The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 4


Only then did Gong Qingyao notice the price hanging directly opposite, the lowest price of this hotel is also 588 one night.

In fact, Gong Qingyao has no concept of silver. In the past, someone always gave her money, and the cost of food and clothing was not too short. Now that it is converted into banknotes, she is even more unclear, but one thing Gong Qingyao can be sure of is that it was from the original body. It's really poor. The little girl said at the time that all her belongings were in this bank card, and she couldn't even afford the room fee.

Since I can't afford it, I'll check out. Gong Qingyao was about to take back her bank card, when someone said behind her, "I'll pay Miss Gong's room fee."

I saw a 10-year-old man standing behind him, and soon Gong Qingyao knew why the man said that. Apart from Cheng Lei who was standing next to him, there was also a woman holding a child, and that child was Liu The child that Mei held yesterday, the man looked good, Gong Qing said, "Okay, I will pay you back later."

"Miss Gong is the benefactor of our family, and the room fee is nothing compared to it." The man's name is Deng Xiuming, a well-known young and promising person in S City, and one of the candidates for the mayor of S City, "Miss Gong Will you be free here? Go to the teahouse over there?"

Gong Qingyao didn't have anything to do at this meeting, so she said, "Okay." After speaking, she carried the box and followed the crowd to the teahouse on the first floor.

Cheng Lei really didn't expect that the child belonged to Deng Xiuming. Yesterday he returned to the bureau after sending Gong Qingyao off. When he saw Deng Xiuming, he still thought that the leader would come to inspect it so late. After asking, he found out that the child belonged to Deng Xiuming. Deng Xiuming's family thought that Gong Qingyao was going to rest, so they entrusted Cheng Lei to bring them here today to thank Gong Qingyao, so the scene just now happened.

After everyone sat down, Deng Xiuming took the lead and said, "We don't know how to thank Ms. Gong. I hope Ms. Gong will not refuse this kindness." He took out a bank card and put it on the table.

The woman on the side also said, "Thank you." Her name is Ji Xiayun, and she met and fell in love with Deng Xiuming at school. They had a very good relationship a few years before they got married. This year they gave birth to a baby, and the mother-in-law lived at home with the excuse of bringing the baby. Every day pointing fingers and seldom helping, Deng Xiuming was busy with official duties and ignored his wife's feelings for a while. After giving birth, due to hormones, his mood was often low. After a long time, Ji Xiayun became depressed.

Yesterday, Ji Xiayun planned to take her child to commit suicide, but she didn't expect that the child was robbed halfway. Seeing the car carrying the child going further and further away, she was desperate and asked for help while calling the police. Unexpectedly, within an hour, the police notified They, the child found it.

Generally, after a child is abducted, the possibility of being found is very small. Ji Xiayun is also prepared to look for the child for the rest of her life, but she did not expect to hear the news that the child has been found. The feeling of being lost makes Ji Xiayun give up the idea of committing suicide .

Gong Qingyao nodded, "Live well, the future will be better."

Ji Xiayun's eyes were red immediately. Looking at his wife, Deng Xiuming always felt that there were still some things he didn't understand. If it wasn't for the loss of the child, he would not have known that his mother scolded people so badly. He stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his wife's shoulders. , whispered, "It's all right."

Gong Qingyao opened the box she brought in, revealing a piece of bright yellow stuff.

Cheng Lei, who was drinking water, stretched his neck to look, and almost choked, "What are you buying so much yellow paper for?"

"Painting talisman." Gong Qingyao replied.

Cheng Lei: ...

What does this look of course mean

Gong Qingyao's plan to accept Deng Xiuming's card was not because she helped them find the child, she would take action no matter who it happened to. The reason for receiving the card is that she has no money. In return, she plans to draw a talisman and give it to the other party. You must know that her talisman was hard to find in the past.

After opening the box, Gong Qingyao took out the talisman paper and cinnabar, and quickly started to draw.

The corners of Cheng Lei's mouth twitched, don't say, they really do resemble each other.


As soon as Gong Qingyao finished speaking, Cheng Lei felt that the world was mysterious. He clearly saw a faint yellow light from the yellow paper. Cheng Lei pointed at the talisman and said incoherently, "I, I, I..."

Deng Xiuming probably has more knowledge than Cheng Lei. Although his reaction was not that exaggerated, his expression was also very astonished. Ji Xiayun on the side had already forgotten to cry and stared blankly at all this.

Gong Qingyao folded the talisman and handed it to Deng Xiuming, "Keep safe."

Deng Xiuming took the talisman and handed it to Ji Xiayun. Just as Ji Xiayun was about to put the talisman on the child's underwear, Gong Qingyao drew another talisman, "This is for the child." The child was abducted yesterday and was frightened. The talisman of Requiem is probably more applicable.

"Thank you." Ji Xiayun took the talisman and put it inside the baby's underwear together with the talisman for keeping safe.

Cheng Lei, who was sitting by the side, wondered why he wanted one too.

After drawing the talisman, Gong Qingyao was about to leave when the cell phone rang. It was Ai Xiaoyun. Gong Qingyao pressed the call, "Gong Qingyao, where do you live? I've already arrived in City S."

Gong Qingyao replied, "Holiday Hotel."

"What? You actually live in the Holiday Hotel, you're so chic, you can afford to live in a four-star hotel?" Ai Xiaoyun said a lot, and Gong Qingyao thought it was noisy, but when she thought of what Yuanshen said about being in the showbiz It's up to the agent to do it, and he didn't hang up patiently, but kept the phone far away.

Everyone looked at Gong Qingyao and felt that the master Fan Er was somewhat disillusioned just now.

After reading for three full minutes, Ai Xiaoyun hung up the phone, Gong Qingyao put away her mobile phone, nodded with Deng Xiuming, and left the teahouse. Half an hour later, Ai Xiaoyun arrived.

Seeing Gong Qingyao, Ai Xiaoyun always felt that the other party had changed a little. Apart from not wearing heavy makeup like before, the whole person's temperament was also a little different. It was obviously a person, but the feeling was different. Ai Xiaoyun looked at it At the time of Gong Qingyao, Gong Qingyao was also looking at Ai Xiaoyun's face, and the Caibo Palace looked dark, showing signs of bankruptcy.

Ai Xiaoyun on the side took out the script after looking at Gong Qingyao, "This reality show is mainly..."

After talking a lot, Gong Qingyao briefly summed it up, the artist Yu Chuxue who was under Ai Xiaoyun with her found a financial backer, and the other party wanted to support her, so she planned such an outdoor live reality show , invited the well-known You Xingyu, as for her, it was just a foil.

Seeing that Gong Qingyao was silent, Ai Xiaoyun continued, "It is precisely because Yu Chuxue and you are under my command that I won this spot. You must perform well."

"Thank you, I will." Gong Qingyao said.

Ai Xiaoyun didn't expect Gong Qingyao to answer herself so seriously, thinking that this girl had finally improved.

Seeing that Ai Xiaoyun had finished talking about the reality show, Gong Qingyao said, "You've been bankrupt recently, so you must be careful when it comes to money."

Ai Xiaoyun:? ?

She also said that Gong Qingyao has changed, but it seems that she hasn't changed at all. Ai Xiaoyun said angrily, "I said Gong Qingyao, you just have to act well, and don't make any trouble for me." He left as if he hated iron for not being able to make steel.

Gong Qingyao didn't care, picked up the script that Ai Xiaoyun gave and read it. Within half an hour, Gong Qingyao finished watching. There were six people in the reality show, three men and three women. Most of the lines in it were written by Yu Chuxue and You Xingyu's, as for her, can be summed up in three sentences:

"Wow! Chuxue, you are amazing."

"Wow! Chuxue, you are so smart."

"Wow! Chuxue, you even know this."

These three lines are not difficult, but it is a bit difficult to say from Gong Qingyao's mouth, Gong Qingyao plans to play by ear.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are still a few days left before the recording of the reality show, Gong Qingyao plans to plan this gap well. When she wakes up in the morning, she will go to the mountains outside S City to practice Qi. She has drawn the spirit-gathering talisman, so that Qi training can achieve twice the result with half the effort . After returning to the hotel, I began to use the computer to learn modern knowledge.

The law is the first thing to learn. Besides, there are new things brought about by the changing times. To Gong Qingyao's surprise, many books from the past can be found on the computer, but there are only a few fragments left. Of course, there are also troubles, that is, metaphysics is really not respected in today's society. To be precise, people call their profession magic sticks, and to put it bluntly, they are liars.

Gong Qingyao even tried to search her own name, but there was no relevant information on the Internet, not even enemies, as if they had never appeared before, but this matter has become history, so it is worth not mentioning it.

While digesting a lot of knowledge, Gong Qingyao will also learn about the entertainment industry. She has watched a lot of reality shows, and she has a bottom line in her heart. After inputting Gong Qingyao on the website, some news can come out, such as the original The advertisements taken by the body, some magazine photos, and the original Weibo.

In fact, the original computer can automatically log in to Weibo, but Gong Qingyao does not plan to use this Weibo, and as for the Weibo posted by the little girl before, she will not delete it, after all, it is left by others in this world thing. It's just that Gong Qingyao found that Weibo is a good tool, which can absorb a lot of knowledge and get some new things.

So Gong Qingyao registered a Weibo with her own name, the name is Gong Qingyao, and the profile section is about the master of metaphysics. After thinking about it, Gong Qingyao still posted a Weibo.

"Gong Qingyao: First comment, free fortune telling once."

After the weibo was sent out, there was no response for a long time. Gong Qingyao knew that she had no fans. There were very few people who could see this weibo, and even fewer left messages after seeing it. "Word, Gong Qingyao didn't force it, quit Weibo, and continued to study.

Gong Qingyao didn't go to rest until ten o'clock in the evening. She slept until midnight, the surroundings were in a mess, and the shouting became louder and louder. Gong Qingyao got up and drew a talisman and pasted it on the wall. The sound of the flute could not reach Gong Qingyao's room, but, half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.


Yesterday I waited until the last second before going to sleep 2333333

I always feel like there are some surprise red envelopes. . .

When I woke up this morning and saw my Huabei, I was in a bad mood. .

But I only bought mango and jackfruit, hahaha

It feels like a great improvement. . .

Thank you for the nutrient solution of the following little angels

Readers "garbled", irrigation nutrient solution +1 2018-12-12 20:44:30

Reader "Meng Xiaoyu y", irrigation nutrient solution +10 2018-12-12 09:54:05

Reader "", irrigation nutrient solution +10 2018-12-10 23:55:15