. Chen Yujin is not qualified either." Gu Xueyi then finished the second half of the sentence talk.

Yan Chao fixed a glance at her.

"Mrs. Yan really knows a lot."

Gu Xueyi pointed to the coffee table: "I read it in the book."

Yan Chao: "Does the Encyclopedia of Agricultural Planting still teach this?"

Gu Xueyi bent down and took out another book from the bottom: "I'm not just reading this."

Yan looked down.

"Postpartum Care of Sows"


She teased him solemnly.

Her image has gradually moved away from the savage and annoying appearance in the past, and put on a more mysterious, intelligent, rational and charming body.

Yan Chao chuckled: "Okay."

Gu Xueyi saw that his expression was weird for a second, and then she also looked down.

Picked the wrong book.

This book seems to have been left under the coffee table last month.

She has read too many books...

"Aside from these, is there anything else?" Gu Xueyi asked again without giving up.

Yan Chao's complexion suddenly became even weirder.

What exactly does she want

Do you want his hugs and kisses

Gu Xueyi glanced at him with some disappointment, got up and said, "Okay, I got it. Mr. Yan has a good rest, I'll go upstairs first."

Yan Chao: ""

Yan Chao was a little dazed by Gu Xueyi's series of unreasonable tricks.

He really couldn't guess what she was thinking.

When you think she has other ideas, she is extremely cold. Just when you thought she was sane and cool, she started to say something weird.

It seemed that he was full of certain expectations.

"Boss! You don't understand this?" The subordinates couldn't help but whispered: "My wife must want you to say something intimate to her... What's more, kiss and hug, I always act like this in TV dramas. "

Yan Chao: "Shut up."

The men immediately shut up.

Yan Chao stared at his subordinates for a second.

So they talked so much nonsense, why didn't she say it just now

The banquet is really back!

When someone posted it in the comment area, someone with a heart immediately went to verify it. After the verification, I don't know how many people panicked in private.

The gossip about Jiang and Song was quickly removed from the hot search.

Relevant news has been deleted cleanly.

Only Gu Xueyi's name was left, and it was still floating on the hot searches, making the eyes of all the 18th-tier stars turn red with envy.

Feng Yu also soon found out.

With a serious face, he said: "No wonder you hung up on me, it turned out that Yan Chao came back."

He also heard about Gu Xueyi's deep love for Yan Chao, and the fact that she wanted to marry Yan Chao in a smug manner. It was just heard before, but after getting to know Gu Xueyi for real, Feng Yu felt uncomfortable no matter how he thought about it.


Gu Xueyi dismissed him and threw it away when she was done using it. There were not many smiling faces, but he has a good hand at being angry!

What about Yanchao

How can you love to death

Just because Yan Chao looks like a good guy

Within two hours, Jiang Yue knew that the news had been deleted.

Jiang Yue scolded into the phone angrily: "Isn't spreading rumors fast at ordinary times? Now you don't dare to talk about the banquet?"

The other end replied awkwardly: "It's a bit unpleasant for us to go with Mr. Yan. This time, Mr. Yan is back. How many people haven't figured out the situation yet, so they dare not mess around."

Jiang Yue hung up the phone with a "snap", thinking that I would come by myself.

But after thinking about it, he still stopped.

It's not that I'm afraid of the banquet.

The previous news, Gu Xueyi must have laughed it off when she saw it, and they both knew what tricks he wanted to play. But if he wants to go off in person, he will still have to take a few punches in the face.

Tsk, let people surround you and ask Mr. Jiang what's wrong with your face

Did he go back to Lao Tzu and fell on his face in the shower last night

Even Pei Lixin and Pei Zhikang knew that Yan Chao was back.

Baoxin's people heard the frequent sound of breaking things in Mr. Pei's office, followed by faint crying that seemed to be suppressed and collapsed.

Pei Zhikang was still thinking about how to kill Gu Xueyi.

It's all her fault!

She lied to them!

She played them with applause!

He wants her to cry and beg him...

Before Pei Zhikang could finish his lust, the police came to interrogate him again.

"Did you know? The banquet is back." The policeman said casually.

Pei Zhikang, who had a ruthless face at first, firmly believed that Pei Lixin would come to pick him up, suddenly his legs went limp.

"Impossible, he should be dead! He died abroad!" Pei Zhikang roared.

The policeman stared at him and smiled: "Oh, if you say that, you must know the inside story of Mr. Yan's disappearance. It doesn't have anything to do with you, does it?"

Pei Zhikang's eyes flashed, and he panicked: "No! It's okay!"

The policeman took out his mobile phone and gave him a look: "Do you recognize it? Whose private jet is this?"

There is only a photo of a private jet in the photo, not even the appearance of Yan Chao.

But Pei Zhikang's heart was beating wildly, and his breathing was stagnant...


The banquet is really back...

Pei Zhikang finally knew why those kidnappers recruited so quickly.

He closed his eyes, suppressed the discomfort, and said, "I'll say."

He confessed to Pei Lixin.

When Gu Xueyi came down from upstairs again, it was already evening.

Yan Chao was still talking on the phone in the living room, when he heard her going downstairs, he instinctively looked up.

Yan Chao slightly moved the phone away and said, "Jian Changming invited us to the banquet."

Gu Xueyi asked: "You or me?"

Yan Chao: "You and me."

Gu Xueyi thought for a while: "When?"

It seemed that she was not interested in the Jane family at all.

Yan Chao unconsciously thought of those shoes again... So, what is she interested in

"Tomorrow night."


At this time, the police station on the other side was once again brightly lit.

One is because Pei Zhikang made a confession; the other is because they got more drug smuggling clues from Mrs. Yan, this time they are all major transnational cases!

What is Mrs. Banquet

That is simply their god of luck!

The author has something to say: Everyone mistakenly thought: Gu Xueyi loves Yanchao so much, shit, why is Yanchao

And Yan Chao: She doesn’t love me~ She doesn’t take it seriously when she speaks~ She pays too much attention when she’s silent~