The Master Life of a Super Dad

Chapter 103: climb mountains


Lin Yi concluded that they could go mountain climbing. There was a famous scenic spot in Donghai City called Longding Mountain, which was a national 5A-level scenic spot with unique scenery.

There is an amusement park and a Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant near the scenic area, which can just meet all of Guoguo's needs. By the way, they can also climb a mountain to enhance the relationship between father and daughter.

Early tomorrow morning, Lin Yi drove Guoguo to Longding Mountain. Because they planned to spend the weekend here, they booked a room in a hotel on the mountainside.

After playing in the amusement park at the foot of the mountain and eating roast duck, we started climbing the mountain.

It would be more accurate to say that I was carrying Guoguo up the mountain rather than taking him with me.

Guoguo rode on his neck, looking so excited along the way, with a little duck in her arms. Such a unique combination attracted countless eyes along the way.

For Lin Yi, he had a strong body and Guoguo weighed only about 40 pounds. Carrying it was like carrying a feather and he did not feel tired at all.

Of course, Lin Yi didn't let Guoguo ride the bike all the time. He let her get off and walk around occasionally. Lin Yi knew very well that this was a rare opportunity to exercise her physical fitness.

In fact, Lin Yi had an idea, which was to let Guoguo practice martial arts, so that he could enhance his physical fitness and protect himself.

If she has enough talent, Lin Yi is willing to teach her all his advanced martial arts.

But Guoguo is too young to go to kindergarten now. It won’t be too late to wait until she is a little older.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Lin Yi took Guoguo and took a taxi down the mountain.

There are continuous mountains one after another. The weather is gloomy and not bright today. A thin fog covers the mountains. When the mountain breeze blows, the peaks shrouded in fog become isolated islands.

In addition, you can vaguely see the white coastline and cruise ships busy on the sea in the distance.

The little guy had no interest in these. He jumped around in the cable car and played with the little duck.

The Longding Mountain Cableway is two kilometers long, which is not very long, so we got off the cable car after a short while.

After getting off the cable car, I walked a few steps to the Buddhist temple on Longding Mountain.

The Longding Mountain Golden Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that the emperor was a devout Buddhist, so he built a golden Buddhist temple on the mountain. Whether it was tiles, pillars, doors or windows, they were all made of copper infiltrated with gold. Under the sunlight, it looked like a golden temple, shining brightly in the world.

At the end of the journey, Lin Yi took a picture of the little girl and the little duck with his camera.

Lin Yi rushed to the company as soon as he got down the mountain. He had already told Chen Qiangwei about raising investment for the film and television company, and she agreed without thinking.

Therefore, the first batch of funds was immediately injected into the film and television company, with a total amount of 300 million yuan.

"By the way, find time to sign a contract or something."

"Okay, I'll go to your company when I have time." Chen Qiangwei smiled and pinched Guoguo's face and said, "Say goodbye to Daddy."

"Goodbye, Daddy!" Guoguo smiled sweetly and waved her little hand.

Lin Yi chuckled and drove away.

As soon as I returned to the office door of China Film and Television Company, I immediately found that the atmosphere around me was a bit weird. It was not as relaxed and lively as when I came in the morning. When I walked into the office, I saw Wang Jie and Zhao Teng facing Lin Yi's desk with their heads down.

"What's going on? Are you observing a moment of silence? I'm not dead yet." Lin Yi hung his clothes on the hanger and walked over to see Ning Xin sitting in his seat on the black leather swivel chair.

Seeing Lin Yi coming, Ning Xin slowly said, "Director Lin, why don't you come to work in the afternoon? You have only had seven days with low attendance this month."

“Isn’t that a bit too much?”