The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 15


The place where the press conference was held was in the center of the imperial capital, and the time was set at nine o'clock. Gong Qingyao got up and practiced for a while before going to the press conference.

Ever since she knew that Gong Qingyao came from ancient times, Lu Qianqian got up from Gong Qingyao and taught her how to take the subway and bus. She was worried that Gong Qingyao's taxis would go to the city center, not to mention a waste of money, and she would be easily caught. stuck in the middle of the road.

When Gong Qingyao arrived at the scene, You Xingyu and others had already arrived, Yu Chuxue and Zhong Xinyi both put on makeup, and they were a little surprised to see Gong Qingyao without makeup coming.

"Why don't you wear makeup?" Yu Chuxue asked.

"Not used to it." Gong Qingyao replied.

It's no wonder that Yu Chuxue can believe this answer. When she went out before, Gong Qingyao didn't wear heavy makeup.

Ai Xiaoyun came from the studio, saw that Gong Qingyao was not wearing makeup, and asked the same question, Gong Qingyao repeated the same answer again.

Gong Qingyao has indeed changed a lot these days. She used to love to wear heavy makeup. Compared with that, although she looks more pleasing to the eye when she removes her makeup, she should still wear some makeup on special occasions such as now Ah, but it's too late now, Ai Xiaoyun sighed, and didn't say much.

The staff in the background shouted, "The reporters in front are here, and the guests are invited to get ready to go on stage."

Gong Qingyao was the last one to come on stage, Mao Liqiang and You Xingyu were sitting in the middle of the stage, Yu Chuxue and Guo Yuankai were on their left, Zhong Xinyi and Lu Yongyi were on their right, and Gong Qingyao was sitting on the far right of the stage.

Last night, the official media of City S and City R released relevant explanations on the Yeshan incident. The fact that Yeshan is a gathering place for human traffickers caused an uproar, and the disturbance was quite large, so the reporters also wanted to ask the person involved.

As soon as everyone was seated, a reporter asked the first question, "Before shooting, did you know what kind of place Yeshan is?"

This question was answered by Mao Liqiang, "Before we record a real person, we will check the places we are going to. Mount Ye is very beautiful. I believe you have seen pictures related to Mount Ye on the Internet, including many sketches. I believe that not only We, even everyone here, and the general public never thought that Yeshan would be a gathering place for human traffickers."

Another reporter asked, "At the end of the live broadcast, I heard Ma Sun say that you have discovered their secret, what is this secret?"

You Xingyu picked up the microphone, "The secret is that they are human traffickers."

The reporter continued to ask, "How did you find out?"

This question made everyone a little bit embarrassed. After all, it was Gong Qingyao who discovered the secret, but how did Gong Qingyao find out? Everyone silently turned their attention to Gong Qingyao.

Gong Qingyao said, "The person they abducted said." After finishing speaking, Gong Qingyao felt that her wording was wrong, Liu Xi was a ghost or not a human being.

Another reporter asked, "After the live broadcast was interrupted, did you fight with the criminals?"

Yu Chuxue finally felt that she had a chance to speak, and she couldn't wait to pick up the microphone, "After the live broadcast was interrupted, the six of us and the staff fought fiercely with them." After speaking, Yu Chuxue paused, and continued, "Probably It was because we all hated human traffickers, so we beat those people very hard at that time."

Lu Yongyi glanced at Yu Chuxue, then lowered his head silently. I really don't know how she had the nerve to say these words. Who was the one who was scared and screamed by those villagers who said casually.

The photographers in the audience were even more ashamed. Those villagers were so vicious that they didn't even protect their cameras, let alone beat up those tough villagers.

The reporters asked while recording, "Will your reality show still be recorded?"

The reporter who asked this question was invited by Mao Liqiang. For this press conference, Mao Liqiang invited several well-connected reporters, just to let them ask some questions related to the reality show in a timely manner.

Mao Liqiang replied, "We will continue to record, but our equipment has been damaged to varying degrees. Fortunately, we have bought insurance and are currently making claims, so the next reality show will definitely be recorded, but it will be a few days later than the original schedule. sky."

"It can be seen that the situation at that time was really intense, so I would like to ask the next six guests will continue to participate?"

You Xingyu was the first to say, "If the postponed date does not conflict with my schedule, I will continue to participate."

Yu Chuxue went on to say, "I will definitely participate." After all, this was specially created for her by the patron, and the most important thing is that apart from the reality show, she has no other announcements yet.

The remaining few people also said one by one that they would participate.

Gong Qingyao originally didn't want to participate, but then thought of the second issue of the script, in a certain rural area, where the aura must be much better than that of the imperial capital, which is good for cultivation, so she nodded slightly to indicate that she would participate.

The topics related to the reality show made some reporters feel that it was not hot, so some reporters asked, "If you knew that Yeshan was a den of human traffickers in advance, would you shoot a reality show there?"

This question is a proposition, if you say you will shoot there, it is too fake, if you say you will not shoot there, then it is too cold-blooded and heartless.

Seeing that no one answered, Yu Chuxue said, "Of course they will. After all, although the human traffickers are scary, they didn't do anything to us. What's more, we took them all together?"

Zhong Xinyi agreed with Yu Chuxue's point of view, "In fact, apart from the traffickers, the scenery of Yeshan is very beautiful. In this reality show, we encountered a lot of delicious food, such as fried lotus, and bamboo vegetable soup. Anyway, I I feel that the Yeshan reality show this time is an experience that I will never forget in my life."

After the crowd asked some other questions, they began to interview the six guests one by one.

Probably because they found that Gong Qingyao had few words, someone asked, "Excuse me, Ms. Gong Qingyao, I also watched your reality show this time. I saw that many netizens were very disgusted with you for smashing rabbits with peach pits and poking fish with bamboo. Interested, I want to verify, is this real or designed by the director team?"

Gong Qingyao said, "Really."

Mao Liqiang immediately said, "It's absolutely true, I swear."

"Netizens made the part where you broke the bamboo into an emoji. It's very popular at the moment. How do you feel?"

Gong Qingyao didn't understand what an emoji was, "I don't have feelings."

The reporter simply changed the formulation, "Then are you very good at surviving in the wild?"

Gong Qingyao thought about it, and used to often stay in the wild, but to say what she is good at, "average."

The reporter didn't expect Gong Qingyao to be so modest, someone immediately asked, "Then what are you good at?"

Sitting under the stage, Ai Xiaoyun's heart tightened, and she heard Gong Qingyao answer, "Fortune-telling."

Sure enough, Ai Xiaoyun raised his forehead.

There was a moment of silence in the audience, did they hear correctly, just now Gong Qingyao actually said that she is good at fortune-telling? What age is this? It’s still a fortune-telling. Even if you know a little bit of metaphysics, you wouldn’t say it so loudly. These reporters are obviously a little puzzled.

Gong Qingyao felt that what she was telling was the truth, so she didn't explain too much. As for whether others believed it or not, she couldn't interfere.

In fact, the news about Yeshan has already had a lot of hot spots, but I didn't expect that when the press conference was about to end, the reporters would find another hot spot.

They quickly edited the news on the computer to see who could send it out first.

After answering the last question, Mao Liqiang announced, "This concludes today's press conference."

Mao Liqiang ordered lunch at the hotel, and invited everyone to finish the meal before leaving. Gong Qingyao agreed without going to eat.

As soon as everyone walked out of the hall, they found a group of people. The so-called group of people was just dozens of people protecting the person in the middle. This formation was a bit big, so it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Zhong Xinyi on the side whispered, "Qin Ze!"

At this moment, Qin Ze turned his head and unexpectedly found Gong Qingyao in the crowd at a glance. Although Gong Qingyao was smudged with heavy makeup that day, a person's eyes would not change.

Ordinarily, he should thank Xia Gong Qingyao, after all, he helped him find his brother, but now he has something to deal with, so he nodded slightly in the direction of Gong Qingyao, and then left.

When Qin Ze nodded, the psychology of the others changed instantly. That was Qin Ze! He actually nodded in their direction just now, but when he looked again, only Zhong Xinyi and Gong Qingyao were in that direction.

For a while everyone was guessing, just now they heard Zhong Xinyi calling Qin Ze, Qin Ze nodded in response, indicating that the nod must be for Zhong Xinyi!

Even Zhong Xinyi didn't expect that she called Qin Ze just now because she was a little excited to see him here.

Yu Chuxue was very surprised, "Xinyi, you actually know Qin Ze!"

Zhong Xinyi nodded and shook her head.

Guo Yuankai joked on the side, "I said, Xinyi, you are nodding and shaking your head, what exactly do you mean?"

Zhong Xinyi replied, "I saw him at a party and chatted with him, but I don't know if he remembers me."

Yu Chuxue immediately said, "Of course I remember, otherwise why would he nod at you just now?"

Zhong Xinyi nodded embarrassingly.

Gong Qingyao at the side naturally wouldn't think that Qin Ze was saying hello to herself. After all, when she saw Qin Ze, her makeup was really scary. She didn't believe that Qin Ze could recognize her.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Mao Liqiang glanced at Zhong Xinyi when he said this.

Zhong Xinyi was the one who had the most pleasant lunch. Everyone's attitude towards her has changed more or less. This is the first time that the Zijin Group has recorded a reality show. She has received the most attention, even Mao Liqiang. Talked to her a few words.

But Zhong Xinyi put away the little joy in her heart, Qin Ze just nodded to her, her status can be improved so much, if in the future...

Gong Qingyao at the side didn't care about Zhong Xinyi's beating around the bush, and left after eating.

After seeing Gong Qingyao leave, Yu Chuxue pulled Zhong Xinyi's arm aside and whispered, "Look at her, she's a little upset that you've stolen the limelight."


The weather will be cold and hot. . .

It's getting cold again these days. .