The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 2


Gong Qingyao walked in the mountain for a while, and knew the direction to go down the mountain. After eating the mutton, she walked all the way to the foot of the mountain.

When the little girl fell into the lake, the small bag she was carrying also fell into the lake. Only now did Gong Qingyao have time to open the bag, the small bag was made of leather, so after the outside was dry, there was still water inside.

Gong Qingyao poured out the water in the bag, and began to look at the things in the bag. There was a rectangular object. According to the little girl, it was a mobile phone. Gong Qingyao pressed it and there was no response, so she stuffed it back into the bag. In addition to the mobile phone, there is also a rectangular card. This is the key to the hotel where the little girl lives, that is, the inn. Gong Qingyao glanced at the words written on the card. The word is Holiday Hotel.

Unexpectedly, when the world is changing, even the characters are also changing, making me seem a little illiterate, Gong Qingyao shook her head, and there are a few red papers at the end, the little girl also said it was silver taels, now it is called money, The lake water has already wetted them, and after looking at the patterns and characters printed on them, they are not blurred, so it should not affect their use.

Other than that, there was nothing else in the bag, so Gong Qingyao stuffed the money into the bag and decided to go back to Holiday Hotel first. As for how to get there, I can only ask passers-by first, but after walking for a long time, there is no one, but I saw a large silver-white box moving next to me. In the past, I used to travel by horse-drawn carriage, but now the objects in this box can be moved. , It's really novel, Gong Qingyao stared at this "box" intently.

The window of the driver's seat of the van was opened, revealing a middle-aged man who asked with a simple and honest smile, "Little girl, where are you going?"

If ordinary people see this middle-aged man, they will definitely think that he is an honest person. In fact, seeing this man as a supervisor, full of filth, he must have done a lot of outrageous activities.

Gong Qingyao wanted to refuse, but she saw a middle-aged woman sitting in the back row, this is not the point, the point is the child in her arms, the woman's child palace is sunken, which means she has no children.

Seeing that Gong Qingyao did not speak, the middle-aged man continued, "Look, it's already dark, and it's very difficult to stop traffic on this road. Don't worry, we all came from the countryside and just happened to go to the city. You go Hey, we'll give you a lift by the way, and we won't charge you." After speaking, he gave the middle-aged woman in the back row a look.

The woman hurriedly opened the rear car door, "Little girl, come on, we are holding a baby, and we also came to the city to join relatives, if you don't mind this car, you can take a ride with us for a while."

Gong Qingyao planned to get in the car after seeing the woman's face clearly, but she couldn't open the door, so she saw the middle-aged woman opened the door and got into the car. Seeing Gong Qingyao getting into the car, the middle-aged man quickly got out of the car and closed the back door, exchanged glances with the woman, and then returned to his seat.

Gong Qingyao looked at the inside of the car curiously. She never thought that she could drive away the box, that is, the car, by only holding a circle-like object. After seeing the structure of the car, Gong Qingyao looked out the window again. The official road is not as good as the flat and open road now, and the speed of this car is also much faster than that of a horse-drawn carriage.

Seeing Gong Qingyao sitting in the back row looking at everything, the middle-aged man felt even happier. He guessed that he probably found a girl who would not cause trouble. She probably came from the countryside and had never seen a big city. It's a big city.

At the intersection into S city, a lot of cars were parked. The middle-aged man glanced out, his face showing a panic, but then he calmed down and parked the car.

Seeing this, Gong Qingyao in the back row asked, "But what happened?"

The middle-aged man only said, "The police are checking ahead, don't worry, you can leave in a while."

Gong Qingyao was a little puzzled, "Who is the policeman?"

Do you still know what the police are these days? The middle-aged man saw that Gong Qingyao's expression did not seem to be fake, guessing that Gong Qingyao might have some brain problems, and explained, "The police are there to catch bad people."

Gong Qingyao nodded, it turned out to be a policeman, if there is a policeman here, that would be fine, Gong Qingyao opened the car door and walked down.

The middle-aged woman immediately whispered, "She got out of the car."

The middle-aged man didn't seem worried at all, that girl didn't even know what a policeman was, so what could happen, "It's okay, just be careful."

After Gong Qingyao got out of the car, she saw several men in the same clothes, so she knew it was the policeman that the middle-aged man was talking about.

Gong Qingyao walked up to a young man and said, "There is a kidnapper in that car." There were quite a few policemen checking here, and the one Gong Qingyao chose was the one with the most upright spirit.

Sure enough, when the young policeman heard it, his face was serious, "You mean that silver van."

Gong Qingyao nodded, "Exactly"

The young policeman immediately picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and told his companions about the general situation, then walked towards the van.

In fact, when Gong Qingyao ran to talk to the police, the middle-aged man was a little flustered. Seeing the police pointing at them, he immediately said to the middle-aged woman in the back row, "Hurry up and get out of the car, and find a chance to slip away later."

As soon as the words fell, the young policeman walked to the front of the car and patted the window. The middle-aged man rolled down the window, showing a simple and honest face, "Hello, comrade policeman."

The young policeman said, "Please show me your driver's license."

The middle-aged man pretended to be calm and took out his driver's license, while winking for the middle-aged woman to run away with the child in her arms. As soon as the middle-aged woman got out of the car, other policemen came over and stopped her. The middle-aged woman said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

The policeman didn't give way, "Wait a minute."

"I can't wait any longer." The middle-aged woman asked tentatively with an anxious look on her face, "Why don't you come with me, Comrade Police?"

The middle-aged man also got out of the car, "We didn't break the law. My wife just wants to go to the toilet. Why do you stop her?"

The young policeman said, "Routine inspection."

The middle-aged man still wanted to resist, and the policeman said, "This driver's license is fake."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman was about to run out, and the policeman on the side hurried over to restrain them, "Please come with us."

Gong Qingyao, who called the police, also got into the police car. Seeing Gong Qingyao, the middle-aged man said with a dark face, "You little girl, we kindly took you to the city, but you actually sued us."

Gong Qingyao glanced at the man, and the middle-aged man immediately silenced, for no other reason, the look in his eyes was a bit penetrating.

The young policeman glanced at Gong Qingyao with interest, not to mention that this young girl speaks in a polite manner, which doesn't match her age at all, and she doesn't know how to get in the trafficker's car, so she must be one of the abducted children. One, but she didn't seem to be scared at all, and successfully called the police.

Gong Qingyao ignored the policeman's eyes, and continued to stare out the window after getting in the car, just now he saw a tall building in his eyes, but seeing it personally was different, and it was night now, and the street was still It was as bright as daytime, and I was a little shocked, but Gong Qingyao didn't show these emotions, so what everyone saw was Gong Qingyao sitting quietly in the car, staring out the window.

After arriving at the police station, Gong Qingyao followed the police into the room. Gong Qingyao even looked at the office items inside without blinking. From listening to their conversation, she learned that this one is called a computer and that one is called a telephone. Gong Qingyao silently memorized it. Download it all.

"Please come here and sit down with us to record." The young policeman said.

Gong Qingyao withdrew her gaze and followed the police into an office. Within ten minutes, the transcript was completed. The young policeman was about to send Gong Qingyao away when another policeman came over and said, "Cheng Lei, what are you doing today? For the two people who were caught, the child really didn't belong to them, they said they picked it up from the back mountain today."

Cheng Lei is the young policeman that Gong Qingyao was looking for today. Hearing this, he looked at Gong Qingyao, "This little girl called the police, or I didn't know they were human traffickers." What Cheng Lei said was To be honest, who made the middle-aged man look a bit simple and honest.

The policeman on the side said, "They only believe that the child is not theirs, and they don't recognize themselves as human traffickers. They also said that they took the baby away because no one took care of it. They also wanted to raise it themselves." The elderly couple had no children yet. , presumably want to raise a baby.

Gong Qingyao, who didn't say a word, heard this and immediately said, "He's lying."

The two policemen quickly realized what Gong Qingyao was talking about, and Cheng Lei immediately asked, "Do you have any clues?"

Gong Qingyao said, "These two inspectors are so muddy, they must have abducted more than one child."

Cheng Lei:? ?

What the hell is an Ombudsman? He almost believed what the little girl said so righteously.

The policeman next to him laughed out loud, "Little girl, you can't talk about things without evidence. We policemen must pay attention to evidence when handling cases."

"I never tell lies." Gong Qingyao said.

Cheng Lei had a good impression of Gong Qingyao, "It's like this, if we want to convict them, we have to find enough physical evidence, or let him admit that he has done these bad things."

Gong Qingyao understood, "Okay."

Cheng Lei:? ?

What good

The policeman on the side asked suspiciously, "Do you have evidence, or can you make them admit it?"

"En." Gong Qingyao looked at Cheng Lei, "Take me there."

The two brought Gong Qingyao to the interrogation room. The policeman who was interrogating saw Cheng Lei leading a little girl over, showing a puzzled look. Even Cheng Lei felt that he was probably crazy, and he actually believed the person in front of him. The little girl will find a way to admit her mistakes to the two people facing her.

Gong Qingyao sighed silently. She didn't expect that while the world was changing, people in this era didn't trust metaphysics so much. If it was in the past, if she said a word, these arresters would have already taken action. Gong Qingyao didn't understand this. What happened in thousands of years, but right now this is not the key point, the key point is the two people sitting across from each other.

The middle-aged man's name is Zhou He, and the woman's name is Liu Mei. When they saw Gong Qingyao coming in, they immediately said loudly, "You girl, we didn't kidnap you, we just took you for a ride out of kindness, you can't..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped, and then a shocking scene happened.



As soon as I updated, I even lost my favorite! !

a bolt from the blue. . . .

Er Kang hand. . . . Forsake me, little angels. . .