The Master of Metaphysics is The Movie Queen

Chapter 87


If Gong Qingyao knew Wen Cheng's thoughts, she would probably feel a little helpless. She really wanted to teach everyone what she had learned, but it's a pity that what she taught and accepted today was all the basic content of metaphysics, because she found that today's metaphysics people, even the metaphysics The foundation is not solid yet, so I really want to continue to study in depth.

Gong Qingyao suddenly felt a little melancholy, it seemed that it would be a long road to carry forward metaphysics.

The party is a table for every ten people. Most people don't drink alcohol, so they finished eating quickly. Some stayed to communicate with others, and some went home first. When Qing Yao spoke, Gong Qing Yao probably left here long ago. The people who were talking only heard a scream from outside.

Then a person rushed in in a panic, "It's not good, we're trapped here."

"What's the meaning?"

"What does it mean to be trapped?"

Liao Yehong and Tang Ruihe looked at each other and walked outside, and Gong Qingyao also walked out together.

The exit of the hall was full of people. At this moment, someone was still rushing out, but when he got to the door, he was bounced back, and then fell unconscious. Tang Ruihe hurried over and cut the person's veins. Found that the pulse was disturbed, "Call an ambulance quickly."

But no matter how much he shouted, he couldn't get out, and the scene fell into panic at random.

"What to do, we are controlled by the demon law!"

"Do we want us to wait here to die?"

"How good is this?"

All in all, these are some famous metaphysics masters, but they are so fussed about something at this moment.

Gong Qingyao shouted, "Be quiet."

The hall fell silent in an instant, Gong Qingyao first walked up to the fainted person, and gave him a bit of mysterious energy to enter, only to see the person slowly wake up, then he pointed to the entrance and exit, his eyes showed a look of horror.

Seeing this scene, the crowd panicked again, Gong Qingyao stepped forward, and Liao Yehong called out, "Master Gong."

"No problem." Gong Qingyao lightly touched the void with her hand, and then pushed herself out with a force, which was several times heavier than what she had just pushed.

Gong Qingyao understood that it turned out that a formation was arranged, and once the force was greater, the rebound would be greater. This is why the harder people push, the more seriously they are injured.

Gong Qingyao asked, "It's just a formation, can someone understand it?"

The formation method here is very simple, but Gong Qingyao really wanted to know if anyone present could understand it, so when he looked around, everyone lowered their heads, not to say that none of them knew the formation method. The formations were all simple feng shui formations. After seeing this formation today, I felt that the formation I had set up was too childish.

Tang Rui said softly, "Let me try." Just now, because of the disordered pulse, he was a little flustered for a while, but seeing that Gong Qingyao was calm and composed, he was not so anxious, so he walked forward and began to surround the hall Walk, stop in place after walking around.

Gong Qingyao looked at him, "Have you found anything?"

Tang Ruihe looked ashamed, "Only found seven formations." If you haven't found one formation, you can't see through the entire formation, let alone figure out where the formation is located.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised when they heard the first half of the sentence, but they were a little frustrated when they heard the last few words. Even Tang Ruihe couldn't break the line. Are they really unable to get out today

Gong Qingyao nodded, and then ordered, "There is a position where the foot of the formation is the same as the center of the formation."

This formation is somewhat confusing, it makes everyone mistakenly think that there are eight formations, but they can't find the last one, but the fact is that there are only six formations in this formation, and the position of the formation is disguised as the eye of the formation.

Everyone was stunned, thinking that Gong Qingyao would not be able to set up the formation. After all, just now everyone heard her asking who would be able to dismantle the formation. Seeing that Gong Qingyao poured out the essence of this formation, they realized the first half of what Gong Qingyao said The words are "it's just a formation", which means that people not only know how to set up formations, but also have already seen the key to breaking formations.

After Gong Qingyao's dialing, Tang Ruihe Dun said excitedly, "Give me five minutes."

Tang Ruihe walked around the hall again, and after a while he looked excitedly at a certain place in the hall, where a vase was placed, Tang Ruihe picked it up and smashed it down, and saw There is air flowing around.

The person who came in from the exit stretched out his hand to test it lightly, and after that there was no obstacle, and then he shouted happily, "The formation is solved."

Everyone was about to shout that Mr. Tang was amazing, but they only heard Gong Qingyao say, "Not good!"

Immediately, the surroundings suddenly changed, and the hall that was originally still in the daytime was immediately shrouded in darkness.

Now in panic again, some people began to scream, and some people bumped into the wall. These people all showed pain on their faces. Tang Ruihe's face was a little pale, and Liao Yehong suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch his neck.

Gong Qingyao lost the profound energy to Liao Yehong, who instantly woke up and shuddered, "I..."

Gong Qingyao said, "Steady your mind and recite the Book of Changes silently."

Some well-behaved people immediately sat cross-legged, calmed their minds, and recited the Book of Changes, and those who were slightly worse were much more miserable. In short, the scene was miserable.

Gong Qingyao sat cross-legged, and began to meditate. Gong Qingyao's voice was originally cold, and now it contained profound strength, it sounded very ethereal. The screams began to decrease, and she was struggling to calm her mind. Woke up and began to read the Book of Changes. After an hour, the scene finally quieted down.

All the masters of metaphysics were still terrified. Today’s events were really scary. At the same time, they were also full of gratitude. If it wasn’t for Gong Qingyao, they didn’t know what they would do. Then they would suddenly fall into the environment and feel someone pinching them. Or the whole body hurts so much that you just want to hit the wall, which is very painful.

Seeing that everyone was awake, Gong Qingyao said, "We have entered another formation now, everyone must concentrate." Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will fall into the blind spot.

Unexpectedly, the opponent has arranged a formation within a formation, and there is a dark formation in the bright formation. The one just now was the bright formation, but now they are in the dark formation, this time Gong Qingyao didn't let everyone decipher it, because even she herself needs some time to break through this formation.

The rest of the people felt a dangerous atmosphere, Tang Ruihe looked around, not to mention the eyes of the formation, this time he couldn't even see the formation. Gong Qingyao walked to the door vigilantly, watched for a while and then pushed the door open, only to see that the original road had turned into a vast expanse of land.

"Ah, where is this?"

"Look quickly!" Someone pointed his finger not far away.

Everyone looked at where the man pointed, and it was a grave.

"Ah!" Suddenly there was a scream.

"What are you arguing about? Don't forget what you do!" Tang Ruihe couldn't help shouting. Although Tang Ruihe didn't have profound energy in him, after all, he had studied metaphysics for many years, so his voice was full of air.

Everyone finally calmed down, yes, they are masters of metaphysics, why are they so restless when they encounter something now.

A ghost floated towards Gong Qingyao at the front, someone pointed at the ghost, "Be careful", Gong Qingyao took out a talisman paper, and then she glanced at Wen Cheng, it was Wen Cheng who sent out the caution just now.

At the moment when he turned his head, Wen Cheng pointed to the front again and shouted, "A lot of ghosts!"

Anyone who is familiar with the Wen family knows that this kid Wen Cheng has yin and yang eyes. To put it bluntly, he can see ghosts, but this kid is full of righteousness, so these ghosts dare not approach him on weekdays. This is why people with yin and yang eyes are generally weak, but Wen Cheng is not.

Seeing this cloud of ghosts, Gong Qingyao took out the broken soul on his body and said, "Stand back." While speaking, Gong Qingyao pushed the people around him two meters away with his profound energy.

Gong Qingyao quickly removed the knife sheath, and the evil spirit gushed out instantly. Gong Qingyao slashed down with the knife, and more than half of the ghosts were lost, but in the blink of an eye, more ghosts came than before. Gong Qingyao herself is not afraid, it's just that there are too many innocent people here, and Gong Qingyao flew into the air and began to form formations while beheading these ghosts with the broken soul.

The person standing in front was a little stunned, "Fly, did you fly?"

Liao Yehong suppressed his surprise and shouted, "What are you doing in a daze, you won't help!"

Everyone reacted, and started to take the talisman paper, and the magic weapon. There are a lot of ghosts here, more and more are killed, and the yin energy is getting stronger and stronger, so gradually, many people unexpectedly Can see a shadow clearly. This group of people began to use their own abilities, hoping to help some, but they joined forces to clean up the ghosts that slipped through the net.

Gong Qingyao is generally setting up the formation, and at the same time vaguely feels that this formation is somewhat familiar, but the situation is urgent at the moment, and Gong Qingyao cannot be distracted. She must quickly set up the formation. Sooner or later, he would either die from exhaustion or be killed by ghosts in this formation.

Thinking of this, Gong Qingyao sped up even more.

Everyone just heard "Broken!"

Then the darkness in front of them turned into a thick fog, and everyone looked nervous, maybe there was still a formation. The dense fog slowly disappeared, and the surroundings returned to normal.

"Is the expert okay?" Tang Ruihe asked first, and she found that Gong Qingyao was standing not far in front, motionless.

Gong Qingyao turned around, "Let everyone leave first."

Tang Ruihe nodded, and then he and Liao Yehong immediately organized everyone to leave, including the staff who were still in the office building.

Tang Rui and Wang Gong Qingyao walked around on the first floor and asked, "But what's the problem?"

"Not sure." Gong Qingyao said, "I need to see this building."

"I'll accompany you." Tang Ruihe said.

"No need." After Gong Qingyao finished speaking, she lifted her foot and left.

Tang Ruihe saw that Gong Qingyao, who was originally on the first floor, suddenly appeared on the second floor, and then came to the opposite position just now, and then disappeared.

Tang Ruihe swallowed, even though he knew that Gong Qingyao was very powerful, Gong Qingyao still broke through his cognition again and again today.

After Liao Yehong arranged for the staff to leave, seeing his master in a daze, he walked over and sighed, "I don't know if the elder has accepted his disciples."

Tang Ruihe glanced at Liao Yehong thoughtfully.

Liao Yehong immediately said, "Master, I don't mean that, I just think that someone should inherit the elder's ability." Although Gong Qingyao is still young, there should be someone who can succeed her.

Tang Ruihe looked upstairs, thinking silently, it would be great if Gong Qingyao could accept him as an apprentice.

Half an hour later, Gong Qingyao returned to the first floor, and Tang Ruihe and Liao Yehong hurried up to meet her, "Is there a problem?"

"No." After Gong Qingyao finished speaking, she left the ancient city building first. There is indeed no problem here, but it is just like this that makes it even more strange. Gong Qingyao walked to the parking lot, drove away, and when she suddenly drove at a certain intersection, Gong Qingyao slammed on the brakes.

By the way, why did she forget one thing!


Put the lid on the pot and run away. . .