The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 44: Cannon fodder master is immoral 11


"Strange gaze?" Gu Feiyu followed You Yushu's gaze just now, and looked over,? Isn't that the direction of Zhu Siyuan

Could it be that Zhu Siyuan still cares about him? And now that you see You Yushu, you keep staring at You Yushu

It's not that he's confident, is it? Zhu Siyuan definitely doesn't like You Yushu's skin.

So,? He still has a chance to reconcile with Zhu Siyuan, right

With such thoughts in mind, Gu Feiyu continued to make concave shapes in the ring, showing his beauty and strength.

Wu Siyuan... didn't see it at all.

In fact,? He almost forgot what Gu Feiyu looked like.

I could see Gu Feiyu winking at him before? It was Xi Zimo who told him where Gu Feiyu was.

Now that there are so many arenas competing at the same time, there is a huge crowd,? He is not an important person, Wu Siyuan really can't recognize him.

Fortunately, Gu Feiyu had been in a concave shape for so long, and Wu Siyuan finally saw him.

"Oh? Martial nephew,? That person over there? Who does he seem to be? I seem to have seen it somewhere, why is he always in the ring? Such a serious competition,? Is he here as a playground? Or is he deliberately showing off? "

Wu Siyuan had no choice but to send a voice transmission to Xi Zimo, telling him about his great discovery.

After all, everyone said that the person was wearing the school uniform of the sect, so you can tell which sect or sect that person is from at a glance.

Xi Zimo was silent for a moment, then said mildly, "Uncle Shi, you also know that person."

Wu Siyuan frowned slightly, squinted his eyes and continued to watch, and then all the names he knew appeared in his mind.

Finally, he said embarrassedly: "Could it be... Gu Feiyu?"

Xi Zimo nodded slowly.

Good news,? Uncle Shi is already like a scumbag, almost forgetting what Gu Feiyu looks like.

Bad news, what the uncle said not long ago, the joint membership ceremony for Gu Feiyu and You Yushu, should we continue to do it

Every time the uncle said to him, Xi Zimo felt embarrassed.

It was the same at this moment, Xi Zimo didn't even know whether his uncle did it on purpose or not.

Speaking of Gu Feiyu, Wu Siyuan recalled the explanation not long ago.

"What happened to what I asked you to do?"

Xi Zimo immediately replied, "It's all arranged, don't worry, uncle."

Wu Siyuan nodded, "I don't know when today will end, I don't want to come tomorrow."

What can Xi Zimo do, he can only agree. Didn't you see that his uncle's mental state has deteriorated

Letting him sit obediently for a day is already forcing him, let the uncle rest tomorrow.

As a reward, Xi Zimo continued to flatter Wu Siyuan and said, "Master, my nephew asked my disciple to buy a pastry from Zuixianglou at the foot of the mountain, and it has already been delivered to Lefeng. You can taste it after you go back. "

Wu Siyuan gave Xi Zimo a rare and reserved smile, this nephew is really on the road. He is very satisfied, especially if there is no business tomorrow, he cannot be more satisfied.

Wu Siyuan went back to Lefeng yesterday, and the place has changed a lot. Although he hasn't walked around Lefeng much after he's been here for so long, he also knows from his memory that everything has been demolished and rebuilt except for the main hall on the top of the mountain that hasn't changed much.

The decoration this time is really, much more extravagant than before.

The one who went up the mountain with Wu Siyuan was Lin Yongchang's nephew, and Wu Siyuan praised him in a fancy way.

"Nephew Lin, you have done a very good job this time, I am very satisfied!"

"I also know that Nephew Lin, you have always been so powerful, and you must keep it in the future!"

"Cultivation is not static, you have to learn to be flexible, this time it will be very good! I am optimistic about you, and we must continue to maintain it!"

Lin Yongchang wanted to laugh while listening. Seeing Uncle Zhu praise him solemnly, Lin Yongchang struggled not to smile.

Uncle Zhu has been like this since he was a child. When he was brought back to Yu Qingzong, he was not very old, about ten years old.

When he knew his seniority, he always pretended to be an elder in front of him and Xi Zimo.

With the appearance of a little adult, he said solemnly, "Uncle Master is optimistic about you, you must listen to Uncle Master."

It is the same now.

But Lin Yongchang was quite happy this time, and it was rare to be affirmed by Master Zhu.

After all, my uncle used to say that he was just a wooden man, and that he was not very enlightened.

This time, Lefeng was rebuilt to be the same as before. The reason was that the uncle would not think of the past. Both he and Xi Zimo were worried that the uncle would regret it.

Looking at it now, they should have driven Gu Feiyu's white-eyed wolf away long ago.

Wu Siyuan returned to Lefeng's main hall, lying in a comfortable rocking chair, eating pastries brought by Xi Zimo, living happily.

If it is always like this in the future, it will really be a good life like a salted fish.

Wu Siyuan adhered to the good style of the original owner, went to bed on time, and never meditated at night.

As soon as he woke up, Wu Siyuan knew that his dream was over.

It is true that he no longer needs to show up at the martial arts competition, and he will no longer be open for business.

However, Xi Zimo, you bastard nephew, get the hell out of here! What kind of person did you unfilial bring to your uncle!

Xi Zimo introduced to Wu Siyuan from the side, "Master Uncle, this is Elder Ding of Qifeng, Ding Shi, you should also remember that. Elder Ding has been traveling outside before, and he just came back today. Elder Ding doesn't want to join in the fun , and worried that there are so many people in the martial arts competition, they will go to contact him, so my nephew boldly decides to ask Elder Ding to accompany you to practice."

Xi Zimo wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and spoke a long paragraph quickly.

Wu Siyuan looked at Xi Zimo wearily, "Yes, Senior Brother Ding."

Ding Shi, as a member of Qifeng, had little contact with the original owner, Zhu Siyuan.

According to the plot, he should not have come back so early. In the plot. When Elder Ding came back, the original owner was already dead.

Zhu Siyuan didn't meet this Elder Ding a few times when he was a child, just as Xi Zimo said just now, this Elder Ding is a social fear. Not good at talking, don't like to make friends. Can not talk without talking, looks gloomy, difficult to deal with, in fact, just can't talk much.

Elder Ding and Zhu Siyuan were of the same age, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an invisible smile.

"Brother Zhu, long time no see."

Wu Siyuan replied: "It was indeed a long time."

This Elder Ding is quite up to the mark, perhaps because he is about to send someone under the fence, he took out a small box from the storage ring and said, "I heard that Brother Zhu's previous courtyard has been given away, and this time I just got a small hall. I will give it to you as a souvenir to my junior brother."

Knowing that the original owner gave Gu Feiyu a retractable courtyard house, Wu Siyuan's heart ached for a long time.

Unexpectedly, another village will be brightened in the shadows of the willows, and now he has got a better one.

Wu Siyuan's eyes shone brightly, and he held Ding Shi with both hands, "Senior brother, why are you so polite." Then he reached out and took the small box directly, and said happily, "Senior brother, there is no one in Lefeng anyway, you can stay here as long as you like." Can."

Ding Shi thanked him, and Xi Zimo started talking again.

"Elder Ding is not only here to stay temporarily, he is also here to guide your cultivation, Uncle Master."

Sure enough, Xi Zimo is not a good person! This nephew just can't see him being comfortable! I can't see him having a better time!

Wu Siyuan wanted to yell at Xi Zimo, but he stared at Xi Zimo, out of breath.

"Isn't Senior Brother Ding a craftsman? How can he teach me? Could it be that he can also play music?"

Xi Zimo shook his head, "Elder Ding is very good at swordsmanship."

Wu Siyuan felt cold all over, he must have done this on purpose.

Afterwards, Wu Siyuan's casual salted fish life was over.

I don't know if it's because of Ding Shi's too taciturn personality, Wu Siyuan felt that he was in great pain.

Shouldn't he be a traveler who brings joy and suffering to the protagonists? Why is he the one suffering now.

He hasn't finished the task yet. Thinking about it carefully, he doesn't need any tool man at all, he can do it by himself.

Tool people are fake, tool people come from bad people, and tool people bring him suffering.

Why is it that two troublesome people have already gone to retreat, and why can they refresh a person who should not have appeared at this point in time

What did he do wrong to make him experience this pain now.

Wu Siyuan constantly reflected and recalled the identity of the original owner.

Where does Xi Zimo feel that he is motivated again? He really doesn't.

Wu Siyuan asked himself, he was just worried about being attacked by the protagonist in the future, so he wanted to learn a little self-defense. But there is really no need to go so extreme, he just wants to learn a little self-defense.

After supervisor Zhu Siyuan performed a perfect set of sword skills, Ding Shi finally had a smile on his serious face.

"According to my junior brother's serious attitude towards cultivation, I believe that you may have a baby soon."

Wearing a mask of pain, Wu Siyuan reluctantly said, "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. I just need a solid golden core cultivation base."

Ding Shi then said: "Junior Brother, don't underestimate yourself. I think your current spiritual power and energy are already very majestic."

After hearing this, Wu Siyuan became even more worried. No one understands his distress, who wants to have a baby. Conceiving a baby is going to be struck by lightning, such a painful thing, of course let the original owner bear it.

Wu Siyuan blurted out, "If you give birth to a baby, there will be thunder calamity. It's too painful. I don't want to..."

Ding Shi smiled when he heard it, "It's okay, junior brother, I will give you more magic weapons to overcome the tribulation."

"No..." Wu Siyuan continued to struggle.

Ding Shi comforted: "Don't worry, junior brother, it's not this time, you don't have to worry. Now you can continue to consolidate what you have learned, and leave the rest to us and the master to solve it. .”

Brother Ding, it's better not to talk. What Wu Siyuan said was not what Wu Siyuan liked to hear.

The world of cultivating immortals is too miserable, why is there such a thing as crossing the catastrophe.

Wu Siyuan could only pray secretly, and the Lord God hurriedly took him away for the sake of his good completion of the task.

Lord God, do you see that? Your wonderful staff is calling you!

The author has something to say: Lord God: There is such a good thing? Hit me hard!