The Master Became a Wealthy Madam

Chapter 98


When Yan Wenbai called, Gu Xueyi was still lying on her back under the blanket.

A strong wind was blowing at Yan Wenbai's end.

Gu Xueyi also knocked on the window cracklingly.

"Sister-in-law, where are you?" Yan Wenbo was taken aback.

Gu Xueyi didn't tell him about Yan Wenshu's being taken away, but said flatly: "In a village on the outskirts of the city."

Yan Wenbai stammered: "Dating, dating?"

"Where are you?" Gu Xueyi asked.

"I'm at the airport." Yan Wenbo was silent for a while, his dull voice could not hide his loss: "I'm going abroad...maybe one year, maybe two years."


"The school's formalities are all done." After Yan Wenbo finished speaking, he complained without any trace: "Brother said you don't have time to visit me, so I'll give you a call."

Gu Xueyi frowned, feeling even more dissatisfied with the gallery owner and Song Yuan in her heart.

If there hadn't been this accident, she should have been able to meet Yan Wenbai at the airport, after all, there was still a little bit of friendship.

"Which country are you going to?" Gu Xueyi asked.

"I'm going to the embassy in country X." Wen Bo paused, "I'm going to be an attache." He came from a superior background, and his appearance and temperament were not ordinary. Follow as entourage. Most people would only regard him as the second generation with gold-plated qualifications. This is why the above recommends him to follow.

Gu Xueyi pursed her lower lip: "If I remember correctly, Country X seems to be in some turmoil."

"Yes." But Yan Wenbo wasn't afraid of this, on the contrary, he was even more motivated.

Gu Xueyi was silent for a few seconds, and did not persuade him that a gentleman should not stand under the dangerous wall. In the past, the Gu family had always dared to be the first and was not afraid of danger and hardship. Such characteristics are also engraved in her temperament. How could she persuade Wen Bo not to go

"Be careful in everything." Gu Xueyi said in a deep voice, "If you encounter something that cannot be solved..."

Yan Wenbai's indifferent and unruly face gave him a smile, and he said in a low voice, "I know. Some things can't be resolved, so we need to find our parents in time."

"Yeah." Gu Xueyi also smiled slightly: "Bon voyage."

Yan Wenbai's throat paused, but he still couldn't help but say, "Thank you, sister-in-law." Then, as if afraid that Gu Xueyi would correct his address, he hung up the phone hastily.

Hang up the phone here.

The banquet came in over there.

The man's hair was wet with the humidity all over his body. He was holding a bowl firmly in his hand, and there was a big rooster printed on the bowl, which didn't look like a product of this era. In the other hand was a bag.

"Where did you go? Didn't you have an umbrella? Why did you get your hair wet?" Gu Xueyi asked in confusion.

"I went to find Aunt Liu and Sister Hong just now." Yan Chao handed the bag in his hand to Gu Xueyi: "You use this first. Sister Hong gave it to you."

Gu Xueyi took it apart and took a look.

It says "seven degrees of space".

Although Gu Xueyi didn't know the brand, she recognized that it was a sanitary napkin.

She breathed a sigh of relief, immediately lifted the quilt, and slowly got up. The sticky wetness clings to her tightly. Gu Xueyi paused, and couldn't help asking: "Is it dirty?"

"Well, it's okay. Just wash it tomorrow."


Gu Xueyi was still frowning, but there was nothing she could do.

She hurried into the bathroom to change before walking out.

Just going back and forth like this almost exhausted her strength.

Yan Chao supported her with one hand, and helped her back to the bed steadily, and then passed the bowl in the other hand to him: "Brown sugar water, it's a bit hot, drink it slowly."

Gu Xueyi really wanted to drink something hot, so she immediately sat up straight, reaching out to pick up the bowl.

Yan Chao didn't give it to her, and said: "I'm holding it, the bowl is not insulated, it's hot."

Gu Xueyi looked down at his hands.

There was already a faint layer of red between Yan Chao's fingertips.

"Don't you feel hot?" Gu Xueyi snapped his fingers.

Gu Xueyi's complexion was snow-white, and even her hands were cold. Yan Zhao raised his other hand, grabbed her fingers instead, stroked her fingers lightly, and said, "My hands have calluses, so they are naturally not so sensitive to heat."

Gu Xueyi opened his fingers, and then took a closer look.

As Yan Chao said, his knuckles look pretty at first glance, but when you look closely, you will find that there are calluses in varying degrees on the fingertips, tiger's mouth, and palm.

Yan Chao withdrew his hand: "It's all cocoons, it's not good-looking."

Gu Xueyi felt a little close.

Which of the Gu family doesn't have calluses on their hands

Practicing martial arts every day, the calluses on her hands became a testimony of the Gu family's meritorious deeds.

Gu Xueyi couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yan used to practice other than marksmanship, did he practice anything else?"

"Well, guns are banned in the country. If you encounter danger, of course you have to use other methods." Yan Chao said, and brought the bowl to Gu Xueyi's lips: "Take a sip before talking, be careful not to burn it."

Gu Xueyi moved closer to the bowl, her face was smoky with heat, Gu Xueyi unconsciously squinted her eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It still feels hot." Gu Xueyi said with a frown.

Yan Chao could hear a bit of complaint in her tone, and couldn't help but smiled slightly.

Just take it as coquettish.

Yan Chao smiled and said, "Then let me try it for you?"

Gu Xueyi: "Yes."

Gu Xueyi asked again: "So what else are you practicing?"

Why is she so curious about this

Thinking of the past, she knew that he was skilled, so her first reaction was to compete with him.

Sure enough, she was born as a general, right

Yan Chao replied with a smile: "I have practiced boxing before."

"No wonder there are some calluses on the finger bones." Gu Xueyi said.

"I also used nine-section whips and knives..." At this point, Yan Chao bowed his head and took a sip: "It's not very hot, just a little. You drink slowly."

Gu Xueyi responded, then bowed her head and took a sip.

After drinking the ginger syrup mixed with ginger, the chill was dispelled a lot. At this time, Gu Xueyi also reacted belatedly, her tone just now was a bit delicate, as if she really used Yan Chao as a big maid. No, it's more excessive than ordering the big maid.

When Gu Xueyi was in a daze, Yan Chao's voice sounded again: "What do you know?"

Gu Xueyi said: "Whip, bow and arrow, horsemanship."

"No wonder you are so good at shooting." Yan Chao said.

Gu Xueyi raised her eyebrows lightly: "I used to be very good at throwing pots."

"En." Yan Chao responded, and whispered: "Take another sip."

Gu Xueyi lowered her head and took another sip before continuing: "So there was a girl who was good friends with our family, but unfortunately I am not a man."

Yan said to his heart.

Fortunately, it's not a man, otherwise where would he go to get a wife

Yan Chao smiled lightly and said, "Are there any distinctions between men and women for powerful people?"

Gu Xueyi nodded: "My father said the same."

Yan Chao hastily praised: "His opinion is very high."

Gu Xueyi tilted her head and stared at him, and couldn't help chuckling.

The banquet is really interesting.

"Drink the rest, and I'll go downstairs to make some food." Yan Chao saw her chuckle in his eyes, only to feel that the rain and snow outside the window had disappeared, and instead, countless flowers bloomed in his heart. flowers.

Gu Xueyi nodded, and drank it all from the bowl.

Yan Chao got up and walked down.

Gu Xueyi couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and stopped him: "Don't you feel tired at the banquet?"

"Huh?" Yan Chao stopped and turned to look at her.

"Actually, Yan Zong can like other people. With Yan Zong's wealth, status, appearance and intelligence, he doesn't have to do this."

No matter how ignorant Gu Xueyi is, she also knows what Yan Chao has done for her.

Gu Xueyi repeated the question again: "Won't Yan always feel tired?"

Yan Chao did not express his intention in a hurry.

He asked indifferently: "If you let go of your family and country in your heart, stop caring about whether the children of the family are successful, whether they are on the right path, and ignore the country's crisis. Just stare at the power and capital in your hands, just grab Power, money. Would you like to?"

Gu Xueyi's brows became tighter and tighter: "Of course I don't want to."

"You brought Yan Wenjia and the others to the right path, crushed red apricots, and killed playing cards with me... Now that you have invested in many enterprises and projects closely related to national construction, do you feel tired?" Yan Chao asked again.

"No." Gu Xueyi said.

These things have long been engraved into her bones, and to her, they are like eating and drinking water. Not only will she not feel tired, but she will also get happiness from it.

Yan Chao stared at her, and said: "The family and the country are to you, what you are to me." He asked: "Why do I feel tired?"

Gu Xueyi was stunned.

She can only hold those things in her heart, and she naturally understands the meaning of those things to herself.

So in exchange, is she... like those things to Yan Chao

Gu Xueyi blinked lightly, then looked towards the door, Yan Chao had already gone downstairs.

After the banquet left, Gu Xueyi lay there alone, and felt cold again after a while.

Women can't avoid suffering on this.

A little bit of cold can easily cause abdominal pain, sore limbs, and even depression... In the past, Gu Xueyi stayed at home and pampered her, and a day passed by. But this time it was too serious...

Yanchao sent his third son to dig vegetables in the field, and then used the little pork left at home to cook simple dishes.

The third son squatted in the living room in a panic, looking in the direction of the kitchen, and couldn't help but be speechless: "Is this really a rich man?"

The owner of the gallery blinked, gritted his teeth and said, "Really. Now he is the richest in the country."

"The first, the richest man?" The third son was dumbfounded.

The owner of the gallery was both jealous and fearful: "Where can it be summed up by just the word richest man?" He paused, and looked at Song Yuan who was aside: "You were betting right back then."

Yan Chao turned around and pursued Gu Xueyi, it was really sincere!

Not only sincerely, but also almost put down all postures!

As a hub, Gu Xueyi firmly connected the entire Yan family together. Kidnapping Yan Wenshu will naturally attract Yan's family to follow suit. The idea of this move is correct.

But the mistake is...

They still underestimated the means of the banquet.

Even the illegitimate children and younger siblings whom he doesn't like at all, he still holds them firmly in his hands. Kidnapping people away with bodyguards on their backs, throwing away their cell phones, removing everything on their body that might have been positioned... It's all fucking useless!

The more the gallery owner thought about it, the more angry he became.

He just can't figure it out!

Where exactly did Yan Chao place his position

Why did you just chase after him

Forget it, both he and Gu Xueyi can fucking fight! Did the two of them think they were male and female

While the gallery owner was complaining, the kitchen door opened.

The banquet came out with dishes.

The aroma entered their nostrils at once.

They are really hungry...

Ever since they kidnapped Yan Wenshu, they haven't eaten a bite of food. They were about to order their third son to get some food when Yan Chao and Gu Xueyi came in, wow!

A few people could only watch helplessly as Yan Chao went upstairs with the dishes.

Gu Xueyi was also hungry.

But I was hungry and uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that my appetite also dropped.

She glanced at the dishes and frowned unconsciously.

"Eat as much as you can first." Yan Chao said.

Gu Xueyi pursed her lower lip and picked up the chopsticks, but she still felt uncomfortable, so she couldn't help but said, "Uncomfortable."

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Yan Chao also frowned, and there was even a little anxiety in his eyes.

Gu Xueyi frowned and made a metaphor: "It's like someone put a lump of ice in my stomach."

"You eat first. Shall I rub it for you?"

Gu Xueyi didn't respond.

She felt better when she spoke out about her discomfort.

Gu Xueyi was just sitting on a small table, lowered her head and ate a little slowly.

Yan Chao also ate some food in a hurry, saving time as much as possible.

Gu Xueyi quickly put down her chopsticks and asked, "Is there no warm baby?"

"The third son said that there is no canteen in the village."

"The hot water bottle? Electric blanket?" Although she has not been in this world for a long time, she has a good grasp of these things.

"None." Yan Chao said.

The third son lives alone as a grown man, so he doesn't care at all.

There is only one stove in the house, but the stove cannot be hugged to the bed.

"I'm going to get a stove and put it in the room." Yan Chao said and went downstairs.

Gu Xueyi wanted to call him, but couldn't.

Yan Chao's shirt was already a little wet with sweat.

Gu Xueyi had never seen him in such a mess.

Not long after, Yan Chao came back with the stove in hand.

But it takes a long time for this thing to warm the whole house.

Gu Xueyi lay back down, still feeling annoyed and uncomfortable.

She raised her eyes to look at Yan Chao: "Please trouble Mr. Yan."

Yan Chao got up and drew the curtains, blocking the dim light outside, as well as the rain and snow outside. Only half of the fan was left for ventilation.

He went back to Gu Xueyi's bed and sat down, opened the corner of the quilt, and slowly rubbed Gu Xueyi's abdomen with his hands through a thin layer of clothes.

It feels weird.

But Gu Xueyi still couldn't help but said: "Mr. Yan will try harder."

"..." Yan Chao froze, his throat moved, and he replied in a low voice, "En."

Only then did Gu Xueyi feel more comfortable.

The feeling of coldness, pain and soreness seemed to be gradually dissipated by pressing.

Because I drank hot water and ate food, I replenished my strength. Gu Xueyi's limbs also gradually began to warm up.

"Is it better?" Yan Chao asked in a low voice.

"Um… "

Yan Chao relaxed a little.

Gu Xueyi frowned: "Mr. Yan, work harder..."

Yan Chao chuckled: "Okay."

Today he is willing to be a perpetual motion tool man.

As her limbs warmed up, Gu Xueyi unconsciously wrapped herself up tighter. She raised her eyes to look at Yan Chao, and asked, "Is Yan always cold?"

Yan Chao said: "It's okay."

Not only is he not cold.

He was also very hot.

Gu Xueyi didn't quite believe it.

She is so cold.

Yan Chao got rained again today, and gave her the coat, even the sweater...

Gu Xueyi asked softly: "Mr. Yan is going to sleep too?"

Yan moved his eyes.

He was afraid that she would be angry or regret it. Although he also knew about Gu Xueyi's character, how could she regret it after making a decision

Gu Xueyi likes fair exchange.

Except for those who she doesn't like, she will spend her time trying to make them suffer, and she will not take advantage of others when they associate with her.

She never took advantage of Yan Chao.

Apart from this,... Gu Xueyi really didn't want Yan Chao to suffer from frostbite. Not only that... Gu Xueyi was still thinking about what Yan Chao said just now, and her mood fluctuated accordingly.

Gu Xueyi suddenly pressed the back of Yan Chao's hand under the blanket.

The man's knuckles were slender and strong, but at the moment they were pressed so tightly by her that he couldn't move.

"I don't want to move, Mr. Yan can come up by himself." Gu Xueyi said.

Yan Chao tried his best to suppress the turbulent emotions, took a low breath, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll warm the bed for Mr. Gu."

Then he withdrew his hand, took off his coat, opened the quilt and lay down.

Yan Chao's muscles tensed up, he carefully supported Gu Xueyi's waist, and led her towards him.

It's nothing like sharing a bed with someone on a cruise ship.

At that time, he approached cautiously and secretly.

This time it's fair and square...

Yan Chao didn't ask Gu Xueyi again, instead he squeezed Gu Xueyi's hand, and then continued to rub her waist and abdomen.

The stove finally heated up.

The room is getting warmer.

Gu Xueyi almost leaned against Yan Chao's body.

a little hard.

Gu Xueyi raised her hand and pressed his chest and abdomen muscles.

Yan Chao's breathing was stagnant, and he gently lifted the thin layer of clothing, and put his palm on Gu Xueyi's skin.

Gu Xueyi shuddered instinctively, a little hot, a little weirdly comfortable.

Yan Chao started rubbing lightly, but it was no longer as strong and rubbing as before, and the movements gradually became subtle and gentle...

Gu Xueyi licked her lower lip.

The memory that became blurred in my mind after waking up was suddenly highlighted again, and it became extremely vivid.

Gu Xueyi exhaled lightly.

Even the breath he exhales seems to be hot.

Gu Xueyi called out in a low voice: "Yan Chao."

Yan Chao lowered his head and stared at her with burning eyes.

There is a faint blood around, and the environment is not very beautiful. But they seem to have returned to the narrow space between the elevator and the door in an instant. There is no light around them, and they can only hear each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Maybe it's because of the distraction.

On the contrary, Gu Xueyi didn't feel so uncomfortable.

The feeling of madness from that time gradually surged up again...

Gu Xueyi moved with difficulty, turned slightly sideways, and raised her hand to hook Yan Chao's neck.

Yan Chao's hand also slid away from her waist and abdomen, and pressed her back.

Gu Xueyi said softly: "... President Yan is so considerate."


Yan Chao looked at her steadfastly, like an arrow waiting to be fired.

"Then I'll take care of Mr. Yan." Gu Xueyi said.

How could Yan Chao think of such a good thing

A fire was ignited in his mind, and the tense muscles were instantly injected with countless strength.

Yan Chao clasped her waist, lowered his head and kissed Gu Xueyi's lips.

"I will not disappoint Mr. Gu."

Yan Chao rubbed her waist.

Gu Xueyi also licked his lips lightly, then unbuttoned the man's shirt, and gently outlined his muscle lines.

There seems to be a powerful force waiting to burst out underneath.

Yan Chao's calm and indifferent face was stained with a different color.

He called out in a low voice: "Ma'am..."

Sheng Xu was wearing a raincoat, drenched in rain and snow, and found the third son's house with difficulty, but after patting on the door for a long time, no one came to open the door for him.

He took out his mobile phone and called Gu Xueyi.

No one answered.

Call Yanchao.

Still no one answered.

Sheng Xu could only shout loudly: "Is anyone there? Is someone opening the door?"

The third son heard the voice, but how dare he open the door

What if another vicious person comes in

No one responded to Sheng Xu for a long time, Sheng Xu had no choice but to wait outside the door obediently. He didn't know how long he waited, he was tired and hungry anyway, finally, he saw Yan Chao coming out holding an umbrella.

Sheng Xu squinted his eyes.

For some reason, he felt that Yan Chao's shirt was a little wrinkled, no, even his trousers seemed a little wrinkled.

Yan Chao opened the door and asked, "Did you find your elder brother?"

Sheng Xu said: "I haven't gone yet, the rain will stop tomorrow, otherwise I'm afraid I'll fall off a cliff. President Yan... what were you doing just now?"

"Busy." After Yan Chao finished speaking, he said in his heart, that would be really great. There is no need to find your elder brother.

Sheng Xu entered the door and quickly said, "I'm hungry. Is there any food here?"

Yan Chao said indifferently: "I made food."

Sheng Xu looked at Yan Chao, he didn't know why, he still felt that this scheming Yan Boss, who usually smiled but didn't smile, was obviously not smiling today, but his whole body seemed to be full of joy .

What is there to be happy about

Sheng Xu asked, "Where is the food?"

Yan Chao pointed to the kitchen.

Sheng Xu glanced at the people who were tied up all over the place, and said with a light smile, "It's so miserable..."

Then went into the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Sheng Xu opened the lid of the pot, only to see the food... No, to be precise, it's called eating the leftovers.

Sheng Xu pointed at the leftovers coldly: "Is this my meal?"

"Yeah." After Yan Chao answered, he went upstairs.

He had to wash Gu Xueyi's dirty clothes, otherwise she would frown again.

Sheng Xu stared at a pot, his eyes widened.

... Fuck, he is miserable!

After the banquet was washed, it was hung up to dry.

Then turned around and went back inside.

Gu Xueyi lazily raised her eyelids, then closed them again.

They didn't make it to the end.

After all, the environment here is not suitable, and Gu Xueyi's body is not suitable either.

However, Yan Chao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He looked at the quilt printed with the word "Happy"... It was indeed a lot of "Hi".

Fine. On the contrary, it can give the third son a way out... Yan Chao's eyes moved, and he had already begun to outline how to propose marriage and where to spend his honeymoon in his mind... As for the elder brother of the Sheng family, should he be assassinated

the other end.

Yan Wenjia and Yan Wenhong were still staring at each other, wondering why there were suddenly fewer people in the family.

Could it be that the eldest brother and sister-in-law took Yan Wenbai to give a small class again