The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 65


Pregnancy eclampsia must be delivered early, otherwise it will fall into the dilemma of maternal death or fetal death.

It was also the first time for Yan Wenjia to know that such a disease still exists in the world.

Lu Dong's wife is 34 weeks pregnant, not yet full-term, and the fetal lungs are not yet fully developed.

Gu Xueyi roughly listened to what the doctor said from the side, and then left a number for Lu Dong.

Only then did Lu Dong's wife stop her convulsions, resume her normal breathing, and fell into a deep sleep.

He glanced in the direction of the hospital bed, stared at the number and asked in a daze, "What is this?"

"Yan's hospital, if you call this number, it will be arranged for you."

Lu Dong stood there in a daze.

It wasn't until Gu Xueyi turned around and walked away with Yan Wenjia that his eyes turned red.

Although he has acquired a fortune, even some bigwigs have taken a fancy to his paintings, and are even more interested in his family stories, thinking that this is the source of inspiration for his creation...

But Lu Dong didn't want to ask them for help.

It is very difficult to find good doctors and hospitals in Beijing.

That's why Gu Xueyi's quiet help is even more valuable.

Lu Dong clenched his fingers tightly and dialed the number.

Yan's building.

Chen Yujin just finished answering the call and put away her phone.

Yan Chao asked, "Personal phone?"

If he remembered correctly, Chen Yujin didn't often answer personal calls in the company.

Chen Yujin is a person who clearly distinguishes between public and private.

Chen Yujin hesitated: "It's not a personal call, it's my wife's. I left this number for my wife for convenience."

Yan Chao's movements paused: "What does she want from you?"

"My wife wants to borrow Yan's medical resources. Well, my wife is probably doing something good again..." Chen Yujin was a little dazed as she spoke, how long has it been? I don't know how many pennants have been collected... Will Yan's be able to be rated as an advanced enterprise in the future? And the next top ten people who moved China

Yan Chao didn't pay attention to anything good.

He lowered his eyes and said lightly: "She is the wife of the Yan family. Are there any resources that she can't use? I need to call you specially."

Chen Yujin:

No, you didn't say that before!

Chen Yujin had no choice but to remind: "The Gu family cannot use Yan's resources. You said it."

Yan Zhao raised his eyes: "She is not the Gu family, she is the Yan family."

Chen Yujin:? ?

"Song Chengde is going to celebrate his seventieth birthday?" Yan Chao asked.

Chen Yujin nodded, and handed the new itinerary in front of Yan Chao, only then dispelled the strange feeling in her heart.

In the blink of an eye, it's another day.

Gu Xueyi took Yan Wenjia into the car again.

Yan Wenjia was a little interested today, he asked, "Where are we going today?"

Went to the hospital yesterday. Yan Wenjia thought to herself.

"Are we going to some welfare home today? A nursing home?"

The agent followed me today, and when I heard this sentence, I was still a little dazed, and muttered, "Mrs. Yan thinks that Brother Yuan's acting skills are too weak to recover and is about to give up? So let's start making charitable characters and wait for the movie to come out." Time to be less scolded?"

Yan Wenjia: …

Gu Xueyi was sitting next to her, and Yan Wenjia patiently said to her agent for the first time: "My acting skills are fine, I'm a genius."

The manager opened his mouth and closed it again.

As for Director Sun's few Weibo posts, the taste of perfunctory almost rushed out of the screen.

"Not going to the orphanage." Gu Xueyi said aloud: "Go to a logistics company first, and then go to eat."

Yan Wenjia looked at the time: "Oh, good."

The agent was even more confused.

What is this for

Is this taking Yuan brother to experience the life of ordinary people, so as to get through Yuan brother's second vein of Ren and Du? If it had been used earlier, they would have been able to do it before then...

The agent buried Xiaosheng Bibi back in his stomach.

They arrived at the logistics company soon.

"This seems to be... Jiang's company?" Yan Wenjia said.

"En." Gu Xueyi responded, pushed the door and walked out.

Yan Wenjia pulled on her mask and sunglasses, and followed.

The superior had already greeted her, and of course the person in charge had already prepared, and immediately welcomed Gu Xueyi in. Although the person in charge felt that it was strange that Yan's proprietress came to Jiang's company...

"Boss Jiang personally called and said that you would come and take a look." The person in charge said, asking the front desk to pour water for Gu Xueyi.

He glanced at the tall man standing behind Gu Xueyi.

I couldn't help but whisper in my heart, who is this? It was packed pretty tightly.

Gu Xueyi responded: "Well, you guys go to work, we'll just sit here for a while."

The person in charge felt even more at a loss.

Gu Xueyi's posture was the same as coming down to inspect, even though she was actually the wife of the Yan family, the person in charge still felt nervous and did not dare to neglect her.

Gu Xueyi glanced at him.

Only then did the person in charge feel his back tense, and he took a few steps back consciously.

Yan Wenjia couldn't help but said, "Why did you call Jiang Er?"

"Who do you think he is?"

"Yan's opponent."

Yan Wenjia felt tormented even sitting with Yan Chao to eat.

But this does not prevent him from hating Yanjia's deadly rival.

Gu Xueyi didn't change her face: "That's right, so if you take advantage of your opponent, how can you be soft-hearted?"

Yan Wenjia suddenly realized: "It makes sense!"

Don't take advantage of Jiang Er's advantage, don't take advantage of it!


He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and didn't know whether he should report this or not.

At this moment, a car drove over slowly and stopped at the gate of the logistics point.

The car door opened, and two people jumped out of it.

One of them stood in the back cabin of the car, and the other stood under it, and they cooperated with each other to carry things.

The process is pretty boring.

The agent sat in the back and watched for a long time, but he couldn't see any tricks. He scratched his heart and wanted to ask Mrs. Yan what he was doing. He felt that brother Yuan would definitely not be able to see anything anymore!

The guy under the car was going back and forth, picking up items from the warehouse.

The things in his arms were not heavy, and it didn't look like he was struggling. Yan Wenjia was distracted, and that person suddenly fell.

The fall was not hard, but that person seemed to be stunned by the fall. He lay on the ground blankly for about half a minute. The person in the car was anxious and was about to jump off.

The man staggered up again.

Only then did Yan Wenjia see a little violation.

The man's limbs were not well coordinated.

"Does he have a problem with his legs?" the manager asked first.

Only then did the person in charge feel that he had finally come in handy, and quickly shook his head and said, "It's not that there is a problem with the legs."

Yan Wenjia was a little unpredictable, but Gu Xueyi refused to reveal a single word.

The more she was like this, the more he felt the urgency to know.

Yan Wenjia simply got up and walked out.

At this time another car arrived.

Other logistics workers also started moving back and forth.

There was a thin drizzle of rain falling from the sky.

Yan Wenjia thought of the scene in the hospital the day before. After leaving Mrs. Lu Dong's ward, he unconsciously re-focused on the patients and their families in the corridor, in the elevator, and in line.

Some of them were pale and haggard, some were sick and numb, and some family members of the patients suddenly knelt down and cried loudly.

In just one day, he saw the joys and sorrows of the world...

Is Gu Xueyi going to show him more tragic things

Yan Wenjia felt a little dazed.

In the office, Gu Xueyi saw the continuous rain outside through the glass window.

She asked the person in charge, "Do you have an umbrella?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The person in charge quickly took an umbrella for her.

Gu Xueyi took it, opened it, and then walked out slowly.

The agent quickly followed and ran out.

At this time, the staff member who got off from another car couldn't help frowning: "Why is it raining again? Where's the raincoat! Where's the raincoat!"

Someone came out with a raincoat.

The staff put on it.

"How much is left today?" the staff asked loudly while putting on the bag.

"A lot! Isn't it like this every day? It's much better than on Double Eleven!" The other said, and then he suddenly turned his head and called out: "Jiang Gao! Do you want a raincoat?"

The person who fell down patted the dirty place on his body slowly, and said two words: "Yes, yes."

Articulation is not very clear.

The other party handed him the raincoat.

The man curled his arms and tried to put on the raincoat, but always seemed a little clumsy.

"Come here, I'll get it for you!" the other party shouted.

Jiang Gao responded: "Yeah!"

Then walked over.

Only then did Yan Wenjia see his appearance clearly.

The bangs are curled, and the facial features are beautiful, but there is a little shift. It seems that when there is a mouse in PS, I accidentally dragged it a little bit with one button.

His face got wet quickly.

He had to squint.

The other party helped him put on the raincoat, and asked while doing it, "Are you still doing it this afternoon?"

"Get it, get it."

"How hard you are, why don't you take a leave of absence and go back. I'm so fucking exhausted!"

"It's... okay." Jiang Gao raised his hand and wiped his face, revealing his delicate facial features, even with a little smile: "Today... the aunt at the gate of Sanjiu Community gave me a bottle Milk."

The man laughed and scolded: "Grass, why did someone give you a drink again? It's different if you look good!"

Jiang Gao also responded seriously: "Yeah."

Yan Wenjia seemed to grasp something in an instant.

When he turned his head, he found Gu Xueyi covering his head with an umbrella.

When Yan Wenjia spoke, his voice was a little hoarse: "Is there something wrong with him?"

Gu Xueyi's tone was still as calm as ever: "It seems to be true. I had a high fever when I was a child, and I have a little problem with my brain."

Yan Wenjia's mood was a bit complicated, but it was difficult to describe the feeling for a while.

"Many companies now employ disabled people to reduce or exempt part of their taxes," Gu Xueyi said.

This is also why she specially learned about a lot of business related knowledge for Baoxin, and there happened to be such a piece in the middle.

"Break the beauty, and you will see the pain and cruelty. Only after seeing the pain and cruelty, you will know how beautiful the flowers bloom in the ruins."

Only when you have seen the darkness will you know what light looks like, and you will also understand how touching a candle in the darkness is.

There are many people who are in trouble in life.

Seeing suffering does not mean that you can understand the vicissitudes of life.

Ordinary people who are caught in misery and still live seriously are what most people look like.

Yan Wenjia seemed to have brought empathy to the extreme in an instant.

He murmured: "People are so complicated..."

That's why he can't always play more life-like roles, and he can't learn to capture greater emotions from small things. Just follow the script and simply cry and laugh.

Jiang Gao had already put on his raincoat, and went on to move things again.

Gu Xueyi glanced at the time and said, "It's twelve o'clock, let's go, let's go eat."

Yan Wenjia responded in a low voice: "Well."

The person in charge sent them to the car.

After getting into the car, everyone turned their heads, only to find that the manager's face was soaked.

"No, it's okay, just..." the manager hiccupped, "It's just that the rain hurts a lot, and it hurts my eyes."

They had a meal in a restaurant outside.

This restaurant is also very strange, half of them are deaf people, but the service level is not bad, and the attitude is also very good.

This is a very cheap meal, and it only cost more than 400 yuan in total.

They also asked for a box.

After eating, they went back to Yanjia.

As soon as Yan Wenjia came home, he locked himself in the room and started to read the script again.

The person in charge of the logistics point also called back to Jiang Yue.

He repeated what Gu Xueyi had said to Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard how he would be soft-hearted when he took advantage of his opponent.

She has never been soft-hearted.

That's why it's even more enviable! Such a smart person, why did he fall in love with Yanchao

The person in charge listened to the laughter over there, but was a little flustered, wondering if Mr. Jiang was angry? Or are you overly angry

"And then?" Jiang Yue asked.

The person in charge continued on.

After listening, Jiang Yue hung up the phone with a complicated expression.

She looks indifferent, but she seems to know how to pay attention to those emotional things better than anyone else...

Jiang Jing couldn't hold back his voice: "Why did Mrs. Yan go to our logistics point?"

"To teach Yanchao's younger brother."

Jiang Jing's eyes were red with jealousy: "Brother, when will you teach me?"

Jiang Yue turned to look at him: "Do you want me to spend time teaching you?"

Jiang Jing trembled all over with fear: "Forget it... I thought about it, but there is no need to bother your old man so much."

Jiang Yue's gaze drifted away, and he began to travel far and wide.

It's okay to teach, then I have to go to Gu Xueyi for advice first!

In the next few days, Gu Xueyi took Yan Wenjia to different places.

In the middle, Jian Changming's face was also borrowed.

Yan Wenjia finished watching the daily life of a family of three, and even flew to the plateau to watch the daily life of the border guards.

When he came back, Yan Wenjia went to the hospital because he didn't adapt to the plateau climate.

It was already the sixth day after signing the drama group contract.

@娱小记: A reporter took pictures of Yuan Wenjia entering the hospital! The previous Weibo was indeed just hype. It is impossible for Yuan Wenjia to join Sun Junyi's crew... The following is the list of Sun Junyi's casting that has been spread, all of them are newcomers whose names have never been heard. [picture]

The crazy rhythm of the marketing account on Weibo made Yan Wenjia's fans greet them well.

Yan Wenjia didn't stay in the hospital for too long and went home soon.

On the way home, he took the time to post a circle of friends:

[The class is over:)]

The circle of friends was shaken again, and they all speculated, what the hell, can a trip to the hospital be a cure? What hospital, let's try it too

Someone imitated it and hired a teacher for myself.

However, some people think that Yan Wenjia is pretending.

Gu Xueyi returned to Yan's house in the middle of the night, Yan Wenshu woke up early in the morning and saw her figure, thinking she was dazzled.

"Sister-in-law!" Yan Wenshu hurriedly ran over, "I thought you and Yan Wenjia ran away!"

Yan Wenbai followed closely downstairs, also stunned.

He asked in a muffled voice, "Are you back?"

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Yes."

"Where's Yan Wenjia?" Yan Wenshu asked.

"in hospital."

Yan Wenshu said in shock: "His fans can't bear to throw acid at him at last?"

"..." Gu Xueyi tapped on the table with her fingers: "Respect brother."

Yan Wenshu pursed her lower lip: "Oh, what's the matter?"

"Altitude sickness."

Yan Wenbai's eyes immediately fell on Gu Xueyi's body: "Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine." It's not like she hasn't been to such a place.

And Gu Xueyi found that this body seemed more and more like her original appearance.

Yan Wenshu heaved a sigh of relief and laughed, "Sister-in-law is really amazing!"

After a while, Yan Chao also went downstairs.

Yan Chao concealed the complex look in his eyes, and asked, "Did you call Jiang Er?"

"En." Gu Xueyi nodded.

"Did you call Jian Changming?" He asked again.



Gu Xueyi gradually understood what he meant, and Gu Xueyi said, "I didn't call you."


"Because there are some places that Yan's cannot cover."

Yan Chao suddenly realized that she treated everyone equally.

Except for the little ones at the bottom, everyone else is the same in her eyes, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, they can only be used or not.

Yan Chao said indifferently: "It seems that Yan Chao's industrial scope has not expanded enough."

After these few attempts, Gu Xueyi almost understood the power of marketing.

No matter how great you have done, you still need to convey it to others so as to further enhance your corporate influence.

Of course, the premise is that you have to do certain things that are different from other companies. Otherwise, everyone does the same thing, which is meaningless.

Gu Xueyi suddenly asked: "Does the company under Yan's have blind channels?"

The banquet court was stagnant.

She is really on the fence with charity.

Yan Chao never cared about these issues, but he immediately went back to his memory and said: "Some are there, and some are not."

"I'll let someone arrange it." Yan Chao said.

Gu Xueyi nodded.

"Also." Gu Xueyi paused: "The Song family seems to be in financial crisis recently."

Only then did Yan Chao show a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: "How does Madam know?"

"When I was away, Shihua's third daughter-in-law has already called me five times." Gu Xueyi also chuckled, as if thinking of something pleasant: "In the eyes of Hongxing and others, I Probably just a sweet pastry who loves to spend a lot of money."

Yan Chao calmly took her appearance into his eyes.

Every time she is confident and even wants to start watching the scene she arranged, she will show this expression.

The corners of the lips are slightly curved, like the ice and snow have just melted, and the eyebrows and eyes are adorned with a little bit of warm light.

At this time, Yan Chao turned his head and glanced.

The two little ones fell silent consciously, got up obediently and walked away.

Even if there is a sister-in-law, Yan Chao is still an irresistible existence in their hearts, and they dare not contend.

Yan Chao signaled the maid to put down the breakfast and black tea in her hand, and then said flatly: "Yes. The amount in the secondary card is still enough for you to continue to spend a lot of money."

Gu Xueyi looked at him slightly surprised.

Yan Chao is so generous

Maybe he doesn't know how much money she sent out

Gu Xueyi picked up the chopsticks with one hand, and asked a question: "When I swipe my card, will Banquet get a notification?"

This is what she discovered when she used a new card recently.

It turns out that every time I use it, whether it is mobile payment or POS card swiping, the mobile phone will receive a text message notification.

Ban Chao: "Yes."

Yan Chao also picked up the chopsticks, and counted: "Madam spent money to buy a set of clothes in the film and television city mall, bought ice cream, sugar, hot and sour powder, cookies... I received them all."

Gu Xueyi: ...

This is definitely the most embarrassing moment in Gu Xueyi's two lives.

When she first came to this world, she tried all kinds of snacks and delicacies around her, like something a child would do.

"Is it delicious?" Yan Chao asked suddenly: "Are those things delicious?"

Gu Xueyi pursed her lower lip: "...not bad."

"I haven't eaten it." Yan Chao paused: "Next time, please ask your wife to bring me one too."

Gu Xueyi was not so embarrassed at once.

She took another look at Yan Chao.

Yan Chao still looked calm and breezy, the bloody smell in his bones was well hidden, like a gentleman.

Gu Xueyi responded: "Okay."

At the end of breakfast, Yan Wenjia came back.

Yan Wenjia heard the maid said that Gu Xueyi was in the restaurant, so he walked straight into the restaurant, who knew that the first thing he saw was Yan Chao.


"Brother hasn't gone to the company yet?"

"Well, I'm going to the airport in a while and fly to another place." Yan Chao said.

The banquet court is so generous.

Gu Xueyi's eyes flashed, and she asked the maid to go upstairs to get the bag she brought back.

She took out a bead string from inside: "A souvenir for Mr. Yan."

Yan Chao looked down and saw a string of Tibetan ornaments.

"The banquet always has a smooth journey."

Yan Chao responded, clutching the beads in his hand, and then got up to leave.

The car is already waiting outside.

Yan Wenjia finally let go of the breath he held. He sat down next to the dining table and asked, "Sister-in-law, are we not leaving today?"

"Not going, that's enough."

"Is it enough?" Yan Wenjia actually didn't have enough.

This period of time was much more interesting than his hiking in the tropical rainforest, skydiving in the Great Rift Valley, and walking in the desert... all by himself!

"En." Gu Xueyi then gave him a little look: "Your chest should be full of things. You have family and country in your heart, and there are hills and valleys in your chest. Enough."

Yan Wenjia raised his hand and pressed his chest, as if he had a vague feeling of being reborn.

"I will join the group tomorrow." Yan Wenjia said.


"I can't wait to slap Sun Junyi in the face! Next time, let him post five microblogs to praise me!"


Yan Chao stopped outside the door, took the short conversation into his ears, and then took another long leg and stepped out of the door.

He is still different from her.

She is not another him.

She is smart, rational, with a cold attitude and her own arrogance.

But under this body, her heart is hot and gentle.

Only he is always indifferent.

She seems to pay special attention to the concept of home.

She also took Yan Wenjia to the border area, and she seemed to know it very well.

Her concept of the country seems to contain different emotions.

What kind of person was she before this

Yan Chao got into the car, and his peaceful heart suddenly beat a little faster.

Yan Chao stretched out his hand suddenly, let go of the beads in his palm, and asked his subordinates, "Do you know what this is?"

The subordinates were stunned: "Hand... Bracelet?"

The driver turned his head back and said, "Sir, that's carnelian. Is this a Tibetan ornament? It's a mascot for protecting one's body and warding off evil spirits. It's suitable for all virtuous beings."

Yan Chao curled up his fingers: "Yes."

Her gentleness seemed to be a little bit irresistible even to him.

Yan Wenjia officially joined the group soon.

The paparazzi finally managed to snap a conclusive photo.

After this photo was posted on the Internet, the marketing accounts immediately started their play again.

Han Wen's new drama "One Third of Love" also announced that it will be launched at such a time.

[Will Director Han's play be on the same stage as Sun Junyi? Why do you feel like you are all rushing to the New Year's Eve?]

[It's possible! However, Director Han's film will definitely have a billion box office during the Spring Festival! Director Sun is... hard to say. His films probably won't sell for ten million.]

[Please review the questions! There is the original text Jiajin Group! Will Yuan Wenjia's fans not buy it?]

[. . . How many millions can his fans contribute? And to be honest, Sun Junyi doesn't get along with him at all, Sun Junyi has a bad temper and hard temper, it's fine if he doesn't cut his scenes! Maybe the fans will be so angry that they will boycott collectively?]

[...Then how do you look at this play?]

[I have vaguely heard that it is a science fiction film, so don't think about it, it's a deal. ==I really can't think about it, what is wrong with filming, the return work is actually science fiction. Huaguo has science fiction?]

Han Wen's crew read almost all the comments on the Internet, and immediately became more confident.

Han Wen was a little panicked when he knew that Yan Taihao of the Yan family had thrown 500 million in investment. Sun Junyi is capable, but this person is emotional, and once his mentality collapses, it will be difficult to go back when he collapses to the bottom. Who knew that under the escort of Yantai's large sum of money, he would not regain his confidence

But now it seems...

In the original text, Jia Jin's group not only failed to save the show, but only made the situation worse.

Han Wen smiled, raised his head and said, "Okay, let's start shooting!"

On the other side, Sun Junyi was shocked at how Yan Wenjia suddenly changed his body.

It's not that he acted right in the first scene.

He was still jerky and unfit.

But people have become able to adjust, as long as Sun Junyi speaks, the other party can understand what he means, and then make adjustments.

It's like taking acting pills suddenly!

Photographed on the first day.

Sun Junyi smashed a plastic stool excitedly.


If the show doesn't fucking blow up, he'll kill himself by strangling his neck!

The paparazzi secretly photographed this scene outside the crew, and said, oh! I was so angry that I smashed the stool! Yuan Wenjia's acting skills are so bad!

These two must be spraying each other every day!

The paparazzi turned around and put it on the Internet.

[Gu Xueyi really misjudged this time... Sigh.]

[Actually, it is normal for investments to win and lose. Is it not good to pay attention to the charity done by Ms. Gu Xueyi?]

[Yes~ Ms. Gu Xueyi just helped the police crack a major transnational case, and the pennant is +1 again~ Wouldn't it be nice to come to understand this?]

[Yan Chao didn't like Gu Xueyi in the first place, did he? hehe. Lost 500 million. Just wait and see how Yan Chao kicked her out. Everything about her was given by the Yan family, so I really don't know what to brag about?]

[Is LS an idiot? Dead early in the morning! To deny the personal contribution of women! Can't you fucking talk without tying up a man?]

There was a bully in the comment area, and there was an immediate quarrel.

Yan Wenjia's fans also quickly joined the battle. They want to defend the reputation of idols, and of course they also have to defend the reputation of investors together!

Yan Wenshu's tutor was quickly arranged, and she started her daily lessons.

The case of the girl from Huaining Middle School was also in court, and Yan's lawyer stood up in court, attracting another wave of attention.

Gu Xueyi sent Yan Wenhong to a new school.

The person in charge of the new school knows that Yan Wenhong has excellent grades and has won many awards. He is an out-and-out genius! Coupled with the family background of the Yan family, it is a bit dazzling.

So he graciously welcomed the people in.

Yan Wenhong stood downstairs in the teaching building, clenched the strap of his schoolbag tightly, with a timid look on his face.

Gu Xueyi knew that this was his usual expression.

He hasn't changed that quickly.

He still instinctively wants to show weakness to attract more care and love.

Gu Xueyi said lightly: "Go. If there is anything, please call me anytime."

"That's right, our school is not so strict, and mobile phones are not accepted. If there is something wrong, you can tell the teacher, or you can directly notify the parents." The person in charge said quickly.

Only then did Yan Wenhong's tense muscles relax slowly.

He walked upstairs slowly with his schoolbag on his back.

One step and three turns.

This kind of action is actually a bit ridiculous, like a kindergarten child who is separated from his parents for the first time.

But Yan Wenhong couldn't help but do it.

He had turned his head like this countless times, and all he looked at were empty places.

But this time it was different, he turned his head again and saw Gu Xueyi.

She stood there, her figure was slender, but she looked like a mountain...

Yan Wenhong took a deep breath.

Yan Wenjia has changed, and so have Yan Wenshu and Yan Wenbai. I'm getting better too, starting today.

Yan Wenhong clenched the phone in his palm, and finally quickened his pace a little.

Gu Xueyi didn't turn around until Yan Wenhong was no longer visible.

Walking outside the school, Gu Xueyi glanced around.

There are many snack bars and small shops near the school, including milk tea, ice cream, sauce cakes, hot and sour noodles... Gu Xueyi walked past the first one.

The bodyguard watched her buy a lot of snacks.

Because he had the experience of buying pig's trotters earlier, the bodyguard didn't think it was strange. He also thought that if he went to the crew to visit the second young master, these seemed not enough points...

The bodyguards helped carry the food, and they went back to the car together.

The driver turned his head and asked, "Madam, where are we going next?"

"go home."


The bodyguard was surprised.

Aren't you going to the set

It was two o'clock in the afternoon when Yan Chao returned to Yan's house.

He got out of the car and walked through the door at a slightly faster pace. The maid suddenly saw him and forgot to call "Sir". Yan Chao changed into a gray suit, and the gray color couldn't suppress the trace of hostility from him.

The maid thought in a daze, what happened

Yan Chao entered the door, but suddenly smelled something.

Spicy with a hint of MSG.

Yan Chao's pace paused, and he immediately saw Gu Xueyi sitting on the sofa, slowly flipping through the book in his hand.

This time she was reading The Wilderness Survival Guide.

While Yan Chao was amazed by the breadth of her book list, she also saw the piles of things on the table...

Gu Xueyi heard footsteps and put down the book.

She raised her eyes and looked over: "Boss Yan is back."

Yan Chao restrained the breath on his body, and replied: "En."

Gu Xueyi casually pointed to the food on the table: "The one for Mr. Yan."

She still remember

Yan Chao walked over slowly and sat down.

"But it seems a little cold, and I don't know how it tastes when it's hot." Gu Xueyi said.

Yan Chao casually picked up a paper bag, put it in front of him, and tore open the package, revealing a bowl of hot and sour noodles.

The maid quickly took the chopsticks and the plate.

Yan Chao took it, bent down and tasted a little.

It was obviously only five yuan a bowl of noodles, but he was stunned to taste a bit like a high-end restaurant.

"Ahem..." Yan Zhao just swallowed it down, and coughed out.

In addition to not being too particular about his early years, he is more particular about his diet now.

In order to live longer than his predecessor, Lao Yan.

He really has never eaten like this.

A pungent smell ran down his throat and spread to the whole brain.

The maid's expression changed with fright.

At this time, Gu Xueyi took her time and handed her a cup of milk tea.

Yan Chao took a sip.

Weird sweet.

However, the pungent taste was quickly suppressed.

Gu Xueyi didn't expect that Yan Chao couldn't eat spicy food better than herself.

She turned sideways, tilted her head slightly, and asked, "Would you like some ice cream?"

"Need not."

Gu Xueyi nodded and asked, "How does it taste?"

Yan Chao didn't know whether she was asking about the bowl of noodles or the cup of milk tea.

She seemed a little closer to him.

He could clearly see her curly eyelashes, long and charming at the end of her eyes.

Yan Chao: "... Well, it's not bad."

Fortunately, Mr. Yan was still in good health, and did not have any adverse reactions the next day.

After Gu Xueyi woke up in the morning, she received a call from Gu Xuemin.

"Let your mother tell you." Gu Xuemin said, the phone seemed to have changed hands, and it was in Zhang Xin's hands.

When Zhang Xin faced her, she was always a little inexplicably embarrassed. She unconsciously lowered her voice and said, "It's just... just a few days ago, Mrs. Yuan..."

"It's that Mrs. Yuan who always plays cards with your mother." Gu Xuemin added beside him, unable to restrain himself.

Zhang Xin then went on to say: "She actually brought me an invitation card, saying that she invited me and your father to Mr. Song's birthday party. You, didn't you say last time, let us listen to you? We I'm afraid this is a lie again, so I'll call you."

Gu Xueyi raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but smile.

Yuanchen's parents were greedy, but fortunately, they could still listen to her.

"Promise." Gu Xueyi said.

Only then did Shi Hua's daughter-in-law call her again and invite her to attend.

Zhang Xin asked: "Really agree?"


"Oh, then, that's it." Zhang Xin hung up the phone, and then couldn't help showing a smile on his face. She thought of Mrs. Yuan who used to mock her all the time, when the invitation was delivered that day, her face was full of envy and amazement. Zhang Xin felt comfortable all over.

This daughter is still very powerful!

The news of Song Chengde's 70th birthday soon became a trending search.

The media described his birthday party as a feast for celebrities.

[The Song family actually invited a banquet? 0-0 Are these families going to reconcile?]

[Reconciliation is unlikely, it may be some temporary cooperation.]

[Yan Tai went to Song Tai's charity dinner, wouldn't that explain the meaning of the Song family's closeness? Looking at it this way, it seems that the Feng family is isolated 2333]

[So Gu Xueyi is going to join President Yan for the first time to attend the dinner party?]

[Back upstairs, it seems to be... ]

After meeting the good brother introduced by Lu Dong, Gu Xueyi first asked the other party to prepare a business plan.

The man nodded in agreement, and went back to make plans with excitement.

Not long after, the styling team came to Yanjia again.

Immediately after the arrival, there was the banquet.

"It's been a long time since the families sat together for dinner." Yan Chao said, "The Song family is going to make a big move this time. So I'll go with you."

Gu Xueyi nodded, and casually watched the stylist take out the dress from the box.

white suit.

Black cheongsam embroidered with golden peonies.

Styling didn't take long.

Gu Xueyi came out of the room, the shoes on her feet hadn't been changed yet, but she was already amazing enough. The cheongsam perfectly wrapped her figure, her hair was coiled up, revealing her slender neck.

Yan Chao paused and said, "I brought you a new pair of shoes."

Gu Xueyi responded: "No."

The maid quickly unpacked it and put it in front of Gu Xueyi.

It was troublesome for Gu Xueyi to wear this thing, she stretched out her hand to help the stylist beside her.

Yan Chao had already stood up and walked to her side, grabbing her wrist.

Gu Xueyi was surprised, glanced at him, and then lowered her head and put on her shoes seriously.



Yanjia's car was the last one to arrive again.

Feng Yu, Jiang Yue and others have already arrived, but these two are the new generation of people in power who are almost as famous as Mr. Song, so generally no one dares to strike up a conversation rashly.

So everyone's attention was directed to the door.

The banquet is coming...

In the vast banquet hall, male waiters and female waiters walked back and forth carrying trays.

The media held their cameras aloft and were almost dazzled.

Su Fu was in it, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

And the young girl in the corner stared wide-eyed, looking at this luxurious environment.

"Yanchao's car is here." Someone said in a low voice.

Feng Yu and Jiang Yue raised their eyelids almost at the same time.

Yanchao would never bring Gu Xueyi with him to a banquet, of course, in fact he seldom attended a banquet.

There was a good show today.

I don't know if Mrs. Yan came with her.

Shihua's daughters-in-law looked at each other and hid their smiles.

The doorman stooped and opened the door.

The media frantically pressed the shutter.

Yan Chao got out of the car amidst the sound of the shutter.

In a white suit, with handsome eyebrows and eyes, and a sparse temperament.

Someone couldn't help but sigh: "Why did Mr. Yan marry Gu Xueyi?"

Yan Chao stopped in his tracks, and suddenly stretched out his hand behind him.

In front of outsiders, Gu Xueyi always gave her family members a lot of face. She put her hand on it.

Everyone watched as Yan Chao brought out a beautiful woman in a cheongsam.


Jiang Yue and Feng Yu rolled their eyes.

Why did Gu Xueyi marry Yan Chao

The girl in the corner was also dumbfounded, she didn't expect to see him here!

It turned out that she was his wife!

It's the wife that his subordinates say is good at making money and spending money!