The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 100


I saw that the originally calm lake suddenly became choppy, and the big trees on the side seemed to be blown down.

"Why is the wind so strong?"

"It's so cold." It's not autumn yet, but the weather is as cold as late autumn.

"It might be raining heavily."

Qu Yi shouted, "Go, go back quickly."

Everyone was busy collecting things and leaving the place, only to see a black shadow suddenly appeared in the lake, and then more and more black shadows appeared, and these black shadows slowly drifted towards the crowd by the lake.

Someone saw this scene and was shocked, "What, what are those!"

"Ah! It seems to be a ghost!"

If you look closely at this dark mass, it's just a human figure. Some timid people are so frightened that they can't even move their feet.

When everyone was walking towards the forest, only Gong Qingyao was going back and forth, that is, walking towards the lake. Qiu Yuan, who was standing beside Gong Qingyao, saw this, and grabbed Gong Qingyao's arm in shock, "Sister Yao!"

Gong Qingyao patted Qiu Yuan's arm, "Don't be afraid."

How could Qiu Yuan not be afraid, she was so afraid to death, but seeing Gong Qingyao walking towards the lake, she dared not follow. Some people went to the forest, only to find that an invisible barrier seemed to be erected in front of them, blocking everyone, and they couldn't get through.

Gong Qingyao had already walked to the lake, and stretched out his hand to scatter a few black shadows that wanted to go ashore, but these black shadows came out of the lake more and more, and even a large black air came out, it was difficult to photograph the black air Scattered, and some floated directly to the crew of the film crew, and these people walked towards the lake like ghosts, and no one else could hold them back.

Gong Qingyao knew that this was not a simple haunting, so she took out the talisman paper and hit these people on them, while recruiting Lu Qianqian.

The talisman paper was applied to their bodies, and those people woke up instantly. Seeing this scene, they were so scared that they were sweating profusely.

Lu Qianqian directly opened her mouth to inhale the black air, while dealing with the shadows of a few fish that slipped through the net.

Three minutes later, Lu Qianqian said, "These shadows seem endless."

Gong Qingyao nodded slightly, then jumped to the bottom of the lake,

Lu Qianqian cleaned up those shadows on the lake. After Gong Qingyao left, it was very difficult for Lu Qianqian to deal with these black shadows. At this moment, she missed Feifei very much.

Seeing Gong Qingyao jumping into the lake, Qiu Yuan screamed in fright, "Sister Yao, sister Yao!"

Qu Yi and Director Gao also saw this scene, "What should we do now?"

Quyi doesn't know how to swim, even if it knows how to swim, it doesn't dare to go down in this situation. The crew gathered together and asked "what should I do."

When Gong Qingyao cleared up these shadows just now, they clearly saw them all. Some people couldn't help but ask, "A Yuan, can sister Yao catch ghosts?"

Qiu Yuan was very worried. Hearing this question, he suddenly remembered what Ai Xiaoyun said, Gong Qingyao knew everything, so he replied firmly, "Yes!"

"Then we'll just wait here?" They won't be able to catch ghosts in this water, and they might become a burden to Gong Qingyao.

But waiting is not an option, Qu Yi said, "Call the police first!"

"Yes, yes, call the police!" When everyone saw ghosts for the first time, one or two of them were a little panicked. Seeing that these black shadows did not float over, they relaxed a little bit. Even so, they were still scared to death.

The person who took out the mobile phone quickly found that "the mobile phone has no signal." Not only that, but also some messy screens appeared, and everyone quickly put away the mobile phone. It would be even worse if they saw some scary pictures. Quietly waited for Gong Qingyao on the spot.

After Gong Qingyao went down to the lake, she felt an unusual aura. The lake water in summer is not so cool. There are indeed some sneaky things here. Twelve o'clock is one of the most cloudy hours, and someone deliberately tempted them. That's what makes them so crazy.

Otherwise, with Gong Qingyao's current level, these sneaky things would not only dare not appear, but would even hide far away.

After going down to the lake, Gong Qingyao quickly found out the problem. Unexpectedly, it was just a small magic weapon with several black talismans on it.

Nowadays, black talismans are not common anymore, and ordinary shops don't even sell black paper. Gong Qingyao made a few gestures, and the black talisman burned in the water. If someone got close at this moment, they would find a strange blue light at the bottom of the lake.

Gong Qingyao took the magic weapon on the black talisman, and the lake quickly calmed down.

"There seems to be no wind."

"It doesn't seem so cold anymore."

"Look, there is no movement on the lake."

"Shall we go and see?" someone asked.

Qiu Yuan walked over first, but before he got close to the lake, something seemed to appear, "Ah!" Someone screamed. Qiu Yuan was also extremely scared, but at the moment she seemed unable to scream.

Gong Qingyao who came out of the lake: ...

Why is it so loud.

Qu Yi was a little helpless, looking at the crowd behind her, "It's Qing Yao who came out."

The screaming people really couldn't control themselves. Who told them to see such an unimaginable thing tonight, not to mention the trouble, even if a needle fell on the ground, they would be scared to death.

Qu Yi was also afraid, but he was the calmer one among the crowd. He stepped forward and asked, "Qing Yao, are you alright?"

Gong Qingyao waved her hand, "Go back, it's fine."

Qiu Yuan immediately brought a towel and handed it to Gong Qingyao.

Gong Qingyao said, "No need."

It was only then that everyone realized that although Gong Qingyao went to the lake, she was not drenched. If everyone hadn't seen Gong Qingyao jumping into the lake just now, they would have thought they were hallucinating.

Gong Qingyao took the lead and walked forward, and when everyone saw this, they immediately followed, nonsense, this ghostly place will not wait if it can.

On the way back, everyone held hands and walked in fear. Fortunately, nothing happened along the way.

After returning to the lobby of the hotel, Qiu Yuan looked at Gong Qingyao with a pitiful expression, "Sister Yao..."

"Huh?" Gong Qingyao stood at the elevator entrance and asked Qiu Yuan what else he wanted.

"That..." Qiu Yuan deliberately said courageously, "Sister Yao, can I sleep with you at night?"

"No." Gong Qingyao was really not used to sleeping on the same bunk with others, so she directly refused.

Qiu Yuan hurriedly said, "I'll sleep on the sofa, I'll just sleep on the sofa, I'm really scared." She had never seen a ghost in her life, if it wasn't for the crowds tonight, she would have cried a long time ago. There are also lights around, but when she thinks of the scene just now, she is afraid.

"Sister Yao, don't worry, I don't snore when I sleep!" Qiu Yuan continued.

"Let's go." Gong Qingyao felt helpless.

Gong Qingyao didn't let Qiu Yuan sleep on the sofa, but slept on her own bed, and Gong Qingyao herself was studying the magic weapon just obtained outside the room.

This magic weapon is only a low-level magic weapon, and the yin energy inside is not. Gong Qingyao can use it after refining it at will, but she feels that things don't seem to be so easy. end way.

Last time in Yu Hai, there was still Chi Yu in the sea. If Qin Ze hadn't helped him resist that blow, Gong Qingyao would have been hit in the heart, and Chi Yu beside him would have been seriously injured.

Gong Qingyao played with the magic weapon. This time, there was nothing lethal in the sea, which was really strange. Gong Qingyao handed the magic weapon to Lu Qianqian who was beside him.

"Ah?" Lu Qianqian was a little confused.

"Here you are." Gong Qingyao said.

With Lu Qianqian's current level, there must be no problem playing these magic weapons.

It was the first time for Lu Qianqian to own a magic weapon, and she touched it happily, "Thank you, master." After speaking, Lu Qianqian thought of another question, "Master, where do you sleep at night?"

Gong Qingyao pointed to the sofa.

Lu Qianqian looked surprised, "You actually slept on the sofa." The master actually slept on the sofa, and that girl actually slept on the master's bed. Thinking of this, Lu Qianqian gave Qiu Yuan a dissatisfied look.

Qiu Yuan, who was sleeping, immediately shuddered.

Strictly speaking, Gong Qingyao didn't intend to sleep on the sofa but to practice. It wasn't until dawn that Gong Qingyao stood up, put on her sneakers, and went for a run outside.

Qiu Yuan originally thought he couldn't fall asleep, but unexpectedly fell asleep when he went to bed, and slept until dawn. Qiu Yuan put on his clothes and found out when he went out of the room. He didn't know when Gong Qingyao had gone out.

Although it was stimulated, the last scene of the crew was filmed as scheduled. The world knew Yi Yao's dedication and changed their attitude towards metaphysics. Yimen was also revived, and the people headed by the Great Elder continued to dedicate to metaphysics...


With Quyi's cry, "Yi Yao" will be filmed here, and the next step will be the dubbing and production in the later stage.

The production team is finishing work, and the finale banquet is also ready in the hotel. Before four o'clock, many staff members of the production team have arrived at the banquet hall, but everyone is waiting for someone to arrive. Seeing that the person has not come, everyone from time to time Glance toward the door.

At 4:30, Qiu Yuan came over. Everyone looked behind Qiu Yuan. This was the first time Qiu Yuan had received the attention of so many people. After she became popular, she would be watched wherever she went, so Qiu Yuan felt that she had to adapt to all this in advance.

In the end, after walking a few steps, someone asked, "A Yuan, where is Sister Yao?"

Qiu Yuan said, "Oh, sister Yao has gone out."

"Ah, how about going out?"

"Are you still coming to the wrap-up banquet?"

"Of course." Qiu Yuan said, as long as Gong Qingyao agreed, he would not go back on his word.

"Then why haven't you come yet?" someone said.

Qiu Yuan looked at the time, "Isn't it still five o'clock?"

Everyone just couldn't wait to see Gong Qingyao, so they all came early, and forgot that the finale banquet was scheduled to start at five o'clock.

As soon as the words were finished, Qu Yi and a group of people also came. They had a glance with everyone, and they searched everywhere when they entered the door. Some staff couldn't help but said, "Director Qu, don't look at it, Sister Yao hasn't come yet."

Director Qu asked, "Is Sister Yao still coming?"

Everyone laughed. After last night, even Director Qu called Gong Qingyao Sister Yao. What happened last night was indeed scary, but after a night of calm, some things came to mind. For example, Gong Qingyao really knows how to catch ghosts, and for example, the metaphysical knowledge of the crew, Gong Qingyao's corrections are all correct!

Qiu Yuan repeated what he said to everyone just now to Quyi. Quyi nodded. There are still more than ten minutes left.

Finally, at three minutes to five o'clock, Gong Qingyao came.


sprinkle flowers.

Finally wrote 100 chapters. .

The plot ran more than half. . .
