The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 19: The cannon fodder is the original match (spoiler)


Wu Siyuan thought that he would stay in this world until the end of his life.

A system that hadn't appeared for several years suddenly cheated.

"Host, hurry up, we are leaving."

Wu Siyuan said in a daze: "Ah? Then what about this body?"

The system quickly said: "Ah, the original owner will come back. The Lord God said that you have finished the work of this world, just go to the next game."

Hearing this, Wu Siyuan said, "I should have done it perfectly, right?"

The system asked in confusion: "Do you think they are living happily?"

Wu Siyuan said as a matter of course: "Isn't the task to make them avoid detours and promote the finale of their mutual love?"

The system continued to ask: "Are they in love with each other?"

In fact, the system doesn't know the current results, it just received the request of the main god, and hurriedly took Wu Siyuan away.

I don't know how the lord god cut it off, but the original lord who was supposed to go to the new world finally agreed to come back to this world. Take over this body again.

Fortunately, the host did not do anything to the original owner's body, and there was nothing to clean up.

Wu Siyuan replied without even thinking, "They must love each other. Look at the plot you gave me. The story only ends after one year of their marriage. Look at how many years they have been married now. I didn't let them Don't take detours, just get married, or marry each other with love, is there any problem?"

The system crashed a bit, and the main god told it that the host had completed the mission and there was no need to stay in this world. At that time, the tone of the speech was a little heavy and a little eager.

The system doesn't know if this counts as completion.

The system asked: "Are they in love now?"

Wu Siyuan continued to use affection and reason, "As the saying goes, beating is love, scolding is love. They don't quarrel often, which is enough to prove that they are in love. Wearing cuckolds to each other is just for fun. Do you think they have any opinions? There are many strange things in the world, and they are just a couple of lovers. We can’t change this taste of others, so it can simply be considered that they are not in love.”

The system is puzzled, "Is this really the case?"

Wu Siyuan shrugged and said, "That's it. When they got married, they were moved to tears. Also, I think you can apply for the Lord God to reward us. In the original plot, how many people were killed by the protagonist?" There is nowhere to go, even death. Now, except for the two protagonists, everyone else is living very well."

The system asked cautiously: "Is it really possible to apply?"

It was successfully fooled by Wu Siyuan, and it also thought it was very good. The system also has KPIs. Sometimes due to host reasons, the small world dies too much, and their systems will be criticized. If it is serious, the system will be destroyed without proper reason.

Now that the host took action, one person survived, and the life trajectory of other cannon fodders was changed. The system also felt that it could apply for a reward.

When taking Wu Siyuan to another world, the system was doing two things at once, and a request for rewards was sent to the main god.

After the Lord God saw it, "...".

Look at Wu Siyuan's ratings, and then look at this request for rewards, it's outrageous!

After the original owner Gu Siyuan returned to his body, it seemed like he had a big dream. He lay in bed all day, digesting the information he knew.

First, there is a thing that claims to be the Lord God, allowing him to see what will happen in the future.

At that time, he didn't think much about it, and gave up his body disheartened.

For that so-called love, he harmed others and himself. Stupid, he believed the lies woven by that so-called lover and husband, not only killed himself, but also made his important family members impoverished and rushed to death.

It's ridiculous that he actually thought that Jiang Jing would turn back for his prodigal son, and would give up a forest for him to cultivate himself.

His friends drifted away from him and eventually stopped keeping him sober.

Obviously, the conditions at home are not too bad, and I can study well. In order to let Jiang Jingtong feel the warmth of the family, I actually quit working, gave up my career, and was willing to be a full-time nanny.

However, he can't even compare to a nanny, how much is a full-time nanny a month. Not only did he not get a penny, but he also provided the body.

In the end, Jiang Jingtong disliked him for nothing.

What's even more ridiculous is that after Shi Yuanbai returned to China, he finally knew who Jiang Jingtong really loved.

And he, even Jiang Jingtong's lover, is not as noble as Jiang Jingtong's.

After the divorce, he was framed by Shi Yuanbai to drug him, and had sex with Shi Yuanbai's brother.

Jiang Jingtong actually called him cheap and even sent someone to beat him up.

Hahaha, this is love.

He and Shi Yuze didn't end well, they died one after another.

And his family, in order to help him avenge and find out the truth, went bankrupt.

However, the bad guys were not punished by law in the end.

What a ridiculous life.

Gu Siyuan knew it was true, and it wasn't the main god who deceived him in order to make him give up his body. Looking at what will happen in the future, Gu Siyuan already felt the same way. As if this had actually happened to him once.

At that time, he resolutely gave up his body, but he didn't expect that now, he would still have a chance to get his body back.

In fact, his soul is already lined up, ready to go to the new world. Suddenly, he was captured by the man who claimed to be the Lord God, and stuffed back into this world.

When he was about to enter this body, he vaguely heard the Lord God say something.

"Fortunately, we caught up. Let him be in this world again, and the plot will be messed up."

Gu Siyuan opened his eyes, and he didn't know what earth-shattering things had been done by the person who replaced him in this world before, which made the main god so scared.

He digested all the memories of the people sent by the Lord God to this world.

Comparing with myself at that time, it is true that people should not be too naive.

When that person came to this world, he didn't realize that Jiang Jingtong was the object of his mission. Everyone knew that Jiang Jingtong was not a good person.

If it was him, he would foolishly think that Jiang Jingtong had a crush on him.

Seeing that Siyuan fooling Jiang Jingtong and Shi Yuanbai around, and teaming up with his roommate and friend.

His "last life" was a real failure.

And his parents, in this life, how happy and free they lived.

That Siyuan carried forward his father's company and his father's hard work.

And he, not to mention going to the next level in his father's company, actually gave up his beloved career.

Using that thought of Siyuan, at this time, it should be said, outrageous.

What's more, there are only zero or countless times of derailment. You must not believe what the cheating man said, that he will be single-minded, or cultivate his mind and nature.

Only take a break when you are tired from playing, and never stop playing after you are tired.

After Gu Siyuan got up, he heard his father knocking on the door.

"Son, I've been lazy all day, and I came out to eat."

Then, while knocking on the door, he talked about the company and the recently released movies.

He remembered that in the memories given to him by the Lord God, there were still many movies he watched at home when he was bored, as well as his own writing experience.

Combining the memories that Siyuan left him, Gu Siyuan smiled, and happily joined his father's soliloquy.

It's great to be back, it's great to be able to talk and laugh with his family.

Also, in this life, he still has many friends.

In the WeChat that Siyuan left him, there is also a group of friends.

After Gu Siyuan opened it, he found that they were still chatting about Shi Yuanbai.

Although Shi Yuanbai was hateful, Gu Siyuan hated Jiang Jingtong even more.

Not because of love, but without this scumbag, there would be no future.

Now Shi Yuanbai is probably not having a good time, the Jiang family has already collapsed. After declaring bankruptcy, the original funds or real estate are not enough to compensate. As Jiang Jingtong's legal partner, Shi Yuanbai also needs to repay the debt together.

Shi Yuanbai could only work in a private company because of the suppression of various forces.

But no one in Beijing knew them, Shi Yuanbai couldn't stay in one company for a month.

His arrogance has faded to nothing, and his brother Shi Yuze restricts him everywhere. Just so that he wouldn't lose even a little dividend, he could only behave according to Shi Yuze's face for the rest of his life.

The more he wanted something, the less he could get it in this life. I can only watch Shi Yuze fly to Huang Tengda, and everything has nothing to do with him.

Shi Yuanbai's parents would have helped subsidize Shi Yuanbai a bit, but after Shi Yuze found out, and received the minimum alimony for several months, they stopped helping their son.

Because they were afraid of being poisoned by this son, they never lived together.

Now Shi Yuanbai and Jiang Jingtong can only live in the villa that Shi Yuanbai asked Jiang Jingtong to transfer to him before the accident.

It was Shi Yuanbai who used another identity to apply for the real estate certificate, so it was not confiscated for auction.

Now, other houses belonging to Shi Yuanbai have also been realized by him. Life is not difficult, but even his parents don't want to get close to him.

There is no other way but to be jealous of Shi Yuze.

Looking at the news in the group, I don't know if the original case can be overturned. If it is successful, Shi Yuanbai and Jiang Jingtong may even get to go to the prison.

Gu Siyuan is with his family, from now on, it is his new life.

Wu Siyuan followed the system back to the main god's space, and watched the previous replay with the system.

The system is full of confidence at this moment.

"Master, you really did a good job."

No, with secret guidance and flickering words, the two protagonists obediently moved in the direction the host wanted.

Sure enough, it did not waste the host it took a big risk to forcibly bind.

Although the mental state is not very good, but the head is still leveraged.

The system looked at Wu Siyuan and said in a low voice: "Host, after passing through this world, have you felt the warmth of your family?"

Wu Siyuan said lightly: "In this world, Gu Siyuan's parents are very good."

He paused, "In fact, no matter where they are, many parents are very good. However, not everyone will have a pair of good parents."

He looked at the system, "Okay, let's go to the next world."