The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 22


Xiaomi said, "Thank you, you know a lot, I will also learn Yi in the future."

"En." Gong Qingyao nodded.

I used to think that Gong Qingyao didn't say so much when pointing Pei Yinyang back then. Today, it's just because Gong Qingyao thinks Xiaomi is a good girl, and she also wants to continue the live broadcast to let everyone know that metaphysics is What, they talked a lot. Grandma Qian at the side watched this scene with satisfaction. Her little granddaughter is actually a quiet child. She can often not speak a word for a day. Today really surprised her.

It was getting late, and everyone had to prepare dinner. When saying goodbye to Grandma Qian's house, Gong Qingyao whispered to Grandma Qian, "Keep Xiaomi away from the water today."

When Gong Qingyao was talking about metaphysics just now, Grandma Qian also heard it, and she always felt that what Gong Qingyao said was right, so she kept it firmly in her heart.

Since Gong Qingyao carried a headset with her, netizens could still hear her voice no matter how low it was.

"Hahaha, your Yao has become a master again."

"It's no wonder that the trolls keep trolling your house, Gong Qingyao's people set up to collapse too quickly."

"2333333, I counted, Gong Qingyao is going to be finished."

While making dinner, Zhong Xinyi also came over. After resting for a long time, her spirit finally improved a lot. Thinking that Zhong Xinyi was unwell, everyone didn't ask her to do anything.

Basically, the other five people cooked the rice. After the rice was cooked, You Xingyu and others proposed to share the cooked rice with Grandma Qian's family. After all, when everyone entered the house, they saw that Xiaomi was eating corn mush.

Guo Yuankai immediately said, "Then I'll go." After finishing speaking, he picked up the meal and ran towards Xiaomi's house.

After dinner, everyone went back to rest. Gong Qingyao glanced at the sky and said in a low voice, "It's raining heavily tonight."

Yu Chuxue glanced at the sky, "But there is the moon." After she finished speaking, she found no one responded, and when she turned her head, she found that Gong Qingyao had already gone far away.

Yu Chuxue scolded Gong Qingyao ten thousand times in her heart, and then said loudly, "Qing Yao just said that there will be heavy rain at night, but I don't think the weather looks like it will rain."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chuxue looked at Zhong Xinyi again, "Hey, Xinyi, just now Qingyao said that it will rain heavily tonight, do you think it will rain?"

Zhong Xinyi glanced at the sky, "Probably not, the moon is so big."

"Really." Yu Chuxue received an affirmative answer, then looked at You Xingyu and the others, "What do you think?"

You Xingyu and the others were puzzled, and Yu Chuxue repeated Gong Qingyao's saying that it was raining.

You Xingyu glanced at the sky, although he didn't think it would fall, but he felt that what Gong Qingyao said was probably right, so he didn't say anything. Guo Yuankai on the side said, "Well, I won't go down."

"Yongyi, what do you think?" Yu Chuxue asked.

"I believe in Qingyao." Lu Yongyi said truthfully.

Yu Chuxue was almost laughing, she just said it so many times on purpose to make netizens take a closer look at Gong Qingyao, a big liar. Sure enough, netizens started discussing.

"Do you think it will rain?"

"I just checked the weather forecast for the town where Hongyan Village is located, and there is no rain."

"Hahaha, the production team is out of play now."

"No, no, I think it's probably because Gong Qingyao really thought she was a master, and she made such a prediction. Is it obvious that she is going to slap her in the face?"

"I thought she was talking nonsense when she said that Xiaomi was guilty, but she is still talking about the weather."

"For me, one day, if she is a fan, she turns to a passerby, and a passerby turns to a fan, and now she will turn to a passerby."

"Fan Gong Qingyao is really tired."

Mao Liqiang, who was watching the live broadcast outside the village, raised his head to look at Ai Xiaoyun who was sitting beside him, "Do you think it will happen?"

Ai Xiaoyun said without raising her head, "Yes!"

Mao Liqiang: …

What does such a convincing expression mean

Gong Qingyao didn't know that her words caused so many things, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care. When she returned to the cave, Lu Qianqian came out. She pointed to the upper right corner of the cave, "Look for something Cover the camera so no one can see what you're doing."

Otherwise, if Gong Qingyao took a bowl with a piece of "iron sheet", the netizens would not be overwhelmed.

Since there is fixed accommodation in this period, there are also fixed cameras in each room. Gong Qingyao directly took off the pillow case and put it on the camera. In order to prevent the sound from being heard, Gong Qingyao also used a mute sign.

After finishing these, Gong Qingyao touched the rocks in the cave. When the day came, she could feel the energy contained in the rocks. She would feel it carefully. Isn’t it just aura? Tie, at the same time giving Lu Qianqian his breath, this night, Gong Qingyao practiced very fast.

Outside the cave, it started raining at some point, and then the light rain gradually became heavier, and finally turned into a heavy rain. Seeing this, Gong Qingyao's videographer happily ran outside the tent to record a live broadcast of the rain. Anyway, as long as some netizens haven't slept, they can find out that it's really raining.

Yu Chuxue slept on this hard bed, feeling uncomfortable all over, and heard the sound of ticking outside, she immediately got up and walked to the window, Yu Chuxue took a look outside, it's really raining

Lu Yongyi heard the sound of rain coming from outside, and fell asleep with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Inside the cave, Gong Qingyao quickly circulated the profound energy in her body. If you could see it with the naked eye, you would find that the spiritual energy around Gong Qingyao entered her body continuously, and after a long time.

Gong Qingyao opened her double-openings, and practiced three levels of Qi, but she actually broke through. Gong Qingyao closed her eyes and felt it carefully. Her whole body seemed to have a feeling of rebirth, and her whole body was light. Gong Qingyao knew that if she could improve one level, she would be able to fly with control. But now, although she can't fly with power, her speed is much faster than ordinary people.

"Come out." Gong Qingyao said, and when she was practicing, she noticed that there were two ghosts beside her, but these two ghosts were not hostile to her, and they stood at the door and did not come in, so Gong Qingyao didn't Say something. This will break through the third level of Qi training, Gong Qingyao wants to figure out this.

Two ghosts floated in outside the door, they were her parents that Gong Qingyao saw at Xiaomi's house during the day.

The two actually came for a while, but they saw that there was evil spirit in the house, they didn't dare to approach, and they would get Gong Qingyao's permission, as soon as they came in, Xiaomi's mother immediately said, "Master, please save my daughter." This afternoon, Xiaomi's mother was a little suspicious that Gong Qingyao could see them. Now that something happened to Xiaomi, Xiaomi's mother wanted to try to ask Gong Qingyao for help.

Gong Qingyao indeed figured out that Xiaomi committed a crime today, and also reminded Grandma Qian not to let Xiaomi get close to the water, "What's going on?"

"The heavy rain almost flooded the house, and Xiaomi is still inside." Xiaomi's mother cried.

Lu Qianqian floated out, and soon, her voice came in, "My God, this rain is about to flood the village."

Gong Qingyao made a slight sign, and then said, "How could I make such a low-level mistake!" There was heavy rain in Hongyan Village today, and Xiaomi was flooded, why didn't she connect the two things together.

Gong Qingyao raised her feet and ran down the mountain quickly, "Lu Qianqian, quickly entrust the village chief secretary with a dream!"

Lu Qianqian responded, and then quickly ran towards the place the village chief had memorized.

Gong Qingyao first went to Xiaomi's house, the water grew faster and faster, Xiaomi's house was covered with water, Xiaomi was trapped inside, unable to open the door, Grandma Qian couldn't open it even when she was anxiously pulling outside, and was almost washed away by the water .

Gong Qingyao rushed in and supported Grandma Qian, "Xiaomi, are you there?"

"I'm here." Xiaomi said crying, "Sister, am I going to die?"

"What nonsense, you look rich, good days are yet to come." Gong Qingyao said, "Listen to my sister now, stay away from the door."

After a while, Xiaomi said, "Sister, I'm already standing at the closest distance to the door."

Gong Qingyao raised her foot and kicked towards the door. Grandma Qian saw the door she couldn't pull open, and it opened in an instant. Gong Qingyao rushed into the room, carried Xiaomi out and handed it to Grandma Qian, "You take Xiaomi up the mountain."

Grandma Qian immediately picked up her granddaughter and walked up the mountain step by step. This would be the time to sleep. Of course, some people found that the rain was not right. I realized something was wrong in no time, and immediately climbed up the mountain while grabbing the equipment.

Wu Tiezhu and Wang Dashan also woke up from their dreams at this moment. Looking at the rain outside the house, they immediately called their family members to get up, and then put on bamboo hats and organized the villagers to go up the mountain.

Gong Qingyao came out of Xiaomi's house, and directly knocked on the door of the nearest farmhouse, telling everyone to rush up the mountain, and the villagers who ran as fast as possible also went to call others.

Lu Qianqian circled down and floated to Gong Qingyao's side, "Basically they're all up."

"En." After Gong Qingyao glanced, the rain became heavier and heavier.

Wu Tiezhu and Wang Dashan saw Gong Qingyao hurried over, "Miss Qingyao, come up the mountain with us." The two also saw Gong Qingyao's work today, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Okay." The three of them were at the end of the crowd and walked to a cave halfway up the mountain. Wu Tiezhu and Wang Dashan counted the number of people separately, "Have they all come up?"

Wang Dashan said, "There's Goudan and his mother who haven't come up yet."

Goudan was the child who led them to Grandma Qian's house today. Lu Qianqian was stunned. She thought she had gone to every house, but she missed one.

Gong Qingyao asked, "Where is their home?"

"It's in the northwest of the village." Wu Tiezhu said. Goudan's family lived far away. According to the current rise in water, they might not feel Tiedan's house being submerged when they went down.

"What should I do?" The villagers were a little anxious, but none of them knew how to swim, and even if there were some who knew how to swim, they couldn't swim that far, let alone bring two people with them.

Yu Chuxue and Zhong Xinyi were also frightened. It's okay to encounter a flood, but do they have to wait for death? The thought of this living child disappearing into this world makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Lu Yongyi firmly clenched his fist, he knew how to swim, but in the northeast of the village, and it was dark at night, he was not sure that he could find Goudan's family, what should he do.

The villagers looked anxious. This Goudan is similar to Xiaomi's house, except that Goudan's mother is still alive and can be regarded as a labor force.

"Miss Qingyao!" Everyone shouted after hearing Wu Tiezhu.


It's snowing on one side and the sun is out on the other. .

I'm a little confused about the direction. . . .