The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 48


Gong Qingyao plans to spend a whole day shopping for items today, so don't be in a hurry, and go shopping one store after another. Some stores here have been here before, and found that there are no new items, so they came in to have a look and then left.

Once again, he entered a store and came out within three minutes. Zheng Yuan seemed to have confirmed his thoughts, "The items in the store are generally updated slowly, and only after they are sold, will they fill the window with new items. This stall Although the items on the website are a bit inferior, they are often updated." The implication is that Gong Qingyao went to the pavement to browse, maybe he could find something good.

Hearing this, Gong Qingyao walked towards the booth. These things were indeed a little bit worse, but they were not seen a few times before. Seeing this, Gong Qingyao walked around carefully. After half a day, Gong Qingyao There are indeed some gains.

Seeing that it was already noon, Gong Qingyao planned to eat lunch before continuing to go shopping, when Ai Xiaoyun called, "Qingyao, have you returned to the imperial capital yet?" Gong Qingyao and Qin Ze had already left. I heard that she called Gong Qingyao a few days ago and found that she was not in the service area. No, she saw a big news this morning and guessed that there must be Gong Qingyao's handwriting. She dialed and got through.

"Well, I'm back." Gong Qingyao replied.

"Where are you? Will you be free here? I just had a few things to discuss with you." Ai Xiaoyun said.

Gong Qingyao said, "I'm in Shanggu Street."

"Okay, then I'll pick you up." Ai Xiaoyun said.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Yuan knew that Gong Qingyao had something to do, so he said to leave first.

Gong Qingyao said, "Leave after lunch." Compared with Zheng Yuan, who stayed with him all morning, he should treat him to a meal anyway. Since Ai Xiaoyun is coming over, the two directly chose Shanggu Street restaurants.

When Ai Xiaoyun came, he saw Gong Qingyao with a strange man, and almost didn't bring it up. Seeing someone coming to find Gong Qingyao, Zheng Yuan immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Thank you, Master Gong, then I'll go back first." gone."

After Zheng Yuan left, Ai Xiaoyun sat down next to Gong Qingyao, "Qingyao, you are quite famous now, so you have to pay attention."

"Huh?" Gong Qingyao didn't understand, what to pay attention to.

Ai Xiaoyun said in a low voice, "Dining out with a random man is easy to be photographed. If it is posted on the Internet, it will be bad if others talk nonsense."

It turned out to be this, Gong Qingyao wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin, stood up and said, "It's okay."

Ai Xiaoyun saw Gong Qingyao's calm face, and thought that he was a master, so he probably wasn't afraid, so he changed the subject, "By the way, the company recently received a script. The role of a female supporting role is not bad, the audition the day after tomorrow, are you going?"

For online dramas, Gong Qingyao also knows that due to certain themes or funding issues of the crew, some scripts will be broadcast directly on the Internet after filming, "Okay."

"The script is here with me, you can read it carefully at home these two days." Ai Xiaoyun said, Gong Qingyao has never acted in a TV series, and she doesn't know if Gong Qingyao can take it down.

"Okay." Gong Qingyao said.

Seeing that Gong Qingyao agreed so quickly, Ai Xiaoyun felt a little happy, "Don't you ask what drama it is?"

Gong Qingyao felt that Ai Xiaoyun would definitely check this aspect.

"By the way, I see that your Weibo is called Gong Qingyao, and I also think the Yao next to the word Wang is a bit common, how about you change your stage name to Gong Qingyao?" Ai Xiaoyun asked.

"Can this be done?" Gong Qingyao was taken aback.

"Of course." Ai Xiaoyun said.

Gong Qingyao thought for a while, "Also."

It just so happened that Ai Xiaoyun had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he took Gong Qingyao to change the name, and then the two returned to Gong Qingyao's residence. Ai Xiaoyun took out the book from his bag and handed it to Gong Qingyao, "You first After reading the script, I will change the information on the Internet."

Gong Qingyao took the script, "What to change?"

Ai Xiaoyun took out the computer, turned it on, and said, "Change Yao to Yao."

"No, just add another one." After Gong Qingyao finished speaking, she went to read the script.

Ai Xiaoyun felt that Gong Qingyao's formulation was also good, so he went to create a new encyclopedia entry, as well as a profile of the company's artists.

After a while, Gong Qingyao finished watching the script. This web drama is a time-travel love comedy. Gong Qingyao is familiar with what time-traveling and rebirth is. The love story of the prince.

Of course, there are also some female supporting roles in the play, such as the heroine’s friends, and the villain who also loves the prince, who has been embarrassing the heroine, and there is also a prince’s childhood sweetheart, but when the heroine passes by, this woman has passed away, and Gong Qingyao auditioned for the role of the prince's childhood sweetheart.

There are not many roles, but the acting is very pleasing. The prince's childhood sweetheart is named Yin Yiyi, and his temperament is very refined. This is not a problem for Gong Qingyao. Yin Yiyi does not have many lines in the play, and Gong Qingyao only I remembered it after watching it twice, and I was already thinking about how to perform these actions well.

Ai Xiaoyun came over to see Gong Qingyao who seemed to be in a daze after changing the information, and ran over, "Qingyao, what are you in a daze for, have you finished the script?"

"It's over." Gong Qingyao said.

Thinking that there are not many lines, it is normal to be able to finish watching, "You can look up related time-travel dramas on the Internet to find inspiration."

"Okay." Gong Qingyao would check some Weibo when she was free, and sometimes read some big V's comments on the acting skills of the actors in the most popular dramas on Weibo.

Ai Xiaoyun wanted to say something more, so the company called and said there was something urgent, "I'll pick you up early in the morning the day after tomorrow, remember to be ready."


When he reached the door, Ai Xiaoyun turned around and asked, "By the way, about the human traffickers in County Z in the northwest of the empire, are you going too?"

Gong Qingyao nodded in recognition.

Ai Xiaoyun had an expression that I guessed, "See you the day after tomorrow."

As soon as Ai Xiaoyun left, Lu Qianqian came out of the ring, "Master, I think what she just said is good, you can watch Menghui Dazhou, this drama is a classic."

"Okay." Gong Qingyao turned on the computer, and one person and one ghost began to sit in front of the computer and watch the drama. Although Lu Qianqian was an Internet celebrity, she really didn't know much about acting.

Gong Qingyao could only carefully check the expressions and movements of the actors in the script. It was not until the sky darkened that Gong Qingyao turned off the TV series, and then took out her mobile phone and started divination about the child's whereabouts. Although there were thirty divinations per day, However, the number of missing children has not decreased, on the contrary, it has continued to increase.

After dinner, just after taking a shower, Gong Qingyao heard Lu Qianqian shouting in front of the computer, "Master, come and see."

Gong Qingyao wiped her hair with a towel, then dried her hair with profound strength, and then sat down in front of the computer.

Lu Qianqian is very envious. She has a lot of hair, and it takes a long time to dry her hair after washing. If she knew that she could dry her hair like this, she also went to practice when she was alive. Seeing Gong Qingyao looking at the computer screen, Lu Qianqian said, "Master, everything in the village has been exposed." Lu Qianqian still remembers what Ai Xiaoyun said before he left. He just thought that Gong Qingyao had to do business first, so he suppressed his heart of gossip and waited for Gong Qing When Yao went to take a shower, he touched the computer.

Gong Qingyao was not surprised at all, such a big event would definitely cause a sensation in the society, the children they returned that day were no more than sixteen, and later the police went in, besides the original ones, there were eleven other children who were also abducted In addition, as many as 50 women were trafficked in the village.

After inquiring about the reasons for the abduction and trafficking of women, the interrogating policemen almost died of anger. They abducted and trafficked women because the original women in the village were unable to have children, or because they gave birth to many women, most of them were mentally insufficient.

The interrogating policeman slapped the table and asked angrily, "Haven't you ever thought that the reason lies with yourself?"

However, no one in the village thought it was their own fault. The abducted women couldn't bear children, so they continued to abduct them. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with them.

As soon as this incident was exposed, it immediately attracted the attention of the general public. When netizens were worried about the whereabouts of these children and women, the website for children's return was found out by everyone. A powerful netizen also revealed that when the person in charge of the child's return came out of the village, he brought back sixteen people.

For a while, netizens were saying that these women and children were able to go home because their children went home. Even though Qin Ze asked someone to post an announcement on the website, there were other people who rescued these women and children. Responsible for sending these children back. But netizens still think that it was the children who went home to do it.

Netizens also pointed out that the children were never charged for sending their children home, but that the found children would donate a sum of money to the website, which is equivalent to saying that this website has been doing good deeds. Netizens also found out that the children There is no office building at home, and it is only rented at present.

As soon as they heard this, all the netizens started to crowdfund donations, and the children went home and it was completely popular.

There were a lot of donations, Qin Ze thought about it, and simply opened a separate page on the webpage for the statistics of good and evil donations, and announced the details of these donations to the public. At the same time, Qin Ze ordered someone to post on Weibo, "The child returned Home V: Thank you for your love from people from all walks of life. We have received your donations. Here we promise that these funds will be used to escort children and women home and will not be used for other purposes. As for the office building, don’t worry, we are already building Yes. PS: The details of the bill can be found on the official website.”

Netizens heard that an office building was being built, but they didn’t mention the specific location. They wentssip one after another. In the end, someone found out that the office building where the child went home was built in the Imperial Dream Garden community, and now it is renamed the Light of Hope. Mengyuan Community is a well-known haunted building, and many people died. Some netizens guessed that such a building was chosen because they had no money, and some netizens speculated that the children went home to do good deeds, and they were not afraid of it.

Netizens were discussing lively. Gong Qingyao clicked on the follow-up news of the village. Since the matter involved a lot, the official did not release relevant content. However, with so many netizens paying attention, it must not be too late for the announcement .

Lu Qianqian said from the side, "These human traffickers should be sentenced to death."

Gong Qingyao still remembered the human trafficker she met for the first time when she came here. At that time, she said that she was taken out and beheaded, which stunned the police. Later, she learned about the laws of this era and realized that the death penalty is not so easy, but what Lu Qianqian said That's right, "Human Traffickers Don't End Well."

Philippe also bared his teeth, indicating that he agreed with this point of view.


It's already this time, and I haven't started preparing for the New Year's goods yet. .

Suddenly found that the express delivery is about to stop. . .