The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 32


Gong Qingyao didn't know about Lu Yongyi's detours. After answering the phone, Ai Xiaoyun called. He was really happy to hear that Gong Qingyao was fine. Before hanging up, Ai Xiaoyun explained , "The company has something to do, I'll come back first, otherwise I will wait for you at the hotel."

In fact, to Gong Qingyao, it doesn't matter whether they wait for him or not.

When the food arrived, Gong Qingyao's cell phone finally went silent. Qin Ze said with a smile, "It seems that there are still many people who care about you. It's been so long since I've been out, but no one cares about you."

Gong Qingyao glanced at Qin Ze, but said nothing.

Qin Ze always felt that Gong Qingyao could see through him with this glance, and explained embarrassingly, "But my family didn't know that I was here." Qin Ze thought that if his family knew that he was here and that something happened, they would be anxious "In their eyes, I'm just a dandy who doesn't do his job properly and can't achieve great things."

The waiter just brought the dish, Qin Ze picked up the chopsticks and gave Gong Qingyao a chopstick, "Come on, try this, this is recommended by the waiter, it is delicious."

Gong Qingyao picked up the chopsticks, took a bite, then stared at Qin Ze, "You can do it."

Qin Ze was stunned for a moment, Gong Qingyao spoke concisely, and sometimes simply did not respond, but Qin Ze immediately understood what Gong Qingyao said, she was saying that she could accomplish great things. Qin Ze had a happy look in his eyes, and then he laughed at himself. No one, including his closest family members, believed that he could achieve great things. Now everyone in the Qin family thinks that as long as he doesn't cause trouble, he can go anywhere. Even God.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while, and after a while, Qin Ze said, "Do you really think I can achieve great things?" There seemed to be a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"I don't think so." Gong Qingyao corrected, "It was your face that told me."

Qin Ze stared at Gong Qingyao, "How about we do something big together?"

Gong Qingyao looked at Qin Ze, "What?"

Qin Ze's face immediately became serious. If anyone who knew Qin Ze was there, he would be extremely surprised to see this appearance. Qin Shao, who often puts a naughty smile on his face, has never been so serious. Qin Ze One word at a time, "Help the lost children go home."

Gong Qingyao looked at Qin Ze and signaled Qin Ze to continue.

Seeing that Gong Qingyao didn't show any surprise, Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief. Most people would think he was crazy when they heard this. In fact, after Yi'er was lost last time, Qin Ze went to find out about the missing child in the imperial capital. , I don’t know if I don’t check, I’m shocked when I check, 200,000 children and women are abducted in the entire empire every year, what a huge number, behind every lost child is a broken home, the most important thing It is only 0.1% of these children who can get back.

After half a month of investigation, Qin Ze quickly formed a team to help these abducted children go home. The name of this team is to call the children home.

After the establishment of the team, the website, software, and publicity were first made, and it did achieve some results. The parents of these abducted children would come to the website to register news, but there were too many registrations, and very few could be retrieved. There are only three children in China, but the number of lost children registered online has exceeded 10,000.

Qin Ze gave a brief introduction to the team, "Almost everyone has a mobile phone now, so we also made software." And the development and maintenance of this software cost a lot of money, but Qin Ze didn't say anything about it.

"In addition to uploading children's information, we also welcome everyone to enter some suspicious information, but the effect is minimal." Qin Ze sighed. The Qin family didn't know he was doing this, and he didn't want to rely on his family. I really want to build this platform, "I want you to join our team." After Qin Ze finished speaking, he looked at Gong Qingyao, "Didn't you predict Yi'er's direction all at once?"

Therefore, Qin Ze wanted to ask Gong Qingyao to help figure out the whereabouts of these children.

"Don't worry, you only use divination to find one direction, and someone will look for it." Qin Ze said, "In addition, we will pay you this reward."

Gong Qingyao smiled, "No remuneration." No wonder Qin Ze has a sense of meritorious deeds. It turns out that this is doing good deeds, and Gong Qingyao will not ask for any remuneration.

Qin Ze didn't expect Gong Qingyao to agree so quickly, "Do you have any requirements?"

Gong Qingyao said, "Accurate horoscopes."

Qin Ze nodded again and again, then immediately called the company and registered a management account for Gong Qingyao. The information of these lost children has a clear date of birth, but for the sake of confidentiality, only the internal administrator of the website can see it, and the rest Netizens on the webpage can only see a rough idea.

The other party was quick to do things. After Gong Qingyao downloaded the software for the child to go home, she could log into the account given by the team. Gong Qingyao opened the latest message and started divination.

Seeing this, Qin Ze hurriedly said, "Don't worry, you eat first.

Gong Qingyao said, "I'm done eating."

There are already hundreds of lost children today, Gong Qingyao counted down from the latest one, she said one, Qin Ze wrote down one, and then looked for the lost family members or even the team, after counting three, Gong Qingyao's expression turned cold.

Qin Ze hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Gong Qingyao said, "This child is gone."

Qin Ze's eyes showed a trace of hostility, "These damned traffickers."

Gong Qingyao went on to say, "The child's body is in a place with a water source, let the parents look for it along the southeast direction."

Qin Ze suppressed his anger, "Okay."

During the divination process, there were still some children who filled in the wrong horoscopes. Qin Ze had to ask the staff to confirm again, and then changed the detailed rules of the website. If you want to upload information, you must upload accurate information. Half an hour later, Gong Qingyao was a little tired. Originally, fortune-telling was a hurtful thing, but fortunately, Gong Qingyao's fortune-telling jumped out of the five elements, so she would not be punished by heaven.

After Qin Ze recorded this, he looked up at Gong Qingyao, and found that the other party's face was very pale. He put down his phone, "Why don't you come here first."

Gong Qingyao counted the last one, nodded slightly, Qin Ze immediately poured a glass of water, thought for a while, ran downstairs to the car and took out two red fruits and handed them to Gong Qingyao, Gong Qingyao took a bite , the profound strength in the body recovered slightly.

Qin Ze originally planned to drive back to the imperial capital, but now that he saw Gong Qingyao's situation, he wished he could go back immediately. Thinking of this, Qin Ze went outside and called home. Five minutes later, Qin Ze came over, "Here There is no airport, we have to go to the nearest urban area, and then fly back to the imperial capital."

Gong Qingyao looked at Fei Fei, "Can it come with you?" It has been a while since she came here, and Gong Qingyao knows that pets are not allowed in some places, even though Fei Fei is not considered a pet.

Qin Ze said, "Yes."

Only after Gong Qingyao got on the plane did she know why Qin Ze was so sure that pets could be brought with her, because they were flying in the Qin family's private jet. Before boarding the plane, Qin Ze answered another phone call, though worried, he glanced at Gong Qingyao with his eyes closed.

After Gong Qingyao regained her physical strength, she was about to continue divination, but Qin Ze took Gong Qingyao's phone with a disapproving expression, "That's it for today."

Gong Qingyao was a little puzzled, but Qin Ze didn't explain, so Gong Qingyao simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

In fact, not long after Gong Qingyao's first divination, Qin Ze received a call from the team, saying that the first child who was calculated had been found, and the family was very grateful to them. Later, before boarding the plane, people from the team called again, saying that they had already found three calls. If it was a coincidence to find one, they would be a little surprised that there were too many of them. The team asked Qin Ze how he knew that the child was arrested Turning position.

Qin Ze said that a master would help.

The people in the team were still sighing, "This master is really good. I heard that fortune-telling will suffer from five disadvantages and three shortcomings. This master is really a good person to help others like this."

"What five disadvantages and three disadvantages?" Qin Ze asked.

A member of the team said, "I also heard from the previous generation that most of the fortune-tellers are leaking secrets, so general fortune-telling will suffer from five disadvantages and three disadvantages. The five disadvantages are widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, Disabled, the three deficiencies are money, life, and power, or you can see why so many fortune tellers are blind."

That's why Qin Ze snatched Gong Qingyao's cell phone to stop Gong Qingyao from continuing to calculate. He was very happy to find these children, but Qin Ze was unwilling to assume that Gong Qingyao was punished by heaven.

After arriving at the imperial capital, Qin Ze sent Gong Qingyao home, "Go to bed earlier."

"Well, thank you." Gong Qingyao returned home and tidied up.

Philip walked around the room, apparently satisfied with the new environment, and then ran to the bed to find a comfortable place to nest.

Gong Qingyao went to the desk, took out the millennium cold iron and Fei Fei's fur, and started to make a leather case.

When a person devotes himself to one thing, time passes quickly. After Gong Qingyao sewed the last stitch, it was already dark outside. Gong Qingyao tore off the talisman on the cold iron, and the evil spirit was released all of a sudden. Fei Fei on the bed immediately stood up, and Gong Qingyao put the newly made knife sheath on it, the evil spirit calmed down in an instant, and Fei Fei nestled back again.

Gong Qingyao caressed this dagger fondly. With the sheath on it, it feels extraordinary to hold it in your hand. After all, it is also a magic weapon of the earth-level heavenly rank, "I will call you Soul Breaking Knife from now on."

Gong Qingyao took out the things in the drawer. This was a part of the thousand-year-old cold iron that was left over from making the soul-breaking knife before. Gong Qingyao picked up the cold iron and carved it again. It was an ordinary square sign, which seemed to be engraved After reading some symbols, refining the magic weapon is also a process of cultivation.

After finishing the last stroke of carving, the profound strength on Gong Qingyao's body surged, and Fei Fei quickly squatted at the door to guard.

This state lasted for a while, and finally stopped. Gong Qingyao let out a breath. Unexpectedly, the fifth level of Qi training broke through at this time. At the fifth level of Qi training, the immortal energy in Gong Qingyao's body is a little more, and the profound power is also abundant. If others are close to Gong Qingyao, they will feel very comfortable, but because of the cold aura on Gong Qingyao, others will feel more comfortable. dare not approach.

Of course, Philip is not an ordinary person.

Gong Qingyao took out another part of the fur and began to sew, after sewing, put the previous small iron piece into the leather case and put it in the drawer, and then went to rest.


Stupid author: I've been out a lot lately. .

Qin Ze: Ah! If you dare to let Qing Yao suffer five disadvantages and three disadvantages, I will kill you.

Stupid author: ? ?

So what, is it still useful for me to ask for a collection?, ah, when will I break through 3,000 income? . .

There is also work income, I want to break two hundred.

Kneeling and begging the little angels for help.

Qin Ze (with a cold face): I heard that you have to be cute to make money.

Stupid author: Then help me be cute.

Qin Ze:? ?

Stupid author: Otherwise, I will make you never come out! ! !

Qin Ze: _(:з」∠)_Little angels, give the stupid author a break. . .