The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 63


"I want to invest in a movie. I like the script very much." Gu Xueyi said straight to the point: "I want to invite Mr. Yan to invest together."


Yan's does have related subsidiaries.

But the place where the Yan family really made money was never here, so Yan Chao didn't care about this industry.

Yan Chao asked: "Is it short of money?"

Gu Xueyi said very calmly: "Well, the cash that can be moved in my hand is only five million."

Yan Chao suddenly remembered that he had charged her five million.

"The secondary card is in your room, together with the new card." It's just to invest in a movie, so she doesn't need to call him specifically.

She stole more than nine million yuan from Feng Yu's dinner party.

Wouldn't it be a joke if Yan's couldn't even come up with this little money

Just look at her setting up a fund to enhance Yan's reputation. This amount is no longer measurable with ordinary money.

And the money in her hands was not something that interested her at all.

She can change hands and throw generously, let alone him

Yan Chao is not a stingy person.

Even after getting back the secondary card, the amount of the secondary card was increased again.

"Aren't you going to join the banquet?" Gu Xueyi asked.

"I don't need it, you can vote if you want." Yan Chao said.

"Okay, see you later, Mr. Yan." Gu Xueyi hung up the phone graciously.

Yan Chao was clutching the phone, listening to the lingering beeping sound coming from the other end, he had the illusion that he seemed to be a tool man...

The five million...wouldn't she have distributed it to him on purpose

Pei Lixin looked up at Yan Chao.

Who is he talking to

Gu Xueyi

Pei Lixin was in a trance, and even had a guess—maybe from the beginning, the Gu Xueyi they saw was not a savage and arrogant person. The relationship between Gu Xueyi and Yan Chao is not bad either. Yan Chao deceived everyone... Gu Xueyi was the one he stayed in the country to restrain her...

But this is too exaggerated.

Yan Dynasty will not spend such a long time to set up a situation.

Yan Chao put away his phone at this time.

"Where's the list?" he asked.

Pei Lixin's face changed slightly: "Me, I don't either."

Yan Chao sighed softly, turned and walked out.

Pei Lixin became anxious.

"No, Yan Xunhua really didn't give me the list... But I probably know who, when he hid abroad, he relied on me to contact many of them! Mr. Yan! I can write it down for you..."

Yan Chao raised his chin.

Immediately, someone put a pen and paper in front of her.

Only then did Pei Lixin get up, and tremblingly wrote down the names one by one.

Feng Yu is not the only person who cooperates with Yan Xunhua.

Among them, there are those who are not as ruthless as Feng Yu, but there are also those who are more ruthless than Feng Yu... Pei Lixin will definitely not please her when she writes this. But if you don't write, you won't be able to please. Her younger brother is still in Yan Chao's hands...

"Okay, okay." Pei Lixin held up the paper.

Someone immediately picked it up and handed it over to Yan Chao.

Yan Zhao glanced at him: "Do you know what happens when you lie?"

Pei Lixin stretched out her hand: "There are two that seem to be written wrong... I will correct them."

By the time Pei Lixin finished editing, it was already ten minutes later.

Yan Chao didn't look at it this time, he folded it casually, and said calmly: "I forgot to tell Mr. Pei that Mr. Pei has already confessed you at the police station."

Pei Lixin's legs softened, her expression changed drastically: "Impossible!"

That's her brother!

Yan Chao looked down at her: "I didn't kill him, it's because of my good temper. If he made a mistake, he can't pay it, so you can pay it back together."

Yan turned around, opened the door and walked out.

All Baoxin's executives gathered outside, and they all bowed and bowed their heads, sending the banquet away respectfully.

Not long after Yan Chao left, the police came and took Pei Lixin away.

Pei Lixin learned from them that Pei Zhikang had indeed revealed all their secrets. After the revelation, Pei Zhikang seemed to be afraid of being counted, so he bumped his head against the wall of the detention center, trying to kill himself.

But he walked from a poor mountain village to the city and lived the life of a young master, so how could he be willing to die like this

He couldn't be cruel to himself, but he suffered a concussion, and now he vomits heart-piercingly every day, and he staggers when he walks, as if he had been knocked into a fool.

"How could he?" Pei Lixin looked haggard, repeating these words over and over again.

How can he

As a sister, how could she treat him badly

She gave him money, tolerated all his mistakes, and left everything to him...

"Okay, stop reading, go in." The policeman on the side reminded.

Pei Lixin raised her head, and vaguely saw a policeman passing by holding a pennant, on which the words "Ms. Gu Xueyi" could be faintly seen.

Pei Lixin excitedly grabbed the arm of the policeman next to her: "What is that?"

The policeman frowned: "That's a pennant. It's for Mrs. Yan, thank her for helping us solve another big case."

Pei Lixin almost vomited blood.

They found someone to clean up Gu Xueyi, and they actually made Gu Xueyi cooperate with the police and the people

Someone nearby sneered: "Mrs. Yan is such a good person, you actually want to hire a murderer to kill her..."

Pei Lixin wanted to argue that we didn't want to kill her, but just wanted to catch her.

But does this justification make sense

Pei Lixin could only keep her mouth shut, and watched the police walk away with the pennant.

When Pei Lixin saw Pei Zhikang again, Pei Zhikang's eyes were terrified. How could he still be as handsome as before

Pei Lixin hated him for betraying herself.

He was also angry that his younger brother who had raised him to such a big age turned out to be like this.

Pei Lixin gritted her teeth, and finally managed to utter a broken sentence: "Why can't you control your mouth?"

If he didn't say those words that humiliated Gu Xueyi in front of Yan Chao...

If he is firmer and doesn't confess to her...

Pei Lixin cried out.

Pei Zhikang was still full of hatred, dreaming of his dream of being a young master.

He will definitely stand up in the future!


Pei Zhikang thought angrily, but fell again.

He knocked his head on the wall again, making him howl in pain.

Gu Xueyi found the secondary card and the new card in the room.

She checked the balance of the new card, it was exactly five million.

On the same day, Gu Xueyi asked Chen Yujin to help make a contract, and then brought Yan's lawyer and assistant to the agreed coffee shop.

Sun Junyi hadn't stepped into such a coffee shop for a long time.

He made a bloodbath at the box office for four consecutive films, and he lost all his pants after betting against others.

Now staying up late to write a script and making two extra cups of instant coffee is a luxury.

He tugged at his hat, covering his face.

Although maybe no one would recognize him now.

"Director Sun?" Gu Xueyi saw Sun Junyi at a glance.

Today he tidied up a little more vigorously, and he still looks a little bit handsome and energetic in the past.

Sun Junyi looked at the young woman in the seat, he actually didn't know her that day, and later found out that she was Yan Chao's wife.

Sun Junyi moved his lips: "Mrs. Yan."

"Sit down, this is the contract." Gu Xueyi pushed it over: "Look first."

Sun Junyi nodded, and looked at the lawyers and assistants following Gu Xueyi.

The lawyer looked very familiar,... Is it Yan's

Sun Junyi's heart was pounding, as if it was about to jump out of his throat at any moment.

It never occurred to him that he finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he was led by a young rich second generation he knew in the early years, and went into a random place to try his luck.

It turned out to be such a big luck!

Sun Junyi settled down and read the contract carefully, the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

The terms of the contract are detailed, not too much, and it well protects the interests of both parties. Gu Xueyi will inject him with 500 million, 500 million in her own name... Does she really know how much it is

Sun Junyi swallowed hard.

Sun Junyi didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately signed the contract.

Then Sun Junyi took Gu Xueyi to see his team.

"The team has been prepared for a long time, but the agreed funds have not been in place for a long time, and if it is delayed, it will not go on..." Sun Junyi said these words again, his tone was much lighter.

He took Gu Xueyi into the warehouse.

All the equipment and props are stored in the warehouse, and these are just preliminary... Sun Junyi sighed: "In fact, more than 100 million yuan has been invested in preparing the venue and props. This is my last property. But these are not enough. The post-production special effects are big head."

The other staff in the warehouse stood up in a daze. They looked at Gu Xueyi, but they didn't react for a while.

Gu Xueyi greeted them one by one, and learned about the composition of the crew in more detail.

"The actors are almost all confirmed, and they are all newcomers... There is no way, newcomers are cheap. And they have a lot of schedules, and they can shoot back and forth. Only the leading role has not yet been determined." Sun Junyi sighed: "The acting skills of the leading role must not be bad. , I'm afraid I won't be able to polish it that hard... "

"Are there any actors in the entertainment circle that Director Sun likes?"

"Yes, such as Han Yun, but he has no schedule, and the salary is too high. The salary is not up to him, and his company will be stuck in this barrier. There are several more suitable ones, all because of these reasons... no law chose."

"Let me recommend someone to Director Sun." Gu Xueyi said.

Sun Junyi gritted his teeth and agreed.

In fact, the last investor said that some traffic stars would come in, and he almost nodded. No way, the capital is big. As a result, the other party withdrew while talking.

"He doesn't take a salary." Gu Xueyi continued.

Sun Junyi's eyes lit up, and now he agreed sincerely.

"Okay, you bring it here tomorrow, let's meet up, the leading role is sure, and we can start the machine."

Gu Xueyi responded.

Gu Xueyi happily finished the payment and left soon.

In a dark and damp warehouse.

Those team members who were still a little dazed finally woke up, hugged each other, and cried loudly.

They are all following Sun Junyi's old team.

Favor is there, so are ambitions and dreams in my heart...

But if there is no money, these are all empty.

"Fuck, I finally have the money to buy milk tea for my daughter-in-law! When the filming of this scene is over and I make money, I will buy her three cups a day!" I don't know what the hell is going on, one is more expensive than the other, and a cup costs twenty-eight!"

Sun Junyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the direction Gu Xueyi left, and felt that the dream that was getting farther and farther away from him slowly came back.

Far away in the banquet dynasty of the Yan family.

His spare phone, which he had barely used since returning from Africa, lit up again and dinged.

She invested the money so quickly

Few men can be as bold as her.

Yan Chao took the phone and glanced at it.

"Your end number **** card will transfer out 500000000.00 yuan at 17:11 on November 30th..."


He stared at the string of numbers and looked again.

Not five million, not nine million, five hundred million.

She's so brave.

Yan Chao wanted to laugh a little.

"Boss Yan?" The female secretary in the secretary's room said nervously from the side.

Yan Chao narrowed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" the secretary asked.

Yan Chao said lightly: "Nothing."

It just so happened that he went to increase the limit of the secondary card... Otherwise, it wouldn't be enough for her to swipe.

After Yan Wenjia finished chatting with Gu Xueyi, she called her agent and said that she was going to take on a new play.

The agent asked what the script was called.

Yan Wenjia recalled: "Forgot."

The manager suddenly raised his voice: "Forgot?"

"Anyway, I want to shoot."

The agent is also used to his character, so he didn't say much, just sighed and said: "Originally, Dagu Films wanted to invest in Director Sun's movie, but after a few months of grinding, it finally disappeared. I I think it's a pity. After all, Director Sun still has his roots... "

Yan Wenjia didn't go to shoot anyway, and twitched the corners of his mouth, saying unceremoniously: "It must be that the mouth was too cheap a few years ago, and now it is retribution."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Wenjia posted a Weibo.

@原文嘉: Ready to join a new group.

As for auditions

Does that need to be said

As long as he is not as blind as Sun Junyi, he will be willing to choose him! He doesn't even want a salary, in the past it was just to give people a boost!

Yan Wenjia finished posting confidently, and glanced at the comment area.

[Ah, my brother is so hardworking]

[Joined a new group again? Is Brother Yuan really not short of money recently_(:з」∠]

[Why is there no news about the new play? 0-0 stunned.]

Yan Wenjia turned off her phone and remembered the first comment.

I also feel that I am very hardworking.

It's just that Gu Xueyi doesn't read Weibo all the time, which is annoying.

Yan Wenjia and Gu Xueyi made an appointment to go to the set the next day.

The next day, just as Gu Xueyi got up and went downstairs, she saw Yan Wenjia already in a suit and leather shoes, sitting downstairs waiting.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"have eaten."

Yan Wenjia was wearing a white suit, sitting there like a nobleman.

The maid couldn't help but look at him secretly.

Gu Xueyi was also a little puzzled.

Why is he in such a hurry

But it is a good thing for children to make progress.

Gu Xueyi also quickly finished her breakfast, and then set off with Yan Wenjia.

When Yan Chao went downstairs again, only he was left with Yan Wenshu, Yan Wenbai, and Yan Wenhong in numbers.

We are speechless.

Yan Chao turned his head and asked, "Where is Madam?"

The maid said: "Madam went out with Er Shao early in the morning."

My sister-in-law is teaching Yan Wenjia another lesson! ! !

The three younger ones looked at each other again, and finally their eyes fell on Yan Wenhong coldly. He has the most small classes!

Yan Wenshu was so angry that her underdeveloped chest hurt.

Sun Junyi didn't know who Gu Xueyi would insert into the group, but he was fully prepared. If it doesn't work, I will teach slowly...

Just as he was thinking about it, Sun Junyi heard someone shout: "Miss Gu is here!"

They heard that Gu Xueyi personally invested, so they stopped calling Yantai and called Miss Gu.

Sun Junyi looked up, and first saw the young woman walking in front.


Immediately afterwards, Sun Junyi saw another young man.

Same light! color! snatch! eye!

Yan Wenjia also saw Sun Junyi at the same moment.

"Why him?" Yan Wenjia turned to look at Gu Xueyi.

"Huh?" Gu Xueyi tilted her head to look at him.

Sun Junyi was also so shocked that he almost fell over: "Why is it Yuan Wenjia!"

The enemy is very upset when they meet each other.

Sun Junyi hasn't liked trolling much in the past two years, that's because life has flattened his edges and corners as a big troll in the film industry.

But he still remembered how he teased Wen Jia in his early years.

Both are arrogant in nature.

When he opened his mouth, he almost made a personal attack first.

"What? Is there a problem?" Gu Xueyi asked.

The others also twitched, with strange expressions.

Sun Junyi was very grateful for Gu Xueyi's kindness. If it wasn't for her, he might really be like this in his life, rotten in the mud, unable to turn over again.

It was she who stopped at the banquet and asked him to talk about it, so she had the funds injected now.

Sun Junyi was about to say something in embarrassment.

Yan Wenjia sneered: "Oh, Director Sun, the year before and the year before, he called me a dead fish eye, acting without soul. The year before and after, he called me a vase, who can only win the public's love with his face..."

Sun Junyi was even more embarrassed for a while.

He didn't expect that his mouth would be so poisonous two years earlier.

"Isn't Director Sun at the end of his talents? Is he coming out now to prepare for the last dying struggle?"

Sun Junyi: ...

He felt that he could actually be a little more poisonous two years earlier.

Sun Junyi held back and said, "Miss Gu, he has no acting skills, really no acting skills. He can't play such a role."

Gu Xueyi said: "I know, so..."

Before she finished speaking, Yan Wenjia immediately asked back: "Miss Gu?" He looked at Gu Xueyi: "He called you Miss Gu?"

The radar in Yan Wenjia's body beeped.

Sure enough, you want to change my eldest brother, right

That won't work!

Sun Junyi is not as handsome as me!

When Sun Junyi heard this conversation, he was a little uncertain about the relationship between Yan Wenjia and Gu Xueyi.

He opened his mouth: "Miss Gu, he really can't..."

"I can do it." Yan Wenjia said with a dull face.

"no… "

"I say yes..."


Yan Wenjia felt the pleasure of finally getting his revenge for several years. The corner of his mouth curled up, and an almost crazy smile appeared on that sad and handsome face. He pointed at Gu Xueyi: "Because she is my sister-in-law!"

"She invested in you, you have to listen to her! Listening to her means listening to me!"

"Now, send three Weibo posts first." Yan Wenjia took out his mobile phone and shook it: "Praise me first, and don't repeat the kind."

Gu Xueyi: ...

Gu Xueyi: "I've also seen Wen Jia's play."

Yan Wenjia pursed her lower lip, and her arrogance finally subsided a little.

"His acting skills are not bad." Gu Xueyi said.

"It's not bad, but he can't fit the character..."

"He's actually a talented guy, he's smart..."

Yan Wenjia's ears immediately perked up.

"He is willing to learn, and I will take him to learn."

Sun Junyi pressed his lower lip tightly: "Is he teaching well?"

"Good teaching."

Yan Wenjia was immersed in the great surprise of being affirmed by Gu Xueyi.

That kind of surprise is much bigger than the media's overwhelming praise for him!

Sun Junyi asked: "How do you teach?"

Gu Xueyi pursed her lips and smiled lightly, but did not elaborate.

The people present stared blankly at her smile.

Yan Wenjia's thoughts were in a trance.

But he still remembers the business...

Yan Wenjia: "You post on Weibo first."

Sun Junyi gritted his teeth.

Director Sun, who hadn't been online for nearly a year, posted three Weibo posts in a row.

[Original text Jia is a genius]

[Original Wenjia's acting skills are quite good]

[Original Wen Jia looks handsome]

It exploded after a hot search.

And in the crew.

Yan Wenjia felt comfortable throughout.


It's great to have a sister-in-law!