The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 73


"We remember the traffickers, but nothing seems to happen in County X?"

"Isn't Qianping just an earthquake?"

"You believe in earthquakes? I don't believe it anyway, but I don't know what happened."

"I always feel that they hesitate to speak, what happened?"

"Anyone go to Eighth?"

"Detectives, where are you, call!"

Zhong Xinyi found another topic, "Hongyan Village, do you still remember, I really like the villagers there, when shall we go again?"

"Aren't you afraid of motion sickness?" You Xingyu asked.

At that time, Zhong Xinyi was quite dizzy. Thinking of this, Zhong Xinyi's face drooped suddenly, "Qing Yao, next time you go, I want to buy some supplies, please help me bring them there, is that okay?"

"Okay." Gong Qingyao immediately agreed.

"And me." You Xingyu said.

"Okay." Gong Qingyao said.

During such a happy chat, it was noon, and after lunch, it was the afternoon, and the captain had already started to drive the boat back.

"I always feel that this challenge has passed so quickly." You Xingyu said.

"Yeah, I'm starting to look forward to the next recording." Yu Chuxue said, it's actually good to worry about three meals a day without looking at your phone. Annoyance.

"Me too." Lu Yongyi said, once he got off the shore, he would not see Gong Qingyao for a long time again.

"Let's go back and ask Director Mao, when will the next recording be." Zhong Xinyi said.

Just when everyone was reluctant to leave, everyone could already see the coast, and the sky had already darkened. When they reached the shore completely, everyone seemed to find that the next door had been sealed off. Seeing a few guests coming down, Mao Liqiang waved his hand, and then quickly Said to the main camera, "This challenge ends here, see you next time."

After speaking, the signal was cut off directly.

"??? Why so fast."

"Didn't Mao Liqiang usually say a lot of clichés?"

"Did something happen here again?"

"I searched for it online."

"Stop conspiracy theories ahead, maybe nothing will happen."

Netizens were discussing lively, Mao Liqiang looked serious, and simply said to everyone, "There is an accident in the sea here, everyone go straight back to the car."

Gong Qingyao was about to go back into the car, but Lu Qianqian floated out of the ring. Lu Qianqian didn't expect that after realizing what Gong Qingyao said, she felt that the yin energy in her body soared and broke through the fifth level of ghosts. road.

But Lu Qianqian knew that now was not the time to talk about this, she said, "Master, there are people of the same kind in the sea over there."

Gong Qingyao sensed it carefully, and then realized that something was wrong. The ghosts under the sea seemed to be quite capable, and there was a formation around them, which made Gong Qingyao ignore the existence of Yin Qi for a while.

Gong Qingyao walked straight into a dark place, Lu Yongyi was about to pull Gong Qingyao, but Zhong Xinyi said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to Qingyao."

Lu Yongyi knew Gong Qingyao's ability, but he couldn't stop worrying.

When Mao Liqiang saw Gong Qingyao passing by, he knew that things were not that simple, "Everyone get back in the car first, we will wait for Qingyao in front."

Lu Yongyi and others had no choice but to return to the car.

This side was blocked, Mao Liqiang would have been driven away if he hadn't been waiting for Gong Qingyao and his party.

When Gong Qingyao was walking towards the fence, she heard someone shouting into the walkie-talkie, "No. 3, No. 3, please call back."

However, there was only a sizzling sound, and the person who called out shook his head.

When the people around saw Gong Qingyao approaching, they immediately said impatiently, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Gong Qingyao ignored the man and walked straight ahead. The man was about to stop Gong Qingyao, but felt an invisible wall blocking her. The search and rescue personnel on the shore heard the movement and came over one after another. Gong Qingyao didn't want to talk to these people, so she jumped into the sea.

When they ran over, they saw someone jumping off, "Captain, what should we do?"

Yi Ran, who was called the captain, had a bad complexion. He looked at the interceptors, "Jin Peng, what are you doing?"

Jin Peng's expression was a little dull, as if he didn't hear Yi Ran's question, the person at the side patted Jin Peng, "What's wrong with you kid, the captain is asking you something."

Only now did Jin Peng see Yi Ran standing in front of him, and he said in a daze, "Captain, when I went to stop that woman just now, I suddenly found that there seemed to be a wall in front of me, and then I couldn't move."

The person on the side said, "Captain, this matter..." is a bit strange.

When Yi Ran was thinking about his next work plan, he heard someone shout, "There is movement on the sea."

From the eyes of everyone, it seemed that there were two figures, Gong Qingyao quickly threw them on the surface of the sea, and then dived into the bottom of the sea again.

Yi Ran and the others looked at each other, and quickly ran to the man.

"It's Xiao Hui!" Someone said.

Xiao Hui was the previous search and rescue No. 3. After Yi Ran passed by, he was relieved to find that the other party was still breathing. Then, several people were thrown into the sea. Everyone saw that they were all missing tonight. Fortunately, everyone was fine. After Gong Qingyao saved everyone, she went ashore directly to Mao Liqiang's car.

After Gong Qingyao jumped into the sea just now, everyone saw it, but now they saw that there was not a trace of wetness on Gong Qingyao's clothes, so they were a little shocked.

"Let's go." After Gong Qingyao sat down, she said lightly.

Even though Mao Liqiang had thousands of questions he wanted to ask, he could only say, "Let's go."

After doing a good job of comforting Yi Ran, he found that Gong Qingyao had disappeared. As a special department, Yi Ran quickly learned that the girl tonight was called Gong Qingyao, and got Gong Qingyao's contact information.

Gong Qingyao in the hotel had just finished taking a shower and changed her clothes when she received a call from Yi Ran.

After the call was connected, Yi Ran took the initiative to introduce himself, "Hi, I'm Yi Ran, the search and rescue personnel at Yuhai Sea tonight."

Gong Qingyao replied, "Is there something wrong?"

The voice was different from what Yi Ran thought, I didn't expect a little girl's voice to be so cold, "Thank you very much for your help in the evening."

"No need." Gong Qingyao said.

Yi Ran knew that if he didn't say anything else, the other party would definitely hang up the phone, "That's right, I want to ask you, is there some special reason for what happened at night."

"What is the special reason you mentioned?" Gong Qingyao asked back.

After waking up, several search personnel said that they saw a cloud of black gas in the sea, and then they found that their limbs could not move.

"Like a ghost?" Yi Ran said.

Gong Qingyao didn't speak.

Apparently, Yi Ran knew the reason very well. Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Yi Ran said, "Can you please keep it a secret?" This is the purpose of Yi Ran's call. There are ghosts, the empire is still in chaos.

"Is there anything else?" Gong Qingyao asked.

Yi Ran replied, "No."

Gong Qingyao hung up the phone.

Yi Ran touched his nose, then turned on his computer, and entered the three characters Gong Qingyao on the web page, the first one that appeared was the other party's Weibo, Yi Ran clicked in, and found that the other party's Weibo profile turned out to be Master of metaphysics, for a moment, Yi Ran didn't know what was going on in his mind.

After Gong Qingyao sat down on the sofa, she drew out a cloud of yin energy from the ring. This yin energy was discovered at the bottom of the sea when Gong Qingyao was saving someone. At that time, Gong Qingyao directly put the other party into the ring. After the ghost came out, he stood aside shiveringly. There was a tall man opposite him, and there was a ghost of such a high level beside him. It was really scary.

In fact, Gong Qingyao didn't expect that, he thought that the level of ghosts in Haixia would be very high, but he never thought that it was a little ghost who hadn't broken through to the first level.

Lu Qianqian who was standing next to Gong Qingyao said, "Speak."

The ghost trembled even more.

"Why are you shaking!" Lu Qianqian looked puzzled.

Yin Hun fell to the ground with a slap.

Lu Qianqian: ...

Is she that scary

Gong Qingyao said, "Give him some yin energy."

In fact, Lu Qianqian was afraid of ghosts in her heart, but after seeing ghosts afraid of her, she was no longer afraid. Lu Qianqian raised her hand to give the ghost a little bit of yin.

The ghost suddenly felt much better. He lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, "Master, big brother, please forgive me. I really didn't do anything harmful."

If it weren't for this ghost being interrogated now, Lu Qianqian couldn't help but laugh out loud. She turned into a big boss in people's mouths. She adjusted her facial expression, "Say, why are you hurting people in the sea?"

Yin Soul shook his head again and again, "How dare I."

Lu Qianqian scolded angrily, "You still say you don't dare!"

"I'm wronged, I've been swimming in the sea, but today something fell into the sea, and I felt so cloudy, and then I saw someone coming down at night, so I ran over involuntarily." The last voice that Yinhun said was almost like a mosquito. so-so.

"Are you going to suck people's yang energy by running over there?" Lu Qianqian asked.

Yin Hun immediately shook his head like a rattle, "I don't know why, but there is an idea in my heart telling me to do this."

Gong Qingyao asked, "What item?"

Yinhun paused for a while before realizing the question Gong Qingyao asked, "The appearance looks like a brand, and it looks very ordinary." After saying this, Yinhun kowtowed excitedly, "Master, you have to trust me, I Never hurt anyone before."

Gong Qingyao was thoughtful, probably because this item arranged a formation around it, isolating the Yin Qi from the outside, and because of this item, ghosts also used this item to absorb the Yang Qi of living people.

Lu Qianqian said impatiently, "Stop knocking, you are a ghost and not a human being, so you can't feel the pain."

Yinhun paused for a moment, and sure enough, he stopped kowtowing. Lu Qianqian looked at Gong Qingyao, "What should we do now?"

"Back to Yuhai." Originally, the place where he lived was not far from Yuhai, and with Gong Qingyao being able to fly with power, he returned to Yuhai with one person and two souls after a while.

Yin Soul didn't want to go at first, but he could only silently follow the two god-like figures in front of him.

Although the person had been rescued, a cordon was still drawn outside Yu Hai, and a sign was erected not far away. Gong Qingyao dived into the sea again, and Lu Qianqian and Yin Soul followed to find the object. After a while, Lu Qianqian floated over and pointed in a certain direction in the sea. Gong Qingyao swam over, the sign seemed to be made of wood, but it sank in the sea, presumably it was not ordinary wood.

Gong Qingyao was about to get the sign, but at this moment, she saw a big change in the bottom of the sea.


I had a dream when I was young, dreaming that my best friend turned into a ghost. .

Then I wanted to go home, but there were a lot of ghosts in my house, and I felt so scary at the time.

I asked my friend to go with me.

My friend said, no, I'm afraid of ghosts.

I said, but aren't you a ghost? .

Then, I woke up laughing at myself. . 2333333333

Thank you little angel lazy mine~~