The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 78


Hades' bodyguards rushed into the banquet hall, but as soon as they looked up, they could see the subordinates brought by Gu Xueyi. They were all tall and big, and they didn't look very aggressive, but the blood on their bodies was really hard to ignore .

The songstress thought she could stop.

As a result, she saw Hades take a low breath, then raised her hand and pressed down, signaling the bodyguard not to move.

Hades opened his mouth: "...I didn't expect you to have such a big temper."

He still smiled when he spoke, without feeling humiliated in the slightest.

"I didn't expect Mr. Hades to play tricks on the face, but to play tricks behind the back. It's a good trick to change your face." Gu Xueyi lowered her eyes and said indifferently, with an aura of superiority, firmly stepping on Hades: "Although Huaguo is a country of etiquette, it is always for the guests, not for the villains."

Hades was silently speechless.

He raised his hands: "Madam, oh no, Ms. Gu, Ms. Gu. Can you let go, can we talk again? Let me explain this matter first?"

Gu Xueyi turned her head and glanced at the female singer.

Hades smiled, and immediately looked at the female singer: "Keep singing, don't stop."

The female singer was completely dumbfounded, and she really didn't understand why Hades wasn't angry after being slapped in the face. I could only gather my energy and continue to sing, this time it was much more fluent, and the speed of speech was as fast as a dog chasing after it.

Only then did Gu Xueyi let go of her hand slowly.

He tore the napkin from the hand of the waiter at the side, wiped his fingers slowly, and then threw it back into the tray.

Those eyes of jealousy or contempt suddenly changed.

Today's release not only shows how good Hades is to this Chinese woman, but also shows that this Chinese woman can stand in this house and act as she pleases. Fu, that female singer is the best example...

After confirming the eyes, he is someone they can't afford to mess with.

Which of these foreign models, celebrities, and socialites won't wink

Only a few of them are thinking about how to take this matter in the future, go to the Internet to gain attention, gain fame... How can you gain a position if you are not bold

This Hades stood firm and coughed heavily again, only then did he feel that his breathing became much easier.

He wiped the drink from his head, sighed: "I really didn't intend to drag Ms. Gu into the water, but Ms. Gu also knows that I am a well-known playboy in Europe, and those magazines and newspapers like to write about my private life. "

Gu Xueyi saw his reactions one by one, but she didn't believe his words.

This person was humiliated without a trace of anger. He took a step back when he said he would take a step back. He was very handy in apologizing and knew how to hide his true intentions.

is a character.

Compared with Song Wu, Pei Zhikang and the like, I don't know how many ranks are higher.

"In this way, you don't have the skills, and you can't even control the random writing in those newspapers?" Gu Xueyi asked back.

Hades choked.

... This is to admit that I am a waste

Hades smiled helplessly, and said: "I should have never told you about the banquet. I have an older brother. Over the years, I have fought with him to fight for the family property. My father favors him. I don't , I have to, there is a saying in your Chinese dialect called, keep a low profile... I have to pretend to be a playboy. The facts this time are accidental. Those foreign media don’t know who you are, so they write scribbles. Indeed, I have all these I can see it. The reason why I didn't take action is because my brother has already started to doubt me. Only if I get involved with you recklessly and risk offending the Yan family, my brother will believe it. I'm really a piece of trash..."

Hades bowed slightly as he spoke, and lowered his head.

It looked very pitiful and had to compromise.

But Gu Xueyi has seen Yan Wenhong who pretends to be a good player, and his tricks really don't catch the eye.

He still wasn't telling the whole truth.

It's just shaking half out to cover up the real purpose.

Gu Xueyi sneered coldly: "I don't care who you gossip with, or how many difficulties you have, but I never like others to use me as a raft."

"Are you worried that Yan will see those news?" Hades said: "Actually... Yan is in China. He may not notice these... and there will be other news soon."

Hades said, and smiled: "I will be grateful to you."

His voice fell.

A Filipino maid trotted in from the other end, and said embarrassingly in English: "Mr. Adnor is here."

Hades' expression changed for a few seconds, and he immediately pointed to the door and said, "Look, in your Chinese dialect, Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there. My brother is here... He came here specially to inquire about me."

"Help me! I owe you a favor, I owe you, not a banquet..."

"You can do whatever you want!"

After Hades finished his last sentence, a foreign man came in from the other end.

He was about the same size as Hades, but with blond hair and brown eyes.

The man had a lot of ostentation, and he was followed by a dozen or so black bodyguards.

When the people in the banquet hall saw him, they instinctively became more polite, and they all yelled, "Mr. Adnor."

A bright light quickly flashed across Gu Xueyi's eyes.

Hades is very scheming.

What else does he want to use her for

Not just for this Adnor.

Gu Xueyi sneered, and said, "Since Mr. Hades likes acting so much..."

"Whatever it was at the beginning, let's continue."

Hades didn't understand what she meant.

If he knew Pei Lixin and his brother, and had an in-depth communication with Shi Hua, he would know that it was unrealistic to expect to use Gu Xueyi. Not only is it unrealistic, but it is also likely to suffer losses along the way, and eventually lose all of itself.

Ednor quickly arrived in front of him.

In Gu Xueyi's eyes, except for the difference in hair color, they all have similar faces.

What's more, Aidenor looked serious, with "not to be messed with" written all over his face.

A man who can write everything on his face.

On the contrary, Hades is a man who can hide everything in his chest.

Gu Xueyi blinked her eyes, and she had roughly figured out their characters in her heart, so she naturally didn't believe Hades' words even more.

"She's that Huaguo woman?" Aidenor narrowed his eyes, showing displeasure, and he didn't even hide the contempt in his eyes.

The female singer quietly stopped singing.

Gu Xueyi looked back at her.

The female singer trembled all over, and immediately continued to sing.

Adnor frowned frequently: "Hades, what the hell are you doing?"

Hades opened his mouth.

Gu Xueyi spoke out first: "Is he that ugly and bad-tempered ghost brother of yours?"

Hades: "…"

For a moment, he suspected that he had chosen the wrong person.

Gu Xueyi spoke Huaguo dialect, of course Aidenor didn't understand.

Aidenor immediately asked the people around him to translate.

The man had a strange expression on his face, but he didn't dare to disobey Aidenor, so he had no choice but to translate word by word.

After hearing this, Aidenor immediately became furious: "How dare you scold me? I'm a ghost? What is he?"

Gu Xueyi can understand simple words and sentences.

She said lightly: "Little ghost."

Hades took a breath.

He was wrong.

He knew why he didn't want to mention his wife at the beginning of the banquet!

When Aidenor heard the phrase "little ghost", he calmed down strangely for a moment.

But then he realized, didn't this woman even look down on their whole family

Aidenor sneered: "I saw that the recent news has been full of excitement, but looking at it now, it seems that this woman has no relationship with you..."

Hades wiped the drink from his head, and acted like a love brain: "Oh, yes, I..."

Gu Xueyi interjected: "Have you ever heard of dog licking?"

Ednor: "What?"

Gu Xueyi pointed at Hades: "He just licks dogs. What kind of feelings can I have for him?"

The translator translates word for word again.

Aidenor was shocked: "She treats you like a dog?"

Hades is indeed a waste snack!

This is not angry!

Hades didn't expect Gu Xueyi's mouth to be so powerful, scolding him every word, but he invited her to cooperate with him.

Who would have thought that she was such a cooperating method

Hades smiled awkwardly: "Ah..."

Adnor noticed Hades' embarrassed look: "She did this too?"

Hades: "Ah..."

Aidenor sneered, "It's a disgrace to the family!"

He looked at Gu Xueyi: "Can't you even speak English? Such a woman... huh."

Gu Xueyi said unhurriedly: "You can't even speak Huaguo? Then you are not worthy to talk to me."

Hades' eyelids twitched.

What a familiar sentence.

The banquet also said so at the beginning.

It's just that the banquet was said to him at the beginning, but now Gu Xueyi said it to his elder brother.

The translator immediately translated it to Aidenor.

Aidenor was so angry that his nose was crooked: "You say I'm unworthy? Ha! Arrogant Chinese!"

Aidenor pointed at Gu Xueyi: "Throw her out!"

Others stopped drinking, stopped chatting, and stopped posting on Instagram and Twitter.

They watched this corner quietly, waiting to see the next big show.

Yuan Gang and the others were guarding the stairs, but Aidenor didn't notice them.

Gu Xueyi turned her head and glanced lightly, signaling them to be calm.

Only then did Yuan Gang and the others quietly press down on their waists without moving.

The madam's temper!

It's so right!

How could they let someone bully their wife today

Gu Xueyi unceremoniously raised her leg and kicked Hades: "Go and stop it."

Hades: …

Seeing this, Adnor scolded Hades angrily: "You trash! You just let a woman step on your head like this?"

Gu Xueyi said slowly and softly from behind: "Look, this is what you want."

Hades: …

So aggrieved to achieve.

It's really the first time.

Hades held back bitter tears, stepped forward to stop Aidenuo, and said, "She is the wife of Yan Chao!"

Aidenor returned to the cage rationally, and he paused.

But then he stared at Hades with scarlet eyes: "Do you still remember that she is Yan Chao's wife? Do you want to offend Yan Chao?"

"It was love at first sight for her..." Hades said.

Adnor snorted coldly: "It's up to you, as long as you don't drag the group into the water."

Aidenor came with people in a mighty way, and then left with people in a mighty way.

The female singer was about to cry.

Hades was beaten and she was singing.

When others eat melons, she is singing.

The young master of the Cliff Group came and left again, and she was still singing.

Is she a humanoid accompaniment

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, and for a moment their evaluation of the status of this Hua country woman was enhanced in their hearts.

Hades loves her like a madman

There's nothing Ednor can do about her

She beats Hades and calls Ednor... very arrogant.

When did the women of Huaguo become so powerful

Their eyes flickered, and the malice in their eyes was restrained wisely.

And after Aidenor walked out, his anger slowly disappeared.

Hades had banquet support, but it was useless.

Waste is waste.

But when Aidenor recalled the conversation just now, he still couldn't be happy in his heart.

The wife of Yanchao... is too fierce.

Adnor frowned.

After Adnor left, Hades didn't feel ashamed, and turned to the women and said, "What other talents do you have? Come and perform."

The female singer said in her heart that I can take a rest.

Only then did Gu Xueyi walk to the sofa and sit down, and said, "Let's put on an opera."

Hades asked: "But they all speak English. If you don't understand it, it will be less fun..." Hades walked over and wanted to sit down with him, and said, "May I translate sentence by sentence for you?"

Gu Xueyi took another glass of wine.

Hades instinctively turned to the side, and then heard Gu Xueyi say: "Don't listen, just watch the monkey play."

Hades: …

Yan's wife's temper is really...

Hades actually felt helpless.

She is arrogant, decisive, ruthless, and she is not timid in a foreign country. I don't know if those subordinates gave her confidence, or if she was really born savage, or...she herself brought her confidence

Hades clenched his hands tightly, feeling a little clamorous in his heart.

He really couldn't be more envious of her attitude of living like this.

Hades' eyes flashed, concealing his complicated emotions, and directed the group of people to perform an opera.

These women who came to the banquet were originally here to grab Hades and make a fortune.

What pride and face can they talk about

I can only bear to act in front of Gu Xueyi.

When Hades doted on his lover in the past, he also did some unreliable things.

At that time, they would only envy that woman and desperately want to be that woman.

It is the same now.

It was just the label "Hua Guo" that made them feel a lot of dissatisfaction in private.

After Hades directed them, he turned his head and saw the female singer. The female singer finally took a breath and moistened her throat with a glass of wine.

Hades said, "Accompaniment."

The female singer almost crushed the wine glass in her hand.

After such a toss, the party was quite lively, but everyone was exhausted enough.

Now they can no longer comment on Gu Xueyi's "unruly Chinese woman" and "a bitch without long hands" on the Internet.

They want to scold but dare not scold, envy and jealous.

Two hours passed.

Especially female singers, almost have a psychological shadow.

Just then Hades' cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to hang up, but when his eyes swept away, his movements stopped immediately.

Hades picked up the phone.

"I'm Yan Chao." The man's voice was as indifferent and calm as ever, but there was a calm and overwhelming aura.

In front of him, Hades instinctively got a head short.

"I'm at the airport in the United States, you come and pick me up in person." Yan Chao said.

Hades: ...


Actually... the banquet is in China. He wouldn't necessarily notice this.

These words bounced back and hit Hades on the face.

How come the banquet will come

And it's already at the airport!

If he knew this was the case, he didn't need to act in this play...


What should we do now

Hades' face darkened for a moment.

Gu Xueyi was extremely sensitive to changes in people's breath, she immediately turned her head and asked, "Did Mr. Hades think of another way to drag me into the water?"

Hades put away his expression, smiled and said, "Of course not."

But the smile on his face was a little stiff.

Hades gritted his teeth.

no solution anymore.

Originally, the banquet was in the country, and everything could be done quietly.

How did the banquet come

Is it for his wife

Hades glanced at the time, and suddenly asked, "You don't want to know how the banquet described you to me before?"

Gu Xueyi is actually not very interested in this.

The gracious relationship between Yanchao and Hades was established before. Then at that time, Yan Chao should evaluate the original body, right? That had nothing to do with her.

What's more, Gu Xueyi doesn't like to listen to what others convey after chewing.

She prefers to see with her own eyes and hear with her own ears.

Gu Xueyi paused for a moment, then said casually: "Well, tell me."

She doesn't need to know what she looks like in Yan Chao's heart.

But she needs to judge Hades' psychological behavior from Hades' words.

Hades: "When he talked about you, he used two sentences. Unruly, IQ is not at the same level."

"Oh." Gu Xueyi responded.

Hades: "... you're not angry?"

He was just written in the newspapers with her, and she immediately retaliated, almost stepping on his face.

So she is not angry

Gu Xueyi tilted her head, and asked back: "Don't you know that I love him to death?"

Hades: …

When his expression was stiff, his heart was still very uncomfortable as if a big rock had been thrown suddenly. The woman in front of her is very powerful, but such a powerful woman still loves Yanchao even after hearing such words

Hades felt that his plan was not only smashed, but he was even forced to eat a mouthful of dog food.

Hades stood up: "You play slowly, I'll leave for a while."

Gu Xueyi responded: "Yes."

Hades walked out of the gate, and the expression on his face changed again, and finally returned to his enthusiastic expression.

Once Hades left, the others became more or less slack.

Someone had the courage to ask unceremoniously, "What's your name?"

Gu Xueyi asked back: "What's your name?"

The man stopped talking immediately.

It seems that whoever speaks first loses momentum.

"Why does Hades like you?" Someone asked again.

Gu Xueyi's cell phone vibrated.

She looked down at the short message without raising her head: "Then you have to ask him."

These people feel tricky.

Finally, someone raised his face and smiled first, put on a low profile and said, "My name is Claudia, what's your name?"

Only then did Gu Xueyi reply: "Gu Xueyi."

This time it is Chinese.

Others listened ignorantly.

On the contrary, that Claudia felt a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Is it online


When those Chinese rushed to fight them, they were full of MrsGu. She didn't feel familiar there. ... Where is that

Claudia was still thinking hard.

Gu Xueyi saw the content of the new text message clearly.

[I am on a business trip to the United States.]

The text message is from Yanchao.

Yan Chao also went abroad

Did Hades pick him up

Gu Xueyi put away her phone.

She really annoys those people who think others have no shame because they have no shame.

Especially because of this, the behavior is expanded to the level of "Hua Guo", and all the women of Hua Guo are labeled as such.

It's ridiculous.

Hades is a sweet potato for them, but nothing for her.

Gu Xueyi raised her eyes and asked in English: "Do you know who my husband is?"

This was actually the first time she had used such a sentence pattern. After all, no matter in the past, when she was the mistress of the Sheng family, or in this era, those people have learned to separate from her husband and look at her alone. She herself doesn't like to emphasize that she is someone's wife, as if she is someone else's accessory.

These women were stunned for a moment, and they all lost their voices: "Are you married?"

How could a married woman be pursued so hard by Hades

Of course, this is not surprising in foreign countries.

But she is a Chinese woman!

Gu Xueyi nodded.

This group of women showed suspicious expressions, and even showed some funny contempt. If Hades hadn't given in and showed weakness, their contempt could hardly be concealed.

Who is her husband

Who could her husband be

Which country's president is it

It didn't take too long for Hades' car to return to the house.

Along the way, Yan Chao didn't speak.

But the more silent it was, the more it made Hades feel out of breath.

No matter how much time has passed, he still feels an instinctive fear of Yan Chao.

Hades' eyelids twitched, and he quickly calmed down that instinct.

No matter, the opportunity for change is at hand.

Hades smiled and turned his head: "The feast is here."

The bodyguard got out of the car first and opened the door.

Both got out of the car.

Then Hades heard Yan Chao's first words: "Where's my wife?"

When Hades heard this sentence, he still had a very weird feeling for a moment.

This person in Yan Chao actually seemed a little out of this world, making it hard to imagine that he was married and had a wife, and even asked out of his mouth: Where is my wife.

Hardist paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's in the banquet hall. There was a party at home today. Ms. Gu said she likes to be lively."

Ms. Gu.

Yan Chao listened quietly.

Yan Chao's heart sank.

Does Gu Xueyi like to be lively

Did she say it herself, or Hades saw it

He didn't even know that she liked the excitement at parties.

Yan Chao walked in front, Hades walked behind, and the two walked into the door one after the other.

The people in the hall heard footsteps and instinctively looked over.

"Hades is back, who is the person in front?"

"I recognize him! That's Yan Dynasty! A famous entrepreneur in Huaguo! His wealth can surpass that of a small European country!"

"It's him, my God..."

"I once heard that the daughter of the Fowler family courted him."

"And then?"

"Of course he refused. He refused coldly."

"He looks very different!"

Even people who are too slow to distinguish the beauty and ugliness of foreigners can still see that this Chinese man is quite good-looking, and his temperament and aura are deeply fascinated by him.

Especially the temperament of holding power, status and wealth.

Who wouldn't love it

When they were looking at Yan Chao, Yan Chao saw Gu Xueyi on the sofa at a glance.

She wore a cheongsam again.

Yan Chao's eyes flashed, and the first thing she thought of was, did she not step on someone's head today

Gu Xueyi also saw Yan Chao.

She nodded slightly at him and smiled slightly.

Then Yan Chao saw Gu Xueyi standing up and walking towards him slowly.

White cheongsam and black cheongsam always have a different taste when she wears them.

Yan Chao moved his lower lip and asked Hades, "Is the heating on here?"

Hades: "Yes."

Yan Chao unbuttoned and took off his suit jacket.


"Are you hot?" Hades asked.

As soon as Hades finished speaking, before he could reply, Gu Xueyi had already walked in front of him.

"What is she going to do again?"

"Huh, she's not going to throw Hades again, is she?"

"This Chinese woman is too arrogant..."

Gu Xueyi hooked Yan Chao's arm with one hand, then turned around slightly, and she was shoulder to shoulder with Yan Chao.

Yan Chao paused, his eyes even froze at that moment, and his brain stopped for a second.

Gu Xueyi hooked his arm, and her movements were a little close, and he could even feel that she was getting closer to him.

Yan Chao's breathing subconsciously eased.

Only then did Gu Xueyi use simple English words to introduce Yan Chao to everyone: "He is my husband."

Yan Chao's breathing was stagnant, he lowered his gaze, and glanced at her hand that hooked his arm.

Then he raised his hand and took her slender fingers.

"It's a little cold." Yan Chao whispered, "Is it a little cold?"

Hades is really a bit sour.

A woman like Gu Xueyi is like a little cheetah, her temperament is arrogant and fierce, and she is extremely fierce.

But how do you treat the banquet differently

Hades opened his mouth to repeat that there was heating.

And Yan Chao had already gently pulled away Gu Xueyi's hand, and turned to put the jacket in his arms on Gu Xueyi's shoulders, wrapping her completely in it.


Gu Xueyi was startled.

After Yan Chao finished this action, he turned to hold Gu Xueyi's slender wrist, and pulled her to wrap his arm around her.

For a moment, the women in the banquet hall were dumbfounded.


"How could she be Yan Chao's wife?"

"Huh? Yan Chao took her hand?"

If it was said that Hades had the name of the young son of the Cliff Group, it would have already attracted them all.

The unattainable status of the Yan Dynasty made them yearn even more.

Most of the Cliff Group's current decisions are Hades' father and elder brother, but Yan Chao seems to be the head of their family, and one person has the final say.

Gu Xueyi and Yan Chao moved closer together, getting closer and closer.

The eyeballs of the women are also getting redder.


How lucky is this Chinese woman

"Does she have a powerful family background? Otherwise, how could she be liked by Hades? And Yan Chao?"

"I've never heard of a very powerful family named Gu."

"Damn it, was she showing off just now?"

They are so jealous that they even feel a strong sense of uneasy standing.

Hades took a breath, his eyes sank, he turned his head and smiled, and said, "Okay, a distinguished guest has come to Cliff's house, everyone please leave first."

These women want to stay longer, they covet Hades, and they also covet the banquet.

But the current situation is very clear, Hades is willing to let that Huaguo woman oppress him, and Yanchao is the husband of this woman... If they stay, they will just watch her show off!

They gritted their teeth and had no choice but to leave first.

Only then did Yuan Gang and the others greet him: "Boss!"

While shouting, I couldn't help but be speechless.

A bachelor really can't stand it!

Hades smiled and asked, "Is Yan here on a business trip?"

Yan Chao: "Yes."

"Do you need me to arrange a separate room for you?"

Yan Chao moved his lower lip.

"No need." Gu Xueyi said, "He and I share the same room."

The banquet was also silent.

Yuan Gang and others said yes, yes, yes.

When they were at the banquet, they didn't know why the two separated. It would be best if they could reconcile when they left the country, and it was still a honeymoon.

Hades couldn't believe such an answer.

He looked at the banquet.

Yan Zhao's eyes were cold, but he still didn't speak.

Hades had to confirm that something must have gone wrong.

Hades spread his hands and smiled: "Okay."

Only then did Gu Xueyi say: "Mr. Hades's dance is a bit interesting, and we can do it next time."

Hades smiled: "Well... ha... If you like it, then do it next time."

Yan Chao frowned indistinctly.

At this time, Gu Xueyi walked towards the stairs, she said to Yan Chao: "You go upstairs with me first."

The expression on Hades' face cracked.

So... can't wait

Yan Chao's breathing was also stagnant again, but he narrowed his eyes and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Gu Xueyi thought, talking to smart people saves effort.

Then everyone watched as Gu Xueyi hooked Yan Chao's arm and led him upstairs and into the bedroom.

Yuan Gang and others immediately felt the desolation of being a bachelor more deeply.

Hades couldn't help laughing either.

There is a feeling that I have worked hard for a long time, and finally I was pushed back.

Yan Chao followed into Gu Xueyi's room.

Boss Yan suddenly felt like he had never felt before, top-heavy, step by step as if he was stepping on cotton...

His brain and body seemed to be split in two.

One half watched everything in front of them calmly, while the other half seemed to be trapped in a big ball of cotton candy.

"Drink water?" Gu Xueyi asked.

"... Hmm." Yan Chao stared at her figure.

Gu Xueyi boiled a cup of hot water and handed it to Yan Chao: "It's a bit hot, wait a while."

"… Um."

Gu Xueyi took a seat on the sofa first, and then took a picture of the position beside her: "Sit."

She is asking him to sit with her

Yan Chao sat down next to each other.

He immediately smelled the faint scent of shower gel on her body.

Gu Xueyi said in a low voice: "Hades has enmity or kindness with you?"

Yan Chao: "Huh?"

"There's something wrong with this guy."

He should have known earlier that she certainly couldn't have an affair with Hades.

She is smart and perceptive.

How could she look down on Hades

Yan Chao whispered: "There is kindness. But since ancient times, there is a saying, to promote kindness, and to fight against kindness. It is not surprising that kindness turns into hatred."

Gu Xueyi nodded: "Do you know what kind of person he is?"

"Be ambitious and be patient." As soon as the words came to his lips, the news headlines of those gossip newspapers were playing back and forth in his mind. Yan Chao paused, but still said it: "It's not a good thing."

Gu Xueyi couldn't help but chuckled.

She was too close to him, so her laughter poured into his ears like this, gently tickling his eardrums, even the apex of his heart was itchy.

Gu Xueyi said: "We seem to be talking bad things about people behind their backs."


Yan Chao: "Yes."

Gu Xueyi raised her eyebrows: "But I already scolded you today anyway."

She then asked again: "Do you know that Hades' plan is aimed at Yan's? Or is it aimed at... a larger level?"

Yan Chao regained his sanity: "Huh? On a larger level?"

"Like... countries."

Yan Chao shook his head: "How can he have such a great ability. He just wants to win the rights of the Cliff Group and squeeze his brother out."

"No, it's not that simple." Gu Xueyi said, "Don't think of people too simply."

Gu Xueyi said that Yan Chao also listened seriously, without any intention of refuting.

Gu Xueyi said: "I have studied some books and learned that the foreign system is very different from the domestic system, and even the social structure is different... This is very interesting. Their company may be involved in the attack of the company. to the national level."

Gu Xueyi couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Are there few domestic companies that are sensitive to this

Probably everyone's political sense is not developed enough.

And there are too many foreign politicians who are good at this.

Gu Xueyi searched the information carefully, and there are even people abroad who are both businessmen and politicians at the same time.

Yan Zhao listened calmly, but his eyes fell on her face unconsciously...

She no longer hooked his arm.

On the other side of the net.

Soon some foreign media released photos of the party that day, which immediately aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

[This woman is too rude to Hades?]

[ha? Everyone at the party has to sing to her? Acting in a play? What is her background?]

In just a few minutes, foreign netizens knew who she was.

In the photo, Gu Xueyi hooked Yan Chao's arm.

[God, is that the Banquet Dynasty of the Hua Kingdom?]

[He is too rich! His wealth is amazing!]

[Who is the Hua country woman to him?]

[It's his wife]

[ha? impossible!]

And after Claudia went back, she finally remembered the name Gu Xueyi, where did she hear it, and why did she feel familiar.

Claudia sighed for God, and then hurriedly posted a new ins.

[That woman from Huaguo, named Gu Xueyi, invested in a movie called "Star" that just exploded in Huaguo, raking in billions of dollars at the box office! She is a pretty good investor!]

The accompanying picture is a photo from the Huaguo media. The photo is from the screening of "Star". On it, countless figures of Huaguo bigwigs can be seen, some of whom are familiar even to people from abroad.

[? ? ?]

[An investor from Huaguo?]

[She voted for the star? God, the star seems to be released in North America, and it seems to be ready to be sent to major film festivals]

[It was taken by Sun? he is great]

[I don't comment on the film's own value, but it can attract so many box office... The purchasing power of Hua people is really enviable]

[She must be very rich, will she be willing to invest in me? Does she have Instagram? I want to pay attention to her, she is so beautiful]

The Huaguo netizens who climbed over the wall saw the last comment.

Hastily replied.

[You want to fart]

[Your number is gone]

[I always grab my wife at a banquet with me? The grass on your grave will soon be five meters high]

[vomit vomit wall grass]

Soon, Huaguo netizens also saw photos of Yan Chao and Gu Xueyi.

[Grass! I blow up! I said Mr. Yan and Ms. Gu are a natural match!]

[(* ̄︶ ̄) Ms. Gu is awesome! Just to let you know that there are super outstanding men in China like Mr. Yan, and we, Ms. Gu, don't like your country at all, OK? Hades is a fart? Get out of here!]

[No, I was the only one who noticed that Mr. Yan was still attending the meeting the day before, but why did he fly abroad the day after?]

The author has something to say: Hades is certified waste: but I don't feel happy.

Ednor confirmed that his brother is a waste: but I can't be happy.