The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 12: Cannon fodder is original


The protagonist Gong and the protagonist Shou both have the same brain circuits, maybe this is the reason for their mutual attraction.

Wu Siyuan was disgusted by Shi Yuanbai's coming, and Jiang Jingtong came over to connect with him.

Jiang Jingtong was obviously someone who didn't want to let go. Apart from being grateful to Wu Siyuan for helping him successfully pursue Shi Yuanbai, he suddenly said a lot of inexplicable things that seemed plausible.

"Sometimes, I don't know why, I think of you."

"There seems to be something else besides gratitude."

"Don't worry about me, just treat me as confused."

Who cares about you, leave now. Seeing these two people one day, Wu Siyuan only felt unlucky.

Xiaoyou told him that after traveling with Shi Yuanbai, Jiang Jingtong came to him again. And he didn't shy away from telling Xiaoyou that the two of them are already together, but if Xiaoyou doesn't mind, you can continue to follow him, but don't think about getting a title or anything.

Wu Siyuan asked: "Didn't he dislike you before, why are you all right again?"

Xiaoyou replied: "Maybe he hasn't found another better lover yet?"

"Then you can figure it out yourself." Wu Siyuan said,

Wu Siyuan felt that Jiang Jingtong and Shi Yuanbai were really married, so their married life should be very exciting.

Maybe one day, when the two go to open rooms with their lovers separately, they will meet when they go through the formalities.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

Wu Siyuan smiled, and quickly shared his fun with his roommate.

Wu Siyuan still focused on his studies, so he found an agent to help manage the company. It was recommended by his father. In fact, Zhang Lianze also recommended it. Considering all the conditions, Wu Siyuan still chose the one recommended by his father.

So far everything is going well, except that school life is not going well.

Wu Siyuan was a little afraid of being attacked by the protagonist and the two took turns to check in. He was afraid that he would accidentally spit it out.

I heard that Shi Yuanbai's family has recently had a quarrel over the inheritance. Shi Yuanbai's father was dismissed by the old director, that is, his grandfather, and retired from the general manager. He will not need to deal with all the company's affairs in the future.

Just like Shi Yuanbai, just earn a dividend at home.

Originally, at this time, Shi Yuanbai could get a little more shares. And now, not at all.

Because of his father's affairs, Shi Yuanbai finally confirmed that his drugging Shi Yuze had been exposed.

No wonder the family's attitude towards him has changed so much. Although his parents have always said that they are on his side, no matter what his mother says, in fact, his parents are not willing to come to have dinner with him.

Now his brother, Shi Yuze, won't meet him anymore.

If he dared to make a fuss, he might even find a way to take back the remaining shares that belonged to him.

At the end of Shi Yuanbai's semester, he began to talk about marriage with Jiang Jingtong. He felt that this was his only way out at present, as long as he and Jiang Jingtong joined forces, they would definitely be able to seize the power of the Shi family.

In addition, because of his grandfather's decision, his parents are now on his side.

His father is very clear about all kinds of things and inside stories of the company, and with the manpower he had placed in the company before, he would definitely be able to snatch the company from Shi Yuze.

Shi Yuanbai told Jiang Jingtong about his ambition, and Jiang Jingtong was of course interested.

In fact, he had already asked his parents to contact Shi Yuze. Now that he heard Shi Yuanbai say that, he was even more interested.

Jiang Jingtong felt that joining forces with Shi Yuanbai was a good proposal.

For this reason, they got engaged directly during the winter vacation. But the official marriage will be after graduation.

Shi Yuanbai still didn't seem to give up on going abroad, so Wu Siyuan was the one he was most looking forward to and most worried about about their formal marriage.

In order to stabilize the friendly army and not to act too quickly, Wu Siyuan kept talking about his interests with Chen Xuyao.

Fortunately, Shi Yuze also wanted Shi Yuanbai to get the certificate with Jiang Jing smoothly. He wanted to know what his good brother would continue to do.

In order to ensure that the two get married smoothly and that there will be no accidents in the remaining six months, Wu Siyuan is worried.

When they are not together, I worry about how to make them go together.

After being together, worrying that Jiang Jingtong's disgusting things would be discovered by Shi Yuanbai, and at the same time worried that Shi Yuanbai's things would be discovered by Jiang Jingtong, Wu Siyuan felt that he had lost a lot of hair recently.

Also, the two are really a pair of fishing masters. Officially together and engaged, they started fishing again.

Two baits were placed in front of Wu Siyuan, waiting for him to take the bait. Except for the overseas fish, the fish in Shi Yuanbai's fish pond have been cleaned up. It seems that new fish have entered his fish pond recently.

This is a fish that wants to compete with Jiang Jing. Before Shi Yuanbai and Jiang Jing were not officially together, this fish has always spoken uprightly and has not taken the bait.

Now, they are engaged. The fish's damned desire to win and lose appeared.

He just wanted to win against Jiang Jingtong, he didn't care what aspect he won.

This fish is called Huang Zixuan, because Jiang Jingtong has always been someone else's child, so Huang Zixuan hates him very much.

Then I got used to comparing myself with Jiang Jing, as long as I was better than Jiang Jing.

Now, as long as Jiang Jing is green, he will be successful.

In the plot, this Huang Zixuan also tried to hook up with the original owner. It's a pity that the original owner didn't like him. After Jiang Jingtong found out, he wiped out the Huang family.

But Shi Yuanbai has his eyes on him.

According to gossip, Huang Zixuan has invited Shi Yuanbai to dinner several times. Jiang Jingtong was also a little skeptical, so he finally asked Wu Siyuan for help.

—You seem to have gotten very close to Yuan Bai recently, do you know who else he has dinner with recently

Wu Siyuan replied quickly, Jiang Jingtong received the news very quickly, obviously the places where Shi Yuanbai and Huang Zixuan went were very confidential.

Huang Zixuan is a serious person, it is impossible for him to expose it before Jiang Jingtong received his certificate.

—Brother Shi came to me because I am your CP fan, and he asked me to give him some advice on how to make the wedding look good.

Jiang Jingtong didn't mind that Gu Siyuan didn't answer another topic, he was also very interested in the wedding.

-Oh? So what advice did you give him.

—Honestly, no. This can only be done by professionals. But if possible, it would be best if it was that big.

This way, the whole world will know that you are married.

It's best that the system can judge how happy and happy you two scumbags were at that time through the wedding.

— Indeed, our wedding must be large and grand. Did he say, with whom has he played better recently

Wu Siyuan thought for a while and typed a few words.

— Eight out of the ten sentences of Senior Brother Shi refer to Senior Brother Jiang. I really don’t know the rest.

Seeing what Wu Siyuan said, Jiang Jingtong felt relieved. It seems that he was worrying too much. Shi Yuanbai and Huang Zixuan were quite familiar with each other before, so this should be just a normal social interaction.

Wu Siyuan was a little annoyed, you, the King of the Sea, you always go fishing when you go fishing, how did you get discovered

As a fake CP fan, he still had to work hard, Wu Siyuan organized his language, and then sent a message to Shi Yuanbai.

—Senior Brother Shi, you and Senior Brother Jiang really never let go of the opportunity to give me dog food every day.

Shi Yuanbai looked at it in a daze, and distributed dog food? Knowing that Gu Siyuan's brain circuit is abnormal, he usually thinks that he is showing off the things he did with Jiang Jing, and picks out sweets from plain sentences. However, he did not speak to Gu Siyuan at all today.

So, it was Jiang Jingtong who went to look for Gu Siyuan

Fortunately, Gu Siyuan would tell him everything about Jiang Jingtong looking for him every time. So Shi Yuanbai never suspected that Gu Siyuan and Jiang Jing would have problems together.

What is Jiang Jingtong looking for Gu Siyuan this time.

— What did he do to you

—Brother Jiang must be jealous, wondering if you and I meet often. Then worry about whether you often meet with other people, and whether he is not doing well somewhere.

Shi Yuanbai's heart skipped a beat, almost thinking that Jiang Jingtong had discovered something.

He calmed down, sorted out the recent things, and then replied to Gu Siyuan.

—He just likes to be suspicious.

— That's why I said Brother Jiang is here to send candy again, he just cares about you too much!

Shi Yuanbai breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Gu Siyuan sent him this message. It seems that someone told Jiang Jingtong that he and Huang Zixuan went out to eat together. In this way, he thought of a way.

Now he has to marry Jiang Jingtong to turn things around, so Jiang Jingtong must not be suspicious.

Shi Yuanbai began to slow down his pace, reducing contact with Huang Zixuan and others. He often stays by Jiang Jingtong's side, and goes out with him.

Jiang Jingtong really believed what Gu Siyuan said before, and Shi Yuanbai was really worried about getting married.

Then, as if to appease Shi Yuanbai, he said happily: "Don't worry, our wedding must be the biggest and most grand."

Not only to reassure Shi Yuanbai, but also to appease the aristocratic family that cooperated with them, they will never fail.

Shi Yuanbai didn't know why Jiang Jingtong said this suddenly, but he was very relieved to hear that Jiang Jingtong really took it seriously. It's not that he hasn't heard that the Jiang family has been going downhill recently, but hearing Jiang Jingtong's tone now should be a trivial matter.

It's normal to have business rivals, and it's normal to be intercepted by others. For the Jiang family, it should be a trivial matter.

Jiang Jing kept things in the company under wraps with him, and no one except his opponent knew about it.

Shi Yuanbai's suitor told him, but unfortunately Shi Yuanbai didn't believe it at all. Coupled with Wu Siyuan's operation, these new suitors discovered that Jiang Jingtong was really Shi Yuanbai's true love, and they also began to reduce the number of times they met.

Wu Siyuan finally felt that this kind of management method could really keep brainwashing.

No wonder the entertainment industry often has marketing accounts that keep posting rumors, but some people still believe it. Some things have been done too much, and some people must believe it.

Obviously, Jiang Jing and the two parties did not feel that they were in love with each other, but the others seemed to think that they were too well matched and happy.

It seems that after graduation and marriage, this wave has stabilized.