The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 47: Cannon fodder master is immoral 14


Taking out a drop of heart and soul,? Swearing the oath of the way of heaven, saying the oath of the Taoist couple, Gu Feiyu and You Yushu felt the shackles of the way of heaven.

When everything is settled,? From now on,? Regardless of whether the two have the same intentions,? They are also a couple.

Wu Siyuan was very satisfied. Look, the task was easily completed.

The protagonists have a lot less misunderstandings,? A lot less things to be framed,? Just like this together.

Look at the protagonist receiving You Yushu, isn't he very happy. You can tell at a glance that they say they love each other.

With him here, how could the protagonists take detours? Thinking about it this way, he is really enthusiastic about serving the protagonist. Wu Siyuan secretly gave himself a thumbs up.

When the contract was completed, Wu Siyuan took the lead in applauding, with a very sincere and brilliant smile.

In Gu Feiyu's opinion, this smile is really dazzling. But now that he is not strong enough, he can only hold hatred in his heart. How much did he like You Yushu before? Now, after being forced to become a Taoist couple with him, Gu Feiyu feels that You Yushu is not pleasing to the eye.

Wrong step,? Wrong step, he shouldn't have been so anxious to bring You Yushu back back then.

Now he not only bears the name of master and apprentice, but also bears the name of disrespecting the teacher and treating his disciples harshly.

How the infamy was on Zhu Siyuan in the past, now it is on him.

How could Zhu Siyuan, that trash, forget what he said at the beginning to train him well and protect him well

Allowing a group of people to talk nonsense and damage his reputation. Gu Feiyu felt that he was too wronged,? He has been doing well for so many years, but he has never tried to be treated like this.

Clenching his fists tightly, Gu Feiyu smiled reluctantly, avoiding You Yushu's affectionate gaze on him.

Wu Siyuan was happy to toast everywhere, as if those two were his important people.

After the banquet, Wu Siyuan was a little overbearing, and pulled Xi Zimo to express his happiness many times.

Xi Zimo was a little confused, his brows were furrowed, and he realized that the matter was not simple.

Could it be that Uncle Shi really thought of Gu Feiyu? Was he so kind to Gu Feiyu back then because his uncle raised him as his son

If so, then there is a big problem.

Xi Zimo asked tentatively: "Uncle, are you so happy because your former son finally got married and started a career?"

Wu Siyuan wasn't completely drunk yet, but he was suddenly called Xi's father, so he let out a vicious "Pooh", and then scolded Xi Zimo for his ambition, for being so vicious and giving him such a useless son.

Xi Zimo hurriedly silenced, quickly apologized and admitted his mistake.

After waking up the next day, Wu Siyuan looked refreshed, and the heavy stone in his heart finally came down.

What happens to the protagonists afterwards has nothing to do with him.

Mainly, this Taoist couple vows. It's quite simple to form a bond, just sacrifice a little heart and soul. However, it is not so easy to cancel the Taoist companion contract. Just a big retreat in cultivation is enough to make people daunted. Not to mention things like locks that make people fascinated, so there are not many people who will sign the vows of Taoist couples nowadays. Generally, just hold a Dao Companion Ceremony casually.

After Gu Feiyu and You Yushu became Taoist couples, it was even more unpleasant.

He had to protect You Yushu as a Taoist couple who had vowed to be a Taoist couple.

If You Yushu was injured, as a Taoist companion, he would also be able to sense it, and would share the pain and injury with You Yushu.

He didn't want to do this, why did he pay so much for You Yushu? Isn't it just a marriage contract made by the family? Didn't the Longevity Realm always boast about the freedom of marriage

Before, he thought You Yushu was so good in every way, but now Gu Feiyu really doesn't like You Yushu. It's of no use except to speak nicely. Still holding him back, the double cultivation will not add any cultivation to him at all.

Gu Feiyu suspects that only You Yushu has benefited from the double cultivation.

After letting go of the burden of Gu Feiyu and You Yushu as the two protagonists, Wu Siyuan's mood changed. After that, he felt that it was almost time to cross the tribulation.

Wu Siyuan put on his painful mask, looking forward to the arrival of the Lord God.

The Lord God hurriedly heard his call, and exchanged the original owner with him.

Such an important life event, of course, must be handed over to an experienced original owner.

Even if the original owner was on the pile of pills, at least they have experienced thunder disasters.

He is a pure novice, what if his secrets are revealed.

The thunder calamity was getting closer and closer, and in the sparsely populated Lefeng, several disciples felt Zhu Siyuan's anxiety.

They were all disciples sent by Xi Zimo or Lin Yongchang to take care of Zhu Siyuan, and they quickly reported the mood of their master and uncle to them.

The two brothers who were busy had no choice but to release Zhu Siyuan.

"Uncle, don't worry, Brother Lin and I will watch you near you when you cross the tribulation."

Lin Yongchang also said: "Yes, Uncle Master, we have already made preparations for you to cross the tribulation. Don't worry, this thunder tribulation will definitely not fail."

Wu Siyuan rolled his eyes, you are ready, but I am not. I am not prepared at all!

Ding Shi, the boring gourd, finally spoke at this time, "Brother Zhu, I have prepared a number of magic tools for you to use when you cross the catastrophe. These magic tools should be able to help you block most of the thunder."

Under Wu Siyuan's gaze, Ding Shi immediately took out the storage bag.

Looking at Zhu Siyuan's appearance, everyone felt that this was really a senior uncle/junior brother, who was so afraid every time he crossed the catastrophe. But this is normal, Zhu Siyuan is so afraid of pain.

Everyone took Wu Siyuan's behavior for granted, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

In the next few days, Wu Siyuan, apart from familiarizing himself with the magic weapon Ding Shi gave him, took out his saber and his qin to study how to resist the thunder.

The cheats of the system are completely useless. Because the original owner is an empty frame, it is completely useless to quickly adapt and learn from the original owner's cultivation.

He was reformed through hard work.

As for the matter of crossing the catastrophe, Wu Siyuan can learn a little bit through the memory of the original owner.

That is, it hurts, it hurts!

No more information.

Wu Siyuan took a deep breath, it was just painful, it's not that he hasn't tried it, maybe he can bear it.

It's just that he is an excellent time traveler, why did he have to go through this!

Wu Siyuan, who called the sky should not, and the earth is not working, finally ushered in the light of righteousness.

On the day of the baby's birth, many elders and stewards of Yuqingzong came to the vicinity of Lefeng.

Some high-level disciples were also brought up to deal with Zhu Siyuan's sudden problems at any time.

The Great Formation of Transcending Tribulation has been opened, and the mountain of Lefeng is covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and the dazzling white light is getting thicker and thicker. Occasionally, when it falls to the ground, there will be an explosion sound. Wu Siyuan sighed, and finally faced the reality that he was about to be struck by lightning.

Wu Siyuan was sitting in the prepared place, and then decisively took out the magic weapon Ding Shi had prepared for him.

Xi Zimo rebuilt a saber for him, which should be enough for him to cross the catastrophe.

Both Lin Yongchang and Chen Hongyun gave him a lot of elixir, enough for him to use to survive the tribulation.

They were all near Lefeng, and whenever they saw Zhu Siyuan's problems, they rushed in to save him.

Although it is said that they are well prepared, in fact, they are still quite worried.

More disciples stood guard at the foot of the mountain to prevent random entry.

Xi Zimo learned through investigations and listening to Gu Feiyu's disciples, that is, his former brothers, that damned Gu Feiyu once thought of directly disturbing the retreat of the uncle so that the uncle could come out in advance After You Yushu was accepted as an apprentice, he was very angry.

But Zhu Siyuan's catastrophe is imminent, and it's hard for him to do more things. Everything will be discussed after the uncle successfully conceives a baby.

However, in order to prevent these people from having the opportunity to do this again, Xi Zimo asked people to keep an eye on all passages to ensure that Zhu Siyuan successfully passed the catastrophe and became a baby.

When the first thunder came down, Wu Siyuan threw one of the magic tools given to him by Ding Shi into the sky with one hand. This bowl seems to be able to withstand several thunderstorms.

The sky thunder struck down quickly, and Wu Siyuan switched between several magic weapons. Because he was not proficient in throwing the magic weapon, Wu Siyuan was struck by two lightning strikes halfway.

He still has time to think wildly, and when he doesn't have to time travel again, after being reborn, he can brag to others that he has felt what it feels like to be struck by lightning.

Thunder and lightning, which turned from white to blue, landed on Lefeng one by one.

Wu Siyuan suddenly felt blessed, sat down cross-legged, and began to pluck his strings.

The sound of the piano sounded faintly, Wu Siyuan closed his eyes, held the piano with his left hand, played the piano with his right hand, stood up slowly, and began to avoid the blue light.

Some of the magic tools that were still in the air were blown by Wu Siyuan with music, and then directly hit the Jielei, and were directly swallowed by the sky thunder.

During the process, Wu Siyuan was struck by a thunderbolt again.

The baby's thunder calamity was coming to an end, and the sky thunder hit one by one, Wu Siyuan took out the pill and swallowed a few.

Suddenly, a super powerful sky thunder was brewing, Wu Siyuan took out his saber, and followed the instruction in his heart, directly went up to resist it.

This reckless move made the people around watching gasp.

Wu Siyuan used the swordsmanship he had learned, combined with the sound of his zither, to exercise his mind. His afterimage was still playing the zither, while his real body was already holding the sword, chasing and slashing at the thunder.

There was only the sound of unconvinced thunder in the sky, and Wu Siyuan stood where he was, motionless.

Xi Zimo approached slowly, his heart was full of anxiety, what to do, the master uncle actually had a demon.

Wu Siyuan is going through the last catastrophe, the catastrophe of the heart demon.

In a dining room, a family of four had a peaceful meal. Holding food between each other, talking about their recent affairs.

At night, "Wu Siyuan" fell ill, and his family anxiously contacted the doctor to stay by his side. She even stayed up all night to take care of him.

The parents of "Wu Siyuan" scrambled to attend the school's parent meeting.

At home, photos of the family of four are everywhere.

A voice was asking Wu Siyuan, "How is it? It's nice at home, isn't it?"

Another voice said: "This is your home, congratulations on your return."

Wu Siyuan, who watched the whole process like watching a movie, just felt bored, and his family suddenly changed their faces and wanted to grab him and not let him go.

Taking advantage of the situation, Wu Siyuan rose up suddenly, and beat up his family members who caught him.

Then he patted the non-existent dust on his hands in a comfortable mood, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to Lefeng.

Before leaving, he heard a whimper, "This man doesn't want to beat up his family for a long time, does he?"

After coming out, he heard the long-lost system sound.

"Host, we can go!"

At this moment, Wu Siyuan just wanted to say to the main god, I'll hit your mother, I'll hit your mother, do you know the main god!

The author has something to say: Lord God: Hee hee hee, I'm so excited! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-18?22:00:05~2021-07-19?23:14:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Baihe;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Bai Ke, Orange? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 66 bottles of Ziqing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!