The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 76: The cannon fodder bamboo horse is deceived 5


In the forest, a group of birds suddenly flew away like crazy.

The sound of wings vibrating and falling feathers made the quiet forest look unsettled.

Alvin and Brian walked forward cautiously. The silence was eerie, and something might be about to appear.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the forest, the two of them paused, and began to be on full alert.

Could this sound be a bee

The sound was getting closer and closer, and Brian stepped back again and again, accidentally bumping into Alvin.

Before the two of them could have any beautiful thoughts, Alvin grabbed Brian's hand, "Let's go."

They were running fast. There was another group of people in the forest at the same time, looking for the eggs that fell to the ground.

Wu Siyuan has picked up quite a few eggs, some of which are as big as quail eggs, and some of which are as small as mung beans.

The small ones are normal, but the ones as big as quail eggs are already mutated.

The buzzing sound came from the other side,? Wu Siyuan and the others also saw the birds fleeing.

"Someone provoked the beasts here." Wu Siyuan said, looking at the fleeing birds.

Next, they speed up and clean up where they are responsible.

Wu Siyuan frowned and looked at the bird's egg on the ground. What kind of bird's egg is this

He vaguely thought about it, but he wasn't sure.

Hearing the sound of fighting, Wu Siyuan knew that someone had already met him.

But not long after, Wu Siyuan and the others heard a buzzing sound approaching.

"It's a hummingbird!" Wu Siyuan said loudly.

The hummingbirds in this forest are very scary.

Their long pointed mouths are sharp blades. And the claws are as terrifying as steel claws.

The most important thing is the sound they make. It can make people dizzy, and in severe cases, they will directly lose their eyesight and bleed from seven holes.

Nobody wants to fight hummingbirds and watch them collect eggs.

Wu Siyuan continued: "Put it away quickly, don't let them find out."

This is something the school collects and cleans up at the same time.

There are more than one species of bird eggs on the ground, and these eggs have caused serious harm to nearby residents.

If you accidentally step on a bird's egg, you will be crazily retaliated by those birds and even killed.

I don't know why these bird eggs are on the ground. Wu Siyuan thinks that this is simply fishing law enforcement.

Just after they put away the eggs, they saw a flock of hummingbirds appear.

Wu Siyuan and his entourage's faces became gloomy, they were tricked.

I don't know which bastard it is that attracts the hummingbirds over there.

Wu Siyuan chanted the incantation, throwing multiple lightning arrows over.

The spells were cast completely uninterrupted, one after the other. But Thunder Archery is a single-target attack, and has no effect on the hummingbird flock at all.

Fortunately, Wu Siyuan's magic attack had high damage, and the hummingbirds that were hit were overwhelmed and fell to the ground.

This time they were a team of five, and the other classmate was a wind magician. After Wu Siyuan attracted the attention of all the hummingbirds, they quickly chanted a spell.

"The howling wind!"

A strong whirlwind blew towards the flock of hummingbirds, and the flock of hummingbirds that originally wanted to fly over to attack Wu Siyuan was blown back continuously.

Taking advantage of this moment, Wu Siyuan quickly chanted the mantra.

But several hummingbirds in the hummingbird group, who were not afraid of the whirlwind, broke through the pressure of the wind and rushed towards Wu Siyuan.

Another classmate shouted, "Shield of Light!"

There was a layer of warm light on the five of them.

When the hummingbird pecked it down with its beak, it couldn't attack Wu Siyuan successfully, and was blocked by the thick light shield.

At this time, Wu Siyuan had finished chanting the mantra, "Lightning Chains."

It's a shame, but if the hummingbirds are all huddled together, it's not a bad attack.

But because these four or five flew out, Wu Siyuan could only attack them.

The lightning chains chained these four or five hummingbirds together to attack, and they were temporarily paralyzed. The light magician just now seized the opportunity to make up the knife, "Blade of Discipline!"

Several sword blades emitting white light continuously attacked the four or five hummingbirds.

But, there are dozens more on their heads.

They were not afraid, but seeing Wu Siyuan's calm eyes, they also calmed down.

Listening to Wu Siyuan's arrangements one after another, they dealt with the hummingbirds calmly.

Their teammate also has a fighter and a hunter.

The soldiers raised their huge shields to defend them against the attack of the hummingbird, and the light mage assisted them so that the sound of the hummingbird could not affect them.

The hunter jumped into the forest and kept shooting cold arrows.

Everything is in order.

Gathering the hummingbirds together again, the two people who had been hiding aside and chanting spells silently, one after the other, directed at the biggest magic move of the hummingbirds.


The tornado blew all the hummingbirds around, and they rolled around in a certain range.

Wu Siyuan, on the other hand, released the thunder technique again.

The sky roared, and a thick bolt of lightning swiftly struck down, hitting the hummingbirds firmly.

Fortunately, their classmates knew Wu Siyuan's magic a long time ago, so they raised their shields high and blocked the lightning so that it wouldn't hit him.

Next, they make up the knife one by one.

Every hummingbird is different. Some were blown to death by the tornado long ago, some were struck to death by lightning, but some were still alive after enduring two large spells.

This required them to continue to make up the knife, but Wu Siyuan didn't need to make a move.

Through many times of systematic training, as well as Wu Siyuan's own efforts. His magic value has become more, this kind of thunder spell, he can cast five consecutively. But the time for chanting the mantra remains the same.

But his classmates didn't want him to work too hard, so even if Wu Siyuan felt comfortable, they didn't let Wu Siyuan continue to shoot.

Hummingbird claws and beaks are a good thing.

Dozens of them, they exchanged them in magic guilds or shops, and they could get a lot of gold coins.

If you need to use them to make weapons and armor, you can also take them to the relevant shops.

After several people packed up the hummingbird corpse again, they also started to leave.

Wu Siyuan and the others wanted to know who attracted the hummingbirds.

Wu Siyuan thought about the plot, but because the original owner was a cannon fodder, he didn't describe it in too much detail. So, he didn't know if this was one of the plots.

After returning, Wu Siyuan found out.

Mainly, Alvin and Brian are well-known figures in the town.

When they returned to the town, someone pointed at them.

Therefore, they soon knew who had implicated the five of them.

Wu Siyuan didn't know how his companions would deal with Alvin and them this time, but he had already memorized them in a small notebook.

Strange to say, in the plot, Alvin and Brian, because of telepathy or fetters, they never resent each other.

Because the original owner Hesiyuan provided them with a lot of material life, they did not lack gold coins, nor did they lack any magic materials and props.

Life is carefree, so it's easy to develop relationships.

And because the original owner always hated Brian, this made Alvin feel more sorry for Brian and cared more about his feelings, thus ignoring and treating the original owner even more.

Now that he is here, without getting involved in such things, the protagonists who are emotionally smooth sailing are not as good as a threesome.

Diesel, rice, oil and salt can really wear away love.

Material life is not good, the protagonists can only work harder for life.

There are more quarrels, and the relationship is not so beautiful.

Without comparison, Alvin didn't think Brian was any good. After all, he is now so weak that he needs Brian's protection. A shameless person will not feel moved, but only thinks that Brian is hurting his self-esteem and making him feel even more inferior.

The original owner loved Alvin so humblely that he let Alvin step on him. Not so with Brian.

So in Alvin's heart, the better Brian treats him, the more inferior he is. But when Brian quarrels with him, he will feel that Brian looks down on him, and then feel humiliated.

The lack of a benefactor father only made Alvin reveal his true colors.

Wu Siyuan and his team divided the good hummingbird carcasses into five parts. The rest, sell them all.

The task was completed better, and there were many kinds of bird eggs collected. Not only did they get good grades this time, but they also made a lot of money.

Wu Siyuan has already begun to secretly ask when Alvin and the two will go on an adventure again.

However, his companion didn't have the patience to wait for their next time to go out.

At school, Alvin was directly invited to a duel.

That was the light magician, who used the gentlest light magic to be the most irritable person.

This classmate let Alvin know what the gap is.

Because of the difference in age, this classmate directly attacked Alvin with the lowest level of light magic, overwhelming Alvin to the point where he couldn't even use a single spell.

In the end, the two punched each other.

The classmate who looks gentle and weak is the one who swings the most ruthless fist.

Wu Siyuan felt pain even looking at it from the sidelines.

Everyone doesn't know why Alvin offended the senior students, but the soldiers from Wu Siyuan's team said aside.

Listening to dozens of hummingbirds, everyone's scalps were numb.

Although this was an accident, it was all caused by Alvin and the others.

Especially the forest of the little bird paradise, the lower grade students are forbidden to enter.

And Alvin has been warned many times by the school not to act rashly.

Fortunately, Wu Siyuan and the others are too strong, otherwise, it would not be worthwhile to be injured or die because of Alvin's involvement.

People who thought Alvin was pitiful at first, now looked at him with terrifying eyes.

Wu Siyuan suddenly found it funny, no matter how many times, every time the protagonists go out to take risks, he is the one who cleans up the mess in the end.

The aura of the great protagonist and the inescapable plot are really irritating.

However, I don't know how long Alvin's halo will last.

Even if he is going through the plot, he can't get everything, and he can't improve himself. In the following plot, Alvin and Brian can't move at all.

This is a bit difficult. As a responsible tasker, although he wants to destroy it, he still wants to complete the task well for the feelings of the protagonists.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-17?16:41:20~2021-08-18?17:48:51~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I was bald that year... ? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!