The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 63: The cannon fodder emperor was deposed 2


The palace has become particularly tense these days, and some people were happy at first.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi. Concubine Wen Gui was finally rejected by His Majesty.

It's just that such a favored person can enjoy meeting His Majesty without needing to salute. If His Majesty says he dislikes it, he will dislike it, and if He says he will punish him, he will punish him. What about those people who are not liked by His Majesty.

Except for a few people of the same status, the other concubines, not to mention watching jokes outside Concubine Wen Gui's palace, they dare not even leave the gate of their own palace.

The original owner has a queen, but the relationship between the two is not very good,? They don't see each other very often.

Moreover, the original owner has no children yet, and there are always courtiers to give birth. When Wu Siyuan heard the ministers in the court talking about children again, he started to have a headache.

"Your Majesty is taking care of all kinds of opportunities. Now that the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful, I implore you to continue the incense as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, another courtier came out to participate in Wu Siyuan.

"There are three thousand beauties in the Holy Majesty's harem. It should be raining and dew. Concubine Wen Gui is favored by His Majesty, but she has not given birth to a child of the Holy Majesty. Think twice, Your Majesty."

Wu Siyuan snorted coldly, and the entire Golden Luan Hall fell silent instantly. The courtiers who were noisy and nodding while watching the play lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Wu Siyuan knocked on the armrest of the dragon chair, this was the first time in his life to sit on the dragon chair.

Not at all excited and happy, this emperor, it's not easy to do.

Wake up earlier than chickens,? Go to bed later than dogs, have to watch a group of bad old men early in the morning, and have to watch the pile of memorials that are higher than mountains before going to bed.

These people still dare to talk about incense, let alone his coming, even if the original owner is there, there is no time to last.

A group of people stood and talked without pain in their backs, and they kept talking for His Majesty, and none of them found someone to approve the memorial for him.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Wu Siyuan became, and his unhappiness had spread throughout the Golden Luan Hall.

The two people who came to remonstrate had already started to tremble, for fear that the emperor would punish them.

"The family of all the ministers seems to be quite idle. They are already so idle that they are interested in paying attention to my life and my harem." After speaking, there was another sneer.

Wen Xiang even lowered his head, he already knew that Wen Jiahe was under house arrest. He felt that now that the Holy Majesty was angry, he would definitely take it upon him.

Now he regrets that he doted on Wen Jiahe so much back then, and made him lawless, even the Holy One dared to offend him.

Wen Xiang, who was originally high-spirited and arrogant, is now more and more afraid, plus his own relationship with the virtuous king.

Wen Xiang raised his head slightly, only to find that the Holy Majesty had been watching him. Wen Xiang was so frightened that he lowered his head closer and closer to the ground.

The Xian King chuckled at this time, "Why should Your Majesty anger the courtiers because of a rift with Concubine Wen Gui?"

Wu Siyuan also laughed, "What do you mean by King Xian, it seems that you pay special attention to Concubine Wen Gui. But it is true, after all, it was you who recommended Concubine Wen Gui to me."

King Xian paused, he didn't expect Qi Siyuan to say that.

"Your Majesty, you..."

Wu Siyuan waved his hand, "The virtuous king cares too much about my harem."

King Xian didn't look up and look around, and he could sense other people's eyes.

He put his head down and gritted his teeth, damn it.

All the courtiers knew about Concubine Wen Gui being placed under house arrest. But I didn't expect that I thought it was the emperor who forcibly robbed Xian Wang's beloved because of Concubine Wen Gui's beauty.

But just now I heard from the Holy Majesty that it was recommended by the King Xian.

What kind of mentality is this for dedicating his beloved to the Holy One, and then thinking of those gossips, they all point to the Holy One taking away his twins.

What a vicious and virtuous king!

Everyone looked at King Xian's attitude a bit probing, if so, they have to re-examine King Xian's words and deeds.

After Wu Siyuan arranged the affairs of the Qi Dynasty one by one, he withdrew from the court.

After retiring from the court, he was also consulted with the Imperial Study Room on how to make a decision.

Many things that are said at the top have to be decided at the bottom. There are still many things about memorials, which are not suitable for discussion in the court.

The meeting in the Imperial Study Room is just right now.

Wu Siyuan watched Wen Xiang and Chen Xiang argue hard, and found it very boring.

There is a lot of chatter, no focus, and no solution.

Wu Siyuan knocked on the table impatiently, "So, Wen Xiang and Chen Xiang, what good measures can we take to solve the current flood problem?"

In the plot, the original owner was overwhelmed by love, and directly believed Wen Xiang's nonsense. Let his men go to the county where the flood broke out to deal with it.

As a result, we cut corners and materials, shabby projects, and post-disaster reconstruction were a complete mess. The money was out, but nothing was resolved, and it was a bonus that the people were in dire straits.

Listening to the two talking a lot, Wu Siyuan directly asked the other person, "Wen Yan, what can you do?"

Wen Yan is the Shangshu of the Qi Dynasty, and in the plot, he is a rare right-hand man of the virtuous king.

But not now, now Wen Yan doesn't think much of King Xian. It was because the original owner's style of work was getting worse and worse, which led to the defection of all capable ministers.

Wen Yan directly stated a series of solutions, and Wu Siyuan nodded, "Just follow Wen Qing's instructions."

Then he said emphatically: "Every commoner is an indispensable pillar of the Qi Dynasty. Wen Qing must solve their suffering well."

Wen Yan paused, and gave Wu Siyuan a big salute, "I will never disappoint Your Majesty's high expectations."

Wu Siyuan was actually a little bit reluctant, Wen Yan is a talent, he should help to approve memorials more in the imperial study.

However, things like natural disasters will be in big trouble if they are not handled well.

Wu Siyuan asked Wen Yan to leave first, and after he hurriedly dealt with the matter, he took a look at Wen Xiang and the others.

"All loves, you should learn more from Wen Qing. I hope you can understand what is the key point."

Wen Xiang's face turned pale, he could understand that His Majesty was deliberately embarrassing him.

And General Wu Zhuozheng was laughing, he was fed up with the gossip of these civil servants.

If you have something to say, you have to go around those detours.

Wu Zhuozheng was called because the frontier was unstable again.

Wu Siyuan was very generous, and gave Wu Zhuozheng a lot of money and rations.

"It's up to General Wu there, and it's bound to make those barbarians regret provoking our Qi dynasty."

Wu Zhuozheng received the order on his knees, "Observe the order!"

When marching and fighting, the biggest fear is that there will be no military rations.

Since Qi Siyuan wrote the package so readily and promised not to short their things, Wu Zhuozheng felt relieved.

If Qi Siyuan can really do it, then he will be loyal.

Others came up with solutions one after another. Wu Siyuan weighed them, and approved all of them that were indeed feasible. If it is not feasible, let them go back and think about it again, and give an answer the next day.

Chen Xiang was finally left behind, and Wu Siyuan said to him with a smile on his face, "Grand Master!"

This smiling face filled Chen Xiang with a sense of crisis and conspiracy!

He is His Majesty's teacher, His Majesty has more than respect for him, but he is not close.

Especially after Concubine Wen Gui entered the palace, his relationship with His Majesty became even worse.

Could it be Concubine Wen Gui blowing some pillow wind

In fact, he didn't really believe that His Majesty had placed Concubine Wen Gui under house arrest, or punished Concubine Wen Gui as the rumors said.

Recently, because of Concubine Wen Gui, the court has been admonished many times.

Chen Xiang felt that His Majesty did this on purpose to fool the ministers out of protecting Concubine Wen Gui.

Because of this kind of thing, His Majesty has done a lot.

No matter what Chen Xiang thinks, Wu Siyuan has only one goal, to approve the memorial for me.

Next, relying on his status and brazen attitude, Wu Siyuan directly asked Chen Xiang to work hard for him.

Chen Xiang, who originally thought that he could go home for lunch, knew the seriousness of the matter when he found out that His Majesty invited him to have dinner with him.

Your Majesty... doesn't want to let him go home.

During the period, Chen Xiang looked at the emperor who was doing nothing but salt fish, and took a deep breath. This is his emperor and he cannot be angry.

Wu Siyuan finally didn't have to face those heavenly books, but he still accompanied Chen Xiang nicely.

He continued to sort out the memory of the original owner and the plot he knew.

The biggest problem now is how to force Wen Jiahe to marry Xian Wang.

To be the emperor's wife, to his younger brother, that is, his uncle, is quite difficult to be honest.

He has to proceed with caution.

Wu Siyuan felt that this was simply more difficult than every previous world.

If this kind of ethical, moral, and moral issues are not resolved, he, the emperor, will be scolded.

When Chen Xiang left, he had already eaten dinner.

If he hadn't sacrificed his wife to wait for him to go back, it is estimated that His Majesty would not let go, it is simply frantic.

He was a little afraid of the arrival of the next day. He always knew that there were many memorials, but he always thought that His Majesty did it casually. But according to His Majesty, have you always been so serious

Chen Xiang frowned slightly, so where did the rumors come from

He paused for a moment. In these rumors, there is often the shadow of the virtuous king.

What kind of virtuous king loves the people, respects virtuous corporals and so on.

If that's the case, he'll have to think long term.

The queen is also a twin, because of the matter of Concubine Wen Gui, the queen came to look for Wu Siyuan.

He was worried that Wu Siyuan would be used as an excuse by literary ministers and others to criticize Wu Siyuan's government.

Wu Siyuan said: "If the empress is free, she can teach Concubine Wen the etiquette. Of course, if the empress is not free, you can find a suitable person."

After receiving Wu Siyuan's imperial edict, the queen left Wu Siyuan's bedroom.

Lai Fu thought that His Majesty would definitely keep him if he wanted to see the Queen.

As a result, an imperial decree was given to the queen to handle affairs, and the queen was allowed to leave.

Without Concubine Wen Gui, His Majesty has become ascetic again, what should I do.

That son of a bitch of King Xian is ashamed to say that His Majesty is lustful, but he doesn't know, they want His Majesty to be more lustful.

The Queen Mother often asked him to remind His Majesty to turn over cards, but His Majesty began to plunge into the memorial again.

Chief Laifu sighed, this year's courtiers are not very good. Apart from giving a memorial to His Majesty every day, I don't know anything.

But Wu Siyuan occasionally finds the memorials interesting. There is a magistrate, and every time he gives him a memorial, it is like a diary.

The weather is fine today, and I wrote a bunch of his mood.

Wu Siyuan could only decompress by reading these memorials.

Wu Siyuan's life here is good, but after the virtuous king came down to court, his life was not so good.

He returned to the palace and lost his temper. Did his brother, the emperor, know something