The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 41


You Xingyu's eyes lit up, "Sister Yao is the best, so you can make soup without a pot."

Gong Qingyao wove the remaining leaves into a bowl and put them aside.

Zhong Xinyi said, "But this will be very hot, how to scoop it up?"

Guo Yuankai looked at Zhong Xinyi, and said in a very idiotic tone, "Won't you let it cool down before eating?"

Zhong Xinyi was silent.

After a while, the fish was grilled, and each person got a piece of fish, plus a portion of mushroom soup. As for the chestnuts, after eating for a day, no one would want to eat them anymore. Another reason is that they ate too many chestnuts , I always want to fart, and I'm broadcasting it myself, what if I can't help but fart.

After eating, everyone washed their faces in the river, picked up a lot of branches, enough to burn at night, and then returned to the original place.

Lu Yongyi looked at You Xingyu and Guo Yuankai, "Add firewood every hour."

You Xingyu continued, "Alright, the three of us will take turns."

"No problem." Guo Yuankai said.

In the wild, men should take care of women more, and it seems that Gong Qingyao took care of them more all day long. Thinking of this, they are naturally willing to pay more from other places. Yu Chuxue asked, "Don't we have to do anything?"

"All of you can sleep in peace of mind for beauty sleep." Guo Yuankai said.

Zhong Xinyi didn't say a word. In this ghost place, she had a P beauty sleep.

But it was getting late, and after the decision to light the fire was decided, everyone gathered around the campfire and slept together.

Seeing that everyone was asleep, Gong Qingyao went straight into the jungle, and Feifei immediately ran over from a distance, one man and one beast flew straight to the depths of the jungle, where there are many trees and aura is abundant. Sitting on the top of the branch, Lu Qianqian also came out of the ring. Looking at the sky full of stars, she suddenly felt in a good mood. She had never seen such a beautiful scenery.

He was about to chat with Gong Qingyao, but when he turned around, he found that Gong Qingyao and Fei Fei had already started to practice. Lu Qianqian looked up at the sky, and followed suit.

When the sky was slightly bright, Gong Qingyao came back, and saw that the fire was about to go out, so she went to add some dead branches.

When Zhong Xinyi heard the movement, she immediately got up and walked gently to the nearby river to wash her face and put on makeup. At this time, she didn't care whether anyone saw it, and Yu Chuxue also got up and followed when she heard the movement.

After a while, the sky brightened and everyone got up. Guo Yuankai stretched his waist and went to wash his face in the river. "The water is really cool." They slept around the fire yesterday, but it wasn't too late. It's not cold.

"A new day has begun." You Xingyu said, "I don't know what to eat in the morning."

"I don't want to eat chestnuts anymore." Yu Chuxue said.

"I don't want to either." You Xingyu whispered.

"By the way, Yongyi, you went to the jungle to look for ingredients yesterday, did you see anything special?" Zhong Xinyi asked.

Lu Yongyi went directly to pick up some chestnuts yesterday, and did not look for other ingredients. He shook his head when he heard this question.

Guo Yuankai on the side asked, "Sister Yao, do you have any new discoveries?"

"There is an oak tree in the northwest of the jungle." Gong Qingyao said, "It can be used for breakfast."

There are acorns on the oak, "wow, that's great." As long as it's not a chestnut.

After washing their faces, everyone followed Gong Qingyao to find breakfast.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, they saw an oak tree, and everyone began to fork fruit with branches, Gong Qing said, "Leave some for the animals to spend the winter."

Guo Yuankai would have disdained this sentence in the past, but when he heard it now, he immediately said, "Okay."

After everyone was full, they began to think about what to do at noon. You Xingyu was the first to say, "Yesterday's mushroom soup was good."

"You can also catch fish." Zhong Xinyi continued.

Yu Chuxue paused, "It's really not possible, chestnuts can also fill your hunger."

Lu Yongyi thought for a while and said, "There should be some wild vegetables to eat here."

Guo Yuankai looked at Gong Qingyao, "Sister Yao, what do you think?"

"Let's go to the river and have a look." Gong Qingyao felt that besides fish, there should be other ingredients in the river.

Gong Qingyao didn't go to the river section yesterday, but walked up the river, and found some special ingredients.

"Wow, crab!" Zhong Xinyi couldn't help shouting.

"I'll catch it!" Guo Yuankai said, going down to eat.

"Wait, how can we eat it after we catch it?" Yu Chuxue asked, "Can't you bake it?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, the grilled crabs were fine, but wouldn't it be a waste to grill such a good crab

Lu Yongyi looked at the cameraman behind him and asked, "Can you lend us your pot?"

The cameraman brought a big pot for cooking noodles. When they were preparing dinner last night, the group of cameramen was cooking noodles not far away.

The photographers hesitated, You Xingyu added, "In exchange, we will steam crabs for you to eat."

"Yeah, what's so delicious about noodles, the crabs in the wild must be plump and tender." Yu Chuxue continued to persuade.

Zhong Xinyi and Guo Yuankai immediately joined the persuasion army, "Now is the season to eat crabs, look at these crabs, they are not small in size, they must taste good."

Soon the two sides reached an agreement, after all, who would like to eat noodles instead of crabs. Lu Yongyi found a lot of branches, Guo Yuankai and others went down to the river to catch crabs. A string of crabs was strung on a branch, and each person carried a string back to the place where they cooked yesterday. Wash the pot with water and start steaming the crabs.

The crabs are very big, and the pot is not small, you can actually put twelve of them in at a time. Steaming crabs can be done without seasoning, and the method is simple. When cooking, everyone sat around and waited patiently. It took only a quarter of an hour for one pot to be steamed, and at the same time as the pot was coming out, everyone put in another twelve crabs, and when they finished eating, the next pot was steamed again.

The crabs here are indeed as Yu Chuxue said, plump and tender, Gong Qingyao ate three crabs, and went to the jungle to dig some mountain ginger and boiled water.

Crab is cold in nature and ginger is hot in nature, they can complement each other, Gong Qingyao doesn't need to say more, everyone drank a bowl of ginger water, "Sister Yao is more careful." Guo Yuankai did not forget to thank Gong Qingyao while drinking the ginger water.

"Follow Sister Yao, there is meat to eat." You Xingyu continued.

Lu Yongyi was a little helpless. Originally, he was the only one who knew how good Gong Qingyao was. After the last Qianping, everyone seemed to know how powerful Gong Qingyao was, but he was still very happy.

Lu Qianqian came out of the ring when she heard the crabs. Crabs are one of her favorite foods. When watching everyone eating, Lu Qianqian was almost hungry. Later, she saw Gong Qingyao digging ginger, and she was a little puzzled , "Master, there are several people here who are so annoying, why do you still take care of them?"

Gong Qingyao smiled, hating does not mean that this person is bad, if this person is bad in nature, it means that there is still room for improvement.

Everyone was very happy after eating the crabs. It was the first time they survived in the wild completely by themselves. After all, the farmers provided the ingredients before, but this time it was different. All the ingredients were from the wild.

"The challenge of this episode is coming to an end soon." Lu Yongyi said with some reluctance, he could only see Gong Qingyao during the recording of the show, and when the show was over, the two went their separate ways.

"Yes, many netizens are waiting to see what happens to us." Guo Yuankai laughed.

You Xingyu also laughed, apparently their reality show is already popular, "There are still about three hours until the end of the live broadcast?"

Netizens also brushed up their comments when they heard the discussion of the guests.

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, can I say that I'm just waiting to see what happens to the production team?"

"Emma, it's still half a day, I'm excited just thinking about it."

"Sit well and wait for something to happen."

"The closer it gets to the end, the more excited I get."

Seeing the increasing number of people watching the live broadcast, Mao Liqiang was very pleased, but when he read the comments from netizens, he almost vomited blood, and he silently said Gong Qingyao said that nothing would happen a hundred times, so he calmed down.

After eating the crabs, everyone started to walk back. After all, it was less than two hours before the end of the recording, and it was almost over when they went out.

On the way back, You Xingyu asked, "You guys said, where will the next episode be?" To be honest, he still liked the recording of this episode very much.

Guo Yuankai said, "I don't know, the production team is getting more and more mysterious now, we didn't say anything before we came."

"This is the fourth episode." Lu Yongyi said. At that time, the agreement was signed for the sixth episode. At that time, no one from the company came to this show, so he was pushed out. Now he is very grateful for such an opportunity.

"Well, there are two episodes left." Yu Chuxue replied, the reality show that was originally prepared for her ended up going astray, but her mood has also changed a lot.

"Are you coming next time?" Zhong Xinyi asked.

Guo Yuankai said affirmatively, "There are only two episodes. A person must have a beginning and an end, so he will definitely come." Who doesn't know that this show is popular now, and take advantage of the last two episodes to gain more fans.

"Come." Yu Chuxue said.

Gong Qingyao and others will also come, Zhong Xinyi said, "Okay, pray that we can finish recording the remaining two episodes smoothly."

Yu Chuxue didn't speak, but Zhong Xinyi's words seemed to be prepared for her in this show, maybe she climbed up to Qin Ze, and her speech was a little different.

Walking out of the jungle, Mao Liqiang's car was already waiting outside. He was relieved to see everyone coming. He faced the camera with a relaxed expression, "Dear netizens, our challenge for this issue is over here. See you next time."

You Xingyu and the others also waved at the screen.

The online screen finally froze on Mao Liqiang's weak smile. Netizens couldn't believe that nothing happened to this episode of the show.

"Fuck? Is it over?"

"Isn't it? Nothing happened?"

"Why do I always feel unbelievable."

"I still want to continue to wait, always feel that something will happen to them."

The six guests here got into the car one by one. Mao Liqiang watched the door close, started to leave, and heaved a sigh of relief, "No accident this time."

Mao Liqiang's voice was very low, but Gong Qingyao, who was sitting in the back row, heard it and said coldly, "Director Mao, what I said before is that nothing will happen during the recording."

Mao Liqiang thought about the scene at that time. He remembered asking Gong Qingyao if there would be no accidents during the recording. Gong Qingyao's reply was that nothing would happen during the recording. Thinking of this, Mao Liqiang immediately sat up straight, " Qingyao, what do you mean?" What does it mean.

Gong Qingyao looked out the window, but didn't speak.

Mao Liqiang always felt that his heart was flustered, and the rest of the people also looked at Gong Qingyao when they saw this scene.

Guo Yuankai was the first to ask, "Sister Yao, what will we meet?"


Everyone: What the hell

Gong Qingyao: Yes.

Mao Liqiang:? ? ? WHF