The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 46: Cannon fodder master is immoral 13


Xi Zimo and Zhu Siyuan were excited by Nan Mozun's question.

At first, Xi Zimo thought that no one would use such a boring thing as a breakthrough point to attack them. Unexpectedly,? It was really hit by my uncle.

What is the status of their Yu Qingzong, even if there are one or two bills, most people only dare to talk about it outside. How could you dance in front of them

In fact,? Some people really dare to do this.

Wu Siyuan scowled, pretending to be unhappy. Actually,? He just didn't want to answer.

If you have something to ask the head,? He is not the head, let's see what he does. And,? Obviously you, the demon king, are asking about the head of the sect, so why do you think it's him.

You devil is very bad.

Xi Zimo had a correct attitude, and said calmly, "Nan Mozun said well, this sect has always believed that everyone's love is free. As long as it doesn't hurt the sky, don't force others, or set foot on others If there is any relationship between the teacher and the student, then it should not be in the way. But between the teacher and the student, there really shouldn’t be any relationship other than the relationship between the teacher and the student.”

Then he looked at the protagonists of the topic, "But since they really love each other, we can't be a bad person. But we have always maintained a master-student relationship, and there is no real name, so it is easy for people to make irresponsible remarks. "

After saying this, Xi Zimo looked at the male devil. After that, he continued, "So I think it's better to take this opportunity and let my sect take advantage of the beauty of this beautiful day to fulfill this good marriage."

After the various sects heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then continued to applaud.

"Great opinion, Master Xi is really a good opinion."

"This is good, not bad!"

"Lovers will eventually get married!"

After hearing what Xi Zimo said, Nan Mozun smiled far-fetchedly. What the hell is this, good advice. He looked at Zhu Siyuan again, he didn't seem to be bothered by the outside world at all. Then he looked at Gu Feiyu again, as if struck by lightning.

That's right, this kind of person who is not worthy of being a teacher has no teacher morality at all, who has misbehavior and misunderstood his disciples, I am afraid that he will not be given the title of disciple.

And the disciple who had a marriage contract with him, knowing that the other party was the master, continued to make mistakes again and again. Xi Zimo's arrangement was considered a meritorious thing. It would be a good thing not to let this pair of people who ruined the atmosphere of master and apprentice continue to harm others.

Thinking about it this way, Nan Mozun began to feel that Xi Zimo had done a good job.

What he hates most is this kind of master-student relationship. Moxiu has always done whatever he wants, but they don't have such thoughts about their apprentices. Therefore, what Nan Mozun Mosheng hates the most is the Hehuan Sect.

At the beginning, he escaped from Hehuan Sect, his master disgusted him.

He thought Zhu Siyuan was that kind of person before, but now he knows that Gu Feiyu is that kind of person.

As much as Nan Mozun hated Zhu Siyuan before, he hated Gu Feiyu now.

He also understands Xi Zimo's embarrassment, they all belong to the same sect. Even if the teacher's morality is corrupt, Gu Feiyu will not be expelled from the sect.

Keeping them together can bind them instead.

Gu Feiyu really felt that the pot came from the sky, what happened to this Nan Mozun. Doesn't he hate Zhu Siyuan the most? No matter how you look at him, his eyes are full of disgust and disgust. what did he do You Yushu was originally his fiancée, so there was nothing wrong with being with him.

But now he was in a delicate mood, You Yushu grabbed his arm with both hands because of what the sect master said. As for himself, when he heard Xi Zimo say that he wanted to fulfill their marriage, he resisted a little in his heart.

He likes to let nature take its course, if Zhu Siyuan hadn't had this sudden turn of events, I believe he would have merged with You Yushu and become a Taoist companion in the future after draining Zhu Siyuan's value.

Gu Feiyu doesn't like being arranged, and now he feels a little disgusted to become a Taoist couple with You Yushu.

He unconsciously looked at Zhu Siyuan, hoping that he would react or object to Xi Zimo's statement.

Zhu Siyuan really moved, and Gu Feiyu heard, "My nephew is right, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Tonight there will be a banquet to celebrate the end of our martial arts competition. Just take advantage of everyone here, there are so many People want us, Yu Qingzong, to give us an explanation. Let's hold the ceremony of forming a bond with the Lord of the Sunset Peak as well."

Gu Feiyu only felt that there was a bolt from the blue, but he didn't want to.

You Yushu didn't know if he breathed a sigh of relief, that's fine, when that Nan Mozun said, he almost thought that the master was going to clean them up.

Such a result is not bad, at least he and Gu Feiyu are not separated. It would be too embarrassing for him to separate him from Gu Feiyu now.

A peak master of Sunset Peak, an apprentice of the peak master, it is entirely conceivable who everyone will target.

Gu Feiyu still wanted to struggle, "The head, and the master... No, Zhu Zhenren, I think it would be too good to hold the bond ceremony so hastily?"

Wu Siyuan glanced at Xi Zimo, and Xi Zimo immediately said, "Zhen Zhenren is not your master, please don't make a mistake. Also, since you are a disciple of Yu Qingzong, you must believe in Yu Qingzong's strength. With us here, people won’t feel rushed.” As for whether the parties feel rushed, it’s none of their business. Anyway, everyone also wants to know the result of the processing.

I will let you form a bond, and no one will take care of other things. Maybe everyone will think that Yu Qingzong is kind-hearted.

It is true that some people feel that this is not good. Wouldn't they be unwilling if they didn't see Gu Feiyu

However, they were soon besieged by other people. Why is it so bad? They obviously have a marriage contract, and the two of them are husband and wife. They have never given each other a title. Is it really good to mess around in the name of master and apprentice!

After Xi Zimo made such an announcement, everyone except Gu Feiyu waited happily. There are a lot of people eating melons, but fortunately Xi Zimo has already prepared.

In the plot, Gu Feiyu and You Yushu's couple ceremony was also held in Yuqingzong.

At that time, there was no Xi Zimo, nor Lin Yongchang. Many of the now familiar faces are not here.

In the plot, so many people came to participate in their couple ceremony, Wu Siyuan thought, now that he invited more people than in the plot to attend Gu Feiyu's knot ceremony, it can be regarded as going according to the plot, perfect The scene in the restoration of the plot.

He had to make a note of it, and then let the system apply for a reward for that main god.

Afterwards, everyone didn't care whether Gu Feiyu was willing or not, Xi Zimo had asked Gu Feiyu and You Yushu to prepare for it.

And Gu Feiyu's disciples were also taken away by people arranged by Xi Zimo.

Gu Feiyu wanted to resist again, which was obviously forcing him to make a contract with You Yushu.

He didn't want to form a bond for such an important matter as a Taoist partner bond. At least for now, You Yushu is not qualified at all.

A monk in the Qi training period is completely useless. He still has to rely entirely on the resources he provided to cultivate, and he has not been given any benefits, except for dual cultivation.

Gu Feiyu couldn't accept the current situation at all.

But when he was taken into a house, he found that there was no way for him to get out.

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to keep Yu Qingzong's reputation intact!

That villain Xi Zimo wants to sacrifice him to earn a good name!

But he couldn't escape, because he was forced, and he was very disappointed with You Yushu.

Without You Yushu's appearance, his life would not be what it is now.

He is still the glorious Zhu Siyuan's disciple, Le Feng's senior brother, and the famous Tianjiao in the longevity world.

Instead of the current one, the peak master of Sunset Peak who has no teacher's morality, and was forced to serve as a Taoist companion.

All of this happened because of You Yushu.

Now, those good brothers of his, the current disciples of Sunset Peak, thought they were all outstanding and capable good brothers. Today, it is also a group of vampires.

Apart from asking him to get resources, he will do nothing. If something goes wrong, just ask him what to do.

When he was still Lefeng's disciple, Gu Feiyu didn't think there was any problem. But now, Gu Feiyu just felt bored. They are all a bunch of trash, and none of them can last two rounds in the martial arts tournament.

More importantly, he was actually compared with Zhu Siyuan.

He remembered what one of them said to him, "Master, when Zhu Siyuan was here before, I would ask him for anything, and Zhu Siyuan would give it immediately. Now that Master is replaced by you, we don't care what we want, the difference is too big Alright."

Another one went on to say: "That's right, Master. In the past, Master, when you followed Zhu Siyuan, you also told us in a big way that we can ask you if we have any needs. But now that we are separated from Zhu Siyuan, we ask you, and you also solve it." No. The treasures of heaven and earth that you gave us back then were not all provided by Zhu Siyuan, right?"

When Gu Feiyu heard what these two people said, he wished he could expel them from the sect immediately.

This group of blood-sucking worms and white-eyed wolves didn't think about him at all.

This room Gu Feiyu hated everyone around him, and Wu Siyuan was also very busy, he was busy putting on a business smile.

Too many people came to congratulate Yu Qingzong on their happy marriage, Wu Siyuan was also happy, this is really a good marriage, the love of the protagonists must be a good marriage.

Although they are all small people, all the factions from all walks of life took out some things as congratulatory gifts for the sake of face.

Wu Siyuan thought about it for a while, and then flatly refused.

"We were the ones who forcibly kept you here to watch the ceremony, so it would be bad if you had to spend more money. It's just a ceremony for disciples of the sect, so you don't have to be so polite."

The protagonist has taken so many good things from the original owner, so there is no need to take these things now. If you want to give it, it is also for them Yuqingzong, after all, it is their sect that pays. It has nothing to do with Gu Feiyu and the two of them, they are just two of the cutscene actors.

The banquet started, and after the polite opening remarks were finished, everyone drank for three rounds, and Xi Zimo ordered Gu Feiyu and You Yushu to be brought out.

Few people were willing to preside over the bond-binding ceremony between the two, and Xi Zimo, who was finally forced to drop the price, acted as the presider with a stern face.

Wu Siyuan was still talking sarcasticly to Gu Feiyu and the two of them, "It's a blessing for you three lives to be able to let the master be the host for you."

Emotions between people are not interoperable.

Among the four people, one was overjoyed, one was looking forward to it, one was holding a grudge, and the other was reluctant.

Wu Siyuan was secretly overjoyed that the task was about to be completed.

Xi Zimo is passively working as the host.

You Yushu thinks this is not bad, maybe after the contract is concluded, Gu Feiyu will treat him better. After all, Gu Feiyu usually expresses very sincere emotions.

And Gu Feiyu already hated the other three people present.

After the couple took their seats, the melon-eaters at the banquet gave a huge applause.
