The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 20


At 7 o'clock the next day, the second phase of the wilderness survival reality show started again. As soon as the live broadcast started, the number of viewers exceeded 50,000.

The Yeshan human trafficker incident caused a big wave on the Internet, and the reality show led by Mao Liqiang became a hit. Mao Liqiang was also prepared, and the viewing data of this episode would probably reach a new level. At the beginning, the number of people exceeded 50,000, and I was really happy.

Before the cameraman came in, Gong Qingyao put the iron sheet into her clothes pocket, and she specially chose a sweater with oversized pockets, which was convenient for storing cold iron.

Like last time, six people sat in the same car, and then set off for Hongyan Village.

Gong Qingyao was the first to get on the car, Mao Liqiang saw Gong Qingyao coming up and immediately said, "Morning Qingyao."

"Morning." Gong Qingyao said hello and went straight to the last row of the car.

Then Zhong Xinyi and Lu Yongyi got into the car respectively, everyone greeted each other, and then Guo Yuankai also got up. After a while, Yu Chuxue came. When she got into the car, she had a faint smile on her face, and the others greeted her proactively.

Probably because of the relationship between the sponsor and the sailor behind the scenes, besides You Xingyu, Yu Chuxue is the most popular among the guests.

Yu Chuxue responded lightly, and then she glanced at Gong Qingyao who was sitting in the last row. She was the only one who hadn't seen her since she came in. What's the big deal? Yu Chuxue withdrew her gaze and sat down in the first row. .

Soon, You Xingyu also came. As soon as he came up, he bowed to everyone, "I'm really sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long."

"It's okay, we just came here too." Guo Yuankai immediately replied.

When Yu Chuxue saw You Xingyu, she waved immediately. She wanted to let You Xingyu sit down next to her, but You Xingyu passed Yu Chuxue to the row in front of Gong Qingyao and sat down. He threw all the bags in his hand towards Gong Qingyao.

When the car started moving, Mao Liqiang in the front row said, "Hello everyone, netizens who watched our live broadcast, we meet again. Today is the second recording of our reality show. This time we are going to my country A small village in the central and western regions is called Hongyan Village. There are less than 2,000 villagers in Hongyan Village. It is full of local flavor and maintains the original labor... "

Mao Liqiang introduced Hongyan Village. Many netizens were asking if the village is safe. Mao Liqiang saw that there were a lot of questions, so he replied, "I see that many netizens are asking whether the village is safe. Don't worry, everyone. We have inspected Hongyan Village at least three times, and confirmed it countless times with the local government department, it is a pure and simple place, 10,000 people safe.”

The first reason why Mao Liqiang chose Hongyan Village was that the production team was short of funds. The second reason was that the local government hoped to stimulate the tourism of Hongyan Village through reality shows, so as to revitalize the local economy and make the people no longer So poor, the two parties agreed and chose this place.

Even in the nearest town to Hongyan Village, it took nearly three hours to drive to Hongyan Village, and they hadn't arrived yet, and they still needed to walk another two kilometers. Even after taking motion sickness medicine in advance, Zhong Xinyi felt a little uncomfortable.

Before the six guests got out of the car, Mao Liqiang shouted, "Please hand over all your belongings, including your mobile phones, of course."

"Ah!" Guo Yuankai couldn't help but sighed, and then handed over his belongings. Everyone was used to this rule, and silently handed over their belongings.

Gong Qingyao put the iron block in front of her clothes, and then got out of the car. There was already a group of people standing in the parking place, Mao Li said strongly, "These are the residents of Hongyan Village."

The two leaders said first, "Welcome to our Hongyan Village." The rest of the people also shouted, "Welcome."

The location of Hongyan Village is somewhat remote and poor. Here, most of the young men are working outside, leaving behind almost all old people, women and children.

Mao Liqiang introduced, "This is Wu Tiezhu, the secretary of Hongyan Village, and Wang Dashan, the head of Hongyan Village."

Everyone shook hands, and Wu Tiezhu said, "Next, we will take you into the mountain."

"It's troublesome." You Xingyu, who was walking in the front, said.

"No trouble, no trouble." The villagers said immediately. There are very few outsiders in the village, so the villagers are looking forward to this shooting.

Wang Dashan said, "By the way, it's not convenient to stay in the wild at night. We chose five farmhouses."

"Five households?" Everyone had some doubts, after all, there were six of them.

Wu Tiezhu was a little embarrassed, "I really can't pick any more. These five households were barely selected, so we chose the last one in a cave halfway up the mountain."

"Cave?" Yu Chuxue tried her best to keep calm, which was a bit different from the script. Sometimes the settings of reality shows are not fully written down, probably because they want to create some hot spots, so Yu Chuxue doesn't know.

After walking a few steps, Zhong Xinyi couldn't bear it anymore. Wu Tiezhu called the villagers and asked him to return to the village quickly, recruit a few young men, and find a bamboo sedan chair to carry Zhong Xinyi back first.

A villager was left to accompany Zhong Xinyi in place, and the rest continued to move forward to the village.

The aura here is very abundant, and Gong Qingyao felt it as soon as she got off the car. It was sore, even You Xingyu and Lu Yongyi, who often frequented gyms, were a little out of breath, only Gong Qingyao strolled in the courtyard, especially leisurely.

Wu Tiezhu and Wang Dashan were walking, and found that only Gong Qingyao could keep up, so they slowed down, "There is a shaded place in front, where should we go to cool off?"

It's early autumn now, and the weather is not considered hot. The so-called coolness is just an excuse to provide everyone with a rest. After hearing that, everyone said, "Okay, okay."

Yu Chuxue sat down under the shade of the tree and looked at Zhong Xinyi who was being carried away. She knew that she was just like Zhong Xinyi, pretending to be unwell, so she could enter the village in a sedan chair.

Yu Chuxue glanced at Gong Qingyao not far away, but she didn't sit down, she was still wandering around, Yu Chuxue snorted in her heart, how aggressive is she at this time.

The cameraman following Gong Qingyao was also a little tired. Seeing that Gong Qingyao was still walking, he had no choice but to keep up. Gong Qingyao didn't go very far. He was in the surrounding forest and came back after a while.

Lu Yongyi saw something in Gong Qingyao's hand, "This is it?"

"Little banana." Wu Tiezhu explained first, "The wild fruit here is also called August Fried."

"Can you eat it?" You Xingyu looked at these banana-like things curiously.

"Yes." Wu Tiezhu beckoned the villagers to pick some more.

Gong Qingyao took two and handed them to the cameraman. The cameraman was a little embarrassed, "Eat, quench your thirst."

The cameraman had eaten in the morning, and he was really thirsty after walking for a while, so he picked it up, "Thank you."

Netizens in front of the screen said that Gong Qingyao was too caring. Even Ai Xiaoyun was very excited, her master has opened up! I know I have a good impression.

Gong Qingyao didn't go any further, she found a place to sit down and started to eat August Fried, the villagers also picked a lot of them, and everyone settled for breakfast by the way.

After resting for a quarter of an hour, everyone continued on their way. When they arrived at the village, it was already eleven o'clock in the noon. Almost all the villagers stood at the entrance of the village, and when they saw them coming, they all waved to welcome them.

You Xingyu and his party followed suit, and even Gong Qingyao waved her hand.

The barrage of netizens began to brush up again, "The villagers are so enthusiastic."

"Wow, this village is great!"

"Inexplicably touched."

"Hongyan Village, I made a note, I must go there once."

"It seems that this is the first time I see Gong Qingyao smiling."

"What? Did Gong Qingyao laugh? I want to go back and have a look."

Wu Tiezhu said, "Welcome everyone to Hongyan Village."

"Thank you." You Xingyu and the others said one after another.

"Well, let me take you to our four farmhouses to have a look first. If you like it, you can just live there, okay?" Wu Tiezhu asked.

"Listen to the secretary's arrangement." You Xingyu replied.

"Why four households?" Guo Yuankai asked, didn't they say five households at first.

"Miss Xinyi hasn't recovered yet, so the villagers directly carried her to our house." Wu Tiezhu said.

Yu Chuxue now regrets that she didn't come with her in a sedan chair. Wu Tiezhu is the secretary of the village, and his family's conditions must be the best.

According to the distance, Wu Tiezhu took everyone to the first house first, and the villagers followed behind, "This is our village head's house. Take a look, who wants to live here."

Wang Dashan was a little embarrassed, "The conditions at home are relatively simple."

Everyone looked at it, this, this is more than simple, the bed is made of stones, and the walls are also cement, You Xingyu said, "Who wants to live here?"

Yu Chuxue didn't expect how shabby this place is, so she thought about going to another place to have a look and didn't say anything. Guo Yuankai said, "Then I'll live here."

In fact, Hongyan Village is not small in size, but the population is small, so the peasant households live very scatteredly, and it takes at least five minutes to walk to the next household.

The crowd went to the next few houses, and found that the conditions of each house were similar. You Xingyu and Yu Chuxue were confirmed in turn. In the end, there was only one house left. Lu Yongyi looked at Gong Qingyao, "You can live in the last one."

"I live in a cave." Gong Qingyao had thought about this a long time ago. She still has to practice at night, and the cold iron evil spirit is too heavy. Although she can control it well, what if she can't control it

Lu Yongyi saw that Gong Qingyao seemed to have already thought about it, so he didn't say anything more. To everyone's surprise, the condition of the last house was very good. It was the only one among all the farmers' houses with a wooden bed, and there were tables and stools in the house. , the most important thing is that the toilet is flush, Yu Chuxue almost vomited blood, and complained in her heart that Mao Liqiang didn't tell her in advance.

Seeing this, Lu Yongyi said, "Does anyone want to change?"

Just kidding, if you change at this time, you will definitely lose fans. While congratulating Lu Yongyi, everyone regrets that they chose too early.

"Then let's go to the cave and have a look?" Wu Tiezhu continued.

"Okay." After seeing the room, everyone wanted to know what the cave was like.


emmm. It will be back to normal starting tomorrow. .

It is updated at twelve noon every day. . .


It's going to be a holiday, so be happy. .

I recommend "True Fragrance Warning" by my friend Yuanhe. .

Before the second ancestor Ji Heng met Fu Jia

The style of the live broadcast room is like this—

"You don't need to have a girl, 98K will never leave your hand!"

It's like this with friends—

"It is absolutely impossible for me to give Ajia the slightest thought! If I do, I will be inhuman!"

Later, Young Master Ji ran around pestering Fu Jia, licking the dog more than anyone else, and slapped his own face with his own hands:

"Miss, I will take you to the Jedi Island to see the stars! I will kill you and you will lick your bag!"

"I've been Ajia's all my life... a beast?!"

Everyone: "..." Let's save some face! ! !

... ... ...

emmm, yesterday and today are all articles recommended by real friends. .

They are all better than me 233333333

Not a gay friend 23333333 I also want to have a gay friend. .

So what, about the hero. .

In copy one, it has been clearly marked. .

Probably the hero's aura is insufficient, and was ignored by the little angels. .

Qin Ze: Blame me.

By the way, the hero's way of chasing his wife~~~~~

There is a long way to go. .

Gong Qingyao: What are you talking about

Yue Qixi: No, it’s nothing, I’m going to code. . . I want Riwan. .